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You will notice that when the box is to the side of the vanishing point you will see a different view than the first box. This is one of the reasons perspective isn’t often used in regular icon design, if an element of the design is away from the vanishing point you can sometimes end up with some surprising results. For items such as boxes and folders, one-point perspective can work quite well. Step 7 – Find the Middle Point of Each Side I’m going to go ahead and add some more details so you can see how they are added using perspective. So draw a diagonal line from the top corners of each side, where they intersect is the middle point of that side.

Finding the middle point of each side.

Step 8 – Adding Guides Here comes the tricky part. We’re going to make a light grid across the sides of the box. This grid will help us place the details correctly. Start by drawing a square grid across the front of the boxes. A good trick is to draw a cross through the middle point then mark out the middle of the sections it makes and so on.

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