Connect Journal: Welcoming

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On The Way by Bill Bixby

The Network’s definition that lifts up welcoming as a core value of youth and household ministry, talks about Jesus, a lot. I like that. Of course, some folks think that Lutherans don’t do that nearly enough. I hope that this definition surprises them!

A powerful Christian witness of the second century, Tertullian, spoke about the public image of believers in North Africa this way: “What marks us in the eyes of our enemies is our lovingkindness. ‘Only look,’ our enemies say, ‘look how they love one another.’” By welcoming one another, as Christ welcomes us (Romans 15:7).

I also hope that our conversation about the “Jesus-patterned” welcome surprises and challenges us! The Jesus-patterned welcome is, well, it’s serious. The Network definition captures this because it points to the radical nature of Jesus’ welcome.

Oh, that the same will be said of us, and of our ministry places with young people!

Jesus welcomed others across longstanding social and religious barriers. Jesus welcomed others in a public way, in a communitytransforming way. Jesus welcomed others in a way that called forth a new Israel, and a new creation. That’s a revolutionary welcome— and Jesus paid a steep price for extending that welcome.

On the Way, and in the waters, with you,

Bill Bixby, who has been an ELCA pastor for twenty-two years and a blessed-by-youth minister for even longer, lives and serves in Chicago, IL as Director for Youth Ministry. From 2000 to 2007, Bill served (and sometimes taught at) two ELCA seminaries in a lively project of theological and vocational discovery with teens.

Quite a few young people of our churches already get this, instinctively, and live it out, practically. (Lots of adults do, too.) Our calling, deeply rooted in baptism—the ultimate act of death-overcoming, life-imparting welcome—is to shape communities of such daring hospitality that folks can’t help but notice, and join in.

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