Discovery Zone Community Health Needs Assessment

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Determining the Big Picture


What We Heard: Education and Literacy s someone who has spent 30 years as a teacher, principal and administrator, it’s no wonder that Advisory Commi ee member Gerald Giles believes that education is a lifelong process. And the people of the Discovery Zone seem to agree.


“Many focus group and key informant participants indicated a desire for education on lifestyle and wellness issues,” says Gerald. “In particular, they want education opportunities in their own community to help address barriers such as transportation and intimidation of going into Eastern Health facilities.” People also want education on healthy foods and eating. There is a sense that there are a lot of mixed messages about nutrition-related topics in particular. “People stressed the importance of health promotion activities in the schools in order to increase awareness and education of health and well being,” says Gerald. “We heard that not only should students be educated about healthy lifestyles, but so too should their parents.”

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