Factoid friday essay

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Green 4 too.’” (Carroll). Not only was there the objectification of the girls who go to the college, but their mothers as well. Mothers who are giving their money to a school that supports the fraternity. Actions like these prove that women, mothers and daughters alike, are only valued for their bodies. This is rape culture because it allows for women to be seen as means for satisfaction to men, and takes away their dignity and pride. This can be detrimental to a women’s view of herself, especially in the vulnerable stages of college years. It can lead to lowered selfconfidence which causes women to be less likely to say “no” when encouraged to preform sexual acts for fear of being ridiculed by their peers. A real problem arises from these situations of objectification because often it is not until after the sexual encounter takes place that the woman understands she did not feel as if she consented and will go report the assault. However, the perpetrator will say they could not have known she did not want it because she never explicitly said “no”. This is why so many cases of rape are hard to fight; the woman may realize too late that she did not consent to what happened but there is a lack of evidence, or blurred lines to what really happened. That, in turn, makes it much harder to convict anyone of committing a crime. Rape culture is very dangerous because it can lead to the objectification of women which teaches them that they are not worth anything, and often results in them realizing too late their ability to say “no” and defend themselves against rape and sexual assault. Though rape and sexual assault are serious issues that need to be dealt with, many believe that discussion of rape culture can lead to paranoia that results in false accusations and misunderstandings. There are instances in which the man didn’t fully understand that the woman was objecting to the sexual encounter and didn’t want it to happen. An example of this type of case was that of Caleb Warner, a student at University of North Dakota; “On January 27, 2010, University of North Dakota officials charged undergraduate Caleb Warner with sexually

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