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1.2 Sphere of Action: Trials and Prototypes

APLICACIONES / PROYECTOS INTRODUCCIÓN En el escenario de futuro descrito, donde la participación responsable de la ciudadanía en la construcción de un nuevo concepto de espacio público, así como el empleo de las herramientas tecnológicas oportunas, serían claves, es posible definir una serie de proyectos a través de los que visibilizar el enorme campo de oportunidades que encierra el actual deterioro de los flujos:

PROYECTO NOCHE Deterioro de la noche como espacio de oscuridad. Actuar sobre la iluminación artificial de la ciudad acomodándola a las necesidades estrictas de cada momento. Objetivos:

-­‐ Recuperación del paisaje nocturno y del valor cultural del cielo estrellado.

-­‐ Una ciudad cambiante, postproducida cada

noche, que permitiría leer sus acontecimientos a través del carácter de su iluminación nocturna.

-­‐ Reducción del consumo energético en alumbrado público.

The intention is to set up a municipality or part of a municipality in the province of Murcia as a trial area.5 Although new bylaws on public lighting are gradually taking account of the problem of light pollution, it is possible to be much more demanding and to reduce lighting levels drastically, provided a suitable technical tool is available. Starting from the basis of a minimum adequate lighting level (which would depend on the specific area), this could be increased according to the presence and wishes of the users/managers of the public space within a given range of coverage. The proposal involves defining a system of interaction between public lighting and citizens’ mobile terminals, making it possible to regulate the lighting level of an area of the city democratically. To describe this system we have decided to construct a simulation model which will set forth the elements of a future prototype and which, by allowing interaction on a reduced scale, will serve as a teaching tool to convey the ideas behind the project to interested members of the public, political authorities and the business sector. Moreover, the model, as a preliminary step towards possible prototypes, allows us to confirm certain key aspects empirically, helping to reach a decision on technical questions that are still to be resolved. The trial is based on creating a telemanagement system for public lighting in which the brightness of the illumination is decided according to a range of factors, such as the preferences of users located within a given range of the lights, minimum safety requirements, etc. In this first trial, the urban space is represented by a model and the users can interact with the help of their mobile terminal (any device with WiFi). The geographical location of users is an essential factor in the operation of the system, although in the first version the positions of users are obtained through simulation.


1.3 Elements of the Simulation Model

Alude a la contaminación aérea.

Firstly, there are the various users with their mobile devices, who are provided with the identifier for the network they have to connect to and the web address used as an interface to interact with the system.

Se proponen acciones de visibilización de los datos de contaminación en tiempo real para activar la concienciación social. Objetivos:

-­‐ Mejora de la calidad del aire y control sanitario de sus afecciones.

-­‐ Reducción de emisiones de CO2. PROYECTO CLIMA Se trataría tanto de informar sobre las cualidades climáticas de los diferentes puntos de la ciudad como de mostrar los efectos que tienen los elementos de control instalados para su monitorización sobre la propia ciudadanía. Objetivos:

-­‐ Mejora de las condiciones de confort del 125

Through this website users can register and indicate their preferences (for the moment, the degree of brightness of the lights, although other parameters will gradually be incorporated). The energy consumption generated by the use of public lighting can also be consulted at the same website. The site is stored on a server that registers all users simultaneously connected to the system, their preferences and their geographical location, configuring the lighting control panel according to these parameters. This panel, directly connected to each of the lights, receives and implements the orders received from the server.

It is important to point out that the province of Murcia is one of the regions with the highest level of light pollution in the European Union.


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