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Figure 1.1: The activities of the Scrum software development process

and they typically come from the stakeholders of the new product. The release backlog contains requirements taken from the product backlog and identified to be a part of a certain release. Here the requirements usually carry more details than the one in the product backlog. The final backlog is the sprint backlog, and consists of requirements from the release backlog, these requirements are specified down to tasks taking no more than 8-12 hours. A sprint lasts up to four weeks and the team should design, develop, test and document software components based on the requirements specified in the sprint backlog. Before each sprint, the team meets with the Scrum Master and they have a sprint planning meeting where they decide what requirements to include in the upcoming sprint. Within a sprint there are daily scrums; a meeting of no more than 15 minutes where the Scrum Master meets the team members to discuss the progress of their work. For this meeting only three questions are allowed: 1. What have you done since the last daily scrum? 2. What has impeded your work? 3. What are you planning on doing for the next daily scrum? Following a sprint is a sprint review where they meet again to compare the accomplished work with the backlog items, possibly resulting in adding more requirements to the product backlog. At the time when no more requirements are present in the product backlog, the development enters the last stage called the closure where the final debugging, marketing and promotion take place. Figure 1.1 illustrates the activities of the development process. This particular project is an individual project, hence the team in the process consists of one person only. The role of the Scrum master is given to the supervisors of the project, but the author will also be able to edit the product backlog. Each sprint has been set to a period of approximately 2 weeks and daily scrums are to be held every Wednesday and Friday. Organisation of the different backlogs and sprint should be done using ScrumWorks4 , Unleashed Team Self-Organisation.


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