IISH Annual Report 2011

Page 104

Sjaak van der Velden [with D. Olders],

Erik-Jan Zürcher, ‘Hoe Constantinopel viel’,

Respect! De staking van de schoonmakers in 2010.

in: H. Amersfoort et al (eds), Belaagd en

Rotterdam: Wetenschappelijk Bureau SP,

Belegerd. Amsterdam: Balans, 101-117.

126 pp. Erik-Jan Zürcher, ‘Renewal and Silence: Christian De Vito, ‘Lettera dall’Olanda’, Lo

Postwar Unionist and Kemalist Rhetoric on

Straniero, vol 15, no 128, 34-39.

the Armenian genocide’, in: R. Suny, F. Gocek and N. Naimark (eds), A Question of


Jan Luiten van Zanden, ‘The Malthusian

Genocide. Oxford: Oxford University Press,

Intermezzo: Women’s Wages and Human


Capital Formation between the late Middle Ages and the Demographic Transition of the

Pim de Zwart, ‘South African Living

19th Century’, The History of the Family, vol 16,

Standards in Global Perspective, 1835-1910’,

no 4, 331-343.

Economic History of Developing Regions, vol 26, no 1, 49-74.

Jan Luiten van Zanden [with E.Buringh and M. Bosker], ‘The Rise and Decline of

Pim de Zwart, ‘The Global Collaboratory on

European Parliaments, 1188–1789’, Economic

the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000’,

History Review, vol 65, no 3, 835-861.

https://collab.iisg.nl/group/labourrelations/ Labour Relations in Ceylon, 1650 (dataset)

Jan Luiten van Zanden et al, ‘Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in China, 1739–1925: in Comparison with Europe, Japan, and India’, Economic History Review, vol 64, no 1 Jan Luiten van Zanden [with D. Ma] (eds) Law and Long Term Economic Change: A Eurasian Perspective. Stanford University Press , Xiv + 358 pp. Jan Luiten van Zanden [with D.Ma], ‘Law and Economic Change in Traditional China: a ‘Legal Origin’ Perspective on the Great Divergence’, in: ibid., 1-19. Erik-Jan Zürcher, ‘Demographic Engineering, State Building and the Army. The Ottoman Empire and the First World War’, in: J. Leonhard and U. von Hirschhausen (eds), Comparing Empires. Goettingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 530-544.

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