The Edge | December 2020

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the energies of 2021 • december horoscope a pleiadian message • holistic resources • coming events

exploring the evolution of consciousness

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Doing What You Love The Edge Interview with Lena Swanson, Healer & Animal Communicator by Tim Miejan

14 Finding Joy, by Carolyn Chilton Casas 20  Path 11: Streaming the Mysteries 21 Possessions as Possessors, by Meta Enzo Titus 22 The Soul of Trees, by Jaap van Etten, Ph.D.

P O E T RY O N T H E E D G E 26 Use Your Joy, by Jacqueline Suskin

4 Be the Light of the World, by Guy Finley 6 December Horoscope: A Turning Point  Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac by Heather Roan Robbins 7 A Spiritual Celebration of Jesus’ Birth by Paramahansa Yogananda 7  Solitaire, by Rachel Roman Tipton 8  In Tribute to The Edge Magazine  by Jennifer Salness | Rachel Miejan 9   The Energies of 2021: Questioning Our Freedoms, by Maureen Higgins 10  The Energies of 2021: Prophecy & Light  of Truth, by Christine St. Germain 11  The Energies of 2021: Reflections and Projections, Spirit Leaves, by Janet Michele Red Feather 12  Anchoring the Essence of Oneness  A Pleiadian Message, by Christine Day

27 Whispering Trees, by Tanya Fillbrook 27 Broken Together, by Tori Weinstein 27 Invisible Pain, by Maria Lisa Polegatto 27 Audio Birds, by Victoria Ruiz 27 Another Moth, by Ahrend Torrey 28 Poems for You, by Carolyn Chilton Casas Because • Compassion My Voice • A Continuance of Change As a Child • The Puzzle Don’t Forget to Remember Dear one, whenever you are able The Sentinels • Lately Thank You, Spirit

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Be the Light of the World GUY FINLEY EVERY JOURNEY OF GENUINE selfdiscovery, and the subsequent changes this process produces in us, must begin somewhere. We begin our journey with a great but unrealized truth: within each of us resides a power that can change the whole world. It’s true; we each have a secret character hidden away inside of us that is created for just the alchemical purpose of transforming any dark influence into a beneficial force. And yet, as appealing as the idea of such a power may sound to us, to take conscious possession of its strength is not that simple. Becoming an instrument of this higher power takes more than merely wishing for its entrance into our life. To realize such a viable wisdom requires action in the Now. So let us be clear: we are created with everything that we need to transform and transcend the shadows of fear, regrets and resentments that prowl the corridors of our sleeping consciousness. And when these secret seeds of conflict have been revealed and released, we are, as well, for then nothing negative remains within us to goad us into acting against ourselves. Multiply this possibility by billions of beings and gone are the mindless wars and all the selfish acts of socially accepted gluttony. Perhaps you are wondering, what is this great power entrusted to us by which we may overcome all of our interior adversaries? Here is the answer: Each of us is created to be the Light of the world. Within each of us resides a nascent light born into this world with us. We can think of this as being the light of higher conscience by whose compassionate intelligence we are empowered to discern what is helpful from what is harmful, to intuitively know the difference between a genuine act of kindness and a kindness done for selfish reasons. By this light we are able to tell what is true and what is false. When we do our part to live in the awareness of this light so that its presence becomes an active power within us, then what is there that can remain with the BY


power to hurt us? How can any unseen darkness prevail if its character is revealed before it begins its punishing action? Just think of such a power and the freedoms it must bear. Yet, as encouraging as these words are meant to be, here also is a word of caution: We must take care neither to let our own doubts discount such a hope, nor must we assume possession of what we hope for as a foregone conclusion. Such assumptions always lead to defeat and heartache. We must understand this positive power remains a potential, for if this living light were already actualized in us, no negative state could dominate us. So, our first step in learning to be the light of the world must be to increase our awareness of these various negative forces at work within us, while being careful to neither judge ourselves for what we see, nor accept any of our findings as an inescapable limitation. In fact,

rather than identifying with the usual sense of injury that comes with seeing something unwanted in us, and then mindlessly judging ourselves, we will do something totally new. We will use these same discomforts to remind us to direct our attention to that living light within us that has the power to make any darkness disappear. Even if all we possess is a faint suspicion that we are created to transcend these troubled thoughts and feelings that vex our soul, that’s a fine place to start. The important thing is to begin! We must learn to actualize this higher life now being visualized through our intuition. There is no other way to turn our own possibility into a real power. One simple example makes this point. Years ago someone had an insight that common sunlight could be harnessed in a practical way to produce solar-generated energy. Today we have learned how to transform the sun’s energy into our helpful and healthful servant. Now we see a new possibility; we want to become conscious partners with the light that lives within us; we sense that its power is the same as the strength we need to set ourselves free. So then, how do we illuminate our relationships at home, in our workplace, wherever we are? What must we do to enlighten this murky world of ours that staggers under the weight of its own shadows? The answer to this question is as surprising as it may be shocking: we must cease being an unconscious part of its darkness. Please don’t think this last spiritual injunction is too simple or too esoteric to be practical. Just the contrary is true: this instruction is loaded with no-nonsense power that we can learn to put into immediate practice. We need only realize how the universe itself is set up to help us succeed with our wish to enlighten our world. The following insights help prove this vital point: Is there any light anywhere in the universe that isn’t a part of all the light in the universe? If we will only give this last idea a moment’s consideration, the conclusion is evident: indeed, the light here is the light there and is, in fact, the

EDITOR TIM MIEJAN 651.578.8969


ISSN 1085-0996 Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.







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light everywhere. Quantum physics corroborates this spiritual axiom. Twenty-first century scientists have at last realized what the ancient wise ones have always professed: the timeless indivisibility of light. Along the same lines, is there darkness anywhere in the universe that is not a part of the darkness everywhere in the universe? Again, how can this be otherwise? For instance, and right at the heart of our study, is the dark hatred or fear that consumes a soul in Britain different in nature from a similar dark state that consumes someone in Brazil, even though the two are thousands of miles apart? The answer is no; they are both the same darkness. Now, I urge you to ponder the significance of this next finding: If we bring light into any darkness anywhere, is not darkness everywhere made less? Mustn’t even the littlest bit of light added to even the greatest darkness leave that same darkness not so impenetrable? The answer has to be a brilliant yes! Can we see the possibilities before us? Can we see the significance of the choices we make? Is it clear what we are empowered to do? Once we agree to actualize the living light, everything around us, everything within the sphere of our awareness may be altered in its fundamental makeup. Negating the negative positively changes our reality. First comes the vision; then we must make the specialized interior efforts needed to effect this transformation of life. We must no longer allow ourselves to identify with any negative state, regardless of why that state tells us we must embrace its painful presence. That is to say, we must become as ruthless in detecting and rejecting these dark thoughts and feelings as they have been ruthless in wrecking our lives. Here is why this instruction is such a spiritual imperative if we wish to know the light life. Each time we say “I” to what is destructive or

corruptive in us, we actually incorporate and reinforce that same dark state. What does this mean, to incorporate darkness into one’s life? It means, literally, that we embody it. A brief explanation helps shed light on this esoteric revelation. Whenever we identify with negative forces, we unknowingly provide them with two conditions they can’t have otherwise: First, we give these chaotic states a place to appear within a plane of reality to which they ordinarily have no other access. And second, at the same time, we lend them the vital life energies they must have to sustain their life-draining presence within our psychic system. What I would have you glean from these insights is this one great lesson in letting go: Without us to supply these negative states with both the vehicle and the life force they need to survive, they cannot flourish. Withdraw water from where weeds grow, and they will wither; it’s a natural law. So, if we wish to end our relationship with what compromises us, we are required to do one thing to the best of our ability: we must no longer lend ourselves to the will of any dark state looking to use us as its vehicle. Whenever we feel some form of negativity brewing in us — regardless of the circumstances, which our lower nature tells us justifies this incorporation — we should work to remember and put into practice our new intention. Now that we know the true nature of these negative states, we can choose to incorporate what is light and right before we swallow any other suggested considerations offered to us by our own conflicted nature. This means that in moments of trial, our first task is to wake up, become fully aware of ourselves, and then dare to do the light thing. Let’s look a bit deeper at what’s involved in this new interior action. Rather than our habitual ➤ see LIGHT on p. 6 DECEMBER 2020 THE EDGE




practice of consulting a host of disturbing thoughts about how to get things settled, which is like asking the fox to guard the chicken coop, we see this contradiction and make an entirely new choice. Instead of trying to imagine who or what we need to rescue us, we become aware of those troubled thoughts and feelings that cause us to feel we are in danger. This act of heightened self-awareness brings all that disturbs us into the light to which we have now turned. In other words, instead of unconsciously allowing what is dark to drag us into its conflicted state, we make a conscious choice to bring the whole of our present condition into the Light of Now. This one action transforms all that it encompasses in us, and everything changes. Our sense of gladness grows, as gradually the light of higher self-awareness does for us what we have not been able to do for ourselves. We are set free. Remember all we have just discovered here together. Just as turning our face toward the sun ensures that all shadows remain behind us, so is it true that when we welcome the light into our lives, we give notice to all negative states. Darkness, your days are numbered! We are done with you! a

Mercurial Messages through the Zodiac BY HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS

continued from p. 5

GUY FINLEY is the best-selling author of The Secret of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, and more than 40 books and audio albums on self-realization. Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit center for self-study located in Merlin, Oregon where he gives talks four times each week. For more information please visit or call 541.476.1200. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


DECEMBER BEGINS UNDER A cheerful, restless, Sagittarius Sun and Mercury, with Venus in introspective Scorpio and Mars in tempestuous Aries. While a new enthusiasm brightens the future, our hearts can still perseverate over old resentments or new obsessions, and that emotional torque needs to be directed carefully. We are at a turning point. After a phase of uncertainty December 13-14 as Mercury squares confusing Neptune, a southern-hemisphere solar eclipse in Sagittarius encourages us to end an old chapter and begin a new one, with a true commitment to Sagittarian outspoken truth. The mood lightens as Venus enters cheerful Sagittarius December 15. Jupiter and Saturn leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius December 16-19, they conjunct on December 21, on the centering and grounding winter solstice. Old pains could flare as Mars squares Pluto on December 23, but we’ll really feel the winds of the new era as 2021 begins. The holidays will be different this year. Sometimes scarcity can highlight the sweetness and value of what we do have. Throughout this holiday season we may need to bunny-hop back and forth between Sagittarian gratitude, through Scorpionic mourning, back to gratitude, and on into optimism for the new year ahead. Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You’re on a steep learning curve. The world is expanding and possibilities arise if you can stay on focus and be the author of your own direction. Instead of reacting, act. Look for a surprise around siblings and sibling-like people mid-month, and a change in community in 2021. Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Beloveds may need extra attention this month, but not be able signal it clearly. Ask for clarification. Don’t get possessive if they seem restless. The restlessness is not about you, but towards a wider horizon; take their hand and go exploring together. Watch for new professional opportunities in 2021. Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Don’t try to make everyone happy; if difficult friends and co-workers stress your personal life, know they’re more existentially uncomfortable than mad at you. Stay on target. Shed a completed chapter mid-month and get ready for new beginnings around education, travel and international connections in 2021. Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Work towards resolution in some lingering work problem, though it may take leadership on your part. Plan carefully what you’d like to end and what new stage to begin around the December 14 eclipse. Support community efforts; they’ll bring helpful new connections in 2021. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Look for a change, possibly a great one, in your creative or romantic life mid-month around the eclipse. Let go of an immature self-image.

Expect to hit a growth spurt over the next two years as you are asked to mature and deepen your relationships and work partnerships.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Bounce around new ideas. As the month begins expect to feel scattered, but use this time to explore options. Lead with positivity during changes on the home front or in family dynamics mid-month. Start a new and joyful health regime in the new year, and reclaim your energy. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Socialize and work the crowd the first week of December. If some surprising rearrangements need to be made mid-month, stay honest, stay clear, and stay on target. Clear out clutter and people who drain you. Prepare for new work around relationship and manifested creative process in 2021. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…Enjoy generosity, but watch the tendency to spend money and energy casually as the month begins. Save some reserves to rearrange resources mid-month in response to an unexpected opportunity or cost. Use reserves to start new beginnings at home, home territory, or home office in 2021. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…I know this Sagittarius season can’t be as wide-ranging and sociable as usual, but still people need connection, and need to hear you laugh. Channel restlessness wisely mid-month, be spontaneous, but with foresight towards consequences. Next year, invest in your neighborhood and community: create those brothers and sisters of the heart. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Watch for some interesting revelations behind-the-scenes at work and in the depths of your psyche. Let go of an outdated self-concept and step into new and more flexible possibilities mid-month. Your hard-won positive public opinion encourages a dynamic reorganization of your resources in 2021. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Connect with old friends, even if only online, as the month begins; let these connections remind you who you have been, and are now. All the work you’ve been doing for years deep within yourself will become more obvious and useful to you as you take on new responsibility in 2021. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Enjoy the buzz around your workplace, cross pollinate, connect with new ideas, and let your enthusiasm for upcoming changes be contagious. Mid-month, those who adapt fastest will do best; you feel every shift but can roll with change better than most. In 2021 you can review all you’ve learned and step into a new era of self-awareness and dynamic maturity. a HEATHER ROAN ROBBINS is a heart-centered and choice-oriented astrologer, palmist and ceremonialist with 30+ years’ experience. Her book, Moon Wisdom: Transform Your Life using the Moon Signs and Cycles, brings real astrology into an accessible format. She’s trained in astro-locality, mythic, multi-generational and traditional astrology and uses them at the core of her spiritual counseling. For a daily view, read Starcodes at www.roanrobbins. com. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

A Spiritual Celebration of Jesus’ Birth CO M M U N I O N W I T H T H E I N F I N I T E C H R I S T I N M E D I TAT I O N PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA An excerpt from The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You EACH YEAR at Christmastime there are stronger than usual vibrations of Christ-love and joy that emanate to Earth from the heavenly realms. The ether becomes filled with the Infinite Light that shone on earth when Jesus was born. Those persons who are in tune through devotion and deep meditation feel in a wondrously tangible way the transforming vibrations of the omnipresent consciousness that was in Christ Jesus. To celebrate the birth of Jesus in solely materialistic ways is a desecration of the meaning of his holy life and of the immortal message of divine love and God-union that he preached. Seeing in the West the shallow, often BY

Solitaire BY

irreverent, observance given to the birth anniversary of this great avatar, I inaugurated in Self-Realization Fellowship the spiritual celebration of Christmas, before Christmas Day festivities, by devoting a daylong meditation service to the worship of Christ. The ideal is to honor Christ in spirit in meditation from morning till evening, absorbed in feeling in one’s own consciousness the Infinite Christ that was born in Jesus. That experience is one of profound peace and joy, more than a human heart has ever known — expanding into an all-embracing consciousness. Often has the form of Jesus appeared before me during these services — such love in those eyes! It is my prayer — and my conviction that it will come to pass—that comparable observances of the real meaning of Christmas will become a tradition throughout the world.

The message of the “heavenly host” to the shepherds in the countryside of Bethlehem was “on earth peace, good will toward men.” Peace in the world starts with peace in individual hearts. “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding” [Philippians 4:7] is the peace Jesus came to bring to man; it is the only sure foundation for world amity. It is found in the interiorized state of one’s God-communion in meditation. Then, like an ever full reservoir, it pours out freely to one’s family, friends, community, nation, and the world. If everyone lived the ideals exemplified in the life of Jesus, having made those qualities a part of their own selves through meditation, a millennium of peace and brotherhood would come on Earth. a For nearly a century, SelfRealization Fellowship (SRF) has celebrated the true meaning of Christmas with an eight-hour meditation to commune with the Divine, the

Source of all love and peace. The tradition that Yogananda started continues each year at Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) ashrams, temples and centers around the world and, for the first time, will be livestreamed from the SRF website on December 19, from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Central. The video of the meditation will be available on the website until Christmas Eve so that all can participate. More information about the all-day meditation will be available on the SRF website beginning in December at www. PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA inaugurated the custom of holding an all-day Christmas meditation at the international headquarters of his society, Self-Realization Fellowship, to experience the true meaning of Christmas — the awakening of the Christ Consciousness (the universal cosmic intelligence of Spirit everywhere present in creation). He is the author of The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You (Self-Realization Fellowship, Reprinted with permission. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


I OFTEN WONDER WHAT would happen if I could get myself out of the way and seclude myself like Henry David Thoreau did at Walden’s Pond? I often envy him for the time he took to be by himself in the woods. I would have no issues or problems with that, just a peaceful surrender to nature. Would this really be my reality? I can be completely alone in my space with no apparent threats, but my ego still punishes me. Your house is empty or maybe you found a peaceful little spot in your home or outside away from everyone that lives there for the moment. What happens next is truly remarkable. Most of the time you do not ponder on the beauty of life or treasure the present moment. And even though you have utter silence, you are the one doing the attacking on yourself with the thoughts that seem to enter into your mind. You are on the tail end of your journey of life, slowing down, so I ask you to watch the monkey madness in your brain and see if you can switch it over to pleasant thoughts. Be aware that quiet time away can be used for self-reflection, deep contemplation and relaxation. Enjoy these times instead of thinking of the unfairness of life, stewing over what someone said earlier in the day, feeling jealous of the neighbor’s new car or brewing over something that happened over 20 years ago. You are starting to come out into the world again, but it is hard to handle the times of being alone and stuck at home. At first, maybe it was sort of nice to sleep in and have time to play board games. I played some solitaire with actual cards over the past few months,

seek peace daily




To Tim & Cathy & Everyone Who has Supported The Edge Magazine BY


 Thank you for your years of often unnoticed service to our community. Your hard, hard work behind the scenes, of sleepless nights and financial worries, your commitment to a transformative arena.
 I recently looked through The Edge archive from your 25th birthday, with lists of authors and teachers who visited the Twin Cities, article highlights and noted authors, events from those early years. This was a flashback to my life. 
 My formative spiritual years were in major part because of The Edge. I would be sure to pick it up on the first of each month to devour the articles, search the events for the next New Age class I could take, and discover practitioners around the area who could help me grow. Those years, those connections, and the innumerable friends I have made since

1996 are what helped create the person I am today. Fond memories of having my first and many booths at The Edge Expo, working until we were exhausted, but loving every minute of it, and the dinner gatherings afterwards with fellow vendors. Studying Reiki with Dale and Sheryl Fisher. Finding Lightsmith and the wisdom of Chris LaFontaine and Michele Mayama. Learning from Jean Wallis, Marilyn and Thomas Twintreess, Echo Bodine, Lee Carroll, Neale Donald Walsh, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden. I would not have known any of these people without The Edge. They have helped form me as a person, and I value each and every one. My heart swells with love for everything The Edge has brought for me.
 You did this for me. For us. The team at The Edge did more than just put a newspaper together. You created a community that was ahead of its time in

so many ways. You brought these authors and teachers to our area. You provided the space for us to spiritually grow, both personally and communally. 
 You should be so very, very proud of your huge accomplishments. 
 I hope you all find comfort knowing that you served us so well for all these years and have helped guide many people to an enlightened life. 
 Big huge unending gratitude and love to you all.
a JENNIFER SALNESS is a Crystal Intuitive and Teacher, and owner of a crystal lifestyle company. Her passion for crystals and stones began at a young age, thanks to her science teacher grandfather who always had “rocks” around the house. She has written for publications, presented classes in person and online, presented workshops at events around the U.S., and has been a guest on radio and internet shows sharing about the crystal realm. Visit Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.

A Fond Farewell from The Edge’s Proofreader RACHEL MIEJAN HELLO FROM YOUR FELLOW journeyer on the so ably steered ship of The Edge for these past 25 years — and proofreader of The Edge, which I have done carefully and happily for my husband. I am thankful for all the contributors, both articles and advertising, as I have learned much from them, and attended many events and classes alongside you. Proofreading The Edge each month has truly been a treasured joy for me throughout all of these years. I also enjoyed meeting many of you who are part of our holistic, metaphysical community during expos, events and my BY

Reiki training classes and holistic healing sessions. Blessings to the next incarnation of The Edge, and its stewards, as it continues to keep the hearts of our wonderful community connected, via words, services and events. As for myself, my Reiki practice has shifted to one focused on absentee healing sessions. Namasté to you all, as we expand in the knowledge and experience of ourselves and the All. Love, Light, Peace, Joy. a RACHEL MIEJAN is a Reiki Master. Her website is Feel free to contact her at COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


in his skin, that we should touch him. It is through this method that we acquire new value for each other. So get on Zoom, call each other and really get to the heart of what matters most to find deep connections and you will not be alone. a

continued from p. 7

something I have not done really since I was young before the internet. But now you are itching to have something to do, to not feel loneliness anymore and to stop feeling disconnected from others. As Thoreau said, “What sort of space separates a human from another and makes him solitary?” I may be in the same room as another but not really understand him, as he does not get me and this makes me alone. It is when I connect with someone and our minds come together that we are 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

near each other. I may be in a house all alone in the woods, but I am communicating my most innermost thoughts to another by social media; even though we are separated by distance he is with me and I am not lonely. Thoreau said the value of a man is not

RACHEL ROMAN TIPTON resides in Tampa, Florida. She is the author of Cheat Sheet to Heaven, not a religious, self-help or psychological book but a book about our thoughts and how to change them. The book was developed when she came to the realization that she no longer wanted to feel unhappy, depressed, sad or lonely. For more information, please visit www.cheatsheettoheaven. com. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

2021: Questioning Our Freedoms BY MAUREEN


THE YEAR OF 2020 has been a challenging one. The COVID-19 virus, Black Lives Matter and the elections have made obvious our divisiveness, censorship and angst. The challenges of 2020 are paving the way for 2021. Freedom will be a huge theme this coming year. We will be questioning the narrative or storyline given to us by our politicians, health care system, mass media, our ancestors, religious institutions and all things that have created our belief systems. We will be moving towards the freedom to think uniquely and live our lives with inner authority and authenticity. We may even start to be okay with people thinking differently than ourselves — as long as it’s respectful. Many of our current beliefs and behaviors are programmed by authority figures without questioning them. Following these programs is in our DNA. In centuries past, and still in some countries, questioning authority figures meant torture or death. Today, in the United States, if something doesn’t fit the programmed messages, it’s taken off mass media or not told. Much of what we’ve believed to be true we’ll question and begin to break out of. Old institutions will continue to crack and crumble or be reconfigured into something more helpful and truthful. Our workplaces will continue to change, bringing us into new career paths that are more earth friendly. We’ll start to think about living in communities with regenerative farming and community support. Health freedom will be examined by more people as health care is recognized as big business. The flawed mass media system will start cracking and we’ll start to see that it has been slanted to suit individual interests. Equality will continue to be a theme and

THE ENERGIES OF 2021 we’ll recognize that we all need to change — no exceptions. We all need to examine what isn’t working for us and find new ways to operate as we shed antiquated institutions and the beliefs that go with them. March 2021 will begin a big wave into thinking for ourselves without authority figures directing our inner dialogue. Many of us will connect more to our Higher Self, bringing in new knowledge along with the truth that we’re all part of the Divine. More people will recognize that we are all Divine beings having a human experience. More people will feel this knowing or begin to consider this knowing or similar inklings. We will continue the big wave of change in 2023 and 2025 bringing us to a new Earth with more freedom and more spirituality. As the old continues to break down, be open to thinking totally differently. Let go of all beliefs for a time and ask to connect up to your Higher Self for new ways of thinking. Act like you know nothing so you can be a creative force to usher in the new with collective freedom. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! a MAUREEN HIGGINS, M.A., founded Wings of Freedom in 1998 in order to help people. She assists clients in transforming the past, attaining their personal and professional goals and moving into higher consciousness – a perception and attitude above the normal human one. Wings of Freedom is an alternative counseling and coaching practice. Energetic healing audios and workshops to learn energetic healing tools are also offered. See her website at COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Prophecy & Light of Truth in 2021 BY CHRISTINE ST. GERMAIN THE GREATEST PROPHECY anticipated by humanity is that of the 1,000 years of peace, prosperity and abundance for all. For eons, humanity has been teased, taunted and motivated by it. The prophecy states that when feminine energy is valued equally to masculine energy in the consciousness of humanity, this prophecy will be achieved. Will it be in 2021? There is intuition and evidence that supports this belief. Male/female and masculine/feminine energy are not static, but a matter of degree. This flexibility empowers energy to shift from masculine to feminine to achieve balance and appropriate responses to circumstances. Hyper-masculine energy creates all the destructive ills in the world — war, poverty, lack, disease, rape — and hyper-feminine energy accedes to it, resulting in worldwide suffering. But when masculine and feminine are maintained near balance, neither excessive, and the feminine is free to create, the masculine to organize, they are effective, working together as equals. Masculine energy is Omega (destruction, competition, organization) while feminine energy is Alpha (creation, expansion, nurturing, cooperation). All living organisms have in them this expansion energy, as science has observed and recorded in the observed pattern of the Fibonacci sequence in nature. Instead of focusing on control through the head (masculine energy), if humanity focuses on creation, through the heart (feminine energy), a new world and new resources can emerge in short order. 1 0  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

THE ENERGIES OF 2021   The 2020 election results reject (barely, but pervasively) the notion that destructive hyper-masculine energy is doomed to dominate humanity. The results have left the planet with some ineffective, hyper-competitive cultural habits. What we do about that restless, angry, destructive recessive cultural residual is what will determine our fate for 2021. Why does everything have to be a competition, when cooperation is what’s needed most in a pandemic? Why does human identity have to be defined by what an individual is “good at” instead of by the degree of healing, grace, gratitude, nurturing, cooperative goodness and peace one creates in the world? Why is the military the first option, full of secrets, the highest funded department in our Government? If we lightworkers shift our energy, bringing us prosperity, peace and abundance for all, why wouldn’t every nation in the world yearn to copy our success? While voters of the “greatest” country on Earth have in recent years rejected a female POTUS, they have just elected a female Vice POTUS: a shift to the feminine of minor proportions. How much closer this small step brings humanity to coherence is unknown. A glass of water reaches coherence if one drop of Ho’oponopono blue water falls into it. The population of a consciousness reaches coherence if the square root of 1 percent of the conscious-

ness population reaches coherence: 87,000 sufficiently enlightened people. That’s all it takes. Then the entire remaining population shifts in a moment, like the glass of water, without additional effort. The domino effect. Coherence is a state of existence where information/energy/awareness travels from one to all immediately, without passage of time. A real-time awareness network. Can you imagine the benefits? Authenticity. Empathy. Clarity. Understanding. No more war, violence, poverty, lack, disease. Oneness. What if lightworkers in 2021 could hasten the shift to coherent human consciousness? The focus on patriarchy stands in the way of this evolution. Patriarchal spiritual beliefs prevent the evolution of our consciousness. How would they shift that? My work for 2020 to shift humanity away from the hyper-masculine destructive control and domination was this: I called upon the “Light of Truth” to illuminate the truth to all, to shine the light on the darkness that bamboozled people by fear and hate incited by false information, to bring out whistleblowers and experts with the truth. Calling upon the Light of Truth is done at the highest vibration one can achieve. If you can do it, you know how. L-1 is the label given to the level of consciousness coherence that will enable humanity to join the rest of the high-vibration multidimensional galactic family at the entry level in intergalactic relations, culture and trade. Ultimately, L-1 is an achievable measurable goal. I learned through Dr. Stephen Greer’s CE-5 organization that humanity reached a significant, previously unsurpassed milestone towards coherence in early 2020. We could achieve coherence in 2021 if Lightworkers believe and act on our beliefs, tipping the scales in favor of enlightenment. It could very well be up to us. There is no need to destroy the planet or humanity to achieve Oneness — and it’s doubtful that would work anyway, as Gaia and most of humanity is not interested in cooperating with a plan involving destruction when there is a better plan available. I suggest in 2021 that we commit to look for evidence that human consciousness is reaching coherence and use it to fuel our intention to manifest the multidimensional heaven on Earth we’ve been promised. I believe it’s out there. Let’s invoke the Light of Truth to expose it. a CHRISTINE ST. GERMAIN is a blogger and quiet guru of spiritual wisdom, living in St. Cloud, MN. She is also a budding author of Transformational Entertainment, which uses songs, thrillers, dramatic fiction and non-fiction to illustrate transformational principles. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Reflections and Projections Spirit Leaves BY JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER IT SEEMS FITTING AND appropriate that this column retire in its seventh year. Seven is an important number for the Mandans. My best friend and spiritual teacher, Cedric Red Feather, represents the fulfillment of a Prophecy of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper and their Sister, the North Star. Cedric and his brothers number seven altogether, and their sister is the late Victoria Mandan. When sister Victoria was born, all the significant elders of the Mandan village in Elbowoods, N.D., gathered around the kitchen table and told Cedric’s mom, Bernice Mandan, that the birth of her seven sons and their sister marked the fulfillment of a prophecy. “Watch for these signs. When they appear, spirituality will return to the people.” That was the prophecy transmitted through the “People of the First Man,” as the Mandans call themselves. Indeed, spirituality has returned in a widespread way among all peoples of Earth. The year 2020 has been magnificent and challenging. For old souls, the retreat imposed by the pandemic forced deeper spiritual reflection and speeded up growth exponentially. At times, the stress level of encountering the new energies left us feeling like wee harpies with spinning heads. Once we recognized what was truly happening and linked to our Higher Selves, we took on a kind of startling clarity we erstwhile only dreamed imaginable. So where will this “pivotal” year lead? The most important change in 2021 will be the valuing of truth and integrity. Those of us who hold differing views from that of the

THE ENERGIES OF 2021 mainstream — old souls who have been there, done that, and know the drill — will no longer apologize for our unique existence and vantage point. When appropriate to do so, we will share our perspective boldly and confidently. We will inspire others with that self-confidence to trust the body’s natural propensity for self-healing. In 2021, for many chronic conditions, we will self-treat with herbs, homeopathy, meditation, self-energy healing, prayer and affirmations (not necessarily in that order!), and we will use vibrational medicine and sound more. Our higher vibration and increased natural immunity will frustrate the mutating viruses. The global pandemic should then resolve and leave as quickly as it spread. As we enter 2021, we will recognize more often the light energy brought in and fostered by Indigo and Crystal children. They have this knack of looking at situations that would frustrate and annoy us and say, “No worries: just do this!” We will meet more “Sophie girls” in our everyday interactions. “Sophie girl” is Cedric’s and my expression for the newer breed of humans who radiate love and light naturally in an unforced, generous, open-hearted way — with complete ease and candor. It is based upon a real-life encounter with a cashier at a consignment, a twentysomething who made us feel loved and accommodated just by her energy and demeanor. It is the Sophies of the world who boost our light

and raise the vibration of the entire planet. Everyone is so worried all the time about the Earth. Gaia is so much stronger a Spirit than we give her credit for: she knows how to cleanse and purge innately. All we need to do is stop being so angry and start becoming more loving. The increased vibration alone will help restore the Earth’s natural balance. We have been a stubborn lot, fearing change instead of embracing it. Many remained white-knuckled throughout 2020, clinging insistently to outworn beliefs and ideas. In the end, all of us will yield our grip and begin the 2021 freefall of trusting the benevolent, supportive universe of angelic guides who are always at our side. Out of all this seeming darkness and chaos — political, social, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental upheaval — will come clarity, great insight, growth and wisdom. I offer abundant thanks to The Edge magazine and its brilliant editor, Tim Miejan — and to his radiant, spiritual companion, Reiki Master and wife, Rachel Miejan, for inviting and allowing this column. I remain eternally grateful to the Great Spirit, Guides and Ascended Masters. a JANET MICHELE RED FEATHER, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, Song of the Wind (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years. Printed with permission of Dragonstone Press. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Anchoring the Essence of Oneness A Pleiadian Message BY CHRISTINE DAY BELOVED ONES, WE greet you. The great winds of change are accelerating, creating a rapid transformation within the atmosphere of Earth by forming an intensified restructuring of your energetic systems. These energies are made up of a series of expanding consciousness light network patterns. Growing daily, they are being interwoven and interacting through the network grid of light. A pulse of light — emanating outwards from the grid, flowing into your communities of Earth — is being made manifest. Simultaneously it is flooding and bathing the cells of your heart. This pulse can be likened to a heartbeat. As this pulse builds in momentum, it unearths the density on the planet. All that is not based on Truth, all illusion, is being revealed, played out. The action of the density becoming unearthed will create a further intensification of upheaval within the third-dimensional illusion, influencing day-to-day living and direct experience within your communities.

PULSING LIGHT During the last phase of your calendar year, this pulsing light will magnify in intensity. Day by day, the building of the pulsing light sets in motion a crescendo of light, which will ultimately explode and open a completely new energetic framework of consciousness throughout the planet. This happening will take place at a certain juncture, a pre-destined moment before New Year. Through this shift your planet will hold a higher multidimensional frequency while carrying a new light paradigm of consciousness for mankind. Those of you who are consciously on the path of awakening will be enabled to fully engage within this higher light. The sacred forms will create a multidimensional change of consciousness within so that you begin to perceive the higher aspect of Self. Your heart’s entire chamber will undergo a reconstruction and a complete redesign during this time of the shift. Through the power of pure illuminated light generated by the pulse, the doorways within your heart will be reopened and recalibrated. This transmutation within your heart opens you up to a re-access point to return Home, enabling you to draw from a higher knowledge and inner knowing. There are vast multidimensional tools that you will begin to re-access within your heart. These are a natural extension of your sacred makeup. This higher state of light consciousness will permeate all levels of the Earth to 1 2  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

support you in your self-realization process. This highly transformative time is a pivotal moment in the overall plan for this shift to occur within your sacred communities. This is the landscape, the backdrop, for you to create building blocks with like-minded people. Your unique frequency of light, which is alive within your heart, needs to link with others to form collective light forms. Between your joined hearts a sacred rebalancing can be created on Earth. This is a call going out across the planet to begin to anchor the essence of Oneness on your Earth. This building up of the frequency of “Oneness” is an essential component for your planet at this juncture. You, as humans, must create this orchestrated process. This is part of your destiny and the destiny of the Earth. The process begins between you and your heart. Through your conscious choice to meet with a group of two or more people, transformation can be set in motion. As each of you choose to come together for the purpose of activating and anchoring your combined heart frequency and align, you create Oneness. Together you become the transformative element that begins to set in motion a wave of change across your Earth plane.

GROUP HEART FREQUENCY Every single group creates a unique vibrational pattern between its members’ hearts, almost like a “group heart” frequency. The power of this group heart carries a potency of light that can be witnessed from all multidimensional arenas within the Universe. Each group heart frequency holds a diverse brilliance, which in turn supports Earth and the entire Universal consciousness. One group heart frequency is not more than another. Each individual group member contributes equally to the group heart pattern. This action by your group generates a powerful, sweeping light of change within Earth. This action is designed to herald in enormous change in momentum of the component of light frequency of this planet. This is the juncture heralding in enormous change, creating the shift of a higher phase of consciousness for mankind. A new wave of opportunity and change will open for you individually as you take part in this process. Through the group process, your unique frequency of light within your heart will transform and these changes will create “a turn of the wheel” of your destiny. This is the time for energetic pathways to cross, for outworn patterns and cycles of limitation to fracture, creating change within the environment of Earth. The

pathway of light is being redefined and reestablished on Earth. The illumination created through the activations of group heart patterns can infiltrate the heavy, dense frequency of illusion that has defined your planet for lifetimes.

CREATION FREQUENCY This group heart process is going to inspire an expansive creation frequency to birth on your planet. Your heart is the vessel designed to receive this illuminated quickening of creation light. As you gather in groups and align within your collective hearts, through this conscious choice action you can receive and embody your creation light. You can begin to move into a deepening process of transmutation and reconnection within your sacred heart. An altering of your perception will unfold during this happening, highlighting Truth and knowledge. The light will bring revelations to you from the depth of your multidimensional heart. This is your time for a deeper knowing to open and be revealed to you. You set in motion waves of reconnection for your Homecoming. In reality, you are returning yourself to re-anchor within the collective God Consciousness state of being. There is much for you to return to within your Higher Realm components, and this is to be a natural change back into the sacred aspect of Self. You are being asked to be willing to allow a vast letting go process within as your unfolding takes place. These changes will open up a fluid component of multidimensional movement to birth within you. You will enter an altered environment within this fluid state. This flow is part of your multidimensional light base, an aspect of your sacred nature. You were always meant to continue to live and have your human experience within the framework of your physical body while realigning into your multidimensional purpose of fluid light. The light forces within this entire resident universe are gathering in telepathic communion to support this happening during what has been earmarked as the “holy month” of your destiny. We collectively merge, through communion, to witness the heralding in of this brilliant illumination of pure light. We hold the platform for the anchoring of your group brilliance as each heart pattern becomes manifest through the unique realignments created by the group heart. Your group needs to begin to activate your group heart pattern and set the essence of Oneness in motion before the time of New Year.

PROCESS FOR THE BUILDING OF YOUR GROUP HEART FREQUENCY: Conscious Breath: It is essential that this breath is utilized within the process. The conscious breath is a deep breath in the mouth and a releasing of the breath out of the mouth. This breath does not need to be used throughout the process, just in certain moments. The conscious breath says, “Yes, I am willing to let go” and “Yes, I am willing to receive my light.” The conscious breath allows you to align deeper within your heart space. You place the breath like a soft wind into the heart. Wherever your awareness is placed, the conscious breath naturally flows into that area. Sit in a physical form together. Two people face each other. Three people form a triangular base. Four people create a square base. Five or more people create a circle. If you have a large group of people too big for a circle, then create lines of chairs, creating a grid-like structure. This process can also be done remotely with an audio component to guide you simultaneously into the Union: 1. Place both palms physically on your chest. 2. Bring your awareness to your heart, and feel the warmth of your hands or the pressure of your hands on your heart. Remember, the heart space is the entire chest area and beyond the physical body. 3. Place your conscious breath within the heart space like a soft wind. 4. Feel, see or sense the area of your heart that receives the breath and allow your awareness to open further and to fill the space of your heart that is opening. 5. Now bring a sacred sound into your heart. Your heart cells open and respond to your sound, ENCHARHN (pronounced en charn). 6. Feel see or sense how your heart begins to open further, responding to your sound, and allow your awareness to open fully into the space of your heart. 7. Place your conscious breath deeply within the space, and feel yourself let go and align deeper within your heart space.

8. Bring your sound, ENCHARHN, three more times, placing them into your heart space. See, sense or feel how the sounds create an echo, waves within your heart space. 9. Bring one more conscious breath within the space that you feel, sense or see. Let go and allow your awareness to fill the space. Claim your heart.

THEN YOU ARE READY TO BEGIN TO FORM THE GROUP HEART DESIGN: 1. Continue to hold your heart connection. 2. Now is the time to consciously choose to begin to open to your group energy. Move your awareness from your heart outwards to group members. Use the conscious breath and feel, see or sense the connection building to your group. You are going to align your combined heart frequency by all utilizing this sacred sound. Place this sacred sound within your own heart first. 3. Bring your awareness back to your heart. Bring the sacred sound, ENNN TAH, into your heart three times. Feel the essence of your heart become more expanded, maybe more fluid. Let go and bring the sound three more times. Allow your awareness to expand into your heart space, whether you see, sense or feel this. 4. Now you all move your awareness

towards the group energy, and feel how the fluid frequency of your individual hearts can flow more together from the sacred sound. 5. Collectively you continue to align with your awareness within your hearts and bring the sound, ENNN TAH into your collective heart energy. Bring six sounds within your collective heart energy. Let go within the shifting energy of the group heart energy. As you bring this sacred sound forward into your collective heart essence, the sound begins to formulate a pattern of light synergy between each one of you. 6. Bring in at least six more sounds, ENNN TAH, until the patterning of light of the group heart energy essence is no longer building. 7. Then slowly bring your awareness back to your palms, which are physically on your chest. Wait until you feel all of your awareness within your own heart. Each one of you are instrumental in the changing dynamic of light consciousness on your planet. This is an essential aspect of your mission. You collectively hold the power to transform and transmute yourselves as you become a mirror of light for the world. We witness you in love. We bless you as you receive your Self, The Pleiadians. a Christine Day is presenting the 3-Day Pleiadian Seminar “Enter the Realms of Pei Antana” on December 5-7 via Zoom. For more information, contact Joanne Wakefield at 651.452.2895, email wakefieldj@hotmail. com or visit CHRISTINE DAY is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally. Visit COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.




CHILTON CASAS JOY IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT, and something sought by people of all cultures. If this is true, then why is there still so much anxiety, fear, anger and violence in the world? Could it be that we are looking for joy in all the wrong places? “Being more joyful is not just about having more fun,” I read in The Book of Joy. “We’re talking about a more empathic, more empowered, even more spiritual state of mind that is totally engaged with the world.” Cultivating joy is a subject of great interest to me, one I have actively pursued with the goal of experiencing more joy, and hopefully, giving an example of joy to my children. So, when a friend recommended a book she was reading — The Book of Joy, a collaboration of discussions between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, compiled by Douglas Abrams — I was intrigued to learn what they had to say about the subject. This month I will turn 60; it seemed like a good time to take stock of the ways I’ve discovered to nurture joy. I was curious to see if the suggestions given by these spiritual teachers resembled my discoveries. I had a feeling they might be. FEELING JOYFUL Over time, periods of joyfulness for me have come more often and lasted longer, especially in the past four years since I started practicing Reiki. Before getting into the book, I sat down and contemplated some of the practices that make me feel joyful. So here is my list: • Nature makes me especially joyful — walking on the beach, watching birds and other animals like the deer who visit us each day, and being surrounded by trees and the elements. • Times of play, when I feel like I’m 10 again, give me great joy. I joyfully play volleyball on the beach each week and I swear I don’t feel my age then, not even close to it. We joke and play around, often listening and swaying to music as we wait for the ball. In most circumstances I can act like a kid at the drop of a hat; I love looking at life with the playfulness and wonder of a child. • The act of creating gives me much joy. I design glass mosaic pictures and tables. While making these, I lose all sense of time. I began writing poetry and stories a few years ago. Writing has become a way of life for me now. It helps me to look closely at the minutiae around me, and I believe this awareness is also a path to joy. 1 4  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

• Alone time is precious to me and can lead to joy — reading, writing, contemplating. • Feeling gratitude also brings me great joy. Each day what I am thankful for changes somewhat, but many of the core elements, like gratefulness for my family, remain the same. • Music makes me joyful, activities with my family, holding my purring cat, also acts of kindness. And when I’m completely open to experience, that brings me joy. • Genuinely bonding with people, even with strangers, gives me joy — even if it’s just a smile, a few words, or attentive listening. • This leads to my easiest, quickest way to experience joy — through Reiki. The instant I feel Reiki’s energy in my body and flowing out of my hands to another person, an animal or myself, I relax, I breathe deeply, I let go. To me, Reiki is a spiritual practice, a way to live that is part of everything I do. It fosters my faith in goodness, my connectedness with life. Each morning I do a Reiki meditation for thirty minutes to an hour and I sometimes do another again before bed or if I wake up during the night. Often it is difficult for me to bring these sessions to a close because I feel so peaceful. The longer I practice Reiki, the more joy and tranquility it has given me, but even from the beginning it gave me a special feeling.

EAGER TO READ Once I made my list, I was eager to read The Book of Joy and interested to see what these remarkable men who care about living beings so deeply had to say about joy. “The Dalai Lama and the Archbishop

Desmond Tutu,” the book told me, “are two of the great spiritual masters of our time, but they are also moral leaders who transcend their own traditions and speak always from a concern for humanity as a whole.” I greatly respect that — a realization that the human being is more important than the credos of whatever religion we practice. They agree that no dark fate determines our future; we do. “Each day and each moment, we are able to create and re-create our lives and the very quality of human life on our planet.” This makes me think about the fear the world is experiencing now as we abide in this global pandemic. I sincerely believe that joy can be cultivated even in circumstances as difficult as these. The Dalai Lama and the Archbishop have lived real lives filled with pain and turmoil, and still in the midst of these experiences they have been able to find peace and joy. Suffering is inevitable, they concur, but how we respond to the distress we encounter is a reaction we are free to choose. “As [we] discover more joy, [we] can face suffering in a way that ennobles rather than embitters, experience hardship without becoming hard, and heartbreak without being broken.” One of the things I enjoyed most about this book was the playfulness between these two spiritual leaders. They laughed, they joked, they were mischievous, and I could feel how they honored their friendship and the other’s religion. Abrams says what he has seen in the time he has spent with the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop is a generosity of spirit. They are “…big-hearted, magnanimous, tolerant, broad-minded, patient, forgiving, and kind” — excellent mentors for living life to its fullest.

HOW TO CULTIVATE IT When asked by Abrams, “How can people cultivate that sense of joy as a way of being, and not just a temporary feeling,” they agreed — by not denying pain and suffering but shifting the perspective from anguish to compassion for others. This reminds me of a difficult time in my life 10 years ago when my father died suddenly. I was with him playing cribbage one afternoon and the next morning when I went to see him, he had passed. He had lived on the same property for 16 years where I lived with my husband and two children. We loved each other very much and had many of the same values — except in one crucial area: he had an addiction to alcohol. To be honest, there were times during those 16 years when I wasn’t sure how much I would grieve for him if he passed. We went through some incredibly challenging experiences because of his drinking. It eventually came down to an ultimatum,

and I often wonder why it took me so long to make it — the need to stop drinking or live somewhere else. In the end, after much complaining and bravado, he made a firm decision and gave it up just like that, and we had two wonderful years with him without this problem between us. The intensity of grief I felt when he died surprised me. It overwhelmed me. I couldn’t find a way out of it. So, I cried, I wrote, I found some books that helped, written by other people who had suffered, and finally I discovered something that took the edge off my pain. I was given the grace of understanding from the wonderful books I read that helping others could lessen my pain. That was the year my spiritual search really took off and I started volunteering and helping in other ways. I am very thankful for my father’s part in that lesson. The Dalai Lama says, “The way through the sadness and grief that comes from great loss is to use it as motivation to generate a deeper sense of purpose.” He believes that by simply shifting our focus to another person, our own pain can lessen. We have the choice to put “…our attention on our own suffering or on that of others, on our own perceived separation or on our indivisible connection.” The joy from expressing love and generosity to others does not diminish.

UBUNTU In the Archbishop’s home of South Africa, the concept of Ubuntu is understood as, “when I have a small piece of bread it is for my benefit that I share it with you.” Bringing joy to others is the quickest way to experience joy oneself. One of the principal problems that keeps us from joy is that in the modern world, many of our intrinsic goals and our education are based on external, materialistic values. There is little concern for inner development. “If we look at today’s materialistic life,” The Book of Joy tells me, “people seem mainly concerned with sensory experiences. That’s why [our] satisfaction is very limited and brief, since [our] experience of happiness is so dependent on external stimuli.” Scientists have found that the more we experience any pleasure, the more we numb to its effects. Like a drug, it must be taken in ever-greater quantities to produce the same high. It is unfortunate that success in our society is measured by money, power, influence, and fame. TRYING TO CONTROL Another mindset that keeps us from experiencing joy is trying to control what is impermanent and uncontrollable, because we believe that what is happening to us, our loved ones, or the world, should not be happening. The Dalai Lama comments,

“We have perceptions about our experience, and we judge them. This is good. This is bad.” Letting go of these judgments is a start down a path toward peace and then joy. When I have attempted to practice this in my close relationships and in world events; it has brought an eventual sense of peace that not even I could have imagined. The Archbishop explains that “people would like to be able to take a pill that makes their fear and anxiety go away….” This is not a long-term solution. To permanently cure anxiety, we need to cultivate mental immunity over time through self-awareness. By practicing self-inquiry and meditation, we can soothe our emotional reactivity. He suggests keeping everything in perspective. “The world is getting better. We are growing and learning how to be compassionate, how to be caring, how to be humans.” I also feel this is true, that the world is learning to care. “To choose hope is the antidote to despair…, to step firmly forward into the howling wind, baring one’s chest to the elements, knowing that in time, the storm will pass.” This requires faith, “… even if that faith is nothing more than…the very persistence of life to find a way.” Gratitude for our blessings in life is a much-acknowledged approach to joy. The Archbishop says gratitude is “…moving from counting your burdens to counting your blessings. The Dalia Lama believes each day as we wake up we should think: “I am fortunate to be alive. I have a precious human life. I am not going to waste it. Gratitude helps us catalog, celebrate, and rejoice in each day and each moment before they slip through the vanishing hourglass of experience.” Compassion and having the courage to live with an open heart are two other traits we can cultivate. Often, we fear compassion because we’re afraid of experiencing the vulnerability from opening our heart. But compassion is an empowered state. “When we have the courage to be open, we are able to feel our pain and the pain of others, but we are also able to experience more joy.”

CULTIVATING JOY Taking these ideas to heart is key and in the last part of their book there are practices for overcoming obstacles to joy and cultivating joy. According to the Archbishop, “…Like our physical body, where growth takes time, our mental development also takes time — minute by minute, day by day, month by month, year by year, decade by decade.” The more we practice, the more benefit we receive. According to the Archbishop, when we begin meditating or praying, we can experience what he calls “…spiritual sweets, or the tingling and calming that comes from starting to

pay attention to our inner life. Like sweets, these are tasty, but the real benefits occur as we create a temporal container into which we can pour our heart and soul as we experience the joys and sorrows of life.” I have felt these “spiritual sweets” with meditation and Reiki. The practices the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop have fostered to find joy are these: being openhearted, feeling our connection and interdependence, striving to be less self-centered and more generous; believing in the world’s goodness; having faith and trust; remaining non-judgmental; genuinely caring for others’ well-being; and understanding that with practice, the joy that seems elusive is totally attainable. These men are beacons of light because they overcame some of the most horrendous circumstances and are able to still exhibit joy. They embody compassion, forgiveness, humility, acceptance and positivity. And as the Archbishop poetically phrased it, “The goal is not just to create joy for ourselves but to be a reservoir of joy, an oasis of peace, a pool of serenity that can ripple out to all….” I found out that my practices to nurture joy did coincide in many ways with techniques taught by the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop. Although Reiki is not mentioned in this book, it is a perfect blend of many of the attributes that lead to joy —love, compassion, trust and unity. Those I know who practice Reiki exemplify many of the same traits talked about by the Dalai Lama and the Archbishop, especially caring, kindness and a desire to be of service. Sometimes, my children call me when things aren’t going the way they had hoped, and they tell me they are looking for more joy in life. My standard answer, after showing compassion for how they feel, is to suggest they spend some time in silence. When we are still, we can receive ideas to guide us through difficulties. I also suggest that they try to connect with the people around them, give them their undivided attention, and if an idea comes to help someone, to offer that help. Most people are just looking for someone who cares. I make these suggestions to my children because these are the things I do when I feel out of balance; that or I read a chapter or two from a book — like The Book of Joy — that inspires me to love more and to remember this too shall pass. a CAROLYN CHILTON CASAS is a Reiki Master Teacher and a student of metaphysics. Her poetry and stories can be found in Energy, Odyssey, Mujer Holística, Reiki New Magazine, Snapdragon, The Art of Healing, and in other publications. She lives on the Central Coast of California. More of Carolyn’s writing can be seen on Instagram at mindfulpoet_. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Doing What You Love The Edge Interview with Lena Swanson, Healer & Animal Communicator BY TIM

MIEJAN ONCE THERE WAS A time when Lena Swanson taught young Hmong children to speak English. For 22 years she was an educator, and she loved it dearly. Then 9/11 happened. And shortly afterward her sister, to whom she was very close, died suddenly from a pulmonary embolism, and Lena’s world suddenly had turned upside down. She began to wonder if there wasn’t something else out there that she was supposed to be doing. And as hard as it is to imagine now — years later when she is known far and wide as a trusted pet whisperer — Lena had never heard of animal communication before the age of 47. “I was an elementary teacher,” she said. “I was not into the metaphysical world at all. I didn’t even know animal communication was possible. I had known about psychic readings, past lives. I was open, but I wasn’t familiar.” A woman who visited her home frequently to provide Reiki healing to her Golden Retriever with painful arthritis and to her cats told her one day, “Lena, you are so intuitive and you love animals so much. You should take an animal communication class.” So she did. But her initial foray into the world of pets and intuition was frustrating and she was not very good at it. Following her sister’s sudden death, Lena tried again, because she loves animals and really wanted to be able to do it. This time she took a weekend animal communication class out in the country on a hobby farm populated by cats and dogs and other critters large and small, including the shy cat Cricket who hid out downstairs. Tell me more about Cricket. It was at the weekend class and we were given a list of questions, very simple things, like “What color is your bed?” “Who’s your friend?” “What kind of food do you like?” The teacher gave us a list of her hobby farm animals and said, “We’re going to take a short break, and then go and talk to the animal of your choice, and then come back and we’ll share.” One of my golden retrievers at home was sick, so I remember thinking, “I’m going to talk with him and see if I can find out what is wrong with him.” It didn’t have to be an animal from the hobby farm. She told us that one of the cats she had, named Cricket, was extremely shy. We could talk to her, but we probably wouldn’t see her. She said Cricket would never come 1 6  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

out, because she was way too shy. So I went to the basement to go to the bathroom, and when I came out, there was Cricket. She was there waiting for me. And I was like, “Whoa, there is that shy cat she talked about.” And then Cricket looked at me and I heard her clear as a bell say to me, “I want to talk with you.” I wanted to check in with my dog at home, but I said to myself, “Lena, that cat is talking to you. Talk to her.” It was our break time, so I told Cricket, “Okay, but I want to get a cookie.” And just like a bossy cat would, she said, “Okay, but hurry up.” I was still teaching elementary school

and all of this was all so new to me. I went upstairs and wondered if I was crazy. I got a cookie and then figured I wouldn’t see Cricket again if I went back downstairs. So I went back down and she was in one of the rooms, up on the window sill ledge. She said, “I want to talk to you.” So I sat on the floor and started asking her questions on our class practice sheet. And then finally I asked her the final question on the sheet, “Do you have any pain?” And she said, “We’ve known each other before.” I thought she meant she had been one of my cats back when I was a kid or something, and then she said to me, “It’s good to see you again, my darling!”

I immediately got so emotional — and I’m not that kind of person who cries easily. She started showing me images of a lifetime we had together during medieval times. She was the chambermaid’s daughter and I was the son of the king, and we were having an affair. She didn’t tell me all of this right way, just enough so I knew I had been emotionally attached to the soul in that cat’s body. I was just crying. And then suddenly it felt like male hands, male energy, on top of my hands, holding me, and comforting me. Oh, I was a mess. Finally, I didn’t know what else to do so I started asking her the questions again, like, “What do you like to eat?” Then the teacher called us back, and I thought, “Oh my gosh, this is really something to share.” Luckily I was the last person to share, because it took me a long time to pull myself together. I was so emotional. Everybody in the class was open to these kinds of things, and they weren’t questioning at all. After the Sunday session, I went home and took a bath, and that Cricket came back and told me the whole story. That’s how I learned about everything, how our relationship was discovered and the king had her killed. That was all so interesting, so I thought, “If I could get images from this cat and I can hear words and I get feelings, this is what it’s about. This is what they were teaching.” So then I started practicing on the animals of family and friends — for free, I wasn’t charging anything — and I did that for several months. And then people started telling me that I was getting good information. Because my sister had passed away, my whole life was changing at that time, so I left teaching and started doing this. I imagine many people would find it strange to consider that a person can reincarnate into an animal’s body. What have you learned about that experience? I’ve learned that other animal communicators have revealed that experience when speaking to animals. Animals are very adept at talking about past lives. They don’t need to be regressed like people do. They can just tell you all about it. A couple of years later I got some training in past life regression, and when I was doing a past life regression on a woman one time, she immediately went to a past life as a neglected dog, with all of the emotion and everything. You’ll meet people in the metaphysical world who say that’s impossible. In my experience, I’ve had a lot of animals give me detailed information about past lives they’ve had with their people, and in that case of the past life regression, that woman actually talked during the regression about being a dog. I personally think it’s very possible. I’ve had my animals come back and reincarnate as my pets.

Actually, one of my clients had the experience of his grandmother reincarnating as his rescue dog. The guy had such a close relationship with his grandmother, and she came back as a rescued yellow lab mix. I know for some people that is so far-fetched, and even the fact that you can talk with deceased animals, they say, “No, I’m not going there.” Some people have problems with it because of their religious backgrounds, but it doesn’t refute anything I am doing or the people who do believe that. It’s important to let people be on their own path. The other thing I’d like to mention is my clients or myself often will have multiple pets in the family, three cats and two dogs or whatever, and my clients say this all the time: there is often one dog or one cat or one horse that we have an uncanny relationship with. We love all of our animals, but there often is one animal that is so extra special to us. I call those our “heart animals.” When I started doing past life regressions for people, I realized that those animals are souls we’ve had so many lifetimes with — and our souls recognize each other. That accounts for that extra deep relationship. And our other animals recognize that, too. They don’t get jealous. They just know, “Oh, wow, they’ve had an extra special and very long connection.” I have those “heart animals” intermittently, and the hard part is when they leave. You’re so deeply bonded, and when they pass away, it’s just harder. Another thing I think it’s important for people to know about is that I always thought that in order to reincarnate the soul needed to go into a newborn — a puppy or kitten or whatever. But then I had an experience with a client a long time ago who had to say goodbye to her German shepherd, and that soul reincarnated into an adult that they found at a rescue site in Montana. These people lived in the Twin Cities. We had no idea that their dog was going to reincarnate like that. They drove to Montana and picked up this neglected, rescue German shepherd, and took the dog home. Then she calls me and says, “Lena, it’s uncanny. We are convinced that this dog is our Ellie.” She looked just like the dog who had died. So she said, “Will you please ask her if she’s Ellie?” Then the dog says to me, “I am Ellie, but I don’t want them to know right away. I want them to treat me like a new dog in a new lifetime. I don’t want to relive that past life.” After about six months, she calls again and says, “Lena, are you sure it’s not Ellie? Because my husband thinks it’s Ellie, my best friend thinks it’s Ellie, and I think it’s Ellie.” So I checked in with the dog and asked if it’s okay to tell now, and she says, “Yep, I’ve been here long enough.” So I told my client,

and she was not upset that I didn’t tell her right away. I always honor my animals’ requests. I want to make sure I always keep that bond of trust. So she completely understood, but said, “We all knew it. She had all the mannerisms.” And it was about the heart. No matter what they look like, you have that heart connection. A very interesting reincarnation experience involved a client who had a cat. She had to move home with her parents during the economic downturn several years ago. Then her cat was killed in the street in front of the house. She called me every couple of weeks. “When is Patrick going to reincarnate?” She hadn’t gone through her grief yet, so Patrick said, “You have to grieve first, and then I’ll come back.” She was still living with her parents and her dad didn’t want any more cats in the house. So when Patrick decided it was time to finally go back, he said, “That’s fine. I’m going to come back as an older Yorkie puppy. The family doesn’t know how to take care of me, so I’m going to be in a shelter.” My client was ecstatic because her family did a lot of work with the shelter in her area. They told the vets and the shelter to let them know if a Yorkie ever comes through, “because we think it may be our cat coming back.” Sure enough, a vet called and told them, “I think I have your Yorkie puppy. It’s an older puppy. The family came in and said we want to euthanize the puppy, and the vet was like, “What?” They said, “The puppy is peeing and pooping all over the house, and we can’t stand it.” Then the vet explained to the family that you have to house-train a puppy. And they said, “Well, we don’t want it then.” Clearly the people didn’t understand dogs. So the vet called my client and she got the puppy. It didn’t even make it to the shelter. There’s a perfect example of an animal whose soul reincarnated into a completely different species. This is not something I learned in animal communication classes — where you learn the method, how to do it and how to trust what you’re getting. These are all things the animals have taught me over the years. Is there a general message animals want us humans to understand? I would say the message is: I’m not just a cat; I’m not just a horse; I’m not just a raccoon. There’s a soul in there — wild or domestic. And we need to treat them like beings, rather than just like an object or possession. That’s the message they want us to understand. If we got that message, then we’d be treating the Earth, the trees and mountains — because they have souls, too — in a better way. I think that’s the message. The way we treat animals is the way our civilization goes. They’d like better treatment. DECEMBER 2020 THE EDGE


What do dog owners not understand about cats, and what do cat owners not understand about dogs? Dog owners don’t understand that cats really like to exercise their free will. They’re not just going to do everything we want. They’re oppositional at times because they want us to know, “You’re not going to boss me around. You’re not going to train me. I, in fact, am going to train you. If I get up and beg for food every morning at 5 a.m., eventually you’re going to get up and feed me every morning at 5 a.m.” As for cat people, a lot of them just don’t want to do all the work involved with having dogs, like having to take them for walks. They like the ease of having a cat. And cats do vibrate at such a higher level, and a lot of people are attracted to that. The best thing is to have both, if you’re able — if you can take good care of dogs and make sure they get enough exercise and keep them intellectually stimulated. It’s fun to have a whole houseful, I think! So if our animals are misbehaving, it might say more about us or our home than it is about them? Yes, I’d say 90 to 95 percent of the issues people call me about are person created. What I’ve learned over the years is that the biggest cause of misbehavior, or a sudden change in behavior, is the presence of earth-bound spirits or ghosts in the house. Animals are so evolved in many ways beyond us, and they’re very psychic. They feel those energies and they see the earth-bound spirits. It might be a Native American who doesn’t want to leave the land, or a farmer, or whatever. And all of a sudden, people call me and say, “My dog just won’t go in the basement anymore,” or “My cat keeps staring at a wall in the bedroom” or other different weird behaviors. Nine times out of ten there’s a spirit in the home that needs help leaving to the other side. That started happening so much early on in my career that I wrote up a very detailed set of clearing instructions so people could clear their space while being very compassionate and loving, talking to the earth-bound spirit and helping them go to the light, because they are freaking out our animals. Earth-bound spirits tend to drain our energy. Smudging sage in the home is a good way to balance energy. I’ve had people react, “What?! Spirits?” I tell them, “This isn’t The Exorcist. These are just lost souls who for some reason haven’t crossed over. They’re usually coming for help.” With a little love and compassion, people can clear their spaces. I encourage them to step into their own power, because this is their home — and 1 8  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

why not set a clear boundary and keep it clear. I’ve sent those clearing instructions literally out to hundreds of people. That’s probably the biggest reason for misbehavior. To those who are skeptical about the practice of animal communication, what do you tell them? I tell them just to have an open mind and give it a try. I don’t try to convince anybody, but I would hope they would be open to at least trying it. Usually it’s the husband or the boyfriend who is super skeptical — and then we do a couple of sessions and they see changes in the animal that they just can’t explain away to happenstance, and so they come on board. I always tell the wife or the girlfriend, “We’re not trying to convince. The goal here is to help the animals, and if your husband or partner comes along for the ride and they finally understand that it has to be real because they have irrefutable evidence, then that’s great. The big thing is to give it a try, because I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years full time, so the animals are getting help. So much of my practice now comes from referrals, and that means I’m helpful and that means it’s working.” Can you give a case study that definitively shows how animal communication is a way to solve problems between a pet and its person? Here is one involving a health issue. I had one case with an animal who had some dental issues. The dog had gotten a teeth cleaning and the vet couldn’t really find anything. But the people said the dog still was not behaving the same way. They knew something was off, but nothing was really found. When I checked in with the dog and said, “Are you sure you’re not having trouble? Can you pinpoint something in your mouth where they could look?” The dog gave me some pressure, a funny feeling on my upper right side of my mouth, and I told the people, “You know, I’m just getting that your dog is sending me a feeling of a problem on the upper right side, so I would go back and have them explore that side further.” They did an x-ray and, sure enough, there was a major problem they could not see under the tooth. So, that was a case where it was kind of humorous, because the wife had used me for years for animal communication and the husband had started to come on board, but he was still kind of skeptical. When that happened with the tooth, he’s like, “Okay, I’m never going to doubt this again, because how would they know about that tooth if I hadn’t talked to her.”

What has the practice of animal communication meant to your life? It’s really interesting. In my twenties, I traveled a lot. I’ve always been footloose and interested in different cultures. And I really loved my teaching job. I was able to teach for 22 years, mostly Hmong kids, and immerse myself in their culture. The last couple years of teaching I felt so strongly that there was something else I was supposed to be doing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. I had been a teacher so long that I didn’t know what else to do. When my sister died and everything changed, I just got called to this path. What it’s done is allowed me to do what I absolutely love: helping people and helping animals. It’s allowed me to continue doing something that I’m called to do. I very much loved my teaching career. I loved teaching. Then my school district changed my program and I began to get the idea I needed to be doing something else. It turned out to be this. It’s been very gratifying to be able to do what I’m supposed to be doing in this life. What led you to the shamanic path? The death of my sister. I was devastated. She died unexpectedly from a clot in her leg that she didn’t even know about that broke off and killed her. She was one year younger, so we were very close. We shared a bedroom growing up. When I took that second animal communication class, when I talked to Cricket, the teacher had a book by Echo Bodine called Echoes of the Soul. In that book, Echo describes having a soul retrieval, and she talked about some of the symptoms of having soul loss. It was like she was describing me. My dad died when I was 5, and I had other loss in my life. Even now I don’t remember the years from kindergarten from when my dad died up until fourth grade. I have no memory. That’s a huge symptom of soul loss. I knew I needed a soul retrieval. I was putting off going through my sister’s things to get her house ready to sell. So I ended up having a soul retrieval with a local shaman in Minneapolis, Timothy Cope, the one that Echo had used. And that was absolutely my calling, to not just get a healing but to be called to the shamanic path as a healer. So at the same time I was being called to do animal communication, I also was definitely called to the shamanic path. I began by taking a journeying class in Minneapolis from the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, then I did a weeklong soul retrieval that next summer. I practiced a lot, and there I went. I actually never went back to teaching after my sister died. I took a leave of absence. I was too young to retire so I just resigned.

For those unfamiliar with shamanic journeying, how does it assist them in their lives? It helps us get better connected to the spirit world and our helping spirits. We have them but we aren’t normally very connected to them. In a journey, we get to that place where we can make a very clear connection. Then we can ask for healing. We can ask for information to help guide us in our lives. It’s like doing your own psychic reading, but you’re getting information for yourself, from direct revelation from your helping spirits. It’s nice to go to therapy, to talk with parents and friends about our issues, but when you can get direct revelation on information about your life and healing through a journey, that’s really empowering. I’ve done my shamanic practice as long as I’ve done animal communication, since 2002, and I’m not from a line of indigenous shamans at all — and you don’t have to be. It’s totally based on developing a relationship with your helping spirits. You had a highly developed intuitive life, so that made it easier to step into the shamanic path? I guess in a way it did, but that intuitive part of me was very surprising. I really wasn’t all that aware of it. I was what you would call pretty mainstream. During my teaching career, I remember the Hmong kids having a difficult time. Their parents didn’t speak English and it was so hard for them. I always remember thinking, “I want to make their spirit comfortable, in their bodies, here in the United States, in this culture.” I wanted them to learn English and math, but I focused on working with their souls. The Hmong use shamans for healing, unless they’ve converted to Christianity. I heard my Hmong students talking a lot about Hmong shamans. I remember one time when a group of fifth-grade boys were talking about their grandmother shaman. The Hmong culture is very patriarchal, so I was surprised to hear about a “grandmother” shaman. Women didn’t have much of a role in Hmong life. So I said, “Your grandmother’s a shaman? How do you get to be a shaman?” And one boy looked me and said, “You just know.” When I got called to the shamanic path, I immediately went back to that fifth-grade class and that boy looking at me and saying, “You just know.” And I was like, “Oh my gosh, I know.” It was uncanny. It really was an amazing thing. I just knew it. That’s why this intuitive part of me, which I wasn’t even aware of, just came out. And it all happened after my sister died. She died three weeks after 9/11. We all were already

in total shock because of 9/11, and when she died everything was upside down for me. She died October 5, and I left teaching the next April, and my life changed in a matter of months. Because I taught for so long, and I think that was my calling, I jumped right into teaching animal communication and teaching people how to journey. I really want people to do these things themselves. Whether they do any of these things professionally or not, that’s not the point. Getting people closer to their animals and understanding them better, and getting people closer to the spirit world and get that assistance, that’s big for me. How has your life been changed through the practice of shamanic healing? I feel so much more supported. I feel like I have Team Swanson. I have helping spirits in the form of power animals that I’m very connected with. I have teachers in the Upper World that I’m connected with. I don’t feel like I’m going it alone. I feel like I have a lot of support. It’s changed my life. I feel like I can help people now in a different way. I used to help the Hmong community by advocating for them and helping their kids learn English, and now I have switched totally to helping individuals. I help them with their animals, and I am now offering psychic readings and past-life regression. I’ve always felt like my life was to be of service, and what I’ve changed is the way I am of service. What message do you have for people who are so fearful about where their lives are today, about what they should be doing, and why it is so hard to make things work in their lives? I would suggest thinking outside of the box as much as possible. Start exploring different healing modalities and get the healing that you need. Just because I have a healing practice, it doesn’t mean that my personal healing journey has stopped. That’s the essence of the wounded healer. You continue to be wounded and heal, and wounded and heal., so you continue to keep your compassion for your clients. People often say, “I’m stuck,” but at the same time they don’t really do anything about it. Any kind of movement is valuable — walking, exercise, being more in nature. Be willing to take a class, especially now when we aren’t taking classes in person. There are so many opportunities to explore different avenues through remote learning, through Zoom classes. You can take classes from anybody right now, without having to fly out to New York or Santa Fe. There is an abundance of possibilities.

It’s important to step into something new. If you’re doing the things you love, it will work out. I feel so bad for people who are in a job because their parents wanted them to do it, or they don’t know what else to do. It can be a rut. I felt exactly that the last few years of teaching, because the district changed my program so much I wasn’t able to help the kids. I was just going to work every day and doing what I was supposed to do, but I didn’t have any power to change anything. It was a district-level decision. So I can empathize with people feeling stuck. I don’t know what I would have done if my sister hadn’t passed away. The thing is to explore and discover, because there are so many possibilities now, especially with Zoom. Covid certainly has closed things down, but it certainly has opened up a lot of other things. The way to look at things now is that there is opportunity. We don’t have to be stuck in the same way. The status quo is being destroyed, so let’s go for it! Is there anything you’d like to share that we haven’t talked about? Yes, about the end-of-life conversation. I was at an expo one time and they had a visiting animal communicator give a talk. She was saying, “Oh, you never want to talk to animals about whether they want to keep trying or if it is the end of their life.” And I thought, “Hmm, that’s not my experience — at all. I always tell my clients that if you’re at a point when you’re not sure, I will check in with your animal and quickly get a yes or no. It’s as simple as that. I have never found animals to be wishy washy about that. And for people whose animals I know pretty well, I don’t even charge people for that. It definitely is helpful to get that information, if you have an animal suffering from a terminal illness or if they are old and you don’t know if they are ready to go. They may say, “No, let’s try some other healing modalities,” or they may say, “Yes, I’m really getting a little tired of this, so I am ready.” Knowing this is hugely comforting for people. You have a good sense of when it is the end for your animals, but it’s helpful to be able to call a communicator and say, “Is it really the end? Am I right on this?” I think that is an important thing for people to understand, that you can find that out. a For more information about Lena Swanson, Animal Communication and Shamanic Healing, visit TIM MIEJAN is editor & co-publisher of The Edge magazine. Contact him at 651.578.8969 or editor@ COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Path 11: Streaming the Mysteries A conversation with founders April Hannah and Michael Habernig STAFF REPORTS FILMMAKER MICHAEL Habernig and mental health therapist and holistic health practitioner April Hannah (right) formed Path 11 Productions in 2008 to investigate the mysteries of life and death. Their documentary series, The Path Trilogy, was sold to the Gaia Network in 2011 and they continue to make fascinating television, including the series Conversations on the Path, Ask Dr. Death, the Annual UFO Conference and The Afterlife Awareness Conferences. On November 11, they launched Path 11 TV, a brand new streaming service focusing on the mysteries of life and death, after having produced the successful Path 11 Podcast and interviewed more than 250 thought leaders, scientists, authors and thinkers in the world of consciousness. They focus on investigating and documenting the secrets of the universe. The following is a conversation with Michael Habernig and April Hannah.

during that training, I explored past lives I had lived, and I recognized patterns and things reoccurring in this life. Those hypnotherapy experiences helped me heal some past life wounds I would not have known existed had I not regressed and stayed open to the concept of past lives.


You are starting a new streaming service focusing on the mysteries of life and death. Why? You can’t be a human being on Earth and not ask yourself, “Why am I here? Where did I come from? And where will I go when I die?” We both had these questions, a fear of death, struggled with our own existential questions about life, and decided to try and find some answers for ourselves. We have been filming and interviewing some of the top researchers of consciousness since 2008 and decided it was time to share the footage and education we have collected with the world. Why do you call it Path 11? We named our company Path 11 because of the 11:11 phenomenon we were experiencing during the making of The Path Documentary trilogy. As we began to learn more about numerology, we discovered it is a number for the Masters. But that was not the end of all the synchronicities. Michael is also a life path 11 in numerology, and I was born at 1:11 pm, we lived 11 miles apart, and every time we were in the studio editing, we would see 11:11 or 1:11 on the edit machines. When we would travel to film, the estimated time of arrival to the interviewee’s house would be 11:11. When we would eat, we would be seated at table 11, or our bill would come to some combination of 11. The number was all around. We were on a path and decided to combine the two and call our company Path 11. 2 0  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

What kinds of content will the subscriber find on Path 11 TV? Path 11 TV’s content is different from other streaming services. Subscribers will find original footage from spiritual, holistic, afterlife conferences and lectures for select audiences. Path 11 makes attending those events cheaper for viewers through our subscription. There are inspirational stories of other people on a spiritual path, asking big questions about life. The shows also investigate new and old alternative healing techniques that may help those on a spiritual path heal their bodies and minds. Ultimately, we will have an extensive spiritual library of fresh material for subscribers. Who is the most interesting person you have interviewed for the shows? By far, Travis Walton has unique UFO abduction stories, and we had the opportunity to film him live at a UFO conference in Pine Bush, NY. In our interview series Conversations on the Path, Bethany Gonyea describes working on Peaceful Cities Project. The project involves people gathering to meditate over high crime areas in NY. They see a statistical decline in crime. Suzane Giesemann is another interviewee who stands out. She gave a fabulous presentation about the real possibility of life after death at the Afterlife Awareness Conference. You interview people who have had past life experiences and seen UFOs. Have either of you had any experiences like that? April: I am a trained hypnotherapist, and

Michael: I saw a few UFOs during my childhood. I saw the famous Westchester Boomerang (Lights in a V-Shape) UFO in July 1985 and again in late August 1993. The local media reported the UFO sighting witnessed throughout the Hudson Valley area of New York. The UFO made no noise and would hover for long periods and then eventually speed off. The lights would not flash or flicker. They just remained bright white. When attending college in Poughkeepsie, NY, I saw a green-glowing obtuse triangle or pyramid-shaped UFO hovering over a farm in Duchess County. I pulled my car over to get a better look, and it gave off a low pulsating hum. After a few minutes, the UFO rotated vertically 90 degrees then sped off. I tried to follow it, but I could not keep up with it. You have covered UFO conferences and talked to experts. Many people are skeptical of the existence of alien life forms. Where do you stand? We believe other life forms exist in the universe, but the question of aliens visiting our planet — well, that is still up for debate. Some think beings from other planets have visited; others argue alien sightings and experiences are time travelers from the future or the distant past. That is part of what we are looking to explore and document. What kinds of subjects will Path 11 TV be covering in the future? We will continue to publish new content. Path 11 TV will provide interviews, documentaries, lectures and educational round table discussions. Do you think we’re any closer to solving some of the mysteries of life? Researchers are finding that consciousness may live outside the brain, and it’s a discovery that means anything is possible and that there is more to explore in the universe and here on Earth. a For a free trial at Path 11 TV, visit www. For more information about Michael and April, go to www. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Possessions as Possessors Mindfulness in Your Shopping Cart META ENZO TITUS IN 2012, I STAYED at a Buddhist temple in Mount Shasta, Calif. There, we took a moment before eating to reflect upon where our food came from, the ingredients in it, and the effort put into it, as well as who made it. This was meant to create a shift in consciousness to connect with a greater whole, the line of work put into what we were about to digest. The monks also told us to think about the digestive process, how everything was also a part of a system. The point of Buddhism is to achieve wholeness. This was but one of the steps. Possessions have a similar effect. Energetically, we take on the properties of objects that surround us, much like we do crystals for spiritual healing. Objects carry another sort of resonance, defining us in a similar way, but not limiting us. Recently, I saw a TedTalk by an interior designer who said there is science with studies to back up the idea that clutter and messes affect people the same way that trauma does. It’s bad for the brain. It’s stressful. It’s literally a disorganized way to live. By cleaning up our surroundings, we can achieve a greater harmony with our surroundings. By putting effort into our style, as the things we wear, we can feel more confident about our appearances. Possessions literally do possess us, the way a spirit would our mind, body and soul. Possessions act as subliminal imageries that serve as catalysts to states of mind. This is why many stereotypes about people based on appearances are not just avoidable, they often are true. Speaking as a sociology major, generalizations are unavoidable, not just about others, but how others view you, too. BY

Evolutionary psychologists teach that things we wear, the things we own, and the cars we drive, etc., are all indicators of a sense of status. Possessions are like peacock feathers, meant to attract mates, make connections, have a sense of community, and get jobs, and therefore statuses, which can increase or decrease based on whatever it is that the person owns. Things aren’t everything. There’s much nobility in living as an ascetic too, but like having many possessions, that also serves to define people. It doesn’t mean one is good and the other is bad; there exists an inevitable tendency to classify based on components. Possessions share the psyche, just as compounds create molecules. My justification for shopping aligns with the concept of an alchemic shift, a concept of spagyric art. If you look this up, you will find little about this. I came across the concept in a book called Androgyny, by H.J. Graff. He defines spagyric art as a type of alchemy that comes from the word “to take apart” and “to put together.” This has to do with the analytical and synthetic concepts of chemistry. The goal is to achieve integrations with two things. By analyzing a stimulus and assigning meaning to it, you can sync it with the other thing that is being analyzed. You probably are familiar with the

concept of color healing. This is a good example of how material things can shape us. The point of turning possessions into a positive possession is by having us change one thing into another, which is what alchemy does to metals. In this time of increased consumerism, due to COVID-19, many people are shopping. The package room is full in my building. My dad is a UPS driver and is considered an essential worker. He says it’s like Christmas time right now — so many people are shopping. The point I would like to make is that although shopping is fun, it can also possess us in negative ways, materialistic ways, if it’s not done for the right, essential reasons. Just as an eating meditation can increase mindfulness, shopping meditations can be used for mindfulness, too. By assigning symbolic attributes to the things we buy, based on colors, images, the location of where it is coming from, and the attributes of that place, as well as what money you are spending, we can see how the combination of those things make us into who we are. Mindful shopping is a real thing. Spirituality and possessions do go together. Abundance is a really good thing. Just like any other kind of indulgence, it should be used to better ourselves, not just entertain ourselves. The things that we summon into our lives are truly like wearable mantras for the mind. a META ENZO TITUS has been practicing mindfulness since 2009, ever since a spiritual awakening. They/them spent 40 days and nights living in the woods in the pursuit of what came to be known as an “en-white-en-ment,” a form of spiritual purification. They have written three books, all in the process of getting ready for publication, which will hopefully happen after completing school. Visit, and Twitter @EnzoTitus. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Promote Your Remote Services every Thursday through December. $25 for two Thursday inclusions. Every Thursday The Edge lets our Community know about available Remote Services. Call 763.433.9291. Join our Email List and receive regular updates: DECEMBER 2020 THE EDGE


The Soul of Trees


by Jaap van Etten, Ph.D.

TREES ARE IMPORTANT FOR US. Trees provide shade and protection from the sun; they provide wood for fire and material with which to build. We also know that they are essential for taking in carbon dioxide and releasing the needed oxygen for us and many of the creatures living on Earth. We love to walk in forests, and trees make us feel good. While we may love trees at a certain level, we have no difficulties cutting them. We cut them for what we call proper reasons, such as for wood to build, or for making paper. However, we also cut them because they may be in our way for a variety of reasons. It is typical for the human species to behave in a basically schizophrenic way where we both like something and do not care for it. In ancient times and even today, trees were sacred in many traditions. They revered them. Fortunately, we see respect for trees coming back. Increasingly, people begin to look at trees not only from a physical perspective but also from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective. In this article, I will not look at the ecological importance of trees. People have written many books and articles about that. I will focus on some metaphysical aspects, not with the intent to give a full overview but to look at the energetics of trees in such a way that it will be easier to also see trees from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective. That may add arguments for the importance of trees, especially the old ones, and the need to protect them. Dorothy McLean was known for her ability to communicate with Devas. In her book To Hear the Angels Sing, she shared many messages. One of these I will never forget and is relevant for this article. Large trees are essential to the well-being of the Earth. No other can do the job they do. They and humanity each represent the apex of a particular form of life and humans could gain much by associating with them. It is no accident that Buddha is said to have found enlightenment under a tree. It would be most beneficial if large woodlands were retained near every city, for trees have a special gift to offer man in this age of speed and change. They embody the qualities of strength, stability and continuity. They bless all who come and rest within their aura. Large trees are conductors of energy; they stand ever ready, channeling the universal forces that surround and are part of the world. These large trees are carriers of especially potent vibrations, sentinels of cosmic energy, transforming this power and conducting it into the Earth. This message summarizes some of the key aspects of the importance of trees. Over time I have studied several aspects of the way trees are related to the energies that are important for this world and us. I will summarize some key aspects in this article.

SACRED TREES I met the idea of sacred trees while living in The Netherlands. The ancestors of the people currently living in Northwestern Europe saw trees as sacred. Their culture and spiritual activities centered around trees. Although a lot of the knowledge about the rituals and ceremonies from those times are lost, some of the remaining beliefs reflect that although all trees were sacred, some were considered more sacred. To the Germanic tribes, two species of trees were particularly sacred: Oak, and Linden or Lime tree. In simple terms, they used Oak trees for all community activities that had to do with active masculine activities. For example, when they were speaking

justice and also when they held meetings to make plans for the community, they held those gatherings under an Oak tree. If it had to do with feminine aspects, like fertility, praying for good crops, or health, these activities occurred under a Linden tree. Even today, many farmhouses have Linden trees, although nowadays the explanation for that is more mundane. In the landscape of Northwest Europe, there still are Oaks and Linden trees that even today are sacred. Several of them are connected to legends about Mother Mary, which has resulted in the building of chapels and churches. It is obvious that people throughout time have experienced trees as more than a piece of wood. Trees have affected communities and even religions. For example, the Celts had a Lunar Zodiac completely based on trees.

TREES AND THE HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS GRID When I studied the human consciousness grids, I discovered something that at the time surprised me. I found that the grid that holds the lowest vibrations of human consciousness is directly linked to certain trees. These trees are needed to create this grid. The grid with the lowest vibration of human consciousness corresponds to our root chakra, the chakra of feeling safe and accepted. Trees contribute to a feeling of safety and help us to accept that we decided to incarnate in this, often challenging physical world. I described the connection of trees with this grid in Gifts of Mother Earth. It took a lot of research to find out which trees are involved in this grid system. While the list may not be complete (I only researched areas in West Europe, the United States, and Mexico) I found that only certain types of trees contribute to this grid. When a certain type of tree is involved, it seems that all species of that type of tree are involved. I found the following type of trees connected with this grid: Sycamore, Oak, Linden, Birch, Beech, Hawthorne, and Alder. There are many species of Oak. All the Oak species that I have checked are involved in these grids, including the two species of oak shrubs that I found in Arizona. The same is true for the other mentioned type of trees. This list contains only Oak tree deciduous trees, an aspect that I found fascinating. I expected to find at least some evergreens to be included, but so far, I have not been able to find any. Looking at this list, it contains the two most sacred trees of the Germanic tribes: the Oak and the Linden tree. Four trees from the list are part of the Celtic Tree Zodiac: Birch, Alder, Hawthorne, and Oak. Sycamores, known as Plane (Platanus), are planted in many villages where people gather. That happens, for example, in France where almost all villages have their central gathering area covered with Planes. I found that in some places Beeches are connected to the appearance of statues of Mother Mary, for example in Belgium, and consequently, these trees are considered sacred. We may conclude that over time people created special relationships with the tree species linked to the grids that reflect the foundational need of human existence: safety and acceptance. Some may believe that this happened by accident, but I do not believe so. In those days people still had an intuitive knowing that these trees support humans to live more optimally. DECEMBER 2020 THE EDGE  


TREES AND SOULS Sharing about the relationship that certain trees have with grids and their importance for us, is at least to some degree acceptable for many people. More difficult to accept is the idea that trees have Souls. A Soul may express itself through many or at least several individual trees, or through only one tree. I still remember the moment when I read in a book, We Came as Angels, about souls choosing trees through which to express themselves. That book also mentioned that trees standing at one place over long periods gather a lot of wisdom; maybe even more than human beings who keep moving around and their lifespans are comparatively short. As the soul in a tree said to a soul in a human body in this book: “Sometimes anchored to one place is an advantage. There is no way to move away from what you have done to the life around you.” This statement made a deep impression on me. It made me realize how important it is to lovingly care for the environment in which we live. Souls in trees! When I read that I wondered whether this was true, and if so, which trees have a single soul and which ones are part of a group that shares one soul? This question felt important, although, at the time, I did not understand why. I learned a lot from connecting with trees, feeling into their individuality and their collectivity. All trees have a connection with all other trees of the same species. If you connect with a Birch, all Birches know about this connection. Each Birch will know you, even when you never made a direct connection with that particular tree. Realizing this and feeling this made me see the world differently. I realized how much we had lost our ability to feel connected with all other human Utah Juniper tree beings, let alone with other species. In the process of connecting with trees, I learned that certain trees had a much stronger presence. It is not easy to describe. It feels like connecting with the essence of a tree in a similar way as connecting with the essence of another human being. One day, I was able to communicate more clearly about this with a tree. It was a Utah Juniper tree. In the past, I had some short moments of connection and picked up some short messages, but this was different. This experience was with a Utah Juniper tree that I connected with regularly. I also brought several people to it to make a connection. The communication was unexpectedly clear. I felt such a love for the tree, and it was not for trees in general, but especially for this tree. It felt like a friend with which you have a deep connection. It was during this deep connection and sharing that this Utah Juniper told me about trees and souls. This tree had an individual soul. It told me that this was the case for all Utah Junipers. Like humans, they have individual souls. Of course, I wanted to know which other species have an individual soul. Because I was not yet very trained in my communication with my friend, I could not understand all that the tree told me. However, over time, I learned about a few other types of trees that have individual souls. Besides the Utah Juniper, there is the Alligator Juniper, the Ponderosa Pine, the Siberian Pine, the Giant Sequoia, the Redwood Tree and the Dawn Redwood. I know there are more, but these are the ones of which I am aware at this moment. I also learned that all species of trees, when they get old, may have an individual soul. In such a situation, this tree, for example, 2 4   W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T

an Oak, was initially part of a group of Oaks that shared the same soul. Over time, as the trees got older, and some began to die, there were fewer individual trees connected with that soul. In the end, there was only one old tree that holds the soul of the group to which it belonged.

THE NOYA RAO TREE AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONSCIOUSNESS To understand the full scope of the gifts of the trees, I want to include the Noya Rao, a very sacred and unique tree found in the Amazon. This tree is very rare. There seems to be only a few of them. I heard about this tree through a friend of ours. She regularly visits the Shipibo-Conibo tribe. When there, she, and those that go with her participate in ceremonies that lead to drinking the tea made from the sacred Noya Rao tree. According to the information, Noya Rao is an almost mythical tree that grows in the Amazonian forest. Those that know this majestic tree do not share much information, and that is for a valid reason: to protect it. Within the tradition of the ShipiboConibo tribe, who are widely considered to have the most conscious approach to plant-based medicine, Noya Rao is the great-great-grand Mother of all the other plants. The meaning of Noya Rao in the local vocabulary is both the “ree of Light” and the “Camino a la Verdad,” which translates into “The path of Truth” It is also called the “Flying Tree,” which may refer to the expansion of consciousness that occurs when you make a deep connection with this tree or drink the tea made from it. Its wisdom is considered extremely powerful, it represents pure good, connects to white light, and those who had the honor to drink the yellow colored tea brew from the bark of Noya Rao claimed it changed their life paths forever. However, those that know the old recipe for the potion keep it secret. The tree is so rare, that most shamans who know where Noya Rao grows keep that knowledge unexposed and protect it with uttermost care and love. The tea extracted from the bark of the tree has no noticeable taste; it’s faintly sweet and very delicate. The most magical part of Noya Rao’s physical form is that its leaves and bark have fluorescent properties and glow faintly in the dark. During a meditation in our crystal skull circle with an essence of the Noya Rao, people had powerful experiences. In this meditation, I connected with beings from the star system of Pegasus. They showed me something that led to a deeper appreciation for trees than I already had.   The Noya Rao tree is a gift of the consciousness of a group of beings from the star system of Pegasus. They used genetic material from certain Noya Rao tree trees and combined

that with aspects of their energy and consciousness to create a new form. This form, however, can only grow in the energy of a portal to the star system of Pegasus. That is the reason that these trees are so rare. That is also the reason why all attempts of people to cultivate this tree have failed. I must admit that it took me a while to process this information, even though the information felt “right.” I was aware that there were influences and contributions of ETs that created certain species of plants and animals. It felt that this was even beyond “contribution.” The Noya Rao was a creation of a foreign species to help us human beings in the process of our evolution of consciousness. It is the expansion of consciousness that led to the name “Flying Tree.” I felt that the soul connected with the Noya Rao had a certain familiarity, because I realized that I had felt its energies before. I had connected with portals to this system before, but I knew there was something else. I wondered whether all the trees with individual souls had souls that came from Pegasus. However, that was not true. The souls connected with trees come from many different star systems, like is the case with souls connected with human beings. Feeling into the energies of Pegasus and the Noya Rao tree coincided with research on the human consciousness grids. In the process, I visited Sycamore trees again to look at the grid these trees hold for us. Connecting with these trees, I felt the energies of Pegasus again. That is why it felt familiar; I had felt the energies before without being able to define them. I wondered about the souls that connect with the other trees that contribute to the creation of the most basic human consciousness grid. All the trees connected with this grid belong to the group of trees that share Souls. Checking these trees, I felt that all the trees that contribute to the creation of the basic human consciousness grid have a connection with souls that originate from Pegasus. It seems that the beings from Pegasus want to help us by supporting our process of feeling safe and accepted in this physical world. That is a requirement if we are to fulfill our agreement with Gaia: to contribute to the ascension of the Gaia system.

TREES AND MORPHOGENETIC SYSTEMS Every species needs a morphogenetic system, consisting of a field and one or more grids, to be able to exist. These grids exist independent of the species itself. The location of these grids is on the surface of the Earth. These grids have a basic pattern spread over the whole Earth. That is true for all species, including trees, except for one group. That is the group of trees which have an individual soul. These trees have a completely different type of grid. They are both the creators and holders of their own very irregular grid. Each tree is connected with the trees around them through energy lines, forming a grid system determined by the number of trees present. Each tree is a vortex in the grid, while normally the vortexes are on the nodes (cross points of lines) in other grids. Only trees with an individual soul have this type of morphogenetic grids. Having such a grid has some interesting consequences. While for other species the grid will exist all over the world, even when there is only one individual alive. The grid of this group of trees depends on the number of trees that are alive. That means that the size and density of the grid change continuously with the death and birth of individual trees. When there is only one individual alive, there is no grid anymore; only one vortex that keeps the tree connected with its morphogenetic field. GROUPS OF TREES Based on what I shared in this article, we can separate trees into a few groups. I like to stress that all trees are important for us, seen from a physical, as well as a metaphysical point of view. Trees help us to reconnect to grounding, rebalancing our system, finding stability and peace, and accepting the world in which we “stand.” They all help us to see that we need to take care of our environment or we will stand in our own mess.

The majority of trees belong to the group of which each soul expresses itself through more than one tree. I summarized the way these trees support us in the above paragraph. The souls connected with these trees originate from different star systems. They all have a worldwide morphogenetic grid system that has a characteristic pattern. The second group has all the characteristics of the previous group with one exception and one addition. The exception is that the souls connected with these trees are all from the star system of Pegasus. The addition is that this group of trees lays the foundation for the lowest grid of human consciousness that reflects to us how safe and accepted we feel in this physical reality. The importance is enormous, given how many people experience fears and worries, reflecting the lack of safety and acceptance. We mentioned the names of the trees in this group, as far is currently known, earlier in this article: Sycamore, Oak, Linden, Birch, Beech, Hawthorne, and Alder. The trees in the third group always have each an individual soul. They are very similar to us. To express themselves into this world, they use a different form than we do. This group has a completely different type of morphogenetic grid that consists of lines connecting each living tree of the same species, while each tree also is a vortex in the grid. Consequently, it is a dynamic system. When we cut any of these trees, we diminish the grid. While there may be many more species in this group, at this moment I am aware of the Utah Juniper, the Alligator Juniper, the Ponderosa Pine, the Siberian Pine, the Giant Sequoia, the Redwood Tree, and the Dawn Redwood. Lastly, there is an individual species, the Noya Rao. For this tree, not only the soul but also the physical manifestation depends on and connects with a star system: the star system of Pegasus. The few individuals of this species that exist all need the energies of a portal to Pegasus to function and survive.

HUG A TREE Based on what you have read it may be clear that trees are very important for both our physical and our spiritual lives. Trees cannot walk away. Even when we believe that they are in our way (that is always a belief and not reality) we should think twice about cutting. We have already diminished the number of trees worldwide. We need to protect them, especially those that are the older trees. Given how much they offer us, never forget to hug a tree regularly. a JAAP VAN ETTEN, Ph.D., was born and educated in the Netherlands. He received his Ph.D. in biology in Amsterdam, specializing in ecology. For the past 24 years, his focus has been on metaphysical ecology. He studies and teaches about human energies, Earth energies and the energies of stones, crystals and crystal skulls. He also looks at how these energies interact. He is the author of Crystal Skulls: Interacting with a Phenomenon, Gifts of Mother Earth, Crystal Skulls: Expand Your Consciousness, Birth of a New Consciousness, and Dragons: Guardians of Creative Power. He is the co-founder of the Universal Center for Metaphysical Ecology, He currently resides in Sedona, Arizona. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Use Your Joy BY JACQUELINE SUSKIN An excerpt from Every Day is a Poem: Find Clarity, Feel Relief, and See Beauty in Every Moment

“The poet’s measures serve anarchic joy.” —Ursula K. Le Guin WITH ALL OF THE HORRIBLE THINGS happening in our world, we often feel guilty about being joyous. It can feel wrong to express any level of elation as our planet and fellow humans suffer. But joy is a crucial part of collective healing, and limiting happiness because of guilt only harms us as a whole. Humans don’t do well with apathy. Yet I understand why so many of us feel stuck in the current climate. With genocide, institutionalized racism, police brutality, climate change, deforestation, sexism, transphobia, and inequality of all kinds plaguing the headlines, it makes sense that so many people feel powerless and are in despair. But it’s important to remember that in addition to the actions we can take by attending meetings to organize, signing petitions, voting, and voicing our outrage, our joy is a form of activism. The poems that I wrote for my Poem Store customers had an innate optimism. I didn’t set out intending to write positive poems for the masses; it’s just that whatever I’m channeling when I create spontaneously for strangers is a thing of light. This hopefulness doesn’t exclude the darkness or pain that a customer might present when they name their subject; rather, it’s a reminder that goodness exists. Sometimes that goodness is a lesson, the inspiring aspect of pain that causes us to grow or the stark reality of something horrific that won’t last forever, that will change if we work for it or give it time. There is joy in all of this acknowledgment. There is felicity in our expressions of belief. Even a glimpse of hope in a time of hopelessness is a serum of solace that we all seek. Poetry is this medicine. Poems can help us celebrate joyous events. To thrive amidst pain and confusion, we have to learn how to hone in on the things we’re most grateful for and praise them with language.

POETRY IS A FORM OF PRAISE. As we care for ourselves and make the most of life, as we serve and revere, as we mend our many mistakes, as we acknowledge and unpack our privilege, allowing for a release of rapturous expression feels radical and imperative.

A Morning I gladly keep the windows open, desert air rushing in to cover everything with chaparral dust. I’ll wipe it up again and again, or just let it stay. The sound of the cat drinking. The hatchet cut on my knuckle and the splinters in my hands. Good to wear the mark of wood. Old broom handles and the worn barn door. Avocado, pine, and oak. A needle and the slow yet satisfying meditation of removal. I praise it all with water for the orchard roots and bring the hose to my lips. I release all worry. The earth is here and I am it. EXERCISE FOR JOY: MAKE A RITUAL OF JOY Be in service to your joy by noticing it. Let this observation be a routine, a ceremonial practice of tending to your exuberance. The more joy we feel, the better chance we have of extending such delight to others. Hallelujah! You woke up and saw the brilliant sun again! This thought is the day’s first poem. Oh joy! The wilderness is large and secretive! Write about it. Wow! You are loved by a gentle woman, and she sings so sweetly. Write her a letter and find poetry to celebrate her goodness. When someone is getting married, they often write poetic vows of dedication and potent promises. When someone graduates from college, we commend them with verse. It’s natural to fall into poetry when we are struck by joy. Let the work of words reveal joy in your thoughts, on the page, in any way that pays tribute to the pleasure of being alive so that you feel it fully on each occasion. a JACQUELINE SUSKIN has composed over 40,000 poems with her ongoing improvisational writing project, Poem Store. She is the author of seven books, including Help in the Dark Season (Write Bloody, 2019) and Every Day is a Poem (Sounds True, 2020). Her work has been featured in the New York Times, the Atlantic, and Yes! magazine. She lives in Northern California. For more, see Used with permission of the author and the publisher, Sounds True, Inc. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Whispering Trees

Audio Birds




Can you hear through the canopy, the rustling of leaves, tiny whispers chant at me and my eyes are open to the world. Encompassing my soul that needs cleansing. I am recharged, anew, and a cluttered road becomes clear. The trees sway in transient light stretching out across pavements Into gardens and freely whisper little kisses to a fragile universe.

The birds in your audio are chirping in sync with the birds outside of mine. The black lab snores while she too wishes we were not home. Pacing slumps from room to room looking for a six foot space for air for love, tired love. for meaning for answers for more and deeper breaths — tired of begging tired of touch treats no longer harvest a pithy of reward.

TANYA FILLBROOK is a keen writer of verse, fiction, and nonfiction. She has had work published about the environment, and personal essays. She lives in Dorset, England. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Breaking away from what feels Familiar and normal How can anything be real? If only then are we free to roam This world completely uninhibited And free to falter to the ground Unscathed As if I saw my own Shadow Peering through to say hi One last time Let it be divine will what comes of me In my skin and shoes I peer not to you I seek myself away from this hell For once I was saved by the bell And anything else that comes of me Will be forgotten and lost to the shadows We forever see whispering I can hear them one last time Goodbye TORI WEINSTEIN is a writer who lives in Providence, Rhode Island. She has a life coaching business called Healing Home Intuitive Coaching. She also loves to dance and make music. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Invisible Pain BY MARIA LISA POLEGATTO The hardest part of being humble Is learning from experience It’s not from watching others in pain It’s from feeling the pain within It’s the part where you go on healing Despite the overwhelming throbbing The invisible pain that keeps you reeling Wearing you down day by day But keeping a smile on your face Showing others only the grace That you can muster up inside It’s the raising of your vibration To overcome all odds Even when stacked against you Time stands still in those moments Even though it goes tickling on by Without you The truth that while invisible Keeps you knowing you are alive Tick tock, tick tock Throb, pain, shock.

MARIA LISA POLEGATTO grew up and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, where she works full time. To rest and relax she loves to retreat into nature and spend time with animals enjoying the magic that surrounds us. Contact Maria Lisa at COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

We are caught wondering if the Winter’s grass may someday find its way through. VICTORIA RUIZ is an east/west massage therapist practicing in St. Louis Park, MN. She and her partner are parents to adult twin sons. In her free time, Victoria can be found in virtual writing workshops with writers from around the globe. Her poems can be found online at Indolent Books. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


flies over the basket of clothes still warm from the dryer. Oh well, her larva will infest this house. Oh well, her larva will eat my clothes. Oh well what others will say— I let her live! AHREND TORREY enjoys exploring nature with his husband Jonathan and their two terriers Dichter and Dova. He works in New Orleans and is the author of “Small Blue Harbor” published by the Poetry Box Select imprint (Portland) in 2019. He holds an MFA in creative writing from Wilkes University. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.



Poems for You BY


Because Because we love so deeply but will never have enough days, I want to remember each morning that the hours before me are a gift. Let me push aside the unknown, like too many days’ old, dried bread, selecting instead a simple breakfast of fruit and nourishing sunshine. The birds sing open-heartedly no matter who our next president might be, even in a smoke-filled sky, and during a pandemic that just won’t go away. 2020, our year of great uncertainty — personally, nationally, and globally; it’s an invitation, possibly, to choose. The only reasonable plan I can see: to sow love and kindness, instead of fear.

My Voice On the sacred wave of my voice a story is breaking through my heart. It is a tale of unity, of relation, of love. It encompasses every individual, creature, and the natural life, all equally of value, all an original gift from the One. The responsibility of my voice is to weave the words together, form a reminder of our blessedness, our reasons for being, all the oceans we embody expressing the light.

A Continuance of Change Compassion Compassion hears the speech, sees the deeds, and feels the fear of pain. Compassion dresses in soft clothes, a bright paisley print shawl draped over her shoulders, comfy shoes, for all the distances she hopes to cover. She has the look of someone’s grandmother or Mother Earth herself. Compassion cocks her head, beckons, then reaches out her hand to you with a smile. She loves to think of things to make you happy, to help you live your life like a love song. Some aspire to return her benevolence in kind, and that could be okay, but Compassion also wants you to know it warms her heart when kindness is paid forward. Compassion transforms fear to grace, disease to healing, hate to love. She gently whispers, Give to me your discomfort and let’s make of it a rainbow. 2 8   W W W. E D G E M A G A Z I N E . N E T

A strife-free life does not exist but in longing, like parching thirst brings dreams of verdant streams. It is a world forever broken open by a continuance of change, the disruption of ordered things. How not to lose heart? Where are the guiding signs? Can faith be enough? Faint whisperings float by my ear, Accept what is, love the world no matter what. Acceptance, the drumbeat that will lead me home.

As a Child As a child I was most at home outdoors, encircled by a wood of pines laced with bluebells and lady slippers. I climbed those trees, dug in the dirt to find treasure buried by time, left by an earlier people. The open possibility of a rowboat on a lake, slipping between cattails and lily pads. I left a part of me in that land of dreams.

The Puzzle My teacher believes we are each a piece of the puzzle. Alone, we cannot resolve the chaos erupting on this planet. Yet we can unearth and foster our rare true gifts to satisfy our share of what is vital for this world to become a kinder, more loving home to live in.

Dear one, whenever you are able try to be kind and open, play like a child, smile and laugh a lot, contemplate the forest, breathe in the scent of the sea, be conscious of love in its many forms, welcome suggestions from beyond, gently release your fears and the desire to control the ebb and flow, feel life in its totality, accept all paths travelled, forgive hurts held onto, allow your energy to uplift, be thankful for blessings received, remember the remarkable being and body of light that you are.

The Sentinels

Don’t Forget to Remember Discarding my daily clothes, slipping on pajamas, setting out a glass of water, brushing my teeth each evening in preparation for sleep – this is when I most deeply feel the passing of my days. Something about the repeated routine wakes me to the heaping of one more day on the mound that is a life. Reminders – time is finite, even though each day contains much of the same. Don’t forget to remember and appreciate.

How the trees have grown around us, with a surplus of winter and spring rains. The sycamore we planted as a sapling soars three stories high. The oaks facing the house have morphed into one tree with two trunks. A grove of eucalyptus, their silver sifting leaves testing the waters of the sky, confirming life will continue to march on. The trees form a sacred den, shelter us from external elemental ravages. Sentinels of sentient existence, wise keepers cradling my spirit in their limbs.

Lately Lately, I have wondered if we are starting down a path towards a time when I will be alone. Then I understand we set off down that path the minute I met you. In the end we are meant to be alone. I will have to find the courage. In a dream, we are sitting together in a church. You get up to leave without even a glance in my direction. I tap you on the shoulder, a reminder to come back for me.

Thank You, Spirit Thank you, Spirit for the gift of life the blessing of family a constant cocoon of faith the sanctuary of home whispers of intuition unexpected grace the tenderness of a guiding hand the soothing energy of mother earth innate trust to remain open the glorious feeling of creativity love that knows no limits connection with all, to all the treasure of days strung like pearls on a strand bequeathed to me. CAROLYN CHILTON CASAS is a Reiki Master Teacher and a student of metaphysics. Her poetry and stories can be found in Energy, Odyssey, Mujer Holística, Reiki New Magazine, Snapdragon, The Art of Healing, and in other publications. She lives on the Central Coast of California. More of Carolyn’s writing can be seen on Instagram at mindfulpoet_. COPYRIGHT © 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.





Business Network • Intuitive Network Sacred Gatherings • Classifieds Happenings Events • Edge Talk Radio Podcasts




The Business Network is arranged by Category. $10 monthly. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category, brief description (25 words or less), name, phone, email, website, photo/logo. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or BOOKS, HOMEOPATHY, HERBS, FLOWER ESSENCES 2,000 Homeopathic Remedies, 600+ medicinal & cooking herbs, numerous Flower Essences for spiritual & emotional healing. Books, essential oils, incense, vitamins, crystals. Yoga Practitioners available. In business 40 years. Present Moment Herbs & Books, 3546 Grand Ave S., Minneapolis, 612.824.3157, 1.800.378.3245,

ENERGY HEALING: Accredited and Certified, Mary Jo, RN 42+, has been working in the Energy Healing field since 2003. Reiki, Healing Touch, Crystal, past-life, Hara healing, Channeling, Light Language, Essential Oils, Mentoring. Classes: Virtual and in-person: Usui Reiki, Crystal, Energy Healing. Online School. Crystal Shop. 4th Dimension Healing, Mary Jo Feely, RN, HTCP, RMT, CCH, 651.439.9001, Stillwater, MN,

BREATH WORK / ENERGY HEALING / SOUL COACHING Heal your Body, Clear your Blocks, Enhance your Soul Connection, Transform your Life. Soul Breathing™ workshops and group sessions ongoing. Individual Breath Sessions / Pranic Healing® / NPMDT® / Bemer® by appointment. Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh., 651.442.4623,,

HYPNOSIS TRAINING – CERTIFIED – ALL LEVELS Past Life & Between Lives Regression, Private & Group Sessions, Healing, Spiritual Mentoring. In Person & Online Training, Retreats, 25+ years experience. Madonna Kettler, PhD, LBLt, CHt, 612.709.5578,,

CONSCIOUS LIVING, CONSCIOUS DYING COACH Compassionate, supportive coaching through changes in life, fears, stumbling blocks and confusion. Individual meetings, workshops. Heron Diana, 612.205.6080,

HYPNOTHERAPY: Need relief from anxiety, depression, phobias or PTSD? Ready to gain insight into your soul’s purpose through Past Life or Life-Between-Lives regression? 20 Years Experience. Located in St. Paul, MN. Eric Christopher, MSMFT, CHT, 651.649.1952,

CRYSTALS, STONES, STONE ENERGY Ki Stones features mineral specimens, crystals, tumbled stones (over 150 types), decorator pieces, jewelry. In-home store open. Call for an appointment. Sheryl 763.443.3941 and Dale 763.443.4016,,

HYPNOTHERAPY Client centered hypnotherapy. Why not start today? The rest of your life is waiting for you! Located at 1700 Technology Dr. NE, Suite 201, Willmar MN 56201 Jessica L Hanson, CHt, LLC, Willmar Hypnosis, 320.979.6875,,

EDUCATION, FENG SHUI: The Wind & Water Center offers virtual classes and programs that explore Feng Shui and related modalities. Both beginner and advanced classes are offered through our catalog – new classes added regularly. Visit us at Wind & Water Center,

HYPNOTHERAPY & CONSCIOUSNESS COACHING™: Change your mind. Change your life. Five Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnotherapy.™ Transform limiting beliefs, fears, anxiety, habits, 5 Pillars of Balance, Spiritual Direction, Conflict Resolution Skills. Judith Froemming, BA, CH, CTC, HNLP, Infinite Mind Hypnosis & Coaching, 651.216.0085,

EMOTION CODE/ ENERGY HEALING: An energy healing technique that releases trapped emotions, which are harmful energies from negative past events. Clearing trapped emotions helps the body to heal. All sessions are done remotely, meaning you don’t have to leave home or work. Tree of Life Healing, Colleen Picha, ECCP, CMT, 507.649.0580,,

HYPNOTHERAPY/PSYCHOTHERAPY: Heal overwhelm, trauma, sexual abuse, spiritual/kundalini crisis, across time/ lives. Build two-way communication with God, angels, guides, dead relatives. Exorcisms. Channel for Mother Mary. Jerry Buchmeier, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, 763.546.4133,,

HEALING TOUCH, MEDIUMSHIP AND MASSAGE Receive a relaxing meditation, healing chakra balance clearing, intuitive messages and a therapeutic 60 minute massage for $90 (2 hours) in person COVID-19 plan. Edgar Chakra Balance of South Minneapolis, 612.384.4572, 3 0  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / SOUL READINGS: Soul Readings for clarity and guidance. Psychic Development classes to heal, reclaim your gifts, and consciously create with your own unique body/soul partnership. Cindy Lehman 612.669.1861,,

REIKI HEALING Experience the divine energy of Reiki for balance, relaxation, wellness. Treatment sessions. Student-oriented training for all levels. Sheryl and Dale Fisher, Reiki Master-Teachers, Sheryl 763.443.3941 and Dale 763.443.4016

SOUND HEALING, SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS & FENG SHUI: Experience Transformational Ceremonies that Awaken Your Higher Consciousness and Expand Your Inner Light. Services: Sound Healing, Spiritual Blessings, Feng Shui and Sound Healing on the Go: Home, Hospital or Hospice. Carolyn Vinup, 612.325.5162,,

REIKI, NLP, TAROT Healing body-mind-soul, removing the root of your problem. Helping re-connect with the feelings for life transformation. Irene Golembo 952.988.9916,,

THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE: Holistic Reiki Massage combines the use of aromatherapy, gentle relaxing Swedish Massage and Reiki healing. Jessica channels healing energy to clear energy blockages and realign the energy flow. You feel as though you’ve drifted off into a cloud of peace. Sacred Roots Holistic Massage, text 952.594.1408,,


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Edge Intuitive Network listings are $15 monthly. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: headline (10 words or less); description (80 words or less); name; phone; email; website; photo(s) or logo (2 inches wide x .75 inches high). To be included: 763.433.9291 or


I offer private, respectful Soul Readings to connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance, clarity and healing. All questions are welcome. Relationships can be looked at from a soul perspective including connecting with those who have passed on. I also offer beginning and advanced Psychic Development classes. My passion is teaching others to more fully access their own intuitive/psychic/soul gifts, while living and creating from heart in a healthy partnership honoring both body and soul. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,,


Jurema is much more than a psychic or a medium. She is a true soul healer, who is been transforming the lives of countless people in the U.S. and worldwide. Thirty years ago, she brought to the U.S. a rich and diverse spiritual knowledge, resulting in an original approach to healing and counseling. Jurema is one of the most celebrated and popular professional psychics in the Upper Midwest. Her sessions by phone-video-in person are breathtaking and transformative. Appointments:,, 320.260.7305. Visit


Born a naturally gifted Psychic Medium. And one of the finest professionals and most referred name by those in the know. Five-star ethics with an objective approach in her established career and stays on point with fine-tuned focused readings, utilizing her efficient modern question direct© methodology. Alison has a strong affinity with animals of all kinds and is a successful Healer. She is the genuine real deal! Alison James, 612.424.1411,,

PATRICE CONNELLY, DIRECTOR OF QUESTFIELDS: INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT TEACHER, HEALER, STUDENT For 35 years I have taught and continue to teach Intuitive Development classes,

worked with numerous clients in one-on-one sessions in person or by phone bringing Spirituality, creativity and humor together. I offer practical hands on tools for students and clients to explore and to develop their own unique gifts working with their Spirit through soul, mind and body. It is a never-ending source of delight and pleasure to see students and clients become empowered in their ownership. Patrice Connelly, Questfields,

612.669.1861 jurema@ 320.260.7305



HOPEHEALING BY KIMBERLY Kimberly is a Spiritual Medium and Energy Healer who is dedicated to share her Wisdom and Divine Gifts to help with Hope & Healing. She has the Ability to Connect to your loved ones who have crossed over with Compassion & Care. During your reading you will feel feel your loved ones surround you and hear direct evidence, which can also release Trauma, Shame, Guilt, Fear to which you will find the Ability to move forward in life with Joy and comfort knowing your loved ones are safe and at peace. I look forward to meeting your family. HopeHealing by Kimberly,,

ONE OF THE HIGHEST-RATED PSYCHIC MEDIUMS IN THE TWIN CITIES 5-STAR GOOGLE RATING WITH 35+ REVIEWS Allie Maurer is an International Psychic Medium, Healer, Animal Communicator, Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Life Coach. Allie utilizes her gifts to assist her clients in understanding and learning why things are unfolding as they are, what needs to be healed and how they can empower themselves to create the the future they want. She also loves connecting people to their deceased loves ones and has a passion for animal communication and healing for humans and pets! Discover how her Life Coaching Clients transform their lives! Allie Maurer, 952.334.6496,

952.334.6496 psychicalliemaurer


LynMarie8 is an Intuitive, Medical Intuitive and Medium. She is the founder/teacher of Beyond Quantum Consciousness®/ Love Consciousness® and a Certified Teacher of Theta Healing®. She works from outside the matrix, multi-dimensionally, simultaneously with all parts of you and all subject matters of one’s life. Working with LynMarie will create a permanent shift in all areas of your life in your session! She works directly with Source, with your records on and off planet. LynMarie8,


I am a Psychic, Medium, Ghostbuster, Life Coach. I have happily traveled the world doing energy work, readings and ghostbusting. Readings/coaching gives you an opportunity to look within and access your wisdom, receiving knowledge that can assist when dealing with today’s challenges. Energy work and ghostbusting bring healing to you, your space, trapped souls, and the Earth. Kathleen Kalil,





Sacred Gatherings are $15 monthly. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Name, address, phone, email, website, gathering times & brief description. To be included: 763.433.9291 or or Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis: Brookview Golf Course, 316 Brookview Parkway S., Golden Valley, 612.759.0870, — Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis is a spiritual community that honors all paths to God. Whether we call it God, Spirit, Energy or Universal Intelligence, we are ever conscious that all people, places and things emanate from this Universal Intelligence that is within us and all around us. Using the principles of Science of Mind and the philosophies of our founder Ernest Holmes, the Center provides spiritual tools to transform our personal lives and make the world a better place. If you are ready to be home and in the flow of Good, come see us every Sunday for Meditation at 9:30 a.m. and our Sacred Service at 10 a.m. Visit our website for upcoming life changing classes and motivating workshops. Eckankar / Temple of ECK: The Path of Spiritual Freedom, 7450 Powers Blvd., Chanhassen, 952.380.2200, —

Keys to spiritual experiences: Explore past lives, dreams and Soul Travel. Spirit United Church, 612.378.3602,,, mailing address: P.O. Box 130811, Roseville, MN 55113 — WWhen Spirit calls you to something more, to go beyond limitations of what has been, to explore possibilities of what can be, we are Spirit United. We are a spiritual community that has undergone a beautiful transformation. We honor personal and planetary awakening through education, weekly wisdom teachings, and playfulness. Our children are a vital part of our community and we are creating a youth ministry to brighten their light through love and wisdom teachings. Children are welcome during this process! Check out our website to join our Sunday Services via Zoom at 10:30am until we are able to return to our beautiful shared location at Harriet Alexander Nature Center, 2520 Dale St. N., Roseville, MN 55113.


a S E E K I N G , S E L L I N G , P R O M OT I N G Classifieds are $1 per word, 20-word minimum. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Category & text To be included: 763.433.9291 or

COVID-19 UPDATES REGULAR EMAILS — The Edge will be sending out emails every Thursday through December to highlight remote services available during the pandemic. To receive these email updates, please join The Edge’s email list at: www.

Unity In The Heart - St. Paul (UIH). Triune Masonic Temple, 1898 Iglehart St., St. Paul, 651.399.3679 (message only), — UIH is a small and vibrant spiritual community that meets for worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. (children’s program is available) in the historic Triune Masonic Temple in St. Paul, MN. Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. Unity honors the universal truths in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path. Unity teaches that we are each individual expressions of God and that our essential nature is inherently good. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives. To learn more about UIH, join us on Sunday, check out our Facebook page, or listen to a past message online. Unity Minneapolis: 4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis. 763.521.4793, — We are an allinclusive community that offers a positive, practical, everyday spiritual message. Our Sunday morning service is live streamed (and ASL interpreted) at 9:30 AM on our website and Facebook Live. Check out our website for classes, workshops and groups.

ALICE BAILEY EXPLORE HER WRITING: Are you interested in the writings of Alice A. Bailey?









Happenings Events are $20 monthly. Deadline: 15th of each month. Major credit cards are accepted. Provide: Date, title and text. Listing must include specific event dates and time, or it will be placed under Ongoing and not be included online. To be inclu ded: 763.433.9291 or or December 5-7 – 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar with Christine Day “Live” via Zoom: “Enter the Realms of Pei Antana.” Come meet your destiny. Initiate into the sacred realms of Pei Antana. This 10th16th dimensional pathway is made accessible through a series of life-changing light initiations from the Pleiadians. Initiate into the Sacred Breath, which acts as a key to your re-entry to the realms of Pei Antana. As you take this higher path, there will be a re-orientation of your brain/ pineal, and a repositioning of your DNA. Sign up at or contact Joanne Wakefield at or 651.452.2895.

December 11-13 – Between Lives Soul Regression Training with Dr. Linda Backman: Register by 11 p.m. Nov. 8, for bonus session! Join expert psychologist & regression therapist Dr. Linda Backman for intensive 3-day video training. View live or later. Featured on Dr. Oz & Coast to Coast AM and the author of Souls on Earth, The Evolving Soul & Bringing Your Soul to Light, Linda has 40+ years private practice experience, including 25+ years guiding Soul Regressions. Linda has conducted Between Lives Soul Regression training since 2002, guiding 1000’s of regressions. Register for Between Lives Soul Regression Training, $1650: Register for the pre-requisite Past Life Soul Regression Training on




Listen anytime for free at edgemagazine or call at show time at 714.364.4750. Show archives: Explore every show at

December 1 – “Edge Learning Well” with Elise Marquam Jahns: Learning Well — Your partner in integrative health education. You’ll hear from fascinating experts who will share rich information designed to enhance your health, career and relationships. Learning Well…bringing growth, joy and inspiration to your life! This show is sponsored by the Integrative Health Education Center of Normandale Community College. 6pm, call 714.364.4750 at show time or listen anytime after the show at 3 4  WWW.EDGEMAGAZINE.NET




video, $1100: php/soul-regression-tele-training. Contact Earl@ or call 303.818.0575 for more details. December 12 & 13 – Akashic Awakening: Unlock the Power of your Akashic Records: Learn how to access the wisdom of your sacred Akashic Records to elevate every area in your life during this two-day live virtual workshop with Akashic Records Channel and Teacher Dawn Marian. Discover the Core Soul System to easily, safely and consistently open your Akashic Records and channel divine guidance for yourself. For more information contact Dawn at 612.568.8042 or For more information, visit akashic-records-workshop February 24 – Psychic Development Beginning/ Foundation Class: Discover your purpose and develop your psychic abilities working with your body/soul partnership in this lifetime. Wednesday evenings via Zoom, FebruaryNovember (36 classes). Contact Cindy for more information. Cindy Lehman, 612.669.1861,,

Ripples There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self. — Aldous Huxley The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward. — Amelia Earhart Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. — George Bernard Shaw Not all those who wander are lost. — J. R. R. Tolkien The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. — Bertrand Russell

Happy Holidays from The Edge to you and yours!

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