Eco Design Fair 2015 Eco Directory

Page 18


比雾霾天 更恐怖的居家 生活环境毒素


雾霾天居家不出门真的能让我们彻底免受环境毒素的迫害吗?你所熟悉且 精心呵护的温暖家庭真的是安全的避风港吗?中国室内装饰协会环境监测 中心公布的研究数据显示,我国每年由室内空气污染引起的死亡人数已达 11.1万人,每天大约有304人因此丧命。我们的居家环境、日常用品,处处 都潜藏着毒素。普通女性每天离家之前会接触超过230种化学物质。

Did you know that the average person is exposed to 230 chemicals before they leave home every morning? That’s a lot. And you thought the pollution outside was bad!

被忽视的毒素来源 所谓“知己知彼,百战不殆”,了解经常被我们忽视的居家生 活环境毒素来源,可以让我们在日常生活中更好地应对并避

Daily Life Toxins


Let’s review the common sources of environmental toxins in the home: •

Furniture, kitchen ware, cleansers, disinfectant, insecticide often generate harmful substance. For example, air fresheners often contain phenol, a chemical compound can cause breathing problems, headache and eye irritation. Accessories, carpet, sofa, bedding articles, clothes, plush toy, flowers, pets can all be sources of viruses and parasites. Dust collectors, air conditioner filter, and drycleaned clothes often have harmful substance residue. Frequent contact with solvent residue in dry-cleaned clothes--such as zellon-can cause dizziness, mental disorders, and even harm the liver.

Toxins are frequently found in cleaning, skincare and cosmetic products, like diethanolamine (DEA) in shower gel and moisturizing lotion, fluoride in toothpaste, toluol in perfume. Most powdery cosmetics like eye shadow and make-up foundation contain talcum powder--a carcinogen. A report published in American Journal of Epidemiology pointed out that females who use talcum powder regularly have a 60% higher chance to get oophoroma--a kind of cancer.



各种家具、厨具、清洁剂、消毒剂、杀虫喷雾剂等会产生 大量有害气体;例如,多数空气清新剂含有的苯酚可能导 致呼吸困难和头疼,还可能让人眼睛感到不舒服。


各种装饰品、地毯、沙发、被褥、衣物、毛绒玩具中,以 及

WHAT CAN YOU DO? Throw out air fresheners and replace with mixed soda water, white vinegar and clean water Beautify your home with flowers and grasses that can absorb toxins, like cactus or aloe, both easily available in Shanghai at many local flower shops

简单易行的抗毒小窍门 了解了毒素来源,是不是有一种四面楚歌的感觉。可 喜的是居家生活环境毒素是可以通过一些有效的举 措来缓解甚至阻止的,以下是来自中国有机生活网 (的一些简单易行的抗毒小窍门: 将苏打水、白醋和洁净水配在一起喷撒,可以替代空气 清新剂吸收室内异味。

Insist on carpets made of pure natural materials like wool, cotton and jute, or go completely wooden floor

在室内种植一些可以吸收毒素的花草,如仙人掌、芦 荟、龙舌兰等,既美化了家居环境,也有益于身体的 健康。

Spray soda water on a wet cloth to clean the kitchen counters and sink, mix vinegar and warm water to clean the glasses instead of commercial soap

购买由羊毛、棉花或是黄麻等天然织品制成的地毯,或 者不用地毯,可有效防止寄生虫和细菌滋生。

Purchase pure natural or organic skincare or cosmetic products Use pure cotton bedding in your bedroom


寄生虫。 ·

吸尘器、空调滤网、干洗的衣服也含有有毒物质。例如, 长期接触干洗衣物上四氯乙烯之类的溶剂残留会令人头昏 眼花、精神混乱,甚至还会伤害肝脏。


各类个人洗护、护肤、化妆用品也是常见的毒素温床, 如沐浴露、润肤乳中含的二乙醇胺(DEA)、牙膏中的氟 化物、染发剂中的对苯二胺、香水中的甲苯……。大部 分粉状化妆品,如眼影、粉饼、粉底等都含有致癌物质 滑石粉,一份发表在《美国流行病学杂志》上的报告表 明,使用滑石粉的妇女患上卵巢癌的风险会增加60%。

在湿布上撒上苏打水,可清洁厨房操作台或卫生间水 池;用醋和温水的混合物清洗玻璃,可以避免接触素。 购买纯天然或者有机护肤品和化妆品。 卧室中尽量使用纯棉床上用品。


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