March 2013
For more information:
The latest L&D thinking
call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing Leadership training in crisis: Join this month's Breakfast Briefing Can your company count? The high cost of financial illiteracy The secret of self awareness: Unlock your leadership potential A different leadership ladder: An alternative view of getting to the top
Acceleration or stagnation? Your L&D choice. Retention alert: is your L&D pushing away people with leadership potential? Holding on to top talent is key to the future of every business. But many are still slow to accept that one of the fastest growing reasons for disengagement and loss of high-potential talent is the lack of meaningful development. Training which has little relevance to a job role can often lead to negative feelings and career stagnation. Feeling left behind, alienated executives tend to leave their company behind – taking their leadership potential with them. In contrast, training that is designed for immediate application boosts loyalty and productivity.
How to keep your top talent engaged
How Plusnet turned its managers into leaders Plusnet wanted to empower their managers with the financial skills, to understand how the business made money so they could set their own financial goals and achieve them. “We wanted them to be leaders rather than just doing what was asked of them,” said Plusnet. The problem was how to achieve this quickly on a very tight schedule... Discover how they did it
Click here
Essential Events
Thoughtleader Viewpoint
Financial Skills Survey
Breakfast Briefing: Is Leadership in Crisis?
“We are all leaders... leadership development is for everyone”
Counting the cost of financial illiteracy
8am, 19th March, London SW1 Wake up and smell the coffee: leadership programmes deliver key learning – but does this actually create a future leader? Hear from Bertrand Rajon, Nestlé Leadership programme Director, and our panel of industry experts. Dynamic discussion, stimulating debate and great networking – and be back at your desk by ten o’clock.
Be there
Challenge your preconceptions about what we mean by the term “leader” in this thought-provoking feature by Alex Draper of ProfitAbility USA. Putting selfawareness at the centre of his argument he says “We all have the ability to help others improve – so we are all leaders”
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Instant insight
Magnetic Leadership
Is this why you’re not on the board?
Learning to be a leader
“If you want to join the real business leaders at the boardroom table then you need to learn the language of finance fast” says Nick Eades, former Psion CMO.
Test yourself, and discover your own unique leadership style, through this proven, powerful way to improve self-awareness and develop leadership skills.
How good is your financial understanding? Financial illiteracy is one of the last socially acceptable skill gaps, but could it impact on the success of your company – and on your own career? ProfitAbility aims to find out how rife financial illiteracy really is in the first ever Global Financial Skills Survey
Take the test
Have your say Take part in this month’s ProfitAbility Poll. Each month we ask the HR and L&D community to give their views. Results in April Game Changer.
Nick argues powerfully that without an understanding of the ROI influenced outlook of CFOs (and most CEOs) your chances of leadership will always get overlooked.
He said what?
See the preview
ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
More to say?
April 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing
Supercharged learning: Partnership promises increased engagement Adding up the figures: Financial Skills Survey reveals first surprises How effective is social learning?: Find out at the next ProfitAbility Breakfast Briefing Try a taste of leadership: New learning innovation launched in UK
Mould-breaking partnership promises more effective learning on- and off-line
Capturing the light-bulb moment
Why does so much learning not work? Why is it so hard to engage learners so they retain course content and start using it? What is needed is a fresh look at personal learning, beyond the classroom - and now a collaboration of different training approaches is doing exactly that. Take the involving impact of customised business simulations. Add the interactive nature of social learning. The result is a very powerful learning combination. A collaboration like this can create learning experiences which are uniquely involving and highly effective. They can be customised to the individual as well as the organisation - and meet the challenge of a new generation's different expectations, attention span and work pace. Which is why ProfitAbility, with over 20 years experience of creating business simulations has now become partners with HT2, award-winning innovators in digital social learning. 'It's all about creating the opportunity for people to discover things and make connections for themselves, which they can immediately apply in the workplace," says ProfitAbility founder Brian Helweg-Larsen. "It's about changing behaviour in the most effective way possible to measurably improve business outcomes fast."
"I'm always amazed by the buzz and excitement after one of our simulation-based courses. In my job I see light bulb moments nearly every day." We all know the sudden flash on a face when someone "gets it". When, in an instant, the theory is understood, the idea is grasped, the meaning is revealed. It's the ultimate learning experience. But how do you create it? How do you capture it and keep it? And what does it cost? Read the musings of ProfitAbility master facilitator Philipp von Both in his blog post "The lightbulb moment in just two hours" ...
Click here Supercharge your L&D with the Curatr social learning platform
Essential Events
Breakfast Debrief
Latest Innovation
Breakfast Briefing: Assessing the power of social learning
Who said "What leadership means is highly contextual"?
Powerful leadership simulation: now available in Europe!
19th June, London SW1
Controversial statements, interesting insights, real experiences - don't miss the highlights from last month's Breakfast Briefing - 'Developing Leaders'. Who said what and the rest of the whole debate is now ready for you to read. MagneCo is an essential element in leadership programmes across the US, giving emerging leaders a powerful experience of the real challenges of being in charge.
Fad, trend or powerful new business opportunity? Hear about the pitfalls and potential of collaborative 'social' learning from our lively panel of industry experts who will debate, discuss and offer their insights over breakfast. Keynote speaker is social learning pioneer, Ben Betts, CEO of award winning e-learning company HT2. Book now places go fast
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The MagneCo simulation has been adapted for a European cultural context and is available now. Make sure your business benefits from this proven experiential learning tool.
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Financial Survey Update
Digital Learning
Have Your Say
2 + 2 = some surprises
Social, Engaging & Accountable
Where are you on the social learning ladder?
Meet Curatr. If the name means nothing to you yet, this is the powerful social learning platform from ProfitAbility designed to increased engagement so learning really has rapid impact.
Has your business embraced social learning yet or are you still just thinking about it?
We're adding up some unexpected results already in our first analysis of the Financial Skills survey. Gender differences and geographic divides are already making interesting appearances. And who do you think knows most about financial ways to improve profit: marketers or accountants?
It lets learners discover things and make connections for themselves, while allowing you to "curate", to guide and control their learning journey. Watch this 3 minute introduction to instantly get the idea.
Add your vote to our snapshot survey and see the results in a future issue. If you've more to say, email us and you could be a guest contributor to Game Changer.
You might be surprised ...
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ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
More to say?
May 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing Massive leap for e-learning: Find out about MOOCs fast Innovation News: Creating the Triple Bottom Line Simulation Can social learning supercharge L&D?: Find out at our June Breakfast Briefing Real life light bulb moment: Discover some experiential experiences
M is for Massive: Get ready for the MOOCs Revolution
E-learning accelerates to the next level You’ve almost certainly heard of MOOCS by now: Massive Open Online Courses. Anyone online can join these courses and most are entirely free. But when you discover that course providers now include Harvard, Stanford, Princeton and the universities of Edinburgh and London, then you will realise that something serious is going on here.This is e-learning on a whole new scale. The implications for the future of workplace L&D are challenging. “Central to the idea of MOOCS is open access and collaboration,” explains social learning pioneer Ben Betts, CEO of HT2, who has just launched a MOOC for managers with San Diego University. “C-MOOCs might mean organised chaos, but X-MOOCs stick to familiar online learning methods"
Don’t know your C-MOOCS from your X-MOOCS? Find out what both could mean for your future L&D:
Why try our croissants?
Breakfast Briefing: Assessing the power of social learning 19th June, London SW1 Can social, collaborative learning really supercharge your training? How does it work and could it work for you? Find out over croissants and coffee from leading companies that are already using social learning. Keynote speaker is social learning innovator Ben Betts. Ask questions, gain insights, get fresh ideas and network with other senior L&D professionals.
Don't miss your chance
Product Innovation News
Nestle Case Study
Creating the Triple Bottom Line Simulation
“I’d bet a cup of Nescafé on it!”
Increasingly companies are talking about a ‘triple bottom line’ instead of just a single crunch question to judge the success of their business. Sometimes known as the Three Pillars, these three bottom lines are Profit, People and Planet. Increasingly, we see high street names launching big sustainability campaigns or community projects. Three Pillar Thinking may sound fanciful but some companies now publish statements about it in their Annual Reports. The challenge, of course, is how do you suddenly start to change the profit-driven thinking ingrained in most company cultures? Nestlé has just asked ProfitAbility to devise a business simulation to do exactly that ... Is your company addressing its Triple Bottom Line?
Read more about our new business simulation for Nestlé
What was Nestlé’s Angus Freathy prepared to bet a cup of his own coffee and a KitKat on? ”That there’s no better training at Nestlé than Profitability’s financial acumen course and our 1,000 managers who experience it each year would agree”.
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Experiential Learning
Leadership Debate
Have Your Say
Daily Lightbulb moments
Should leadership be taught at school?
How’s your budget?
"You don’t even realise you’re learning – you just have the desire to try out new ideas"
No sooner had one person floated the idea of schools teaching leadership than someone added “yes, but it needs to start with teachers first”.
“It gripped the workforce like no other course before”
"I’m now able to understand what I can do to help the bottom line" ProfitAbility master facilitator Philipp von Both speaks out about lightbulb moments ...
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Across the coffee cups another voice said “Schools only teach leadership tangentially,” while someone mentioned “what about youth employment? We should be giving them leadership training!” If you missed out on the ideas, insights and opinions at our last Breakfast Briefing, catch up now: the transcript is ready to read.
Catch up now
ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
Has your L&D budget recovered? Is it still severely cut? Maybe it is growing, or was simply restructured? Add your austerity experience to the findings of our snapshot poll – in strictest confidence:
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June 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing Prepare for VUCA: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity Meet an experiential facilitator Lederhosen secrets Experts evaluate social learning: Read the Breakfast Briefing blog Coming soon: Learning Insight Survey 2013
The new VUCA world is here But is your business ready for it?
All of us are already living in the new VUCA world – one no longer based on certainties and gradual change but on Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Sudden unexpected events and new challenges are being thrown at us faster than ever before. Whether you think about economic, political, social, technological or many other areas of life, unexpected events seem to appear suddenly out of nowhere and impact in complex ways on all of us.
My Lederhosen Life The private side of a ProfitAbility facilitator
“Yes of course I have a pair of leather trousers – and my kids do too. We like showing off in them”. Though it’s true Phillipp von Both, master facilitator at ProfitAbility grew up in Munich, don’t try forcing him into some Bavarian stereotype. He spends much of his spare time supporting the AngloGerman Association dedicated to strengthening mutual understanding. “You’ll be surprised how much confusion there can still be between Germans and Brits, transcultural communication is something training often ignores."
Unpredictability is the new norm. Sticking to old rigid assumptions and patterns of decision making can quickly leave a business lost. And that means how we plan business strategies has to change fast too or we all risk losing control of events.
”And did he always plan to be a facilitator? “Of course not,” he says, “I always wanted to live on a Greek Island. But there was a flaw in this plan: my fair skin. It burns so easily in the sun.”
To meet this need, ProfitAbility has just devised a powerful new Scenario Planning Simulation to enable you to survive and prosper in this unpredictable new world.
Are transcultural issues being ignored by training?
Find out more
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Coming Soon
Essential Event
Breakfast Debrief
Our 2013 Insight Quest is on its way
Will social learning change the future of work?
How did they assess social learning?
Social Learning Webinar: 8th July 2pm – 3pm
It’s almost time for our annual survey into what’s really happening in L&D today. Each year we collect, analyse and publish the views of professionals from around the world. This year, we want you to be part of it too. This survey is important, influential and ensures your views get heard. Take a look at last year’s Insight Report. The changes, trends and influences it highlights are fascinating.
Find out just how big the affects of social learning will be on your business by joining our upcoming online workshop. Increasingly experts think this new form of learning will change forever the whole future of work. Can this really be true? Eight key issues will be discussed in the webinar and you can submit your own questions in advance. Numbers are limited to ensure everyone can participate so register now to reserve your place
Catch up now
If you missed our recent Breakfast Briefing on Social Learning, you don’t have to miss out on the stimulating views, insights and experiences discussed there. A prestigious panel drawn from industry experts, higher education professionals and L&D leaders gave their views on this fast growing form of learning. Catch up quickly with our latest blogpost from the event, reporting some of the highlights and insights you may have missed.
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Case Study
New Video Resource
Have Your Say
How our team learnt to think strategically
Achieve everything at the same time
What would you like for breakfast?
As everyone who works in L&D knows, trying to please everyone at the same time can be a major pressure. On the one hand you want to retain staff with new, engaging approaches and flexibility of delivery. On the other, you need to constrain costs and quantify ROI.
What’s your big L&D concern or priority after leadership development and assessing social learning? Vote now for future briefing topics – and we’ll plan the most popular.
When you’re an employeeowned business like SRC Holdings, it’s vital that everyone understands the strategic impact of each decision they make – and especially how it affects the bottom line.
Can you do both? “Yes” - if you curate the process in a structured way. Watch this new video to see how.
“It isn’t an easy skill to develop,” says SRC’s Keith Boatright, “it usually takes years of trial and error”. So how did ProfitAbility achieve it for the whole team in just a few hours?
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ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
More to say?
July 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing Take part in Insight Quest 2013 Win an iPad Mini Key questions answered: Eight questions on social learning Experts evaluate ... Insights & controversial comments from #BreakfastwithProfitAbility Did you miss out? Previous issues of Game Changer re-released
Your views matter What are the key learning challenges of 2013?
Eight questions on social learning ... ... answered.
You could win an iPad Mini for taking part It’s time for our third annual Learning and Development Insight survey and there are far more good reasons to be a part of it than just the chance to win yourself an iPad Mini. Each year we analyse the views of business, HR and learning professionals from around the world. It doesn’t just enable ProfitAbility to spot trends, see what matters and develop the learning solutions business needs. It is a way for you to see, be part of, and access information on the L&D priorities, views and challenges facing business today To see the significance of our survey findings, just take a look at last year’s Insight Report. Its 15 pages give an in-depth analysis of the responses of 430 HR and L&D professionals, including nearly 150 C-level and executive decision-makers. The findings chart everything from changing learning priorities and policies to the impact of e-learning .
On June 19th in London, a group of eLearning, talent and learning professionals gathered for the latest ProfitAbility breakfast briefing on "The Power of Social Learning". A panel of experts answered eight challenging questions about social learning: The session was recorded, and now the first four videos are available to view online: 1. What exactly is social learning?
It takes less than ten minutes to give us your views, but the contribution you make to the final results will be invaluable. So to thank you for participating we’ll enter you in our free Insight Prize Draw 2013 – you could win an iPad mini, or one of five £50 Amazon vouchers.
Take part in the 2013 Insight Survey
2. What are the tools of social learning? 3. How do I get started? 4. What are the risks of social learning?
Your questions answered
Social learning
My VUCA moment
From unconscious learning to looting riots
Tales of the Unexpected “Global coffee prices had never risen like that before” “Our growth strategy assumed readily available finance” “A few twitter posts turned into a flash crash”
It can be surprising what comes up when experts start discussing and evaluating social learning. Is it better to start big or small? Does most learning happen formally or informally? Is it content or context which is more important? How does company culture affect social learning success? And even is there a connection between the Birmingham looting riots and social learning? If you missed our recent Breakfast Briefing, make sure you catch up with all the insights, debate and controversial comments now
Read the full report
. . . how has the new age of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity affected you?
Share your VUCA moment
Essential webinar
Reread Game Changer
Have Your Say
Achieving goals with structured social learning
Browse back issues now
What would you like for breakfast?
Missed out on the importance of MOOCs? Interested in developing leadership skills? Wondering if social learning is just a fad?
For all those ready to start applying the advantages of social learning to their own training goals, this online seminar immerses you in the detail of how to use Curatr effectively. Discover how our structured social learning is specifically designed to reinforce the business outcomes you need. And discover how to make it work for you directly from Ben Betts, the social learning pioneer who developed it.
These are just a small selection of what you’ll find in our last 4 back issues of Game Changer, our monthly review of the latest L&D thinking. They’re all available to read again now.
The briefing series #BreakfastwithProfitAbility has proved thought-provoking and relevant - and great way to start the morning. We want to keep it that way! Tell us what you are interested in discussing at future breakfasts, and we will design the content to suit you.
Curatr Webinar 8 September:
Register now
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ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
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July 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing TKH / ' Insight 6XUYH\ Win an iPad Mini Key questions answered: Eight questions on social learning Experts evaluate ... Insights & controversial comments from #BreakfastwithProfitAbility Did you miss out? Previous issues of Game Changer re-released
Eight questions on social learning ... ... answered.
Your views matter Tell us what you think about learning today You could win an iPad Mini for taking part Make sure your L&D priorities, views and experiences get noticed by peers and training providers alike. It’s time for our third annual ProfitAbility Insight survey. Each year we collect, analyse and publish the views of business, HR and learning professionals so that organisations can learn what is really happening in L&D today. Click here to take a look at last year’s report. It takes less than ten minutes to give us your views. As a "thank you", we’ll enter you into our free Prize Draw – you could win an iPad mini, or one of five £50 Amazon vouchers.
A panel of experts answer 4 key questions on social learning: 1. What really is social learning? 2. What are the tools of social learning? 3. How do I get started? 4. What are the risks?
Take part in the 2013 Insight Survey
Your questions answered
Social learning
My VUCA moment
From unconscious learning to looting riots
Tales of the Unexpected “Global coffee prices had never risen like that before” “Our growth strategy assumed readily available finance” “A few twitter posts turned into a flash crash” How has the new age of
It can be surprising what comes up when experts start evaluating social learning. Should you start big or small? Does most learning happen formally or informally? And even is there a connection between the Birmingham looting riots and social learning?
Full report now available to download
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity affected you?
Share your VUCA moment
Essential webinar
Reread Game Changer
Have Your Say
Achieving goals with structured social learning
Browse back issues now
What would you like for breakfast?
Don’t miss out on the all that’s new in L&D thinking. Every month Game Changer looks at the trending ideas and brings you an essential briefing. Catch up on our last 6 issues now.
Set goals, achieve milestones, optimise learning – social learning can do it all all. As long as you know the right way to use it. Discover how to make Curatr (our new structured social learning platform) work for you.
The briefing series #BreakfastwithProfitAbility has proved thought-provoking and relevant - and great way to start the morning. We want to keep it that way! Tell us what you are interested in discussing at future breakfasts, and we will design the content to suit you.
Curatr Webinar 9 September:
Register now
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ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
Pick a topic
August 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing What’s changing in L&D? Our Insight Quest keeps track Simulations mean finanacial success: New Infographic Profiting from change: September Breakfast Briefing Social learning updates: Next videos ready to watch
What’s really happening in L&D today? Add your opinions to the first results from the 2013 L&D Insight Quest
Have you had your say yet in our influential, annual survey into the L&D industry? These days, nothing stays the same for long and we’re anxious to accurately track the trends and changes over the last 12 months in the 2013 Insight Survey Have we shifted our priorities and interests in L&D? We need you to contribute so we can build a really up-to-date picture. Last year leadership development was identifies as the top learning priority, with strategic implementation following close behind. Will these results stay the same? Or have our concerns and focus shifted? So far, early results are interesting. They show over 85% of those surveyed have a leadership development curriculum – but it’s often not having the results that were hoped for. Strategic implementation has slipped back down the list of priorities. But measuring the ROI of learning and improving company culture have both zoomed up into top spots. It’s not too late to add your views. You'll receive a copy of the full analysis, and could win an iPad mini just for taking part.
Take part in the 2013 Insight Survey
Your dino date Curatr 3.0 launch at The Natural History Museum
More user-friendly, more intuitive and with more gamification Curatr 3.0 is here! You are invited to try out its extra engaging new features for yourself at the launch event at the Natural History Museum in Kensington on the evening of September 4th. Explore the world famous Dinosaur Gallery and then explore the ingenious new ways Curatr 3 involves the user: you can discover the Learning Locker, or sign up for a MOOC - and as Curatr 3.0 uses HTML5, it’s more versatile than ever before. Hurry – we have only 20 free places to give away!
Reserve now
Magnetic Leadership
Essential Events
No more poor reputation
Simulations at a glance
Breakfast Briefing: Empowering people in a time of change
It’s true that leadership simulations have sometimes had a bad press in the past: hard to customise, too complex, more about gameplaying than learning.
24th September, London SW1
But proof all that’s changed is a major 40+ person (all senior learning specialists) experience of the Magnetic Leadership simulation recently. “Everyone was so engaged no one wanted to check their email”. And the programme got an average score of 8.6 out of 10
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Why are simulations such a powerful form of learning? Is there proof they really improve financial results? And how do they work? All this can be seen in an instant in our new Infographic – great for meetings or putting in proposals.
Change: is it a threat or an opportunity? More importantly, how do your staff and top talent see it? Dr Nigel Downing, ProfitAbility Chairman, leads our lively panel of industry experts to share real life experiences and discuss the ways learning can support changes in an organisation whether they are massive or minor, planned or unexpected.
Full details
DLA Piper Case Study
Making learning stick
Social learning
Learning the consequences
Ten Top Tips
Watch the experts
Everyone agrees that the best workplace learning makes a real difference to the business. But how can you make sure learning really sticks?
Sit back and watch the stimulating debate recorded at our recent Breakfast Briefing. The next four videos in the series cover everything from the benefits of social learning to measuring its effect.
Lawyers sometimes think profit is a dirty word, yet a legal firm is a commercial business like any other - and DLA Piper is a global, full service one. Specially devised, Legal ProfitAbility was the answer. This highly engaging, competitive simulation meant lawyers “truly experienced the highs and lows of the consequences of their financial management,” says their L&D Director and so far over 1,200 of their partners have benefitted.
Full case study
Based on 50 years of measurable success with companies like Nestlé (increased their share price), Compass (made group wide cost savings) and BT Plusnet (turned managers into leaders) read our top tips which work!
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ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
Read report
September 2013 - The latest L&D thinking For more information: call 01491 8219000 or email
Essential briefing Mastering Change: Book now for Breakfast Briefing Natural leadership: Do we all have it? Social learning leap: Curatr3 is launched Be an L&D trendspotter: Insight Quest 2013
Meeting the challenge of change
Are leaders born or made? Discover natural leadership skills at every level
Is it possible to prosper and become empowered by change instead of fearing or avoiding it? Eminent speakers line up at this month’s Breakfast Briefing to discuss how learning can support change in organisations and transform outcomes. Hurry, there’s still time to join them! Breakfast Briefing 24th September, London SW1: Empowering people in a time of change
Don't miss this Change has always been inevitable. But increasingly it is the norm in the modern business world, whether it is sudden change in the economic environment, political upheavals and leaps in technology or planned corporate change in response to globalised markets. Traditionally, change meant anxiety – not only for the business, but also for the people who worked in it. Does this have to be the case? Can change actually help people to prosper and grow professionally? Leading learning professionals join the panel Joining ProfitAbility Chairman, Dr Nigel Downing on our expert panel are: John Wills, experienced executive education expert, now leading the Accelerated Development Programme at the London Business School Richard Smith, well known L&D thoughtleader, senior consultant, trainer and change facilitator
Being a leader isn’t just for people at the top. Taking charge of personnel and processes happens at every level in an organisation, not just in the C-Suite. But can the leadership skills needed be learnt by everyone? Suppose the answer is to discover your own natural leadership style rather than following a forced stereotyped idea of what leadership behaviour is supposed to be? Available now is a powerful one-day simulation that lets everyone experience first-hand what it’s like to take charge – and to discover and develop their own way to take the lead successfully. This latest adaptation of our well know Leadership simulation concentrates the true-to-life experience of what it’s like to lead a team in a fast moving and very competitive business scenario. This high pressured environment ensures natural leadership strengths, previously hidden or unknown, are revealed ready for developing.
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Insight Quest
Transcultural change
Innovation launch
Help us trend spot
Is this big change being ignored?
Curatr v3 wows the crowd
Whether your organisation operates globally or not, the likelihood today is your colleagues, suppliers and customers could come from anywhere in the world. They bring with them all different cultural ideas about hierarchies, personal interaction, expressing individual views or challenging ideas. Are we taking account of this in training or pretending this difference doesn’t exist? Philipp von Both of ProfitAbility raises this controversial topic:
“This takes social learning to a whole new level”
What’s really changing in the world of L&D today? What new priorities are emerging or future trends on the rise? Is it still all about leadership? Or more about online training and social learning? Are budgets still being cut or are we investing in development again? Add your views to our influential annual Insight Survey and help us track the trends and changes in 2013.
Enter Insight Survey 2013
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“Visually stunning, a really engaging experience” Leading L&D professionals gathered at the Natural History Museum last week for the launch of the new and much enhanced version of Curatr, the structured social learning programme. Watch out for our detailed review next issue, meanwhile why not try it out for yourself?
Request demo
Thoughtleader Insight
White Paper
Are you profitable?
Taking charge of change
50 seconds to survive change
If frequent change is now normal, how can we prepare our organisations to cope? Staff will constantly need to adapt their skills and learn new ones. In this influential White Paper, backed by recent case studies, it’s argued that one of the most effective ways to do this is the clever use of business simulations.
In less than one minute this short video clip will tell you exactly what experiential learning is and why it can be the key to coping with change. This different way of learning lets people try out new skills, practice adapting to new situations and develop the flexibility needed to survive in changing times.
In a changing world, is the definition of profitability as simple as it used to be? At college we were told profit means revenue less expenses. But which revenues and what expenses should you include? And is ‘being profitable’ about just making a monthly profit or creating and sustaining value?
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Read paper
ProfitAbility Business Simulations Ltd Stables 1, Howbery Park Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8BA ProfitAbility Inc 134 N. LaSalle St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60602
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