Mahara 01

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Mahara user manual, Release 1.6

4. Create a new group category by typing its name and then clicking the Add button. 5. Edit a group category name by clicking the Edit button If you want to abort the action, click the Cancel button. 6. Click the Delete button

, change the name and then click the Update button.

to permanently delete this group category.

Note: Group categories are not hierarchical and are available to everybody on the site. Any user who can create groups can assign a group category when the feature has been enabled.

8.4.3 Add and update groups by CSV Administration → Groups → Add groups by CSV Note: Both site and institution administrators can add and update groups by CSV file. You can create multiple groups at once by uploading basic information about them via a CSV file.

Figure 8.63: Add and update groups by CSV 1. Create a CSV file that contains at a minimum the fields shortname,displayname,roles. 2. Institution: Choose the institution for which you want to create the groups. This is just for internal administrative purposes so that institution administrators do not overwrite each other's groups. 3. CSV file: Choose the CSV file from your computer that contains the groups. 4. Update groups: Place a check mark in this box if you are updating already existing groups. 5. Click the Add groups by CSV button to make the changes. Here is a full list of all the possible fields that you can specify: • controlled - Group administrators can add users to the group without their consent, and members cannot leave the group.


Chapter 8. Administration

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