Option selection report

Page 71


LR6 / 6a – Whitehill Bordon to Farnham – Light Rail

Strategic Fit See ML1

Operational Assessment See LR1

Engineering Assessment None of the options considered present insurmountable engineering constraints. Each requires a number of general considerations whether this is a grade separated crossing of major highways, or significant costs associated with avoidance of environmentally sensitive areas (tunnelling). Of all the routes LR6 is by far the longest, and although specific obstacles are not an issue, the length of the route increases the capital cost estimates significantly. The estimate capital cost of the scheme - £200m at Q4 2010

Environmental Assessment This route passes through the largest number of environmental designated, and planning sites – through or adjacent to 7 in total. Access issues need to be considered to Broxhead Common, SSSI’s a Phase II SPA. It also affects a scheduled monument at Alice Holt Forest. Finally the route runs through the SDNP.

Economic Assessment Poor VfM with BCR of less than 0.1.


LR3 – Whitehill Bordon to Liphook – Light Rail

Strategic Fit See ML1

Operational Assessment See LR1

Engineering Assessment None of the options considered present insurmountable engineering constraints. Each requires a number of general considerations whether this is a grade separated crossing of major highways, or significant costs associated with avoidance of environmentally sensitive areas (tunnelling). LR3 has only minor issues in the main. The exception is the need to raise the alignment to allow for crossing of the A3. This is the shortest route considered. The estimated capital cost of the scheme - circa £160m at Q4 2010

Environmental Assessment Similarly with LR6, this route passes through seven areas with statutory designations, having direct land take impacts on a number of SSSi’s, SAC and SPA. It presents potential access issues to two areas of Common Land. There is no impact on scheduled monuments. Finally the route runs through the SDNP.


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