ECIU Exchange Brochure 2015

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3 continents 12 countries 50 exchange packages




Time for Exchange THE NETHERLANDS













8 THE NETWORK In 1997, some of Europe’s most innovative universities came together to form a new continent-wide network, to share and build on their successes as entrepreneurial institutions. The name European Consortium of Innovative Universities underlines the European dimension of a selected group of entrepreneurial universities dedicated to the development of an innovative culture in their institutions and to play a catalytic role for innovation in industry and society at large. This is also reflected in the ECIU Vision: “ECIU - Challenging Conventional Thinking ECIU is the leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.” In an increasingly competitive labour market, and with the increased internationalisation of higher education as such, the ECIU acknowledges the importance of providing students with opportunities for going abroad.

34 EXCHANGE PACKAGES An exchange package is a list of modules offered by an ECIU University, from any thematic field, totalling up to 30 ECTS. If you’re thinking about taking part in an exchange or study abroad programme, you can apply for an exchange package that suits your field of studies. The ECIU Exchange Package guarantees that you get: • An integrated study programme on your chosen topic • No overlapping timetables • Classes and exams in English • Academic recognition of all your ECTS



42 JOINT MASTER PROGRAMMES ECIU offers to follow a Master course at two or more European universities leading to a recognised joint degree.

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associate members outside Europe

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Southern Federal University


University of Aveiro


University of Stavanger


Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


University of Strathclyde


Dublin City University


University of Twente


Hamburg University of Technology


Exchange Packages


Linköping University


Joint Master Degrees


Lodz University of Technology


And now?


Tecnológico de Monterrey




“ Do you want to live in a city that is full of cultural activities and has a char-

acter that immediately makes you feel at home? Than the cozy, small city of Aalborg is the place for you. Either meeting your friends at the student house for a beer, visiting a café to play board games, or a crazy night out in “Gaden”, Aalborg has it all. I got to know so many interesting people from different cultures during my stay.

Irmelin, 27

Urban Development and Design

Aalborg University LOCATION Aalborg University is located in the northern part of Denmark, situated in the 3rd largest region in the country. Our main campus is in the regional capital of Aalborg, but you will also find campuses in Copenhagen and Esbjerg. The university plays a considerable part in the city’s daily life because approximately 10% of the inhabitants are students.

approximately 10% of the inhabitants are students. ACCOMMODATION The situation regarding accommodation is different in our three campus cities. In Aalborg and Esbjerg you can apply for accommodation on a first come first served principle. Finding accommodation in Copenhagen is a bit more challenging but AAU Cph will help you as much as possible. Please remember, you must apply for accommodation in due time prior to arrival. LIVING COSTS Living expenses in Denmark will, of course, vary according to personal requirements and standards. As a guideline a single student needs DKK 7,500 (€1008/USD 1,293) per month to cover living and other expenses (incl. accommodation). There are no tuition fees for students inside EU/ EEA. Students from outside EU/EEA will be charged tuition fee varying from €5,600 to €15,000 depending on the type of study. However, if you are a guest student from one of our partners you do not have to pay tuition fee. CURRENCY The currency in Denmark is Danish Kroner (7.5 DKK = €1). VISAS All visitors to Denmark must have a valid passport to enter the country. Visa requirements to enter the country vary and are always subject to change, so it is always wise to check with the Danish embassy or consulate in your area before finalizing any travel plans. In general, students who study in Denmark must obtain a residence permit. Visiting academic staff and foreign researchers and employees are required to get a resident/work permit. Note that you may risk being sent out of the country if you enter on false premises, e.g. a tourist visa.

FACULTIES Humanities Social Sciences Engineering and Science Medicine EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE The Danish study workload is measured in ECTS-credits. These credits are based on workload. Workload includes contact hours, but also practical assignments, lab work and self-study at home. All credits are based on the European Credit Transfer and accumulation System scheme. 60 credits (also called ECTS) represent one year of study in terms of workload. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Semester 1 Start: 1st September Semester 2 Start: 1st February STUDENT LIFE In addition to study facilities on campus, Aalborg University and the cities of Aalborg, Esbjerg and Copenhagen offer a variety of possibilities. We have one of the best “Student Houses” which is run by students and a venue for several happenings and get-togethers. In the cities you will also find many entertainment possibilities such as theatres, cinemas, sports, museums, exhibitions, shopping, cafés, restaurants, parks, forests and international concerts just to mention a few. CONTACT Aalborg University International Office Fredrik Bajers Vej 5 9220 Aalborg East Contact for Exchange Students: Jacques Kloster, Erasmus Coordinator: Birgitta S. Madsen, Phone: +45 9940 9940 Website:

UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE Aalborg University is an entrepreneurial research university with app. 19,000 students. It was founded in 1974 and has all the facilities that define a modern university. We offer education and research in areas ranging from humanities, social sciences, engineering, natural sciences and medicine. Approximately 80 degree programmes are taught in English language.

Joint Master Programmes Cities and Sustainability p42 Global Innovation Management p44




“ The first thing that attracted my attention was the helpfulness of the Portu-

guese people. Whenever I did not know the way to the next supermarket or buildings of the university they were guiding me to my destination even if they had to go in another direction. At the university it was the same. The contact persons for international students spoke English fluently and helped you with any problems as accommodations or official documents. The city is very small and charming. With its canals in the center it reminded me a bit of a Portuguese Venice.


Melina, 21

Psychology Student

University of Aveiro LOCATION Aveiro is located on the beautiful Atlantic coastline of Portugal, around 250 km to the north of Lisbon. The city is served by excellent rail and road connections to Lisbon and the inland towns as well as to the close by cities of Oporto and Coimbra. Sá Carneiro international airport in Oporto, which is less than 1 hour away, provides convenient connections throughout Europe.

GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Semester 1 – Mid September to the end of January Semester 2 – Mid February to the end of June STUDENT LIFE Students at UA have a lot of support from the University and from each other. The Students Union and the University Social Services provide shops, advice centres, medical

ACCOMMODATION Exchange students receive help from the International Office to find accommodation in one of the University Halls of Residence. For students who do not live at the University Halls there are other options. With the help of the ERASMUS STUDENT NETWORK, many students share flats nearby the campus or in the city centre. Typical prices for student accommodation range from €180 to €250 per month.

“Hundreds of events each year providing students with opportunities to pursue their personal interests” care, sports facilities and entertainment. The University departments and central services organise hundreds of events each year providing students with opportunities to pursue their personal interests, whether it be in science, technology, business or the arts. Counselling and career services are also available to our students and alumni.

LIVING COSTS As an estimate, a student in Aveiro will need somewhere between €550 and €600 per month for accommodation, eating, transport, study material and other basic expenses. CURRENCY The currency in Portugal is the Euro. VISAS Non-EU students should check whether they need a visa and a residence permit. Students make their visa request at the Portuguese consulate in their country of residence before travelling to Portugal. The Visa application procedure includes an interview and takes up to 12 weeks.

CONTACT Contact for Exchange Students Jorge Santos (

UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The University of Aveiro (UA) is a young university, founded in 1973, with over 15000 full-time students (graduate and postgraduate). The University has a strong research profile and a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centres), acting as a regional network for education and training and promoting strong links with the surrounding community. In Portugal, UA has consistently pioneered the introduction of Degrees in emerging subject areas.

Head of Student Mobility and Career Services Niall Power ( International Office Campus Universitário de Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal Tel. + 351 234 370 060

EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE The University of Aveiro offers a wide range of degree and non-degree programmes through its university departments and polytechnic schools in various areas of knowledge that reflect its multidisciplinary and innovative character. Its educational offer is designed to build student competences in scientific and technical areas that meet the emerging needs of business, industry and society, with degree programmes delivered in an atmosphere of research and quality, organised in three cycles: the 1st cycle lasts three years and results in a Licenciatura Degree; the 2nd cycle requires two years to complete a Master Degree; and the 3rd cycle takes between three and five years to obtain a Doctorate. In most Engineering areas, UA offers integrated master programmes combining the 1st and 2nd cycles.

Website / Applications

Joint Master Programme Cities and Sustainability p42




“ Do you also dream about a country where the weather is always great, a city

Julia, 24

International Business Student

that never sleeps, lying on a long beach with palm trees wherever you look around, meeting nice people from all over the world, eating delicious tapas before you leave to one of the best parties in your life and drinking Sangria all day long? Then you should definitely go to Barcelona! Normally there are small classes with around 30–50 students and classes are more active, including discussions and often also homework. Unfortunately there is often compulsory attendance; however there is normally at least one day (mostly Friday) where you are free and then you can explore the surrounding land of Barcelona and other Spanish cities.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona LOCATION The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is mostly located in its central campus, in Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 20km outside Barcelona, 25 minutes from downtown Barcelona by train. The Bellaterra Campus is located in the heart of one of the main industrial and technological centres of Mediterranean Europe. ACCOMMODATION The UAB has on campus accommodation for over 2.200 students at Vila Universitaria (prices ranging €220-€825).

“The UAB has on campus accommodation for over 2.200 students”

TEACHING To express it in numbers: 29.018 undergraduate students 5.858 graduates 10,791 postgraduate and continuing education students 6.419 international regular students 1.269 exchange students 85 undergraduate and 84 official masters programmes 79 PhD programmes 2.239 articles published in indexed journals 1.179.371 books in its libraries 4.411 teaching and research staff 2.503 administration and services staff

Vila also offers rooms outside the campus and downtown Barcelona. For conventions and short stays there is the Campus Hotel. LIVING COSTS As an estimate, a student in Barcelona will need around €720-€1.200 per month on housing, living expenses and study material. CURRENCY The currency in Spain is the Euro €. VISAS Students from outside the European Union must obtain a D-Type visa before leaving their country in the nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate. Without the visa students cannot obtain the Student Card they need to be a legal resident in Spain. The International Welcome Point offers personal attention to all legal matters: Email


+34 93 581 2210


+34 93 586 8025

UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The UAB develops its structure on three campuses. The main UAB campus hosts the Scientific and Technological cluster, Faculty of Life Sciences, Engineering School, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Science and Technology Park, the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and research units. The Sabadell campus is committed to Technology and Business. The Campus in Hospital de Sant Pau with historical modernist pavilions is one of our five Health Sciences centres located in Barcelona, Badalona and Sabadell. All the departments, Science and Technology services, research centres and institutes, centres at the Science and Technology Park, and university hospitals make up the research consortium known as Esfera UAB.

EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE We offer innovative high-quality, exacting courses that are characterised by their strong practical content. We offer the chance to study for diplomas, degrees, technical qualifications and postgraduate courses in all areas of knowledge. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES 1st term September – February 2nd term February – July STUDENT LIFE The UAB campus is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty. Its infrastructure, created exclusively for university life, offers different academic, cultural and social activities. CONTACT Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Àrea de Relacions Internacionals Edifici A-Rectorat Campus Bellaterra 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Contact for Exchange Students: Margarita Espinosa Coordination of Exchange Programmes and Erasmus Coordinator: Monica Leiva, Phone +34 93 581 2753

Joint Master Programme Cities and Sustainability p42




“ When I decided to go to Dublin and I first contacted the International Office

Simon, 25

Biotechnology Student

I was overwhelmed by their friendliness and how they helped me with my visa application and enrollment. They are even still in touch with me and make sure I can fully enjoy my time studying at DCU. The University itself is really well equipped with state of the art laboratories, a huge cafeteria and a great sports hall. They got over 100 different clubs and societies and I totally recommend joining one since you then make friends really quickly and are able to dive in to the Irish culture. Dublin and its beautiful surroundings is only a stone’s throw away from campus and got everything you can imagine. And another great thing about DCU, it’s the best way to improve your English rapidly! Learning by doing!

Dublin City University LOCATION Dublin City University’s main campus is a short distance from Dublin city centre, Dublin Airport and both the M50 and M1 motorways. Dublin City University benefits from excellent transportation links directly to the City Centre. Dublin, due to its large population of young people, offers visitors a wealth of experience, tradition and culture to cater for all tastes. Our vibrant capital is frequently listed in

FACULTIES Business School Faculty of Engineering & Computing Faculty of Science & Health Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences.

“Within 30 minutes, visitors will find themselves in the middle of the breathtakingly beautfiful Irish countryside” The Lonely Planets’ as a must-see city. Due to its small size, visitors to Ireland can travel from one side of the country to the other in less than 3 hours. Within 30 minutes of leaving the city, visitors will find themselves in the middle of the breathtakingly beautiful Irish countryside. ACCOMMODATION DCU Campus Residencies will assist students in choosing the most suitable type of on-campus accommodation for their period of study in Ireland. The on-campus accommodation facilities provide options ranging from standard to more luxurious accommodation. Students can expect to pay between €4290 and €4820 per academic year depending on the type of accommodation chosen LIVING COSTS Dublin is considered one of the more expensive cities in Europe to live in. Your living costs will depend on your lifestyle and your choice of accommodation. At DCU we advise student to work on an average spend of €900 - €1000 per month (this includes accommodation) CURRENCY The currency in Germany is the Euro €. VISAS Students coming from outside Europe may need to have secured a student visa prior to study at DCU. Please refer to the list of visa-requiring countries for the Irish Department of Justice: UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE Dublin City University is Ireland’s University of Enterprise. Situated on an 85 acre campus, DCU has grown rapidly in scale and performance since being established as a university in 1989. DCU prides itself on delivering excellence across all its activities. Unconventional by nature, DCU broke with the traditional mould and introduced new approaches into the Irish education system. With a focus on enterprise and a reputation as Ireland’s most innovative and market-driven university, DCU has created a unique position for itself.

EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE DCU complies with the ECTS credit system and expects students to achieve a total of 60 ECTS credits for one academic year. Credits are allocated by traditional examination settings, continuous assessments, practical outcomes or lab based settings – depending on the course of study. Our academic year is divided into 2 semesters, September to January and February to May GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Semester 1 Start: October 1st until March 31st Semester 2 Start: April 1st until Semptember 30th STUDENT LIFE The international student integration program supported by our tutors, offers assistance to international students at the beginning of their studies. This program offers international meetings, cultural activities and excursions. Participation in these different activities can provide the possibility to meet German and international fellow students. CONTACT International Office Dublin City University Collins Avenue Dublin 9 Ireland Website:



“ Going to Hamburg means getting to know “Schietwetter”. Or as we use to

Merten, 23

Mechanical Engineering and Numerical Methods (Msc.)

say: there is no bad weather - there’s only bad clothing. But don’t hesitate! The beautiful Alster (a large lake directly in the center of the city) many green parks and the impressive industrial romanticism of Hamburg harbour reward everyone coming to the most beautiful city in the world. The river Elbe seperates Hamburg into a northern and a southern part. In the south where our small but pretty modern TUHH is located at - almost 60 cultures and nationalities meet in the aspiring new scene-quarter Wilhelmsburg. For somebody new in Hamburg the Reeperbahn is the place-to-be when it comes to weekend and party; fans of electronic music will quickly discover (and learn to love) the fancy open-air festival culture! Going to Berlin takes only 1,5h but I swear you’ll come back soon...

Hamburg University of Technology LOCATION Hamburg University of Technology TUHH is located in Hamburg, the second biggest city in Germany. The metropolis on the Elbe River is Germany’s second-largest city and has the country’s largest seaport. Parks and green spaces run through almost a fifth of the city area, and usually they are not far from the ever-present water. Hamburg is not only a region of economic growth but also a place of culture and entertainment.

and is a competitive entrepreneurial university that is focused on high-level performance and quality standards. As an internationally oriented university with about 6.600 students it is dedicated to the Humboldt ideals of unity of research and education. TUHH offers innovative, research-oriented education from BSc to PhD level in the area of engineering and technology related management.

ACCOMMODATION The Accommodation Office TUHH support international students arriving in Hamburg from abroad in their accommodation search. You should expect to pay between €250 and €400 for a single room with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities, according to availability. LIVING COSTS Living costs would of course vary according to the type of accommodation and lifestyle. You should expect a minimum of €750 per months plus roughly €250 per semester for study materials. TUHH does not charge tuition fees for exchange students in regular exchange programs like ERASMUS, but all students including exchange students will have to pay a semester contribution of about €240 per semester for the student union, student welfare organization and the semester ticket, which provides free public transport in the Hamburg area for the semester. CURRENCY The currency in Germany is the Euro €. VISAS Foreign students require a residence permit for educational purposes, issued by a German embassy or consulate in the students’ country of origin. We advise you to contact your German embassy as soon as possible to find out which documents you need for your visa application. This regulation does not apply to students from EU countries and from countries with which other agreements exist. In addition, all foreign students must register with the resident’s registration office on their arrival in Hamburg. INSURANCE In Germany, every student is required to have valid health insurance. Therefore you will have to show proof of this on registration at the university. European students will usually bring their European Health Insurance Card, or as a replace¬ment the E 111/E128 form. Non-Europeans will in general have to apply for insurance in Germany as only a few insurance policies from abroad will meet with German regulations. UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE Hamburg University of Technology was founded in 1978

“Hamburg University of Technology is an entrepreneurial research university with about 6.600 students.”

FACULTIES Education at Hamburg University of Technology is organized in 6 Schools of Study: Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics Vocational Subject Education Mechanical Engineering Process & Chemical Engineering Management Science & Technology Twelve degree programmes are taught in English EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Programs of study at TUHH are divided into modules. Modules may be made up of different teaching and learning units that are thematically related. Credit points are assigned to each module in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). One credit point equates to a workload of 30 hours. The full-time workload for one academic year is 60 ECTS. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Semester 1 Start: October 1st until March 31st Semester 2 Start: April 1st until Semptember 30th STUDENT LIFE The international student integration program supported by our tutors, offers assistance to international students at the beginning of their studies. This program offers international meetings, cultural activities and excursions. Participation in these different activities can provide the possibility to meet German and international fellow students. CONTACT Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg International Office Schwarzenbergstr. 95 21073 Hamburg Elvira Wilberg Phone +49 40 42878 3158 Website:

Joint Master Programmes Cities and Sustainability p42 Global Innovation Management p44




“ Linköping is a typical student town with approximately one thousand new

exchange students every semester. The offer of parties is great both on campus and in the city. One typical thing you must get used to when going to Sweden is queuing, as Swedes love to queue up for anything there is. The thing that I liked most about living in Sweden is the possibility to take the bike or the bus for 10 minutes and you are completely out of town and in beautiful nature. Whoever likes Scandinavia will love Linköping, as it is quite central and you can take a lot of nice trips out.

Anna, 22

International Business Student

Linköping University LOCATION Research and education is conducted in the twin cities Linköping and Norrköping, 200/160 kilometres southwest of Stockholm. The cities can be reached by train or car from Copenhagen in four hours and from Stockholm in less than two hours. The local airports in both cities have regular flight connections to domestic and international destinations. ACCOMMODATION Students coming to LiU through an exchange programme or a bilateral agreement can apply for student accommodation at the same time as applying for a study period at Linköping University. The rent is to be paid in advance every month (approx. SEK 3,000 per month). Most students live in student housing areas within cycling distance from campus in Linköping or Norrköping. However, students will need to arrangements for housing in time before coming to Sweden. LIVING COSTS Undergraduate education is fully financed by the Swedish government. A Swedish student needs approximately SEK 7,000 per month to cover living expenses. Non-EU students must prove to the Swedish Migration Board that they possess a specified sum for their upkeep during the whole study period; currently this sum is SEK 7,300 per month. (approx. €800) CURRENCY The currency in Sweden is the Swedish Krona, SEK. VISAS Non–EU/EEA students who wish to study in Sweden for a period longer than three months must apply for a residence permit at the Swedish embassy or consulate in their home country. In order to enter Sweden citizens of certain countries must also have a visa. A list of countries requiring entry visas is available on the website of the Swedish Migration Board. UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE As an essential educative task at LiU is to prepare students for a profession, study programmes are designed in dialogue with industry and the surrounding community. This reciprocity has often resulted in new border-crossing courses and programmes with new knowledge constellations, such

“study programmes are designed in dialogue with industry and the surrounding community” as engineering and management; economics and law, and technology and medicine, to name a few.

FACULTIES LiU is organized in four faculties: Institute of Technology Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences Educational Sciences A total of 24 masters programmes are taught in English. EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE The Swedish credit system is compatible with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System scheme (ECTS). One academic year of full-time studies is equivalent to 60 higher education credits. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Autumn semester: Middle/end of August to mid-January Spring semester: Mid-January to beginning of June A mandatory Orientation Programme is given at the start of each semester. STUDENT LIFE In addition to study facilities Linköping University offers a variety of services: Free shuttle bus between campuses, student associations for international students, campus libraries, bookshops, restaurants, counsellors, sports and athletics, places of peace and quiet, a student healthcare centre, numerous student events and much more. CONTACT Linköping University International Office SE-581 83 Linköping Coordination of exchange programme Erasmus Helena Iacobaeus, Phone + 46 13 28 6831 Website:



“ My time in Poland was a once in a lifetime experience. Everyone is unique

and open to explore the world. During the EILC language course I made many friends, but also later on in my host university and in my dormitory. I learned about many different cultures and became friends with people from all over the world, mostly from Europe, but also from Russia, California or South Africa. During Erasmus the social life is central. We were cooking together, going to bars, exploring the city, experiencing the Polish culture and travelling the country. You arrive with nothing and you leave with friends from an international community and countless amazing experiences.

Marina, 23

Management Student


Lodz University of Technology

LOCATION The University covers the area of about 30 hectares and is located in a few dozen buildings. Besides new structures built in the recent years, the Lodz University of Technology adapted and revitalized a few historic 19th century villas and factory buildings, adjusting them to its needs. ACCOMMODATION All dormitories are located within a walking distance from TUL faculties. Therefore it does not take long to walk to the building of the International Faculty of Engineering from any of them. Accommodation consists mainly of double rooms. The price of a shared accommodation is approximately 300 PLN a month per person. The rent must be paid every month to the hostel bank account. LIVING COSTS A student needs to have about 2000 PLN per month, however the necessities of particular students may vary. The daily needs like food or clothing are relatively inexpensive by western standards.

Institute of Papermaking and Printing Logistics College Spatial Economy College Commodity Science College EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Today Lodz University of Technology offers almost 40 fields of studies to over 20 thousand students, including over one hundred twenty specializations at nine faculties. Degree programmes are provided as first-cycle or/and second-cycle programmes. Studies based on new study programmes and the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) were introduced at Lodz University of Technology in the academic year 2007/2008. The system enables students to obtain two diplomas in two different fields of studies and gives a possi-

“one hundred twenty specializations at nine faculties”

CURRENCY The currency in Poland is the Polish Zloty, PLN, counted in zloty (zl) and grosz (gr.). 100 gr. = 1 zl.

bility of mobility period recognition. Almost all the faculties offer doctoral programmes and non-degree postgraduate programmes together with short-term courses.

VISAS Non–EU/EEA students who wish to study in Poland need to apply for a residence permit at the Polish embassy or consulate in their home country. Should a prospective student need an acceptance letter for a visa, he or she should let us know about it a month beforehand.

GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Autumn semester: end of September to end of January Spring semester: Mid-February to end of June An Orientation Programme is offered at the start of each semester.

FACULTIES The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering The Faculty of Chemistry The Faculty of Material Technologies and Textiles Design The Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences The Faculty of Civil Engineering Architecture and Environmental Engineering The Faculty of Technical Physics, Computer Science and Applied Mathematics The Faculty of Organization and Management The Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering International Faculty of Engineering

STUDENT LIFE A student of the Lodz University of Technology may join various student organizations, sports teams, theatre, choir or our locally-famous radio station. CONTACT Unit for Internationalization of Education Erasmus Administrative Coordinator Malgorzata Swit Email: Website:



“ Santiago de Querétaro is a beautiful city, located in the heart of Mexico,

Justus, 22

International Business Student

which is why it is the perfect starting point for traveling to many wonderful places all around the country. Not only in the university context, but also outside the campus, people were always welcoming, open-minded and ready to help. The phrase “mi casa es su casa”, which literally means “my house is your house”, is deeply embodied in all the people that I came into contact with. As well as interesting and demanding courses offered in small groups, the university also has a great range of sporting activities, not to mention trips to a number of beautiful places. To sum up, I can say that I would recommend studying in Mexico for a semester to anyone who wants to get to know the amazing people and the great landscape of the country, as well as having a great time!

Tecnológico de Monterrey LOCATION The Tecnológico de Monterrey has 31 campuses located in major cities throughout Mexico. ACCOMMODATION Most major campuses will have three accommodation options available: College residences, home-stay programs and selected apartments that students can rent on their own. Students are guided and advised by our staff in order to help them choose the accommodation option that best suits their needs. LIVING COSTS Apartment rentals in Mexico generally cost between US $250 and $350 per month in major cities. In less expensive cities, rental costs can be range between US $120 and $200 per month. Monthly spending on food and groceries in Mexico can be between US $150 and $200. There is a wide range of options if you are eating out, and a good meal can cost just US $8. Luxury restaurants are very expensive in Mexico, with a meal costing around US $100.

TEACHING 95,124 students 4,892 international students at the Tec 54 undergraduate courses 32 international courses 30 Master’s degrees 10 Ph.D. programs 14 online university programs (with 13 Master’s degrees, and 1 Ph.D. program) EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE The Tecnológico de Monterrey is not divided into schools, but into various academic departments. When undergraduate students enroll, they choose their major and, over the 9-10 semesters their program lasts for, they attend classes

CURRENCY The currency in Mexico is the Peso (MXN). VISAS Students from outside Mexico must obtain a Student Visa (FM3) before they arrive in Mexico. Our International Programs Office will help answer any questions you have about immigration. As an international student, you are asked to present the following documents: a valid passport, a student visa (FM3) and proof of financial solvency (such as credit or debit card statements for the cards you will use while in Mexico). UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The Tecnológico de Monterrey is a multi-campus university present in 31 towns and cities located throughout Mexico. It offers both undergraduate and graduate programs, consultancy services, applied research, technological development, and laboratory studies for businesses through its Research Centers. The Tecnológico de Monterrey is responsible for focused research that helps the community understand and tackle a number of problems facing society, such as those related to health, energy, education, economic development, quality of life, public policy, sustainable development, nanotechnology, business, information technology and telecommunications, among many others. In order to achieve this, experts from a range of different disciplines have been divided into 41 Strategic Research groups, which propose solutions to these problems. Each group combines experts from different levels in order to pool their experience during the research and technology transfer processes. The Tecnológico de Monterrey has a research ecosystem that allows researchers and students to join in the research process, generating high-value results for society and raising the prestige of the institution by merit of their relevant scientific contributions. This ecosystem allows researchers to connect with companies, institutions and peers from different universities to develop joint research projects, encouraging and improving the research process.

within those departments in order to meet the corresponding credit requirements. Average class size at the Tecnológico de Monterrey is 30. Teamwork, small group projects and student participation are all highly encouraged by your faculty. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Spring Semester (January – May) Summer Session (June) Fall Semester (August – December)

“Team work, small group projects and student participation are all highly encouraged.” STUDENT LIFE Each semester, students play an active role in organizing symposiums, congresses, political debates, plays and/or community events. We also offer sporting activities and clubs, cultural activities and student organizations. CONTACT María Gómez ECIU Coordinator Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur Col. Tecnológico Zip Code 64849 Monterrey, Nuevo León, México Website:



“ Rostov is one of the biggest cities in Southern Russia and the Gateway to the

Thomas, 24

Civil Engineering

Caucasus. The city itself cannot described as beautiful if you just visit it, but during a study on the Southern Federal University you will begin to love this regular Russian town. The campus is located west in town, the center has some nice parks, there are bars and clubs along the main streets and because it’s situated along the Don River it nice for having a walk. Studying in Rostov give you the opportunity to explore Southern Russia, because there is so much more than just Rostov. Watch ‘Motherland Calls’ in Volograd, get involved into Budishm in Elista , feel the impact of the Belsan massacre at the school memorial ore explore the beauty of the Caucasus mountains.

Southern Federal University LOCATION Southern Federal University is the largest centre of education, science and culture in the south of Russia. Our region is one of the most favoured Russian places as a vacation and tourism destination. Its scenery, cultural riches, outstanding historical past and traditional Russian hospitality are strongly appreciated by lots of visitors from Russia and abroad. There are direct flights from some European cities to Rostov-on-Don. It is also easy to get to Rostov from the capital city of Moscow and back. A flight lasts one hour and a half.

GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Academic year usually starts on September 1st and lasts till 30th of July. The first semester starts on the 1st of September. The second semester usually starts on the 1st of February.

ACCOMMODATION The university provides accommodation in student dorms. Here you will find rooms, where you can live alone or with some roommates. The price depends on conditions, location and facilities. Students’ Dorms are within walking distance of natural sciences university departments and 30 minutes by bus from downtown and departments of humanities. There are no meal plans available at the dormitories, so students do their own cooking in community kitchenettes or eat at the local cafeterias. LIVING COSTS By the most approximate calculations each person will need about $ 400–600 per month to cover accommodation, meals, transport costs and pocket money. CURRENCY The currency in Russia is the Rouble. VISAS To travel to Southern Federal University in Russia you need a visa. You have to provide us with a copy of your passport and some personal information to obtain the letter of invitation first. Please note that only having the official original letter of invitation you can go to a Consulate of Russian Federation to get your Russian visa. UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE Southern Federal University is the legal successor of Rostov State University and comprises Technological, Pedagogical and Architecture Institutes. It has 2 campuses in Rostov and Taganrog. The University offers a great number of faculties ranging from science and engineering to law and foreign languages. There are Bachelor and Master degree programmes taught in English. The University is a vast complex comprising scientific-research institutes and faculties, a Botanic Garden, an extensive scientific library, special scientific training bases at the foothills of the Caucasus and on the Black seashore. The detailed information about SFedU you can easily find at the University website. EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Lectures, seminars and practical training – are the basic forms of teaching. Our teachers try to encourage independent work and research by students. Students’ progress is evaluated according to the results of exams, test works and academic year projects.

STUDENT LIFE Both Rostov and Taganrog offer everything the heart desires from cultural events to a wide range of recreational opportunities. The Don Region is famous for its unique beauty of

“The Don Region is famous for its unique beauty of the southern Russian nature and various places of interest.” the southern Russian nature and various places of interest. 22 museums offer their expositions; there are 7 theatres, concert halls and the zoo in the city. Here you will also find night clubs, pubs, bars, concerts, events, discos... CONTACT Southern Federal University 105/42, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia Tel.: (863) 218-40-57, (863) 222 -68-12 Fax: (863) 218-40-24 Email: Website:



“ I highly recommend the orientation week to get to know the University

and your fellow students. There they give you all information about how to register, study and live in Norway. The courses were interesting and if you are eager to learn a new language and get to know a Northern culture, you can quickly find new friends which show you the best spots of their country. Unfortunately Norway is quite expensive, so try to save some money to do some trips to the beautiful fjords and mountains that this country has to offer.


Joline, 21

Social Sciences Student

University of Stavanger

LOCATION The University of Stavanger is situated on Norway’s southwest coast, surrounded by magnificent and diverse landscapes. The charming harbour city of Stavanger ranks as Norway’s fourth largest with approximately 130,000 inhabitants and is known as Norway’s “oil and energy capital”. The Stavanger region is Norway’s most productive area and has been the national hub for innovative industry for several

UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The University of Stavanger has approximately 10,000 students and 1,200 academic and administrative staff.v It offers a wide range of study and research programmes. Many of its research activities are pursued in cooperation with its International Research Institute of Stavanger AS (IRIS) affiliate, and with other universities, research institutes, and regional, national, and international industries.

“the national hub for innovative industry for several decades”

FACULTIES The University of Stavanger consists of the Faculty of Arts and Education, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Museum of Archaeology.

decades, partly owing to the petroleum industry and partly to a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship which existed long before the oil age. ACCOMMODATION The student dormitories in Stavanger are owned and administered by the Student Welfare Organization (SiS). Due to the difficult housing situation in the Stavanger area the UiS cannot guarantee housing to all international students, but usually all students who apply within the deadline are allotted a room in the dormitories. Students who apply after the deadline are not prioritised. International students are offered a single room with a shared bathroom and a shared kitchen. The rooms are furnished and have free Internet connection. LIVING COSTS As a guideline a single student needs NOK 10 000 (EUR 1200) per month to cover living and other expenses; including accommodation. There are no tuition fees for students at the University of Stavanger. Students from outside the EU/EEA must be able to document that they have the necessary funds to live in Norway (approximately NOK 100 000 for 1 academic year) when applying for a visa. CURRENCY The currency in Norway is the Norwegian krone, NOK (1 EUR = 8,5 NOK) VISAS Students from EEA countries do not need to apply for a residence permit, but must register with the police after arrival in Norway. Exceptions may apply. Nationals of non-EEA countries must apply for a student visa.

EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Courses are measured in credits/points in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) standard. The full-time workload for one academic year is 60 ECTS. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES Autumn semester: August – December Spring semester: January – June A mandatory Orientation Programme is given at the start of each semester. STUDENT LIFE During the past few years, the influx of international students and researchers to the University of Stavanger has risen at a steady pace and enriched our community with academic, social and cultural diversity. The university currently has students from more than 60 countries. Student life in Stavanger offers a wide range of activities, from hiking in stunning nature to city life with cosy cafés, restaurants and lively nightlife. The cultural scene is international and varies within all genres of music, art and literature. Students have their own Student Society “Folken” which is well-known for its rock concerts. On campus the Student House is a hub for student activities. All student organisations have offices here, among others the International Student Union. CONTACT International Office University of Stavanger 4036 Stavanger Phone: +47 5183 1063 Website:


STRATHCLYDE “ Stella, 21

International Business Student

Glasgow is the largest Scottish city and for sure the one with the most pubs, clubs and live music. Walking along Buchanan Road in its center means listening to live singers on the street all along its way, carrying an umbrella to be protected from the rain – yes, it does rain a lot – and watching people of very diverse types going in and out of the shops. The University of Strathclyde is right in the city and the Business School holds the rarely awarded triple accreditation. It is well-equipped with a big library and modern technology. Both student help desks and contact persons are happy to help with any issues. For a first visit to Scotland’s beautiful nature, I recommend going to Loch (lake) Lomond. Even more impressive are the highlands close to Glencoe with their rough mountains and colorful valleys.

University of Strathclyde

LOCATION The University of Strathclyde (SU) is located in the heart of the stylish and cosmopolitan city of Glasgow in Scotland. The University is approximately 10 miles and 20 minutes by bus from Glasgow International Airport. SU’s landscaped campuses provide easy access to a wide variety of shops, cultural, sports and recreation facilities and transport including trains, subway and buses. Glasgow offers a vibrant arts scene, cutting-edge music, legendary nightlife, an exciting selection of places to eat out, and much more. Glasgow boasts miles of open green space and sits on the doorstep of some of the most stunning scenery in Scotland. ACCOMMODATION Our residences are welcoming and sociable places to stay and study. There are almost 2,000 rooms on offer, all of them just minutes from the main university buildings, Students’ Union, libraries and sports facilities – as well as the city centre. The residences vary in price from £86 - £132 per week. Nearly all the residences in the Campus Village are divided into flats of various sizes; where students have their own single rooms and share bathrooms and kitchen/living/dining areas with flatmates. There are also a number of rooms that offer private bathrooms. LIVING COSTS Glasgow is one of the most affordable cities to live in the UK. Your living costs will depend on your lifestyle and the type of accommodation you choose, but on average you should budget for living costs of £200 per week as a student at Strathclyde. CURRENCY The currency in the UK is the Pound Sterling (£). VISAS If you are a visa-national you must obtain a visa to study before you leave your home country. You can check the list of visa-national countries on Please check this website for more information if you come from a non-visa-national country:

UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The University of Strathclyde can trace its roots back to 1796 and received its Royal Charter in 1964. With a tradition as a ‘place for useful learning’, it has a reputation for excellence in high-standard, commercially-driven research, flexible and professional teaching and its entrepreneurial attitude. This is reflected with its award in 2012 by the Times Higher Education of ‘UK University of the Year’ title and ‘UK Entrepreneurial University of the Year’ title the following year. EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Courses can involve lectures, discussion groups, practical instruction, project work and placements. The University operates a uniform credit-based modular course system. The standard curriculum normally comprises six 20-credit classes per year, usually including certain compulsory classes and a proportion of electives. Students are expected to

“Courses can involve lectures, discussion groups, practical instruction, project work and placements.” undertake 120 credits a year (60 ECTS equivalent), which equates to 1,200 hours of study over the 30-week academic year, or roughly 40 hours per week. The University offers learning support and practical advice to help improve study skills, manage workloads and improve English language skills if needed. Learning and teaching is also facilitated by Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs). GENERAL SEMESTER Semester 1: September – January Semester 2: January – June (excluding University holidays) CONTACT University of Strathclyde Recruitment and International Office Graham Hills Building 50 George Street Glasgow G1 1XP Website:

Joint Master Programme Global Innovation Management p44




“ The relaxed atmosphere and the hands-on approach in my studies are the

Joe, 21

Creative Technology Student

aspects I enjoy the most. It’s learning by doing and not just studying from books. Most teachers know me by name and I can always drop by their office if I have any questions. The campus offers everything you can imagine, from a hairdresser over a super market, a bar and douzens of sport fields. You can participate in so many different sport and cultural associations that it is really hard to decide which one to join. Across the whole campus you have super fast wifi so you can enjoy the sun while studying. I have been here for more than a year now and I am very happy I made the decision to come and study at the UT.

University of Twente LOCATION The University of Twente (UT) is located in Enschede, which is approximately two hours east of Amsterdam. The city is located within easy travelling distance of major European capitals such as Berlin, London, and Paris. ACCOMMODATION The University of Twente has a variety of accommodation facilities available for international students. Nationally, these facilities rank first in terms of accommodation affordability, and second in terms of living costs. This makes Enschede one of the most affordable student environments, according to the International Student Barometer. In total, 2,800 furnished and unfurnished rooms both on- and off-campus are offered by local housing providers. International Office mediates between international students and local housing providers for a reduced number of 460 furnished rooms. On average, a furnished room costs € 425 per month, with prices ranging from € 250 up to € 700 per month (mostly including wireless internet access). LIVING COSTS As a guide to living costs, a single student at the University of Twente will need on average € 800 to € 900 per month for accommodation, study materials, and general living expenses. CURRENCY The currency in the Netherlands is the Euro. VISAS Dutch law states that students cannot apply for a visa individually; hence all students requiring a visa or residence permit will be contacted by International Office and will be assisted with all visa procedures. For more information about these visa procedures, please visit: UNIVERSITY STRUCTURE The interface between technologies: that is where important and intriguing innovations occur. The University of Twente’s key research areas include nanotechnology, biomedical technology, ICT, sustainable energy, and governance. We do not approach new technologies in isolation, but in relation to behavioural, social, and management sciences, combining high tech with a human touch. As a modern, entrepreneurial university, the University of Twente is renowned for its engineering ability in supporting industry and commerce, and its creation of new innovative businesses. This perspective provides unexpected solutions in areas such as health, sustainable energy, water, learning and safety. In our 50 year history, over 700 spin-off companies have been launched onto the market. The University of Twente is the only campus university in the Netherlands. Here, nearly 10,000 students and over 3,000 employees study, work, and unwind in the beautiful green grounds. The attractive campus, built on a country estate just outside the city Enschede, is the highest ranking Dutch university in terms of campus environment and atmosphere, offering world-class sports facilities (International Student Barometer).

FACULTIES There are 5 faculties at the University of Twente: • Engineering Technology • Electrical Engineering, Mathematics • and Computer Science • Science and Technology • Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences • International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE The study workload at the UT is 60 European Credits annually (European Credit Transfer System / ECTS). According to Dutch law, one credit represents 28 hours of study and 60 EC represent one year of full-time study. The grading system in the Netherlands is on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 10 (outstanding). The lowest passing grade is 6; 9s are seldom given, 10s are extremely rare, and grades 1 to 3 are hardly ever used. The academic year is 42 weeks. Workload includes lectures, practical assignments, lab work, project / problem based learning, and self-study. GENERAL SEMESTER DATES September (fall) semester: September – January February (spring) semester: February – July STUDENT LIFE The University of Twente has state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research and an excellent library. It also has the lowest cost of living and accommodation of any Dutch university. In addition to the study and living facilities, the university offers a variety of services on campus: a wide range of sports facilities, a medical centre, counselling facilities, a hotel, worship facilities and much more. Students can meet up at one of the campus restaurants, cafés or bars, all of which offer affordable meals. With over 50 sports and cultural associations active on campus, our students have access to a wide range of leisure activities. According to the International Student Barometer, the UT offers the best social facilities and activities of all Dutch universities, while

“Over 50 sports and cultural associations active on campus.” the booming international campus community ranks within the top 5 worldwide. The nearby city of Enschede is buzzing with student life and home to about 20,000 students. CONTACT University of Twente International Office Ms. Kim Velthuis Website:


Exchange Packages • An integrated study programme on your chosen topic • No overlapping timetables • Classes and exams in English • Academic recognition of all your ECTS


Who offers Exchange Packages? University of Twente



European Public Administration



Health Psychology and Applied Technology POLAND


Human Factors and Engineering Technology UNITED KINGDOM GERMANY

Learning in the Classroom NORWAY SWEDEN

Philosophy and Governance of Science and Technology


Professional Learning in Organisations Psychology in Learning and Instruction Psychology of Safety Social Media and Networks Aeronautical Engineering and Management Geographic Information System and Earth Observation

Bachelor Programme

Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Business Development

Master Programme

Philosophy and Governance and Science and TechnologyScience to Society

Linköping University*

Lodz University of Technology

Business Development

Architecture Engineering

Human Resource Management

Biomedical Engineering

Double Degree Audecia (Business Development + HRM)

Biotechnical Engineering

Strategic Marketing Management

Business and Technology

Management Control

Computer Science


Gestion et Technologie

Antlantis Programme

Information Technology

Msc Strategy and Management in International Organisations

Science and Technology


Linköping’s Exchange Packages are only available for partner universities that have an exchange agreement with LiU that includes business: Aalborg University (Denmark) University of Stavanger (Norway) University of Twente (The Netherlands) Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico)

Telecommunications and Computer Science Biotechnology Geographic Information System and Earth Observation Computer Science and Information Technology Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Business Development Management Philosophy and Governanceand andComputer Science andScience TechnologyTelecommunications Science to Society


University of Stavanger

University of Aveiro

Arts and Education

Environmental Assessment

Science and Technology

Fundamentels of Environmental Engineering

Social Sciences

Mathematics of Computer Science

Comparative Education

Mathematics of Operations Research

Outdoor Education

Operations Research and Statistics I


Operations Research and Statistics II

Telecommunications and Computer Science Computer Science and Information Technology

Telecommunications and Computer Science

as per February 2015 find all packages at

Southern Federal University�

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Astrophysics, Spacephysics

Latin American Studies

Ethnic and Confessional Studies

International Business

Physical Methods of Investigation in Chemistry

Environmental and Sustainable Development

Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communications

Audiovisual Media Production

Nanoscale Structure of Materials Management of Economic Development in Russia Computational Mechanics and Biomechanics Cultural Studies in the 20th-21st Centuries

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Politics and Sociology Bio Science Politics and Sociology


JOINT Master Programmes

J 40

JOINT EUROPEAN MASTER Cities & Sustainability





A two-year fulltime (120 ECTS) European Master Programme A Joint program of four top European Universities Different scientific orientations, with a strong intercultural component ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships from the European Union Well organised staff and student mobility

SHAPE (Y)OUR URBAN FUTURE ABOUT The Erasmus Mundus Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities & Sustainability (JEMES CiSu) is a unique 2-year programme offered jointly by the Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics and Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, TUHH); the Department of Development & Planning (Aalborg University, AAU); the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambiental (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB); and the Department of Environment and Planning (Universidade de Aveiro, UA). Sustainable development is embraced as development that meets the present generation’s needs without compromising future generations’ abilities to meet their own needs. These needs are predominantly to be met in cities. Cities are places where people agglomerate to seek opportunities for better lives. Economically, cities are engines of development and cradles of economic growth that are necessary to sustain the prosperity of society and create job opportunities, not least for the urban poor. Cities are also centres for political and cultural manifestations that are key to forming nations and their identity. At the same time, cities by definition are consumers and if poorly managed, can be responsible for ruthless use of resources and impact on the environment from disposal of wastes and from industrial and domestic activities.

YOUR BENEFITS By bringing scholars and students from all over the world together in a rich and challenging international study programme with tailor made pathways, real-world experience and profound research knowledge, JEMES CiSu trains prospective European and Overseas environmental specialists whose sound education in innovative technologies and management strategies will enable them to treat environmental problems from an interdisciplinary point of view. Training considers the needs in developing as well as in industrialised countries. Graduates will successfully handle all major aspects of their professional field and have an extensive overview of new developments and future trends in the area. Graduates will enjoy privileged access to prominent enterprises and institutions in the in public and private sector worldwide. Graduates enter the international employment market working: • • • •

with enterprises dealing with high end technological products and services as consultants making technology assessment and innovation with governmental institutes dealing with innovation policy and strategy with relevant research and higher education institutions

A unique social and learning experience with an inherent change of perspective that will give you the leading edge in the employment Market.

CONTACT Email Website


JOINT EUROPEAN MASTER Global Innovation Management




Tackle new challenges in innovative global enterprises AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The course equips students with skills to transform research outputs into innovative products and services. Learning the tools and techniques for working globally, students apply this knowledge practically by working on projects with industry contacts in different countries, further enhancing their understanding of international business. GIM addresses new challenges in innovative global enterprise and provides: • •

A practical and global perspective of Innovation Management, through industry based modules Skills applicable for larger multinational organisations to smaller enterprises Expanded perspectives of Innovation Management including Technology Management, R&D, and Product/Service Development with focus on the interface between disciplines involved in the process; Increased research capability focused on activities at the periphery of the innovation process.

PROGRAMME STRUCTURE All students take a common first year at the University of Strathclyde, then either deepen study at Hamburg or Swinburne, or apply skills and knowledge in an industrial internship at Aalborg. The programme is delivered in English and intended for excellent graduates of first degrees in Engineering, Science and Technology. Please note that the Swinburne option is only available to students from EU countries and self-funded (non-scholarship) students.

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Semesters 1 and 2 at The University of Strathclyde provide a strong foundation in the Innovation Management process, and essential practical experience of working within globally distributed teams and with industrial clients on product/service development briefs. Semester 3 (Year 2) at Hamburg University of Technology looks at early and late phases of the innovation management process. It concentrates on market research for (radical) innovation, cross functional cooperation at the front end of the innovation process, managing innovation projects over geographical and functional/divisional boarders and preparing the market introduction of new products and services. In semester 3 (Year 2) at Aalborg University, students undertake an industrial internship at a Danish company to gain relevant global innovation management work experience, and to consolidate the taught content delivered at the University of Strathclyde. Each internship will be designated to best reflect student’s interests within the available placements from a secured list of Danish companies. In semester 4 all students undertake a thesis project at the institution where they spent the 3rd semester. The project is jointly supervised between the second year institution and one other partner.W More information on



Get more information AT YOUR INTERNATIONAL OFFICE The International Office at your university can provide you with all necessary information on our programmes. You can also find more information on the ECIU Exchange website or on the websites of the International Offices. ABOUT OUR EXCHANGE PACKAGES If you are especially interested in one of the exchange packages offered by our member universities, you can get additional information about the content and application through our exchange package portfolio:

Follow us ON OUR WEBSITES Provides you general information about exchange within the ECIU network. This website provides you with updates of the ECIU network. If you are a staff member of one of our member universites, you can find information about special programmes and staff exchange possibilities. Our facebook page keeps you up to date with the latest news from our member universities and also lets you know when special programmes are offered.

THANKS TO Our models Irmelin (Aalborg) Melina (Aveiro) Julia (Barcelona) Simon (Dublin) Merten (Hamburg) Anna (LinkĂśping)

Marina (Lodz) Justus (Monterrey) Thomas (Rostov) Joline (Stavanger) Stella (Strathclyde) Joe (Twente)

Photographer Raphael Buchberger Brochure Designer Raphael Buchberger Special thanks to Katrin Dircksen Picture p.34 Šshutterstock

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