Bible for Blockheads

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Spiritually, the Jews were looking for a Deliverer who would usher in a golden age — a return to the glory of David’s great kingdom. God had promised throughout the Old Testament that he would send a Messiah, or Deliverer, to rule forever over his people. Roman tyranny over Palestine made


that hope even stronger. The general expectation was that the Messiah would be a political/military leader who would overthrow the Romans. Jesus came offering a kingdom of truth and justice. Most of the Jews in Judea rejected his message.

1. What does it take to be a good citizen of a nation? How do those qualities apply to citizens of God’s kingdom? 2. Take fifteen minutes and read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 – 7) out loud. What part of the sermon do you find most difficult or unrealistic? What section is most comforting? 3. Think of one way in which you already show your allegiance to Jesus as King. Which acts of loyalty could you add to it? 4. Who is the king of your life?

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