Joy of running
Diving in
Streaming far far away
Jacob Cowans digs into the philosophy of Coach Dickman. see Faculty Features - pg. 4
Chase Schaerer looks at the upcoming swim season see Sports - pg. 8
Thomas Peters profiles Disney+ and The Mandalorian see Arts & Entertainment - pg. 12-15
Published by the Students of Elder High School
Volume 88 Number 3
November 26, 2019
Honoring the Eleven Jackson Geiser Staff Writer ‘20
For the past several years, Elder
High School has honored those former students who were killed in the Vietnam War. This recent tradition also includes renaming Ohio route 264 (Glenway Avenue) as the Elder High School Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway. This area extends for approximately a quarter mile directly in front of the school. The Ohio bill allowing this, known as Senate Bill 245, also allows Elder to attach an “auxiliary marker” to the larger memorial road signs. The Panther’s annual Memorial Mass honors all veterans and the Elder Eleven are in a rotation allowing each honoree to be displayed for one year. This year was the fifth changing ceremony, and from November 2019 to November 2020, Elder will honor David Raymond Caruso ‘65 and Michael Robert Witt ’67. On November 11th 2019, these two soldiers were recognized and honored. Their families and friends were present at the mass while the new signs were presented. Information was shared about each of these brave men. David Raymond Caruso is a part of Elder High School’s class of 1965. He was an outstanding man, and he had a very outgoing quality of leadership during his time as a Panther. This leadership followed him into his service in the United States Marine corps. David’s special quality eventu-
ally landed him an advanced rank as in the Marines. He reached the rank of United States Marine Corps Corporal. He served in the Quang Nom Province in South Vietnam. He passed away during active duty on May 12th, 1968. His sacrifice and bravery will never be forgotten. He is Elder’s ninth casualty of the Vietnam war. The other soldier that is being honored is Michael Robert Witt. Michael better known as “Mike” is a part of the Elder High School class of 1967. Michael was known for being a daredevil. He never backed down from a challenge. His friends called him “Mad dog”. He was known for being the hardest hitter on the football team. His military rank is a United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal. During his time in Vietnam, he fought bravely and passed away in combat on August 18th 1968. His sacrifice will live on forever. It is unfortunate that we have lost these Panthers in service to their country, but they will always be remembered and honored. We thank the fallen soldiers for their sacrifices that have allowed us to prosper and live in this great country. Next time you pass the signs with the names of these brave warriors of America, I encourage you to reflect on your blessings and realize they are made possible because of them. Long live the Elder Eleven.
Top: The auxiliary markers that will hang on Glenway Avenue for one year are revealed for the first time. Above: Students and guest sing the Alma Mater at the end of the Memorial Service in the field house. (photos by Kathy Hirth)
Mullen reflects on memorable run to state Carmine Domenicone ‘20 Co-Editor in Chief
Running was not always a necessary
dream for the now legendary Elder CC runner, Cooper Mullen. Coming into Elder freshmen year, a dream of playing under the Friday night lights was what really motivated him. However, as he put it, “Following the crowd isn’t always the best option.” And as it turned out, running was his path to success. Distance running runs in the Mullen family, and is what really got Cooper interested in chasing his own personal goals. “Running was always a past time for my dad. He would tell me stories about his time at Elder and in college, but I never really picked up distance running until sophomore year when coach randomly threw me in my first one mile, and I broke 5:00,” said Mullen That next year, he joined the
cross-country team and hasn’t looked back. He put three wins on the board for the Panthers this season as he took Cedarville, Kettering, and Ross. He topped off his personal record (PR) with a 16:01. finishing second in the GCL, 13th at regionals, and third at districts, successes that set him up for a run at state. When asked if this dream of running up in Columbus ever crossed his mind during his four years here at Elder, he replied: “In my first two years, running cross country didn’t even cross my mind, but junior year when I started running, I knew I had a chance and it was definitely a career goal for me that I’ll be happy to look back on.” Despite his success and all that was accomplished this season, he was not alone. Standing by him every foot of the way were his teammates in support. He noted, “My team was everything to me.
Marine Corps Corporal David Raymond Caruso
They kept me grounded, always making me laugh to take my mind off of running. They really were like family to me. Going up to the state meet was awesome, but it made crossing the finish line so much better to see my whole team waiting to congratulate me. It really reiterated how much a family this team is.” To get a bit of insight of what his day
(continued on page 9)
Marine Corps Lance Corporal Michael Robert Witt
Inside The Quill
Opinion....................................... 2,3 Faculty Features......................... 4,5 Student Features......................... 6,7 Sports......................................... 8,9 Features.................................. 10,11 Arts & Entertainment.............12-15 Back Page.................................... 16
Tuesday November 26, 2019
A solution for freezing students Too early for me Mason Berger ‘20 Co-Editor in Chief
Adam W. Duwel ‘21 Staff Writer
One of the biggest struggles for the typical Elder student in the cold weather would be the outermost layer of school clothing. Because of the temperature, some students need to bundle up to brace the cold, and some struggle to find the approved garments that give you the insulation needed. Nobody really wants to wear three jackets to school every day. I’ve rarely seen this in the halls, but I cannot rule it out, and nobody wants to have six different layers on while they are in a classroom that is heated. Also, if you decide to take off one or several of these layers, it would be quite an inconvenience to carry these around all day. Somehow, someway, we need to create the perfect storm. We need to create a hybrid of a school approved jacket and a sweatshirt that students can wear comfortably throughout the day; something that can be warm on the trek to classes and outside. Now, I know that there are some school approved jackets that are quite warm. That being said, however, these jackets are a little bit expensive, so ideally, this new creation would be a more affordable yet effective option. What would this look like? I was envisioning some sort of heavier jacket that maybe could have a hood attached to it, along with pockets, a quarter zipper, and obviously the Elder logo on the upper right corner. Much of this idea stems from the common attire of students outside of school as well as on Purple Fridays. A common sight on a Purple Friday is a student that is wearing a hoodie underneath some sort of Elder jacket, normally a school approved jacket. It’s comfortable, not too heavy, and does the job on a cold day. The problem with this, though, would be the hood of the sweatshirt. My solution is a removable hood, one that you can zip on and off as you wish. Another route would be to model after a flannel jacket. Flannel jackets are pretty warm and have lots of insulation on the inside, so they would perfectly satisfy the warmth problem. However, most flannel jackets are button up rather than zip up, so if there were some way to find a flannel that zips up, it would probably fit the dress code. Many students decide to wear flannels to school despite the risk of being caught out of dress code. Flannels are warm and comfortable, so I don’t blame these people. One of the most frequent flannel outfitters is Tanner Perdue. When I introduced Tanner to the idea of a school flannel, he responded with a subtle: “Huge fan. Make it happen.” I would love to exhibit my Elder flannel if there were such a thing. It would spread rampantly throughout the student body, and I’m confident that there would be hundreds of students who would wear the flannel the majority of school days. Fellow Quill staff member Nicholas Seger also said that this would be beneficial for students. “I would for sure buy it. I think that it’s a great idea considering so many students already wear flannels to school every day,” said Seger. Whether it be a flannel or a jacket/sweatshirt creation, students would benefit tremendously from it. These would certainly become a top seller. Also, there would be less students getting in trouble for wearing regular sweatshirts or non-Elder jackets during school. It hurts my heart seeing so many students having to take off their warm sweatshirts or jackets because they do not match the code. We need something that provides both comfortability and warmth for students, as well as being aligned with school policy. A flannel type jacket or a removable hoodie sweatshirt could do the trick, and students will live happily ever after in the cold.
As you are reading this, Christmas season is in full swing. Ever since Halloween ended slowly but surely there have been more and more decorations popping up. My hometown Lawrenceburg has had their Christmas decorations up around town since before Halloween. I have heard people’s opinions on both sides. Quotes like, “Halloween is over, bring on Christmas.” Yet others aren’t ready to rush into this, “After Thanksgiving, Christmas can officially start.” The issue I have with people putting up Christmas decorations early in November is that they are skipping over the whole fall season. Of course, this year fall was never around for long but I still think that people need to slow down and enjoy the month of November before we dive into Christmas. Once November hits we are in this weird spot on the calendar. Nothing much is happening during the month besides Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is towards the end of the month as well. For a couple of weeks there isn’t much to do outside with the time change but that doesn’t signal the start of the Christmas season. I talked to some people around the school to see what they thought about when it is an appropriate time to put up Christmas decorations. I would say well over half of the guys I interviewed said that after Thanksgiving is the appropriate time to start the next holiday season. People tend to skip over Thanksgiving as a “non- decoration” holiday, but that simply isn’t the case. There are plenty of people and houses that I have been to that have some sort of fall decorations up during November and through Thanksgiving. Mrs. Flaherty thinks that Christmas decorations should be put up right after Halloween. On one of the days right after Halloween she had a little Christmas tree put up in her office. Mrs. Flaherty is all in on Christmas starting right at the start of November. Christmas music could also be heard in her office. Christmas music in my opinion is only appropriate in the month of December. Christmas music can sound repeating and can just get annoying. An article from one local news station reported that listening to too much Christmas music is bad for your mental health. Which is a stretch but I suppose they will put anything out there that will get them clicks. Mr. Pieper of the Admissions Office believes that the Christmas season starts anytime after Thanksgiving. The guys I talked to that think Christmas decorations be put up after Halloween argued, “What’s the harm” or “What’s the big deal?” There is no harm, but are we overhyping a holiday by starting it an extra month early? According to religion, advent starts four weeks before Christmas. Some people still to this day do not put up Christmas decorations up until the week of Christmas and some even stretch that to Christmas Eve until they start putting up Christmas decorations. Other holidays throughout the year are rarely decorated for or even celebrated until the actual day. Take Valentine’s Day, for example. No one has a Valentine’s dinner the weekend before, it’s just dinner. Not very many decorations are put up for Valentine’s Day as well. Heck, sometimes holidays go by completely unnoticed. This year, of course, the weather makes it feel like the Christmas season very early with the unseasonable cold temperatures. This gave Perfect North Slopes the chance to open on November 15th this year for their earliest opening in history. That doesn’t change the fact that we need to get past Thanksgiving before we even start thinking about Christmas and Christmas decorations.
It is officially cold outside.
It’s that time of year when Christmas decorations are starting to pop up.
Christmas is a holiday that seems to extend earlier and earlier each year.
The Purple Quill
The Purple Quill is published nine times per academic year by the students enrolled in the Journalism class at Elder High School. Content is determined by the staff and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Elder High School’s faculty, administration or student body. Signed editorials and columns reflect the views of the writer. Letters to the editor and guest commentaries are encouraged and must be signed, although anonymity can be granted on a case by case basis. The staff reviews letters to the editor, advertising and guest commentaries and reserves the right to edit and refuse material. Reasons can include length, clarity, libel, obscenity, material disruption of the educational process at Elder High School or violation of copyright laws.
“Give students the freedom of expression and soon everyone will want it.” Co-Editors in Chief: Mason Berger ‘20, Carmine Domenicone ‘20 Faculty Advisor Mr. Gary Rogers
Faculty Advisor Emeritus Mr. Edward Menkhaus ‘63
Graphics Guru Jack Langen ‘20
Staff Writers Mitchell Bareswilt ‘21 Joe Book ‘20 Jack Bruggeman ‘20 Jacob Cowans ‘20 Adam Duwel ‘21 Jackson Geiser ‘20 Jackson Grimmelsman ‘21 Connor Magness ‘20
Lukas Marlman ‘21 Thomas Peters ‘20 Chase Schaerer ‘20 Gus Schlomer ‘21 Nicholas Seger ‘20 Zach Thompson ‘20 Zack Williams ‘20
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Opinion 3
Young didn’t deserve suspension
New tie is a bust
Chase Schaerer ‘20 Staff Writer
Joe Book ‘20 Staff Writer
Ohio State defensive-end Chase Young. In the week leading up to the Ohio State v. Maryland game, there was a lot of talk surrounding a decision Young made last winter. Last winter, Chase Young took a loan from a family friend so he could fly his girlfriend out to the Rose Bowl. This past summer he paid the minuscule loan back in full. Many believe that Young should be suspended for at least four games or even the remainder of the season, but everyone has their own opinion. The NCAA ended up ruling for a four-game suspension, but Ohio State gathered information on the situation and appealed for a reduction. The committee agreed with the appeal upon further investigation and decreased the suspension to only two games. I think Chase Young should by no means be suspended for four or more games, and believe furthermore that he should not have been suspended at all. All he did was take a small loan from a friend he has known for years to fly his girlfriend out to the Rose Bowl so she could watch him play. On top of that, he paid the loan back in full this past summer. These accusations that Chase Young violated the NCAA player policy clearly came from someone who had something against Ohio State. He accepted the loan almost a year ago and paid it back months ago, so why would it just now be brought to the attention of the committee? Attention was not brought to it until after a huge win over Wisconsin and as talk started to go around about Chase Young becoming a serious Heisman candidate. On the other hand, what Chase Young did could be considered a small transgression of NCAA policy. He did accept money, even if it was from a family friend, which is probably why the suspension is only two weeks. However, many believe the NCAA has rules that are far too strict on student athletes to be able to truly thrive in the world of college sports. Chase Young has known the person who loaned him money for years as a family friend, and only accepted a small loan. He did not accept a bribe for his athletic performance or for going to Ohio State, but only so he could fly his girlfriend out to watch him play a football game. In short, Chase Young should not have been suspended for two games because of this. He accepted a small loan from a family friend and paid it back as soon as possible. These allegations could cost Chase Young a Heisman trophy, or even change the minds of NFL teams wanting to draft him. I know that many others will have different opinions and believe that he should be suspended for at least four games, but this is merely my take on the situation.
crowd and makes them unique. Athletic teams wear their uniforms. But among other groups we have the Elder Glee Club who, on holy days of obligation and other events typically associated with the organization, can be found wearing their blazers, dress shirts, and ties. This last subject, though, is the topic of interest. Is the new Glee Club tie actually any good? I would argue that no, it is not that good, or that it at least fails to live up to the very high standards put forth by the old one. The primary issue I have with the new tie is its material. Any article of clothing, whether it be something as small as a glove or as large as sweater should definitely be durable. It should be able to brave the elements so that you don’t have to treat it like its some sort of delicate ice sculpture. This new tie fails to meet this standard. In place of something that you can wear without worry, the new tie soaks up water faster than a sponge. I remember I had the misfortune to get my tie wet before the Memorial Mass a couple of weeks back. It was soggier than pancakes left in syrup! Now this was to be expected, it is a tie after all, but I can say for certain that this one was soaked more than the old one would be, just like completely drenched in water. Another problem I have with it is the material is way too thin. I always feel likes its going to rip if I handle it the wrong way. This simply shouldn’t be. My older tie was way sturdier. Now I’m aware some people may say, “Joe, you’re a clumsy fool”. (I won’t debate them on that) And you shouldn’t exactly be handling ties like they’re indestructible. However, this still doesn’t explain their abnormal ability to simply get messed up. People might also say, “Well the Glee Club just needed updated attire”, and to this I say you’re just flat out wrong. The old tie was part of tradition. You didn’t identify that person as a member of the group until they had that tie with the words “Elder” on it. Tradition makes up your identity, and simply put, anyone who says we needed a change doesn’t have their priorities in line. I also felt the need to find likeminded folks, to find people that agreed that the new tie simply doesn’t live up to its predecessor. One person I found was senior Jack Bruggeman who said that it simply was an unnecessary change. He agreed with my previous rebuttal that the tie is part of the Glee Club’s tradition and that by changing it some of the history melted away. I also asked senior Jack Bailey who stated that he didn’t really like the tie and that “it’s cool, but I prefer tradition over future”. He also stated that if we had to change he would’ve “preferred a tie with a St. X logo being slashed out by a Panther claw and the Panther is roaring at your face so you know he’s not messing around”. Interesting point, Jack. In summary, I guess the tie just doesn’t meet people’s expectations. From its poor durability, inferior fabric, to just lackluster design, the new Glee Club tie just doesn’t live up to its predecessor. Although the transition and adjustment will be hard, members can only hope that the acclimation to the new style will eventually be accepted.
Probably the biggest news surrounding NCAA football right now is the situation with
OSU’s edge rusher Chase Young was suspended for two games by the NCAA due to taking a loan from a family friend to fly his girlfriend to the Rose Bowl in 2019.
NCAA Drops the Ball Connor Magness ‘20 Staff Writer
Recently, and even for the past couple of years, the NCAA has cracked down on student athletes for violations of the NCAA code of conduct. Now do some of these student athletes deserved to be punished? Or even the school taking a hit for the actions of the student athlete? In some cases yes, but in other cases the NCAA is out of line. The most recent incident that had Ohio State fans going crazy, was the Chase Young situation. The news broke earlier this month that Young was dealing with a grievance with the NCAA that dated back to last season. Now Michigan fans are going to hate me for explaining this how it truthfully happened. But, the reason for Young’s punishment was that he accepted money from a friend that he has known for many years, to fly his girlfriend out to the Rose Bowl. The money was paid back as soon as possible. So, why is this any of the NCAA’s business? The answer: It shouldn’t be, Young’s situation isn’t any different from two random people that are friends borrowing money from each other and paying each other back. If people don’t get punished for that, then why does this Young
All organizations have their attire that separates them from the
have to be punished? Another example of NCAA arrogance would be that of the Bearcat’s offensive lineman, James Hudson. Hudson recently transferred to UC, and was denied immediate eligibility to play. Hudson filed to play immediately because of mental health concerns, but the NCAA denied him. Now that is ridiculous, getting denied because you were depressed, and spoke out. Yet, Hudson still got denied. When players like Tate Martell, a quarterback who transferred to Miami, was granted immediate eligibility, and he had zero issues. It is just downright wrong that the NCAA is denying kids the right to play because of concerns that should not be under the NCAA’s control. Now, there are some cases that, yeah, the student athlete deserves to be punished, for accepting improper benefits. Like Reggie Bush did back in 2005, and Ohio State players doing the same thing back in 2011. Those are instances where they deserve to be rightfully punished. But, in Chase Young’s case and James Hudson’s case, it is clear that they should not be. Even James Wiseman’s situation with the NCAA is a little immoral. Penny Hardaway helping his family out by moving to Memphis and then Wiseman getting punished is out of hand as well. In the end, the NCAA needs to get a grip on itself, and see the bigger picture. Yeah, they agreed to allow student-athletes to make money off their likeness. But, athletes are still getting punished for innocent things, and the NCAA continues to sit there with a smirk on it’s face while they hand down the punishments.
Faculty Features
Secondary classes Zack Williams ‘20 Staff Writer
Teaching is a very special job. It is a job
where the teacher builds strong relationships with their students. It is a job that takes great knowledge not only on the subject you are teaching to the kids, but also tests you on how to handle, and control the students themselves. The teachers are an important influence on the lives of their students, especially in the case of high schoolers. At Elder High School, the teachers prepare us for our future lives and help us develop from the boys we start to become men when we graduate. But let’s talk about the specific classes our teachers teach. The subjects they focus on are ones which they have a passion for, so I talked to some faculty members and asked them a simple question. I asked what class would they love to teach besides the one they are currently teaching at Elder. I thought this was a pretty cool idea, and it also helped me learn a bit about some of thefaculty at Elder. To begin, I spoke with junior English teacher, Mr. Justin Quatman. Mr. Quatman loves teaching English, yet he was quick to answer what his replacement class would be if he was unable to teach English. He said, “I would love to teach physiology at some point.” His reasoning was how interesting it is to learn how the human body works. He would love to, and thinks it would be really cool to apply it to sports, especially since he is a track coach. The next teacher I spoke with is also from the English department here at Elder. I talked with Mr. Larry Weinheimer who teaches English to the seniors. As I asked
Dickman reveals secrets to distance running Jacob Cowans ‘20 Staff Writer
There are many benefits that come from him, he responded with a lighting quick answer. “Oh, for sure, philosophy, it has always been an interest of mine.” Mr. Weinheimer thinks it would be a fun class to teach, and that he’d be great at it just because he has that type of mind, and thinks that way. He also said that his reasoning was past experience as well. Mr. Weinheimer took several of these type classes and had a lot of fun doing it. I then spoke with yet again another member of the English department here at Elder. Mr. Nate Brown, senior English teacher, had a very quick, but short answer. He said, “If I had to choose one class to teach besides English, it would for sure with no doubt be social studies.” It’s pretty simple, Mr. Brown just said he has a strong love for history. Later that day, I got a chance to speak with Mr. Dickman who had a great answer. Mr. Dickman said, “Without a doubt, English.” His reasoning was due to really enjoying the English classes he took in the past at Elder, and at Xavier University. He also sees it as the closest class to any religion class in terms of thought process. Both the classes require deep thinking, and he enjoys that. This article, hopefully, helped you learn a bit more about some of our faculty members, and their opinions on certain classes. I guess having a deep enough love to teach math is pretty rare!
Tuesday November 26, 2019
regular distance running, but everyone knows how difficult running can be. Even though running is proven to be good for your health, many people struggle with the motivation or ability to get started. So how is it that distance runners like Coach Dickman are able to run so well day after day? One reason to get into this activity is because of its many positive aspects. An avid runner, Coach Dickman knows a lot about the benefits of running. “I love how it makes me feel, both during the run and after. I’m not just referring to the physical enjoyment of running and the “runner’s high” (which is a real thing) that follows. It helps me clear my mind, relieve stress and in many cases to think more clearly through issues that might be weighing on me. It gives me a new perspective. Going for a run is like hitting the “reset” button. I always see the world and my life differently after a run.” The hardest part about running seems to be just getting started. One important factor to keep a new runner motivated is routine. Once you start running at a set time every day, it becomes easy to set up a schedule and stick to it. “Having a good training plan that I’ve been following for months provides me with confidence so that when I step on the starting line, I have total faith in my training. I know I am physically ready, and therefore that makes me mentally ready. When I’m driving to a race I’ll listen to
some heavy music to get me pumped up. But ultimately what gets me ready is having a good group of friends meeting me at the race.” Though distance running is quite challenging for even the best runners, it definitely has plenty of positives that make up of the struggle. “Not every day is easy, but even the really tough days are fun. The long 22 mile runs necessary for marathon racing can definitely be mentally and physically tough, but I find it makes me more comfortable with discomfort whenever I encounter it in life. It’s fun even though it can be very difficult. It also makes every distance I cover (when walking) seem so short. What I mean is, I’m usually the guy that parks in one of the farthest spots away at the grocery store just to walk across the lot. It doesn’t seem so long after you done runs that last for three hours or more.” The result of a runners’ training can be not only for health or fun, but races are also a huge part of many runners’ lives. Racing is the culmination of all the dedicated training. “If you want to run just to get into better shape, then just running miles will do the trick. If you are running/ training to race then it’s much more intense.” Coach Dickman has made running even more of a part of his life than many others, too, through coaching. This sport has had such an impact on his life that he felt he needed to stay involved with it as much as he could. “I absolutely love this sport and wanted to continue to be involved with it and help people new to
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Coach Greg Dickman says that he loves how running makes him fell both during the run and after.
Faculty/Student Features 5 the sport develop.” So, what is the secret to running? “The only secret is to get out the door and run miles. Plain and simple. There are no short cuts. “That’s what I love about running. Anyone can race one mile, or even two off of natural talent but your training (or lack of training) shows when it comes to longer races. It’s a fair sport. My advice for people who want to try it is to just try it. Early on, don’t be concerned with how fast you are going.Just run at what feels like an easy comfortable pace for YOU. Also start with short runs and gradually increase your mileage over weeks and months. Once you get that “base” of miles then you can incorporate faster workouts in your program (if you want to get faster). My advice boils down to this: RUN YOUR RECOVERY RUNS (MOST OF YOUR RUNS) AT A SUPER EASY PACE, AND RUN YOUR HARD DAYS HARD. World class Kenyan distance runners who race at sub five minutes per mile for a marathon run their easy days at nine minutes a mile or even slower. You have to let your body recover after a hard workout.” Running is so simple, yet has so much reward in store for those who put in the work. Like any hobby, the only way to get results is to keep at it, honing your talents and technique until it is the best it can be. A great part about running is that it is very easy to see and feel your progress. With each run, you’ll get stronger and faster, and it will become a little more natural. The only secret to running is dedication.
Podcasts taking over Quill Mason Berger ‘20 Co-Editor in Chief
In this past month in S-131, members
of The Purple Quill have been testing the waters on a new aspect of journalism: podcasting. We all have always had interest in podcasting, but none of us on the staff have ever done it, until this past month. Just about half of the Quill room has experimented in podcasting, and two of these podcasting squads have been published both on The Purple Quill website as well as Soundcloud. These two podcasts, named the “What’s Up Next? Podcast” and the “Purple Quill CFB Podcast”, are the two that have been published so far, with more possibly coming in the future. I am one of the members of the “What’s Up Next? Podcast”, along with Carmine Domenicone and Nicholas Seger. We were the first to experiment with the podcasting on staff, so it was a bit of a shaky start. Not knowing what to do at all, we pretty much talked about anything that came to mind in our first ever episode. Ultimately, we ended up talking much about Elder sports as well as college and professional sports, and it actually did not turn out as bad as anticipated. The three of us plan on making further strides toward making our podcast more intriguing and easier to listen to. Carmine Domenicone had this to say about our podcasting experience: “We had some fun with it, but definitely have some improvements to make for future podcasts.” This podcast plans on making future episodes in next couple weeks, so stay tuned.
Perhaps a studio like this one could be in the future for Elder broadcast journalism.
Seger also talked positively about his experience behind the mic, saying, “I’m used to writing articles or making videos for journalism, but the podcast was a whole different thing. It was nice to be able to talk freely about Elder.” The three of us certainly had plenty of fun talking in the mic, and we’ll be looking to do it again as soon as we can. The “Purple Quill CFB Podcast” is a podcast all about college football, featuring Chase Schaerer and Connor Magness. The two of them talked about aspects of college football ranging from playoff predictions, Heisman candidates, and even weekly game predictions. Magness stated his interest in podcasting for the long haul of seventh period journalism, saying, “It was fun talking instead of having to write an article. It was something different, which was cool.” Magness also said that he would be all for podcasts being a regular occurrence on the
(continued on page 7)
Student Features
Who is Trey Jansen?
Jansen appeared in the fall drama as a deputy.
Jack Langen ‘20 Staff Writer
You’ve seen him in the halls. You’ve
seen him on ENN. You’ve felt his swagger…but do you really know Trey Jansen? Trey is a heavily involved student, dedicating a lot of his time to extracurricular activities. Most recently, he tells me, he has been most busy preparing for his role as a deputy sheriff in the fall play, That’ll Learn Ya. Even though the play is a comedy, the preparation for this was no joke. “The hardest part was probably getting a feel for the words…not so much having a lot of lines, but having a lot of similar lines and trying to get them in the right order,” remarked Trey. “And then as we got better and better, we added gestures to it, and now we should hopefully have a good show.” Practicing with the cast every other day until 4:30 certainly pays off when the curtain drops, but it also goes beyond that. Meeting new people and making friends along the way was one of the best parts, he says, and it has him looking forward to the next production. In the meantime, however, he has his irons in other fires with his work on student council. Trey was elected sophomore class co-president. “I’m here to represent,” Trey boldly stated. In this interest, he has been working to create more direct and local representation of student council, suggesting a plan to create a system where council could receive input from representatives of individual homerooms. “We’d like to just get more direct communication between the student body and council.” All about communication, he has been partnering with fellow co-president David Gruen to establish surveys—most notably about the potential return of a Sophomore-class dance, which would be the first in four years. The sophomore dance has struggled in recent years, of course, because of low attendance, but a revitalized interest could possibly put the event back onto the calendar, not only for this year but also for years to come. As basketball season approaches, you’ll be able to spot Trey either courtside or up in the press box working with the EHSports broadcast crew. Trey has been doing this since his freshman year, starting out with operating cameras and now operating broadcast software as a producer. This helps to facilitate a complicated broadcast production that becomes increasingly fast-paced in the basketball season. He says that all the hard work is
worth it, though: “You know one of the things that I think makes this so great is all the alumni that watch our sporting events. It’s particularly rewarding when you look back and see alumni stationed in Middle Eastern countries watching our football games or any other sporting event.” Trey J stays busy outside of school. He loves America’s pastime and played several years of baseball. Even though his playing days are over, he can still be found on the diamond, serving as an umpire to many knothole league games. His experience behind the plate has allowed him to grow empathy for the masked men in blue. “Umping games made me grow my perspective, and it sort of made me feel bad for some of the things I’ve said in the past [about umpires],” admitted Jansen. He insists that he is a fair but tough ump. He recalled several confrontations with angry coaches, noting one that was a hair away from an ejection. So be warned. Trey’s not only at home on the baseball field—you can also find him in the dojo. He is nearing a promotion to an orange belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and has a green sash in Muay Thai. So, again, be warned. When I asked Trey what he wants to do in the future, he had some big plans. “I would really like to become an orthopedic surgeon, and, sometimes, I even think that I might want to get into local politics.” Clearly, Trey is not one with low ambitions. In all, it seems that Trey Jansen is one well-rounded sophomore. His involvement in clubs around Elder is worth taking note of, and overall, he’s just a really nice guy. He is also active in the vocal ensemble, the Glee Club, community service around his parish, and is starting a conservative’s club here at Elder. Whether you call him sheriff, sensei, doctor, or even just plain old Trey, hopefully you now know more than just his name.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
What’s up, Holmsey? Jack Bruggeman ‘20 Staff Writer Through the halls of Elder walks one man who has experienced the Elder life in ways that many people do not. His name is Jacob “Jake” Holmes. Jake is currently a Senior who is in multiple AP classes. One aspect that sets him apart is that he has dedicated four years of his life to Elder Bowling. Jake “got interested in bowling because a handful of students from St. Antoninus bowled.” That was the catalyst that prompted him to participate in bowling by going to “open lanes” after school. That is also what ultimately gave Jake the drive to try out for, and make, the bowling team as a freshman. One of Jake’s favorite parts of the entire bowling experience is the culture of the sport. “The screaming, yelling, and cheering makes for an enjoyable experience.” Not only has Jake taken part in Elder Bowling for four years, but he also has the coveted status of being part of Elder’s newest success story: our Esports Rocket League Team. Jacob claims to have played over 1,000 hours of Rocket League. No doubt that is connected to his success in Esports. Jake credits the winning attitude of the Rocket League Team to the other members as well. He reveals that Michael DiSanto and Matthew DiSanto have Grand Champion and Champion 3 status with a combined total of 1400+ hours on Stream. Nathan Steffen is a Champion 3 with 882 hours on Stream and Dane Jansen is a Champion 2 with 552. Jake himself is a Champion 2 and, as said earlier, has 1000+ hours of Stream. One of the most fascinating aspects about Holmes is the plan he has for his future after graduating from Elder. What motivated that decision? When Jake was in fourth grade, he realized that he wanted to do something in the medical field to help people. What steered him toward that path was his diagnosis with Cutaneous Lupus Erythema-
Jacob has had firm sights on a career in pharmacy from an early age.
tosus. As a result of that condition, Jake must be very aggressive with sunscreen and always wear long sleeve shirts while swimming to make his life easier. Jake specifically chose to be a pharmacist during his freshman year. While this is not official yet, he plans to attend the University of Findley which is his top choice for a college. Jake got accepted to Findlay when he was just 16 years old! He likes Findlay because of their great pharmacy program and is attracted to their small campus and close-knit community.
Holmes’ home gaming set-up helped him attain Champion 2 status in Rocket League
Jake will be attending Findlay for six years as he studies to become a pharmacist. He says that he has “a drive to help people out and wants to make a difference in the world.” That is why Jake Holmes is an exemplary Elder Man. He is someone who really cares about others and is always seeking opportunities to help them. He is already making a difference in the world.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Student Features 7
Turkey-cooking Taug Jackson Geiser Staff Writer ‘20
Around Thanksgiving time, Elder fam-
ilies come together and have an annual Thanksgiving cookout. These families cook turkeys to distribute to families in need of a nice meal for the special day. One particular group that is heavily involved with this occasion is the Elder famous Aug family. One of my classmates, Tommy Aug, helps the cookout every single year, and I decided to catch up with him on some details of the event and its origins. This annual event has been a part of Tommy and his family’s life for over ten years now. “Since 2008, dads and their sons come to Elder the day before Thanksgiv-
Tommy and all of the people involved. After getting the specific details and tasks of the event, I then asked Tommy how important this event is and what it truly means to him. Tommy has been involved with this ever since he was a sixth grader. “This event is extremely important to me. A lot of people take for granted the gifts they are given and how fortunate they are to be in the financial position they are in.” That is a very good point made by Tommy that I can agree with. “By giving to the community who struggle to provide for things such as Thanksgiving dinner, we are all living out our call to the service of others.” Tommy says this event allows him to strengthen his relationships with others
by allowing him to meet tons of great individuals. This sounded very appealing so I asked him if any family that wanted to participate could, and he replied with a yes, definitely. “I believe that the impact it provides, not only to the community, but also the volunteers, is why my grandpa developed the spiritual boosters club with Mr. Auer.” To wrap up the discussion, I talked to Tommy about what his plans are after he leaves Elder with this event. Tommy wants to continue helping out with this event, and he encourages others to join as well. “After high school, I definitely plan to keep helping with the turkey fry. It’s such a great way to reconnect with some great people and meet the upcoming faces of Elder.” This is a great way to live out Elder’s motto of Altiora. If anyone is interested in joining this event, you can email Tommy at
“By giving to the community who struggle to provide for things such as Thanksgiving dinner, we are all living out our call to the service of others.” ing and prepare turkeys for less fortunate families in the surrounding area.” Tommy the explained the roles of the fathers and sons. The fathers cook the turkeys while the sons make pies. “I tend to be the middle man, taking to things such as trays and turkeys from the fryers to the kitchen.” The process takes a couple of hours, but it is very rewarding. The groups of sons and fathers then drive out to the locations where they deliver the food. All of the families are grateful and appreciate the acts of service which is very rewarding to
Elder’s Spiritual Boosters Turkey Drive as featured on Channel 12.
podcasts continued from page 5 Quill website. There still is a long way to go in the podcasting game for all of us at Elder. All of us on the staff are hopeful that podcasting will take off, and that we will find better ways to make our work sound better and add as many effects as we can to the podcasts. Also, we are sort of limited to only one microphone, so maybe more microphones in the future could be in the cards. In journalism class, we have certain requirements that we need to meet by the end of the semester, and Mr. Rogers has been pondering whether or not to include podcasts as a requirement. I am personally all for having podcasts as a frequent occurrence in the Quill. While the people who are reading this article are reading the physical, paper copy of The Purple Quill, our online website contains so much multimedia journalism, and podcasts will only contribute more to the cool things we have created online. It’s more than just articles, contrary to popular belief. So instead of doing nothing during flex time, why not go onto The Purple Quill’s online website and giving all of our videos and podcasts a view. Podcast are becoming a new and intriguing aspect of The Purple Quill, and maybe sometime in the near future, these podcasts will be a more central part of what we do in this class. If you have any interest in podcasting, we now feature it at Elder Hopefully this can be a long-time thing. Podcasts may be here to stay in The Purple Quill.
CYO preseason power rankings Carmine Domenicone ‘20 Co-Editor in Chief
CYO basketball has been a staple of
Westside tradition for many years now. Once December hits, its time for the boys of winter to start dusting off their Jordan’s and start hitting the gym in preparation for the grueling season ahead. Filled with a mix of competition and what some like to call “relaxation basketball”, CYO is the ultimate form of winning for temporary bragging rights. With that being said, let me stir up some controversary with the release of the 2019-2020 CYO Basketball Power Rankings:
1. Victory
This one, in my opinion, is a no brainer…the Vipers have a solid force and I’m not going to sit here and lie to you. With a combination of height, speed, and athleticism, the Vipers are a tough matchup no matter what day of the week you play them. Catania, Vollmer, and Deters are expected to run the ship for the Vipers this season, as well as the potential return of Joe Royer (6’-5”). As 3-point specialist Robby Engelhardt put it, “With the addition of Royer, we’ll be nearly unstoppable on both ends of the floor.” I’d expect nothing less than an undefeated season for the Vips, but who’s to say an upset can’t happen?
2. Jude
No doubt about it… the Bulldogs are a sleeper team, but saying that pains me deeply. Because of their success last season, that is basically the only reason I have them in the second spot. Coming off an 8-2 record, the Bulldogs will be hunting down the Vipers for the top spot, however that is a hefty task. Ryan Tressler and Mason Berger are considerably high on their team this year for whatever reason, which only gives the remaining seven teams some motivation to prove them wrong. However, I will give them credit… Brady Buller down low poses a difficult matchup for some of the undersized big men in the league.
3. Bernard
Per several sources, the Bobcats of St. Bernard are a heavily slept on squad. While score boarding, I have had the privilege of watching a couple of their games and I completely agree. From what I saw, they are a well-coached team and utilize time-outs to fuel their players with water
Looking ahead to swim season Chase Schaerer ‘20 Staff Writer
The Elder swim team is one of the most
popular winter sports to participate in. They may not have a cheering section at their meets like the basketball or football team, but they definitely get after it in the water. The Aqua-panthers will be kicking off their season in the near future, and I’m sure everyone will be curious to know how they will do. Last year was a great season for the swimmers with a few frustrating losses, but this year they have their eyes set on bigger things. I decided to interview a couple of the swimmers to get the inside scoop on how this season is looking for them. To start off, I interviewed senior swimmer, Griffin Kelley to see how he thought this season is going to go. Griffin has been swimming for years, for Elder as well as his club team. He has dedicated countless hours to his team both in and out of the water. He said that this year the swim team has big plans, they have their eyes set on state. Griffin filled me in
really want to win ‘Best of the West’. That would be a huge accomplishment. Next thing after that is to get a great group to districts like we did last year when we had ten guys swim there.” Griffin went on to describe their biggest goal: “Finally, with the kind of quality swimmers we have, we are setting our eyes on state. Its not going to come easy, but with the rights mindset and the hard work we can do it. It’s not about being the biggest guy, it’s about having the biggest heart, and that’s what our team is all about.” Their first meet of the season begins at the end of November and the swim team would love to get a crowd out to watch. This year could be a very successful year for the Aqua-panthers with some of the swimmers to keep your eyes on being: Owen Meier, Ethan Cunningham, Griffin Kelley, Brian Ridner, and Kaden Siler. The swim team is definitely something you should keep your eye on this winter with potential for some big wins,and some potential state qualifiers.
It’s not about being the biggest guy, it’s about having the biggest heart, and that’s what our team is all about.” on all the big meets this winter. “Best of the West” at Gamble Nippert YMCA on December 11th is going to be a huge meet. Griffin said they are looking to bounce back from a slim loss to Oak Hills last year by a mere seven points. This year is going to be a tough one for the swimmers as they compete against a speedy Oak Hills team, who has won “Best of the West” for the past eight years. However, I have been assured that we are favored to win this year and end their streak. Griffin told me that the swim team has three main goals as a team for this season. He said, “First things first, we
and Gatorade as needed. Overall, Bernard is a solid team that will definitely pose a challenge for whoever they are playing.
4. Antoninus
The Jaguars are looking for a bounce back year coming off a disastrous season, last year. With one of the tallest lineups in the conference (Matthew Rueve 6’-4”, Paul Moore 6’-3”, and Mike Abel 6’-3”), the team will be looking to utilize that weapon to their advantage this year for sure. I’m happy to be rejoining my grade school boys for this final senior season, as some of Elder Basketball’s very own have decided to hang up the shoes, including: Joe Royer, Jake Byrne, Connor Keyes, and myself. Others to watch out for on the Antoninus roster include: sharpshooting specialist, Alex Dobler and Lucas “Shaft” Kraft.
5. Visitation
The Vikings suffered some detrimental blows this offseason which brings them in at #5. Aidan Corey, Visi’s top scorer last year, has made Elder’s varsity
team this year and will not be partaking in any CYO affiliated events. Also, Mychal Grogan has announced that he will not be participating this year as well. Grogan at 6’-3”, is a tough loss to an already beaten up squad. On the bright side, the Vikings do have Johnny Ditullio who could be the answer. But the question is, will he embrace this role?
6. Teresa
Not a great team, but not terrible either. The Bruins are definetly a threat when Adam Wilcher is hot from behind the arc, but other than that, it’s tough for them to buy a bucket. Anthony Rollison is a man among boys out there on the court and I wouldn’t want to step in front of him coming down the lane. Not much else to say about the Bruins in the preseason, we will see what they have to offer come game time.
7. Ignatius
I’m going to be honest, I really don’t know much about the type of team Ignatius has, so that’s the best answer I can give you why I put them at #7. Why I didn’t just put them last at #8 you may ask? Just read on…
8. Al’s
According to sources, St. Al’s has some Oak Hills kids on the team and that is strictly the reason they have been placed last. I think that is fair. I’m sure the controversary has been stirred, so with all this being said… best wishes to everyone this season.
Back in the rink Mitch Bareswilt ‘21 Staff Writer
Everyone cheers on and keeps up with
Elder football and maybe Elder soccer, but one of the most slept on sports at Elder is hockey. Every year we show up to the football games in the Pit, but rarely if ever do you see a cheering section out at the ice rink. I spoke to some of the varsity players making their way up in the ranks of the team. I asked them some questions such as what they expect for the 2019-2020 season as well as what they want to get out of the next season themselves. First, I spoke with Gabe Neidhard. Gabe said, “I think that, I mean, we will probably do ok. There are a lot of new people, so we have to learn the pace of each other and ourselves. We are learning how to pass the puck better.” With Gabe being a junior this year and as a possible candidate to be one of the team captains, he feels as though it is important for everyone to learn how one another plays on the ice and figure how to make it work as a team. With it being a new season, and last year’s seniors hitting the road, they are working with a lot of different people in the line-up who Elder hockey team huddles up at practice. (from video report by Tom Peters on
Griffin Kelley hopes to help lead the Aqua-Panthers to several goals this upcoming swim season
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Gabe Neidhard
they have never played with before. For a team to be the best of its ability, they must understand each other and what exactly is going through their heads on the ice. Second, I spoke with Nick Naber. Nick explained how last year he was mostly a JV player but did get a chance to play in a couple varsity games. Nick is really excited to show the varsity squad what he has and really help out the team on the ice. Nick is really excited to lay out some big hits and win some hard games for the skating Panthers. Lastly, I spoke with Johnny Lenhardt, future captain of varsity hockey. With Johnny just coming off of a big injury in his shoulder, he has been playing with JV just for the first couple weeks. Johnny told me he is very excited and pumped for this coming season and he is excited to play for varsity. With Johnny being a candidate for next year’s captains, he wants to make the most out of this season and show the coaches why he deserves the honor. As you can see, the team is ready to play this year and they are all excited to get started. This team has the potential to do very well this season. I am excited to see how the Panthers do this and I wish them the best of luck in this upcoming season on the ice.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Sports 9
A tragic football life Lukas Marlman ‘21 Staff Writer
Charles Benjamin Rogers was an NFL
wide receiver for three seasons with the Detroit Lions. He played his college football for the nearby Michigan State Spartans, where he earned All-American honors and recognition as the top college wide receiver in the country. Rogers was born on May 23rd, 1981 and passed away on November 11th, 2019. Charles was born and raised in Saginaw, Michigan to a single mother. But he lived with his grandfather at age six while his mother served a one-year prison sentence and he did it again during high school when his mother took a night job. At Saginaw High, where Rogers attended school, he played on the football, basketball, and track teams. However, Rogers chose to go on to play football at Michigan State. While playing for the Spartans from 2000 to 2002, Rogers broke numerous receiving records at the college level. He still holds the school records for most touchdowns in a career with 27, breaking the record held by former Spartan wide receiver Kirk Gibson. He also broke the school record for most receiving yards in a single game with 270 yards. He broke Randy Moss’s NCAA record of 13 consecutive games with a touchdown catch. During his 2002 junior season, he had 68 receptions for 1,351 yards and 13 touchdowns, and he won the Fred Biletnikoff
Award and Paul Warfield Trophy as the best college wide receiver in the nation. Rogers was also recognized as a unanimous All-American. While during his first season at Michigan State in 2001 Rogers had 67 receptions for 1,470 yards, with 14 touchdowns. The Detroit Lions selected Rogers with the second overall pick in the 2003 NFL Draft, one pick ahead of University of Miami wide receiver Andre Johnson. Rogers’ NFL football career never really took off like it could’ve. While being 6’-3”, 220-pounds Rogers had just 36 catches for 440 yards with four touchdowns in 15 games before he left the league in 2005 after three seasons. Rogers played for the Lions for all three seasons and caught 22 passes for 243 yards and three touchdowns during his first five games of the 2003 season. But he broke his clavicle while practicing a speed drill with Dré Bly, leaving him out for the season. On the third play of the 2004 season against the Chicago Bears, Rogers suffered another broken clavicle. This put him out for the rest of that season, and the Lions allowed him to go home for the remainder of the season. Rogers was suspended for four games in 2005 for a third violation of the NFL’s substance abuse policy. As a result of this violation, the Lions filed a grievance, claiming that his drug suspension violated a clause in his contract, which meant Rogers was obligated to return $10 million of
Worthy of more praise Jack Bruggeman ‘20 Staff Writer
When someone thinks of the best
Lakers of all time, they mainly think of Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Shaquille O’Neal or Wilt Chamberlin. Yet there is one name that is almost never mentioned as one of the best Lakers players of all time: James Worthy. The reason he is hardly named is because of the level of talent Worthy played with during his time as a Laker. Worthy did not get much praise during his career because he was always behind Magic and Kareem. Just keep in mind though that, during his prime, Worthy was good enough to average around 20 points while sharing the ball with Kareem and Magic. Radio and TV personality Colin Cowherd once stated that James Worthy might be the best player to never be the best player on his own team. Being easily overshadowed by two of the top five players of all time, Worthy is seen as underrated and under-appreciated in the eyes of many NBA fans. In his rookie season, Worthy, after being selected with the number 1 pick in the 1982 NBA Draft, averaged double digit points while sharing the court with Magic and Kareem in their prime. Worthy was also able to average just above one steal a game and, at his best, got one block per game. No one would argue that James Worthy is better than Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal, or Wilt Chamberlin. Still, he has done enough in his career to have his name at least mentioned with those great players as one of the best Lakers ever. It should also be noted that Worthy, unlike most of these players, stayed with the Lakers for his entire career. Even though Worthy was a dominant player during the regular season, he was a force to be reckoned with in the playoffs. “Big Game James” even averaged over 20 points per game in playoff games. Some of his best highlights were in the playoffs,
James Worthy played on great Laker teams, but says, “Don’t forget about me.”
specifically against the Laker’s arch-rival, the Boston Celtics. Worthy’s best plays were driving dunks onto the Celtics during his playoff tenure. In addition, you could almost guarantee that Worthy would be ready for the playoffs because of his durability. Worthy was a dependable playoff force because he did not miss regular season time. In fact, in Worthy’s 13-year career, there was only one year where he did not play at least 75 of a possible 82 games played. James Worthy was not completely overshadowed by his more-famous teammates since he won the 1988 Finals MVP. Later, his greatness was also recognized when his jersey number, number 42, was retired in December of 1995. There are only 11 numbers retired by the Lakers (Kobe Bryant had both number 8 and 24 retired.) A team that won 16 championships in its franchise history, (Worthy contributing to three of those) felt it necessary to retire number 42 to honor Worthy for being one of the best Lakers of all time. He is certainly worthy of being talked about more.
One of the most decorated college receivers of all time while at Michigan State, Charles Rogers was drafted in the first round of the 2003 draft by the Detroit Lions and showed great promise. But early injuries and drug misuse led to his untimely death this year at the age of 38. (photo from Lionswire.USAToday)
the $14.2 million the Lions gave him in bonuses. On September 2, 2006, Rogers was released by the Lions. Head coach Rod Marinelli said of Rogers’ release, “We picked the men that are right for this football team. It’s behind us.” Rogers was open about his drug/substance abuse, and he told the Lansing State Journal in 2017 he became addicted to Vicodin when he was with the Lions. He also had issues with alcohol and marijuana. Rogers said he smoked marijuana every day at Michigan State and during his NFL career. Rogers died on November 11, 2019, at the age of 38. Details surrounding his death are scarce but friends and teammates confirmed that he died overnight. Chris Solari of the Detroit Free Press confirmed the news of Rogers’ death tweeting, “Can confirm: Former MSU and
Lions WR Charles Rogers has died. The Saginaw native was 38 years old.” However, Rogers’ mother, Cathy, was with her son at a Florida hospital when he died but had no further comment when contacted by the Free Press. She told the New York Times he died of liver failure. Rogers’ former teammates and coaches said he also had been battling cancer. The Detroit Lions released a statement on November 11th saying, “We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Charles Rogers. From Saginaw, to East Lansing, to Detroit, Charles’ connection to the state of Michigan and its football community was felt by many during the course of his life. We extend our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to his friends and family during this difficult time.”
Cooper Mullen continued from front page leading up to the race looked like, I asked him to describe the feelings and emotions that were going on inside his head. “The state meet was an amazing experience. As nervous as I was, the van ride up with Coach Q and some of the other boys helped take my mind off of things. We stayed the night in a hotel not far from the course and scouted it out the night before the race. When it was race time, only me and Coach Q were allowed inside the starting area. We huddled up on the fence, on one side me and Coach Q on the other.” Before heading off to the starting line he noted that they broke for one last “1,2,3 Elder!” After that moment, Mullen told me, “That gave me the chills…and before I knew it, the race was off. Cooper ended up finishing 71st out of 186 runners with a time of 16:28.3. I caught up with Coach Quatman to get his perspective on Cooper’s successful career. “Cooper is a very determined and motivated runner, student, and overall person. He works hard each day in everything that he does, not just running. I’ve never seen him not do his best during any practice or workout. His hard work has definitely paid off. Qualifying for state is a really difficult task, but he set a goal for himself and didn’t stop until he accomplished it. He sets a strong example for all of the underclassmen that look up to him,” Quatman said. Going off Coach Quatman’s point about work ethic, Cooper told me that he embraced all the mental toughness that running had to offer. He told me that blocking out the pain and persevering through the hard times is something that not only helped him in running, but will also serve him well in life. A legacy left and one that will surely not be forgotten, Cooper closed with this, “Elder CC will always hold a place in
2019 Elder State CC finalist Cooper Mullen
my heart, and I know that with passionate coaches and determined athletes, the program has a bright future. It’s heartbreaking to think that all it is now is a memory.” With much success this season, he deservingly received an opportunity to run at Ohio University next year and he will be attending the school in Athens. As a school, we are proud of Coop and all he has accomplished and can’t thank him enough for the time and dedication he has put into the school and athletic program. With that being said, congrats on a memorable running career and making Elder High School proud!
Is Black Friday hype over?
Cheetos=Chips Lukas Marlman ‘21 Staff Writer
Adam Duwel ’21 Staff Writer
We’ve all heard the debate about Chee-
tos. People say that they aren’t considered a chip. But what really is a chip, does a chip have to made from a potato and have to look like a Lay’s chip or Pringle? According to a chip is a thin slice of food (typically potato) made crisp by being fried, baked, or dried and eaten as a snack, However, does a chip have to be 100% potato or can there be substitutes. Another argument can consist of one saying that Cheetos are puffs, but what about crunchy Cheetos then? I will explain why Cheetos are indeed chips. First let’s look at the name, Cheetos. Many chips have the word chip after it like, corn chips, Lays Classic Potato Chips, Kettle Brand Jalapeño Potato Chips, etc. The name Cheetos was originally spelt, Chee-tos (with a dash) and were made by the Frito Company from Frito ingredients. But when a janitor named, Richard Montañez started adding chili powder to his Chee-tos. He pitched his idea to the CEO at the time to be
Cheetos are chips and that is proven by the Google search above.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
named Hot Cheetos and the rest is history. Even though Cheetos don’t have the word chip after it there are many chips that are the same way from, Pringles to Doritos. If we’re going by industry definitions, then tortilla chips aren’t even chips, but rather crisps, or corn-based crisps. Also, Jared Goyette said, “If someone at a dinner table asks you to pass the tortilla chips, and the product is labeled as tortilla chips, is the person wrong to call it that?” Many people in favor of calling Cheetos a chip say that they are displayed in the chip isle, which is a horrible argument due to many reasons. Cheetos should be called a chip because they are corn/potato based, fried or baked finger foods with a crunchy texture that is marketed as a snack. As established earlier the definition of a chip is, a thin slice of food made crisp by being fried, baked, or dried and typically eaten as a snack.” I believe Cheetos would fall under this definition. If you still are against me in the argument then explain to me why when you look up Best chips on Google, Cheetos are not only on the list, but number one” Also, Seth Roell says, “Cheetos are definitely chips, if they aren’t chips, what are they?” I know some and maybe a lot of people will disagree with me, but my mind will never change. Cheetos will always be considered chips in my mind.
started in downtown New York in 1924. The trend of shopping on the day after Thanksgiving began early and even lasted through the Great Depression in the 1930s. The holiday shopping season was made even longer when President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the date of Thanksgiving from the last weekend in November to the fourth weekend of November. This time would go from 19391941 this became known as “Franksgiving.” The term ‘Black Friday’ started in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The 1980s was the biggest push of shopping during the ‘Black Friday’ growth in the nation. The Black Friday hype was at an all time high, this was the first time we would see businesses open early in the AM on ‘Black Friday.’ The 1980s saw the largest number of people going shopping on Black Friday; well over 150 million. With the mid 1990s, jumps into the internet world. Amazon launching would be the beginning of the end of the traditional Black Friday shopping experience. By the turn of the 20th century Amazon started selling things other than books. They started selling anything hence the slogan “from A to Z.” The 2010s brought about a new largely growing alternative and some would argue a bigger force that could compete with Black Friday shoppers, Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday was created as a way that online websites could have sales that are the same on Black Friday just on their websites. Cyber Monday started out as a one-day sales for online
stores putting stuff on sale. By 2019 Black Friday as well as Cyber Monday exploded to more than one day blowout sales but month-long sales starting at some point before Thanksgiving and lasting until after Christmas. Brick and mortar stores simply can’t compete with the deals that are found on the online stores. The amount of money that is spent between Black Friday and Cyber Monday are about $1,000 per household. That is over a 150% increase from the decades before. As the years go on and online stores become more and more popular the crowds that used to be present at 5am on Black Friday are simply not there anymore. Don’t get me wrong people still go shopping on Black Friday but there just isn’t as much as there used to be. Kohl’s and Macy’s who both have online websites do just about the same sales online and in the store. The store will tend to have better deals than the website so they can get more people through the doors. The generation that is in high school will most likely never get up very early on Black Friday and go shopping. I have gone shopping on Black Friday a couple of times but I never woke up to get there at 5am to get the best deals. I have gone around 10 in the morning and
Tuesday November 26, 2019 the stores are a little busier than they normally are on a Friday. The Black Friday hype that we used to see with all the pushing and shoving and fights are simply not there anymore. It’s not that the shopping industry is dying it’s that the industry is making a shift to complete online sales. Take ‘Toys R Us’ for example, they used to be the number one toy store to go to until the online shopping industry and ‘Toys R Us’ didn’t leave their mark and make much of an impression on their online website. Although ‘Toys R Us’ is poised to make a return for the 2019 Christmas season via the online market. Not sure how that will work out for them. In the not so distant future the whole shopping industry will be almost 100% online. You better jump on the train or be left behind.
Black Friday scenes like this were commonplace a few years ago. (gettyimages)
Features 11
Esports growing all over Zach Thompson ‘20 Staff Writer
When asked what is a sport, the answers are pretty basic, right? Probably football, soccer, wrestling, basketball and lacrosse would come to mind, they’re all very mainstream. Sports can tie people together in many ways and can bring people closer especially when you’re playing on the same team. And being a professional athlete takes years of practice, dedication, learning the plays, and loving the sport. When you hear professional athlete, you’re most likely picturing a star athlete of your generation. But what about a scrawny teenage gamer? I’m sure they have some similarities but they cannot compare strength wise. Now take a step back for a second and brainstorm about what qualities both may share. What if I were to tell you this teenage gamer is making more money a year than most college graduates for years after graduation. How? Well this teenager is not any ordinary kid, he simply gets paid to play video games. I’ve heard many heated debates about why esports cannot be considered a sport, many of those debates end fast when it comes down to comparisons between the bodies of esports professionals and sport professionals. While non-electronic sports definitely require more muscle and physical capabilities I believe electronic games, are in fact, sport. Not everyone is naturally good at
sports, along with becoming injured and not being able to play again. I believe Esports can not only be a sport but, also be a boost for kids who weren’t ever a standout when playing traditional sports. Every kid likes video games anyways, so why not compete and play for a team if you’re good enough. Obviously sports teams require their players to possess certain skills that they can use during games or practices. I believe that the technological industry is only going to continue to be on the rise, and why shouldn’t it? Technology is advancing in our society like never before. Kids today are more in love with technology and its perks because it makes everything so much easier. So of course, Esports is going to take advantage of this. Esports games are drawing in crowds bigger than ever before. There are similarities between practices for esports and practices for sports. Even though esports is about playing video games competitively, pro’s still have to practice with their teammates daily to become familiar with the playbook. Pro’s have to really commit themselves to playing, sitting, day in and day out staring at a bright monitor. Esports has the most diversity internationally with its best competitors coming from countries like South Korea, France, China, Canada and the United States. Esports has a limited amount of games to choose from which can be played at a competitive level includ-
Around Elder: Music Gus Schlomer ‘21 Staff Writer
Over the years music has developed and
our tastes have changed. Styles of music come and go and some stay forever. The 50’s had Rock and Roll, the 60’s introduced Motown, in the 70’s ABBA began the grove with disco, country with Dolly Parton in the 80’s, Grunge in the 90’s and new age Hip-Hop and EDM starting in 2010. I was thinking about how music has changed and I thought a survey of students around Elder would give Elder an idea of how music has changed. I sat down with Reiley Inabnitt to get a grasp of what he sticks in his ears. “I listen to rap music, it gets me hyped and gives me good vibes for the long day of school ahead of me.” My Favorite artist is NBA Young Boy because I like his beat choice and his style of writing. “He overall just has good music,” said Inabnitt. If Reiley had to listen to any other
genre he stated, “Country music, it’s undisputedly the second-best genre of music and it is chill and makes me feel laid back.” I asked Reiley, what is a song lyric that would describe you? I honestly couldn’t tell you. I only listen to music for the beats, sometimes for the lyrics. Next, I sat down with Adam Duwel. “I’m a big Morgan Wallace fan but pretty much anything country. Yes Morgan Wallace, it’s a long story. Quote me on that.” From this statement, Duwel is a massive country fan. “I listen to Morgan Wallace and all the country people because that’s where my roots are I love that good ole Indiana country music. I can listen to that all day ya’ know, Yee Haw.” If he had to listen to another genre it would be classic country because it is good. When asked what song lyric describes him he said and I quote, “Just another day in paradise. I don’t know who sings that but yeah. Ooh, I kind of like that one.
Notorious BIG
When asked what music do you listen to, Kevin Schenkel replied, “I don’t know.” Schenkel is a timid person and did not want to be interviewed, but I forced him. Anything that is on B-105, I love them. The best part about it isn’t even the music, it is their dad joke of the day just after 7 am. I’m a big B-105 guy because
ing Counter Strike, Overwatch, Rocket League, League of Legends along with a few others. This topic is something that I’ve always had mixed opinions with myself, because I have a love for the game Overwatch, and I’m among the 499 other people who are top 500. Overwatch on PC has around 3 million players on their servers, to give some perspective. Being top 500 in the game takes a lot of effort, skill, focus and a competitive drive. Most players whom are among the top 500 belong to a team, but I’ve never been a fan of the aspect of having to practice with my team at least twice a week for hours on end, which leads me to believe that esports should be considered to be a sport. The highest contract offered for an Overwatch player was last year, Gesture, a very well-known competitor for South Korea was offered a contract that would come out to be $70,000 annually. Now, it does not compare to the payroll of football, soccer, or basketball players but it’s not a small amount either. The debate of whether Esports is a sport is a tough a tricky question to answer, because it differs from generation to generation. Sports have always been physical and why is that changing? Sports have always been a great entertainment for previous generations and it will be for generations to come. Sports only change along with the generation to fit societal cravings, and I believe our current generation is craving technology. Technology is only getting better and better and as the years go on technology is used more and more every day. they support us so I support them.” He uses the aux cord heavily but then said, “I needed to buy the little dongle thing for my phone and it just broke. A waste of 12 dollars.” I asked Schenkel what his favorite song was “(giggles) I don’t have a favorite song. Well maybe I do. No, I don’t, I love every song equally. Folks, this goes to show you that you are correct. Kevin Schenkel is really boring. Schenkel said song lyrics don’t define people and refused to answer the question. Interviewing all of these small sample size of student shows me that there is some diversity in the school on what we listen to. I myself am a big 80’s Hip-Hop fan and I love some Chill Hip-Hop from artists like Gianni and Kyle, Alec King, and Khalid to name a few. After hearing what my peers listen too I think I will branch out and try listening to some other things, especially Morgan Wallace.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Arts & Entertainment
Disney’s Mandalorian delivers with action and characters Thomas Peters ‘20 Staff Writer
With fast-paced action, fascinating
characters, and an interesting narrative, Disney Plus’s new show, The Mandalorian, comes out with guns a blazin’. On Disney+’s opening day, the first episode of a brand new live-action Star Wars show debuted, followed by chapter two just a few days later. I, an avid Star Wars fan, watched the two episodes promptly, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the first ever live-action Star Wars show. The show offers much more than most viewers may expect. Directed by John Favreau, the genius behind much of Marvel’s recent success, and Dave Filoni, the fan-beloved creator of two animated shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars as well as Star Wars: Rebels, The Mandalorian’s production team is fully decked-out with creative minds, and it shows. The story takes place about five years after the fall of the Galactic Empire (after the death of Darth Vader); in a galaxy that is, for the most part, lawless. Remnants of the Empire linger, yet no faction has supreme law of the land. Most people go on living their lives in relative peace, while others resort to professions such as smuggling and bounty hunting to make a living. The majority of the first two episodes detail a battle-born bounty hunter, the Mandalorian himself, on a quest to find and secure a target, who shall remain undescribed to prevent spoilers, and turn said target in for a reward in the form of beskar metal, a powerful form of steel that is highly valuable and useful in armor.
The Mandalorian hopes to collect his bounty and share the rewards with his fellow tribesmen/women, who use the precious metal to forge their armor, which is rumored to be impregnable by both blasters and lightsabers. However, the Mandalorian encounters more than a few obstacles along the way, and the invincible reputation he has earned himself over the many bloody years of bounty hunting is tested. Most of the story takes place on a desert planet, as Star Wars cinema loves to do; however, at no point does the story become desolate and dry like its setting. The story so far is a mix of fast-paced action, cold-blooded dialogue, and occasionally heart-felt moments between characters. The Mandalorian also has a very wild west feel: it takes place in a desert; small towns with lots of farms and herders scatter the open landscape, and there are plenty of villains causing trouble, as well as a few independent groups who help or try and slow down the Mandalorian’s progress. The story is unique in that it gives us a deeper look into the “scum and villainy” side of the Star Wars universe that most fans enjoy. The show does not touch the galactic-sized issues like civil war and rebellions, yet at the same time possesses themes that are just as thought-provoking and meaningful. Despite his rough look and serious attitude, there are moments that prove that the Mandalorian has a heart, and I believe that as the show continues, viewers will see deeper into of the more human side of the main character. The show also gives fans a good deal of classic and new Star Wars props, aliens,
A new original program, The Mandalorian, is featured on the new Disney+ streaming service
ships, and weapons that add to the sense of immersion and a “lived-in” world that fans long for. As for supporting characters, most are found by the Mandalorian while on the hunt for his target. Notably, the Ugnaut Kuiil helps the Mandalorian with his transportation issues while also offering guidance and knowledge about the sur-
rounding terrain. Kuiil is a peaceful moisture farmer, and is a very good influence on the Mandalorian. When he gets closer to his objective, the Mandalorian encounters a bounty-hunting droid, IG-11. IG-11 is a sarcastically programmed killing machine that helps the Mandalorian reach his target. The target itself also plays a significant role in the plot, but its identity
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Arts & Entertainment 13
Star Wars: Reviewing the entire franchise Joe Book ‘20 Staff Writer
Star Wars is a movie series that has
The title character is a bounty hunter with a heart.
is somewhat a spoiler; watch the show on Disney+ to find out more. All the while, The Mandalorian, like all twenty-first century Star Wars films, is a visual masterpiece. The special effects are absolutely breathtaking. Gigantic props, inventive weapons, futuristic robots, digitally-created monsters, and fiery explosions are riddled throughout the show’s first two episodes. Even if the story was an absolute train wreck, the special effects would still make this show fun to watch. Overall, The Mandalorian has proven to be a fantastic show after its first two episodes. Tune in to The Mandalorian if you’re looking for some western-style bounty-hunting set in the Star Wars universe. Even if you don’t like Star Wars or don’t plan to watch The Mandalorian, I highly recommend subscribing to Disney+ if you have not already. Hopefully the show continues to deliver Star Wars fans more of the content they love, and add another meaningful chapter to the expanding Star Wars universe. For now, The Mandalorian is proving to do just that.
The Last Jedi poster from
left an enormous mark on the minds of several American generations. Nearly any person who walks into a theatre can name the main characters if not summarize the whole plot. But let’s delve deeper. Let’s take an in-depth look at the phenomena that has spawned everything from video games to novel adaptations. Star Wars was formulated in the early 70s by George Lucas, the up and coming writer and director of American Graffiti, a film which brought him to the attention of the prestigious film company 20th Century Fox. Lucas pitched the two-page synopsis of his story and got the ok from Fox, and production began on the soon to be famous series. The first and original Star Wars would debut on May 25, 1977, eventually grossing over $775 million dollars on a budget of $11 million. After the first film’s great financial success, a sequel, The Empire Strikes Back, would be released. After that, the final movie of the original series Return of the Jedi would cap off the first trilogy. After a nearly two-decade hiatus, Lucas would create the controversial “prequel trilogy”, to additional financial success. Although Star Wars would maintain a vibrant status within the film community and the greater popular culture, Lucas would depart from the franchise, selling his company, Lucasfilm, and the rights of the series to Disney. Disney would go on to create the most recent entries in the set of movies, with The Force Awakens released in 2015, The Last Jedi in 2017, and the upcoming Rise of Skywalker, to be released in December 2019. So, obviously Star Wars has had an immense impact on the film psyche of
America (and the world), but has it stood the test of time? Well, I think the answer is a little nuanced. The original trilogy for example, leaves the mind sated. The combination of the classic “hero’s journey” arc coupled with special effects and complimented by a cast of talented actors, makes the movie hard to forget. You will be hard pressed to find a kid in the United States who does not know the name Han Solo or Luke Skywalker. The prequels are an entirely different story though. According to Lucas, the prequels were something that was always on the drawing board. Producer for the series, Gary Kurtz, even stated that plans for the prequel trilogy were “developed during the outlining of the original two films”. However, due to the pressure both from the making of the original three movies and from his wife, Lucas held off on making them. The 90s though brought new technology that streamlined the process and 20th Century Fox would eventually release the first one, The Phantom Menace; in 1999, the second, Attack of the Clones; in 2002, and finally Revenge of the Sith; in 2005. They were all received to…mixed reviews. The criticisms ranged from the inclusion of generally hated comic relief character Jar Jar Binks to the complete and utter dominance of CGI and terrible special effects. Although generally disliked for their quality as stories and for their visuals, some fans hold and defend the stance that they’re good movies. Kelly Lawler, a writer for USAtoday, wrote that they simply “tell a different kind of story” which was “too jarring for many fans”. In addition to this, many some others hold the position that they are the type of movie that are “so bad they’re good”. The prequels, despite their bad reception, didn’t mark the end of the beloved franchise. George Lucas had always planned nine films. In the 70s he’d create the beloved original series. In the 2000s, he’d create and finish the prequels. However, he would not get the opportunity to create the final three. In 2012, Disney acquired Lucas’s film company, Lucasfilms, and later on in the year they, not Lucas, would announce the final act of the franchise. The first one, The Force Awakens, would be released in 2015, featuring an entirely new cast and a break from the old story line. This would be followed with The Last Jedi in 2017, which although a financial success and statistically positive, was met to mixed reception. Among the criticisms lobbed at the film was its plot, progressive themes, and forced humor. Personally, I remember one particular
The original Episode IV: A New Hope is now a collector’s item. (
scene where (spoilers), Leia’s starship gets destroyed and she gets blasted into space. She survives though and proceeds to fly back to safety – an act I found absurd. Star Wars was never a franchise applauded for its realism but I remember specifically walking out of the theatre thinking “what in the world did I just watch”. I also took the opinion of fellow Elder senior Jack Bailey, who had this to say about the film: “In my opinion, the film was a complete cinematic failure”. He went on to say that there were parts of the movie that felt “extremely slow” and that he didn’t like the useless characters such as the newly added Rose. Finally, he described the whole sequence on Crait as a recycled version of the famous Hoth battle from episode 5. In spite of these criticisms the last film, The Rise of Skywalker, is scheduled to be released December 20th, 2019. Now quite frankly, I don’t know what to expect. The Force Awakens was an alright enough film, but The Last Jedi was just not that good in my opinion. Like the saying goes, I’m hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Star Wars is one of the most significant film franchises in the history of cinema and I’m interested to see what the future holds for it. With the release of what’s being called the Anthology, namely Rogue One and Solo, Star Wars is expanding outside what can be considered the main plot. Although it’s had its up and downs, I’m excited to see just what exactly the series pumps out next.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Arts & Entertainment
Christmas brings unfortunate shortage in new games
Jacob Cowans ‘20 Staff Writer
There have been surprisingly few new
games announced to be arriving before Christmas, and many anticipated new games set to come out closer to March or later next year. However, there are still some games that should certainly be on your mind for the coming months. Some of the blockbusters that have historically dominated this season are absent. EA has no blockbuster multiplayer shooter this year, and instead has a single-player Star Wars adventure to plug the gap. Ubisoft has just the solitary AAA release this quarter. One series that has a December release date planned is Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: The Rebel Collection. While it is not a new game, it contains a great deal, especially in time for Christmas. With this package deal, players will receive two games for the price of one, with all DLC (downloadable content) included. This deal will include Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed Rogue. These two action-packed games and all past DLC will only be around $40, cheaper than most games around, especially for a bundle deal. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag lets you become the most feared pirate in the Caribbean, and in Assassin’s Creed Rogue you will transform into the ultimate assassin hunter. Black Flag allows players to take part in an award-winning naval experience and explore a massive open world. Rogue is the first game in the franchise that allows players to be the enemy of the Assassins, and play as a Templar for the first time.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
The Nintendo Switch release allows for enhanced features, too, including Handheld Mode, HD Rumble, Touch Screen Interface, and Motion Control Aiming. Looking a little farther into the future, Square Enix has finally revealed more footage of the highly anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake. Almost three years since we have heard any news about the project, fans have been hoping for this remake for a very long time. The first Final Fantasy VII is a classic that was first released back in 1997 for the original PlayStation. Back when the game was released, Final Fantasy VII boasted state-of-the-art 3D graphics and a storyline that spanned three discs and more than 50 hours of gameplay. Now, they are hoping to recapture some of those claims in the modern era. The upcoming remake totally rebuilds the game from the ground up with modern visuals and overhauled combat mechanics. Final Fantasy VII Remake will completely overhaul the gameplay style in general, too. Players will have the ability to control multiple characters and run around freely. This will provide a much different experience from the original Final Fantasy VII, which has turn-based combat, and no mobility during battle whatsoever. So far, the gameplay in the
remake looks more similar to 2017’s Final Fantasy XV or Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, the prequel released for the PlayStation Portable in 2007. Square Enix plans to release Final Fantasy VII Remake as a series of interconnected episodes, so fans will have to wait until every chapter is released to enjoy the full story. So far, all of the footage of Final Fantasy VII Remake has come from the first few hours of the game. The first chapter of Final Fantasy VII Remake will be released on March 3, 2020. One more installment coming to the Nintendo Switch in the coming months is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This series has become some of Nintendo’s most beloved games, and this new addition to the Animal Crossing series launches March 20, 2020, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch system. The new game will contain countless new features, setting your customized character on a deserted island getaway. The Nintendo official site says, “If the hustle and bustle of modern life’s got you down, Tom Nook has a new business venture up his sleeve that he knows you’ll adore: The Nook Inc. Deserted Island Getaway Package! Sure, you’ve crossed paths with colorful characters near and far. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Will Bad Boys equal the hype? Jackson Grimmelsman ‘21 Staff Writer
The Bad Boy movie series has been a
mix of insane action and hilarious comedy. The films are known for the iconic duo of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. It has been 16 years since a Bad Boys movie has hit the big screens, but the Bad Boys will make a return in early 2020 with the sequel to the movie series Bad Boys for Life. The sequel has caused a lot of hype around the nation included 170 tweets per hour according to twitter. I have dug deep to find information about the upcoming movie that will bring laughter to the big screen early in 2020. The first official trailer was published in early September by Sony Pictures. Not even two days in to official release, the first official trailer hit number one trend-
ing according to YouTube. Today, the first official trailer has hit a total 4.1 million views. Just on the statistics of total views, the fans want more info and more trailers. So, Sony pictures gave it to them by releasing the second trailer a week ago. Even Will Smith himself has provided some behind the scenes in one of his previous vlogs on his YouTube channel. In his vlog, he goes into detail about returning to finish off the series with his good friend Martin Lawrence and the day in the life of being in the studio on everyday business. In Will Smith’s vlog, he shows his fans that he has his very own office in the studio to edit his lines. However, his vlog isn’t just him talking about editing lines for the new movie, he adds in typical skits and pranks with some of the studio’s staff to engage the watchers at home to be more involved with the vlog.
Have a grand time as one of the city folks. May’ve even turned over a new leaf and dedicated yourself to public service! But deep down, isn’t there a part of you that longs for…freedom? Then perhaps a long walk on the beach of a deserted island, where a rich wealth of untouched nature awaits, is just what the doctor ordered!” Peaceful creativity and charm await as you roll up your sleeves and make your new life whatever you want it to be. Collect resources and craft everything from creature comforts to handy tools. Embrace your green thumb as you interact with flowers and trees in new ways. Set up a homestead where the rules of what goes indoors and out no longer apply. Make friends with new arrivals, enjoy the seasons, and explore the new island. Customize your character and home, and decorate the landscape, as you create your very own island paradise. Experience a robust new crafting system, enabling players to collect resources in order to build new furniture and tools. Enjoy a variety of relaxing activities like gardening, fishing, decorating, interacting with charming NPCs, and more, as classic Animal Crossing experiences come to life in fun new ways within the deserted island setting. Unfortunately for gamers, there won’t be very many new games coming out in time for Christmas. However, there have been many recent releases over the past few months that could keep players entertained until the next big releases arrive around March and later. More hopefully for next year’s Christmas, 2020 will be a massive year across the board for big games and even new consoles. Bad Boys Martin Lawrence and Will Smith return in the upcoming sequel.
Smith talks about how he and Lawrence still have a really strong chemistry. After not making a Bad Boys movie for 16 years, Smith tells the viewers, “It fells like he and I didn’t miss a day. That comedic chemistry and the energy is right there.” Smith also reveals some interesting facts throughout all of his vlogs of the movie’s production. One of the things that he reveals is that during the mornings of video
production, Lawrence hates the camera being in his face. Smith also explains how he used to be the funny guy in production of the fist two films coming from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. As he hit this production, Smith says that he transferred into the “straight man” and Lawrence became the funny guy. Smith predicts when the movie hits the theaters in early 2020, that it will be an absolute banger to watch, and so does the rest of the production team. As Smith continues to draw attraction to his vlogs about the behind the scenes of Bad Boys for Life, it causes people to be impatient and really excited to watch the movie. Bad Boys fans have been waiting for a sequel to end the movie series for 17 years. And it will finally happen: Coming to theaters near you, January 17, 2020.
Tuesday November 26, 2019
Arts & Entertainment 15
Disney+ dispels dubious doubt Thomas Peters ‘20 Staff Writer
As television crawls towards a slow,
pitiful death, streaming services have exploded in popularity in response to the growing demand for binge-worthy entertainment. In the past ten years, services such as Netflix, HBO, and Hulu have dominated the streaming realm for the most part. As TV stations like NBC and other media providers such as Disney saw the growing success of online streaming, they too considered forming their own online streaming services. Hoping to make their own subscription-based sites, NBC, Disney, and other media providers had their content removed from Netflix and similar sources, giving their fans limited access to their products, and forcing them to subscribe to yet another service if they wanted to continue to enjoy their beloved films and series. This past week, Disney+, the new home to all Disney-owned media, made its debut on its own brand-new platform. The fully-fledged library of Disney plus includes more titles than you suspect. As of now, Disney owns the rights to their own children’s classics, such as The Lion King, Pocahontas, and all of the own Disney channel originals shows like Hannah Montana. Disney also owns most of the Marvel Universe, including the Avengers series, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, etc. In addition, Disney+ includes most content from the National Geographic channel, giving viewers access to the very best nature has to offer. Finally, and in my opinion, most notably, Disney is the owner of the Star Wars universe, having bought the rights from George Lucas himself in 2012 for a whopping sum of 4.05 billion, with a B, dollars. Obviously, Disney owns more than most people realize; the amount of content on Disney+ is absolutely staggering. I believe that as of now, Disney+ is the best option out of all the available streaming services, and here is why. First, I would like to congratulate Disney on their initial success. Due to offering a free trial to all users for a whole week, as well as offering deals to certain Verizon costumers for a whole year of access for free, Disney plus gained nearly
10 million subscribers in the first TWO DAYS of their offer. For comparison, it took HBO three whole years to reach only half of that subscriber base. The reason for Disney+ success is most likely due to the nearly universal appeal. Regardless of whether you are an aspiring young Disney princess, a young Jedi Knight, a Marvel nerd, a 90’s kid looking to reflect upon the stories of your childhood, or even a parent hoping to provide your kids with some good-natured, classic content, Disney+ exceeds the demands of your order. Surprisingly, access to the plethora of Disney media comes cheap; Disney offers a $6.99/month plan as well as a $69.99/year option. These prices are close to half of what other streaming services cost, not to mention the ridiculous price of cable television. Verizon customers who have the unlimited data plan can also get an entire year of Disney+ free, courtesy of Verizon. In addition, Disney is offering a joint deal for $12.99 including Hulu as well as ESPN+. For a growing family on a budget, Disney+ is the way to go. With Disney+, parents can provide their kids with all the entertainment they would ever need, as well as be able to watch sports from ESPN+ and the adult shows included on HULU, all while not breaking the bank. It is for the reasons above that I believe that Disney+ is well worth your hard-earned money. With so much content and a reasonable price, it sounds too good to be true, but it is. I subscribed to the streaming platform on its opening day, and within the first week I have already gotten my money’s worth. Disney+ is definitely the way to go. I would even recommend dropping subscriptions to other sites if you want to save money, and definitely get rid of your cable television subscription. The Disney+ bundle including ESPN+ and Hulu provides fans with most content that they could ever need, unless you’re some sort of TV junkie. For moderate television fans such as myself and most people, this cheap yet complete plan is your best bet. Disney+, after initial success and great reactions from subscribers, looks like it is here to stay; I recommend hopping on the Disney+ train before you miss out on anything else this new deal has to offer.
Historically-based Midway belongs with classics Chase Schaerer ‘20 Staff Writer
Saving Private Ryan, and
Hacksaw Ridge are two of the best movies ever created based on events of World War II. However, a new movie that just came out a couple weeks ago could be a candidate to be added to that list. The movie Midway just recently came out in theaters, and made more than $35 million in just a week. The movie is an amazing work, perfectly combining the modern affects of today’s digital world with the events of 1942. The Battle of Midway occurred nearly six months after the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor in June of 1942. Midway was the turning point for war in the Pacific, and without an American victory there, the Japanese would have had an island from which they could attack Hawaii, and eventually the entire American west coast. Midway is based on real people and real events. In this movie, we follow the military life of Naval pilot Dick Best as he survives both Pearl Harbor and Midway. In this movie, Best has to overcome both the physical battle of Midway as well as the mental battles that come with war. The movie starts off with Best’s best friend dying in the attacks on Pearl Harbor. This is devastating for him because he went to the Naval Academy in Annapolis with him, but he goes on. Best is stationed on the USS Enterprise in the Pacific Ocean a few hundred miles away from Hawaii, and the front line of defense between Japan and the US. Best leads a dramatically outnumbered charge on the Japanese fleet in what becomes known as the battle of Midway. The Americans were outnumbered in this battle, but with key intelligence from intelligence officer, Edwin Layton played by Patrick Wilson, the American forces were able to catch the Japanese fleet off guard. In the end, the Americans were able to pull off an incredible military feat as they sank the Japanese carriers and turned the tide of war in the Pacific. This movie was a great overall production, with great actors/actresses, who all filled their roles perfectly. Upon research into the battle of Midway as well as war in the Pacific, this movie is very historically accurate. For any history fanatic wanting to watch an entertaining
Midway poster
and exciting movie with some historical background, this would be a fantastic movie to see. The main character is Best who is played by British actor Ed Skrein. This is a typical role for Skein with him playing a character with tons of action. Perhaps his most well-known role is when he played the antagonist Ajax in the Marvel movie Deadpool. Another actor that plays a heavy role in this movie is Dennis Quaid who plays ‘Bull’ Halsey. Halsey was a fleet admiral in the US Navy, and a rugged officer, played very well by Quaid who has had many similar roles in other movies. Midway is a perfect example of a past story being created with all the modern technologies we have today to make as realistic as possible. The special effects were extremely well done with all kinds of World War II planes and ships looking like they were real. You cannot tell whether these ships and scenes are real or computer generated. With it being a war movie, there are lots of explosions and shooting that is realistic. Midway can definitely be put into the same category as Saving Private Ryan and Hacksaw Ridge as one of the best World War II movies created. The captivating plot, historical accuracy, and the technological effects led to an overall outstanding movie.
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Rawlings bats; dead or alive?
Cincinnati just does it better
Zack Williams ‘20 Staff Writer
Jack Langen ‘20 Staff Writer
most valuable possession. The first is obviously one’s glove, or mitt. It is a sport where some can be very superstitious, and others not so much. I am going to be focusing on the baseball bat in this article, and players’ superstitions and concerns about their specific bat. This article will consist of a feud between two Elder Baseball players, Mike Connolly and Kory Klingenbeck, and their feud on whether, or not the Rawlings bat is dead. Mike and Kory are both users of the Rawlings bat, they just have different views on it. The feud is simple to understand. Mike believes that the Rawlings bats are labeled as “dead” after a year of use. A dead bat is one that is used to its max, and no longer has any pop, or power left in it. Kory, who has had his Rawlings for two years, strongly disagrees with Mike’s remarks. Mike is a lot more intelligent than Kory, so we are going to start out with his reasoning for being correct on this debate. Mike made some really good points, and he started it all off by saying, “Rawlings bats come hot out of the package, ready to swing in game situations the first time they are used.” He then explained how these bats tend to wear down over time, which means they generate less pop when the ball is struck. Mike furthered his argument by proving that these aluminum bats tend to lose over half of their pop at around the year mark for a player that swings consistently and daily. Mike then said, “Therefore, the need to purchase a new bat was important due to the fact that I purchased the older model during the season last year.” Kory believes that his bat is not dead because according to Kory, “Mike barely used his bat last year during the season.”
and people all across this land are showing their thanks in many ways. Whether pigskin or pumpkin pie, everyone has their beloved traditions, but the 513 seems to have its own unique spin on them. Here are a few ways Cincy does it better.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner,
Baseball bats are a ballplayer’s second
Connolly and his Rawlings
Mike then went on to explain how the purchase of a new bat with more pop would benefit him as a player. He said, “This would enhance my in-game performance this year as a senior, leading to an increase in batting average, and slugging percentage.” Mike’s last comment was one that quoted coach John Dressman. He said to Kory, “I am big, you’re big, now let’s party.” Kory, being the type of kid he is, got a few laughs out of this, and pretty much just kept repeating himself by telling Mike his new bat that he just purchased is already dead. Kory also disagrees with Mike because his bat “still hits bombs” and he has had the Rawlings for two years now, and there is still plenty pop left. In the end, Mike won the debate, but Kory is still relaxing in Mike’s head, and destroying him with mind games. It really comes down to what you guys think though, is Mike’s theory of Rawlings bats true, or is he just showing his superstitious baseball attitude here?
Per my Source: Dome Nicholas Seger ‘20 Staff Writer
All sorts of rumors have been circu-
lating Elder recently, one of these being the addition of a rugby team. However, a more intriguing rumor has been rampantly traveling throughout the halls of Elder. This rumor is the construction of a dome over the Pit. Yes, you heard that right. Per my source, the Pit is getting a dome. For those of you who do not know, a dome completely covers the top of a sporting field. It eliminates weather being a factor which makes the field playable year-round. When it comes to football, towards the end of the season it can get very frigid outside. Snow and ice can even prevent a field from being playable. Also, practice cannot be held outside when there is lightning. With wrestling or volleyball in the old gym and basketball in the fieldhouse, there becomes almost nowhere to go when the weather is poor. However, the addition of a dome would eliminate all of these problems. From my own personal experience of playing football, cold weather can really impact a player’s game. It certainly makes it more difficult to catch and throw a football. Although, I will never get to play inside of it, I still strongly support this construction for all the future football players. Along with football, other sports teams, clubs, and events will use/ take place in the Pit. Many different sports teams condition on the field when football is not in season. Also, the Pit is used for ElderFest and Party in the Pit. Poor weather is something that has impacted Elder-
Tuesday November 26, 2019
over the Pit
Fest multiple times, and the dome will also prevent this. For Party in the Pit, a lot of money is spent each year on renting tents to cover the dancing area, so rain does not ruin the night. This is yet another problem the dome would fix. After conversing with my sources, I have learned that the dome will be very similar to Syracuse’s football stadium, the Carrier Dome. The Pit’s dome will have the same structure as the Carrier Dome, meaning there will be lights and speakers hanging from it with a large clear area towards the center. The only difference is that instead of the white color Syracuse
If you’ve ever been waiting on Thanksgiving morning for guests to come over or for football to start, you’ve probably turned on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and seen the impressive show—the bands, the crowds, the floats— spanning 2.7 miles. Here in Price Hill, we can fit all of that excitement in an even two. That’s right, the annual Price Hill Thanksgiving Day Parade will continue this year with appearances of vintage cars, floats, and local school groups, including Elder’s marching band. This tradition has been going on since 1990, and is still going strong. Hundreds will line the parade route with their families to enjoy this spectacle before enjoying Thanksgiving dinner.
Holiday Specials:
Every holiday season, ABC will roll out Snoopy and the gang for the Peanuts special. Charlie Brown will continue to fall for Lucy’s football gag, and Peppermint Patty will make a big fuss again. It’s a classic, sure, but at the same time it’s the only Thanksgiving special that ABC runs worth seeing. Slotted from 8:00-8:30pm on Wednesday and butted up against SNL Thanksgiving at 9pm on NBC, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving leaves a huge gap in programming from 8:30-9 (with the justok Charlie Brown: Mayflower Voyagers inadequately filling the interim). CBS doesn’t really run a Thanksgiving special, so this is a big opportunity to cash in on the holiday-special business; what better show to run than the ‘Turkeys Away’ episode of WKRP Cincinnati.
Photoshop image of what a Carrier-Dome like structure would look like over our beloved Pit.
National and local parades
If you do not know, the premise behind this episode is a Thanksgiving promotion from a local radio station in which the station would give away turkeys by dropping them from a helicopter. Surprisingly, this goes awry. It is said that this episode is based off a true story of a grocery store presenting a similar promotion. Leave it to 70’s TV to actually make an episode out of it.
Sure, America has the Cowboys and the Lions and what not, but, back in the day, it was a different game that had the attention of Cincinnati. From 1924 until 1978, when the OHSAA started its new playoff format, Western Hills and Elder would meet up for an annual battle on Thanksgiving Day morning. From the time that the Thanksgiving series went, Elder dominated, going 35-14-1. The Panthers rode a long winning streak from ’59-’77, but fell on the final game 0-6. We got our revenge, however, in the opening game of the following season. Even though this series hasn’t been played on Thanksgiving in years, football is still very much a part of Thanksgiving to many. With the absence of the Elder-Western Hills game, west siders now have time to play some football of our own with friends and family, an activity that brings us closer together. Scenes from Thanksgivings past: Elder vs. West High at the Pit.
has, it will be purple. My sources also stated that construction will start right around January, and they look to be done in two short months. This means that next year’s football team will be the first to take advantage of this dome. The dome has way more benefits than flaws. The only possible flaw I see with this is the high expense, but Elder’s donors should take care of it. In the end, what’s not to like about an enormous field that will always be at a comfortable temperature and never be impacted by weather? Although this would be amazing to have, this entire article was fabricated. I do not know of any high school that has a dome over their football field. It is simply too expensive, and the construction would be too time consuming. The Pit does not need any additions because it is great just as it is.