Cumbria Sports and Events

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With help from our specialist sports coach Miss

Pupils at North Lakes School with any interest in


any sport are likely to find an after-school club or

dedicated teachers, the children are encouraged

sports team which will be able to meet their

to prepare for events by increasing their skills and

needs. Staff and other providers give up their

building on their confidence. Good sports kits,

time to hold early morning PE sessions before

sponsored by local businesses, help the children

school as well as running several sports clubs

to look and feel like athletes and sports people.

later in the day including Netball, Football,

Having our own minibus is a real boost as it makes

Hockey, Tag Rugby, Athletics, Gymnastics, Multi

travel to and from the events so much more

skills, Cheer Leading, Yoga, Cricket, Tennis and

manageable. Government funding has enabled

Cross Country.

us to widen opportunities for all children as well

With such an emphasis on sports coaching, in

Lucy Potter, UCC Sports Leaders, private sector willing




as improving performance at competition level.

recent years North Lakes School teams have

Bad weather and poor pitch conditions are never

enjoyed increasing success in Eden tournaments

seen as obstacles to success. Our teams often

as well as recently appearing in a number of

return to school wet through or covered in mud,

county finals. So far this year North Lakes have

but their spirits are never dampened! The

represented Eden in county competitions for

children play by displaying the school’s 5R’s –

Athletics, Gymnastics and recently took joint first


place in the Eden Valley Tag Rugby tournament

reflectiveness and maintaining relationships –

and so will go on to represent Eden once again.

which apply just as much to sports as they do to



classroom activities. Article written by Lindzi Rothwell Cumbria




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