Wireless & RF Magazine

Page 29

INDUSTRY INTERVIEW our website, registers, and downloads WICED—that’s the way we meet the largest number of new customers. The second way is through our module and MCU partners, who bring customers to us because they need the connectivity part. The third way is through companies like consultancy firms and IoT integration companies who are becoming part of our ecosystem who basically help companies set up IoT strategies and products.

What are some of the more exciting applications that this technology can enable? Obviously, business models are going to change. For years, we have envisioned refrigerators telling the user when they need milk, which really isn’t that interesting of a scenario. What is really interesting is when the appliances in a home can identify their wear and determine when they need to be repaired and replaced in advance of that actually happening. The same thing can be applied to automobiles— industrial component management and monitoring will be a big change to how business models work.

I try to be a student of big data and what it all means. The idea of business analytics available through machine-tomachine data will completely change the world. These will be jobs that we have never heard of and there will be data scientists analyzing things we could have never imagined. When you have information from tens of millions of points, whether it be agricultural sensors or smart city devices, we know that it will change product development like never before. I think the IoT will become what people say is the next big technology revolution.

What is really interesting is when the appliances in a home can identify their wear and determine when they need to be repaired and replaced in advance of that actually happening.


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