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J.J. Shih / E xecutive Directo r o f the Museum o f Co n tem p o r ar y Ar t Taip ei

石瑞仁 / 台北當代藝術館總監

2006 年起,當代館開始推出「對話與對照」式的藝術


展 覽, 邀 請 不 同 國 籍、 不 同 創 作 面 向 的 藝 術 家, 分 別


在 當 代 館 一、 二 樓 同 步 展 出, 透 過 雙 個 展 呈 現 當 代 藝


術 的 多 元 樣 貌, 讓 參 展 藝 術 家 彼 此 交 流 對 話, 也 鼓 勵


觀 眾 從 中 發 展 出 一 種 對 照 閱 讀 的 藝 術 欣 賞 模 式。2014


年, 當 代 館 特 別 規 劃 的 對 話 型 雙 個 展, 一 是 台 灣 藝 術


家 席 時 斌 的【 記 憶 之 宮 】, 二 為 中 國 藝 術 家 高 磊 的


【 W I N D OW S K Y 】 。 這 兩 位 藝 術 家 各 從 自 己 的 生 活 現




眾體會和了解:當代藝術的本質,就是在社會文化 / 美

行空的個人藝術想像和情感記憶。201 室挑高展場中的

學觀想 / 自由創作之間,不斷進行關聯 / 相互參照的一



近年來對於馬的形象建構,以及馬所代表之理想典型的 反覆探索與追求:七隻不同材料、不同造型、不同主題




座 與 躍 動 之 馬 〉… 等, 除 了 呈 現 藝 術 家 在 形 式 語 言 與

斌曾先後入選「臺灣美術新貌獎 — 立體創作系列」、






以 及 二 O 一 二 亞 洲 文 化 協 會 之 獎 助。 作 品 除 了 曾 在 北


京、 上 海、 韓 國、 美 國 等 地 展 出, 也 先 後 被 國 家 文 化 藝 術 基 金 會、 愛 馬 仕 ( Hermès )、 路 易 威 登 ( Louis


Vu i t t o n ) 、巴 黎 半 島 酒 店 … 等 國 內 外 機 構 收 藏 。此 外 ,





供 精 彩 動 人 的 作 品, 及 其 工 作 團 隊 辛 勞 多 日 的 現 場 佈 展,同時要感謝本館同仁對展務的用心規劃及志工、工 讀生們的全程參與。接著要謝謝索卡藝術、尊采藝術中


心、 現 代 畫 廊、 新 思 惟 人 文 空 間、 光 之 藝 廊、 財 團 法


人 中 華 民 國 視 覺 藝 術 協 會、 台 灣 愛 馬 仕、 智 邦 藝 術 基

以 之 來 啟 動 人 們 當 下 的 感 知, 乃 至 於 潛 藏 的 情 感 與 記

金 會 、 J & N I NA 等 民 間 單 位 提 供 的 各 項 展 覽 協 助 。 最


後,要再次銘謝 EPSON 台灣愛普生對本館投影設備上





應 了 文 藝 復 興 以 來, 藝 術 名 家 們 致 力 將 創 作 與 現 實 觀


照、知識探索、典故學習、想像發揮、理念建構 … 等




此次的【席時斌.記憶之宮】展,選集了席時斌近年的 三十件代表作,除了呈現藝術家對造形語彙的獨特見解 及對不同空間氛圍的營造應用,整個展覽的內容,也鋪 陳了席時斌自身記憶、個人想像與外在現實生活之間, 時 而 重 疊、 時 而 錯 置、 時 而 相 互 拆 解 的 不 同 狀 態。 在 當代館二樓的五個展間中,他以華麗的基調和多樣的創 作風貌,鋪陳了各自獨立又隱隱相關的五個主題:《記 憶影像》、《宇宙》、《家》、《想像:身體與動物的

Born in 1977 in Taipei, HSI Shi-Pin received his MFA degree of Plastic Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2007; he now lives and works in Taipei. HSI has won the “Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan—3D Creation Series 2008 Selected Prize,” “International Wood Sculpture Competition of Taiwan 2008 Selected Prize,” “Kaohsiung Awards 2008,” “Taipei Arts Award 2010,” “2007 Outstanding Art Prize, TNUA,” and a project grant from the Asian Cultural Council. His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea, and the United States. National Culture and Arts Foundation, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Peninsula Paris Hotel and other domestic and international institutes have collected his works. In addition, he has participated in many public art projects and international artist-in-residence programs. Born in 1977 in Taipei, HSI Shi-Pin received his MFA degree of Plastic Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2007; he now lives and works in Taipei. HSI has won the “Exhibition of the Newly Emerging Artists in Taiwan—3D Creation Series 2008 Selected Prize,” “International Wood Sculpture Competition of Taiwan 2008 Selected Prize,” “Kaohsiung Awards 2008,” “Taipei Arts Award 2010,” “2007 Outstanding Art Prize, TNUA,” and a project grant from the Asian Cultural Council. His works have been exhibited in Beijing, Shanghai, South Korea, and the United States. National Culture and Arts Foundation, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Peninsula Paris Hotel and other domestic and international institutes have collected his works. In addition, he has participated in many public art projects and international artist-in-residence programs. The Memory Palace includes thirty artworks that present

HSI’s unique interpretation of art formation and the idiosyncratic application of diverse space and atmosphere. The entire exhibition has enumerated different states of the overlapping, misplacement, and disassembly of HSI’s private memories, personal imagination and real life. In the five exhibition rooms on the museum’s second floor, HSI’s splendid and diversified creations have been categorized into five implicitly related themes: “Image in Memory,” “Universe,” “Home,” “Imagination: Beginning of the Body and the Animal,” and “Circus Maximus.” Among them, the "Image in Memory" leads the viewers to read and connect the memory elements provided by the artist with non-narrative contents and a three-channel video. “Universe” combines several abstract geometric shapes in an understated dark space. This design presents the artist’s imagination of the city and the universe as well as his hesitation for the uncertain future. “Home,” with red as its key color, is originated from the artist’s childhood fantasy and extension of scenes in ordinary life. “Imagination: Beginning of the Body and the Animal” echoes the artist’s change of career from spatial design to artistic creation. The artist deliberately uses blueprints often seen in spatial designs, which remind the viewers of rational planning, to delineate his free-willing imagination and personal memory. “Circus Maximus,” installed in the high-ceiling space of Room 201, presents the artist’s persistent pursuit of an ideal horse image in recent years. Seven horses of different materials, forms and themes, such as Horse of Knowledge, Horse of Love, Gallop of the Zodiac Steed, reveal the development of the artist’s diverse thinking and skills in art expressions. In addition, the artistic texture and aesthetic taste shown in the works also reflect the artist’s ambition to challenge, break through, and construct his self. The success of this exhibition is first and foremost due to the artist HSI Shi-Pin’s exceptional artworks and also the creative team’s dedicated hard work. The planning and execution of the exhibition and related educational events carried out by MOCA Taipei staff members are also greatly appreciated, and also the help provided for the exhibition installation and public services by museum volunteers and part-time workers. Moreover, we are deeply grateful for supports from private corporations: Soka Art Center, Lang Gallery, Modern Art Gallery, Luminance Art Space, Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan (AVAT), Taiwan Hermès, Accton Art Foundation, and J&NINA. Lastly, long-term supports from Epson Taiwan, for their projector equipment, and Win Sing Development, for educational programs, are always tremendously appreciated. Because of the devotion and encouragement from everyone, despite our limited space, material and human resources, MOCA Taipei is able to once again present a creative and wellreceived exhibition!

台北當代藝術館 Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei


MOCA, Taipei has planned several double solo exhibitions promoting the idea of “dialogues and comparison between exhibitions” since 2006. We have invited artists with different nationalities, backgrounds and artistic approaches. These double solo exhibitions displayed on the first and second floors of MOCA have presented various aspects of the contemporary art. Not only have they allowed the artists to communicate with each other, but they have also encouraged the viewers to develop the sense of art appreciation through the works. In 2014, MOCA held the double solo exhibitions for the Taiwanese artist HSI Shi-Pin’s The Memory Palace and the Chinese artist Kao Lei’s WINDOWSKY. Both artists used diverse media to create their works rooted in their cultures and life experiences because they wanted to make the audience understand: the nature of contemporary art was in fact the mental attitude and the creative practice inspired by the cross-reference among the sociocultural evolution, aesthetic concepts, and free creative thinking.

記憶之宮 ‧ 席時斌 The Memory Palace‧Hsi Shih-Pin

Preface for HSI Shi-Pin ∙The Memory Palace


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