Annual Report 2018 / 2019
2019 | 30 years Anniversary Fact sheet EO Network Members
Business opportunities created
Companies that joined missions
B2B Meetings
Speaking opportunities & presentations
2 Milestones
Exhibition booths
3 Promoting EO
• 23 of the 50 stands at Living Planet Symposium 2019 were
3,000+ eoMAG readers
EARSC Members.
3,397 Twitter followers
• 25 members are enjoying free trial membership. • EARSC winner of the bronze award for Small association of
>20,000 EARSC-portal clicks per month
607 linkedin followers
the year. Annual Report 2019 2
Chairman’s message I am very proud to say that the last 12 months have seen further enormous progress by the Association. In a little over 2 years, EARSC has grown from a team of 3 persons working from their homes to a team of 10 working from expanded offices in Brussels. This has happened much faster and grown to more people than we anticipated. I emphasise that our ambition has not been to grow but to deliver more services to our members. The growth is a consequence of
“In a little over 2 years, EARSC has grown from a team of 3 persons working from their homes to a team of 10 working from expanded offices in Brussels.”
the successful implementation of the strategy by our excellent secretariat team. I should now like to talk about some of the highlights: • Membership: the Association has grown to be 122 members with a strong, recent influx of small companies and start-ups. We have initiated the small company forum to enable peer-to-peer networking and provide companies with less than 20 employees the opportunity to build awareness and presence in Brussels. The next forum will take place during the ExpandEO conference on the 20th of June. • Market development: we have just completed the first phase of work to develop an internationalisation strategy. We work closely with the European Commission to exploit the benefits of Copernicus but also with other sectors in a cluster-based approach. This will be followed in 2020 and beyond with a number of international meetings and missions planned for members. Our status as Participating Organisation of GEO provides an important platform which we plan to leverage more strongly for our members. We also plan to increase our work in community building with other sectors; much as we have done with the oil and gas sector over the years.
We are working with ESA and their subcontractors promote EO technologies within the agri-insurance sector and the mining sector and are developing links with other umbrella organisations. We are a part of the OCRE team which will create a marketplace for services on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and where EO service providers will be able to offer services to European scientists. • Analytics: we shall shortly be publishing the next industry survey showing the key trends in the sector. Already we can say that growth continues at a healthy pace and that it is a very interesting time to be in the EO services sector. The trend towards on-line services continues and analysis ready data (ARD) has become a new buzzword. We have published more cases under the Sentinel Benefits Study (SeBS) and increasingly seek to tell the story of how EO satellite data can support governmental and business operations. • Support tools: here our major activity has been towards the development and release of eoMall which is now entering service. eoMall comes from our Marketplace Alliance for EO Services (MAEOS) group to create a marketplace for EO (on-line) services and will enable companies to promote the online EO services which they offer. It complements eoPages which promotes companies’ capabilities linked to bespoke services. Stronger links between these two platforms will be developed in time.
Annual Report 2019 3
Chairman’s message • Research to Business: this is a new pillar for EARSC but one which we consider to be extremely important. It is underpinned by two key EU-funded projects which are kicking-off as I write this report! The e-shape project awarded under the EuroGEOSS h2020 call will bring new products and services to support European governments to implement and monitor the UN Sustainable Development Goals. With our partners, we shall build a “sustainability booster” to help new pilot applications find and develop their market. One of our goals is to help industry find a greater presence in the GEO activities which are foreseen to grow in the next few years. The PARSEC project is a really exciting new departure for EARSC, where we shall be able to distribute funds to entrepreneurs, researchers and business start-ups to bring their ideas to market over the next 30 months. The next 12 months shall be a time for consolidation; notwithstanding a number of important events and activities which will continue to challenge the team. The AGM in 2019 is concurrent with our ExpandEO conference which we plan to develop into a strong platform for the industry in future years. The GEO plenary in Canberra in November 2019 will hold a strong industry track where companies can promote themselves and find global partners and we shall be very active through e-shape, PARSEC and FIRE to organise international and regional events. Lastly, I wish to thank all the members for their ongoing support. Please let us know if there are specific actions you think we could be taking to support you better. We are here to support the EO community at large and our members in particular, to grow and create new opportunities. It promises to be another exciting and dynamic year ahead. Chairman of EARSC,
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About EARSC EARSC represents the Earth Observation (EO) geo-information services companies in Europe. Our members include both commercial operations of EO satellites and downstream, value-adding companies. These companies are global leaders in the provision of EO services and our members are at the forefront of this.
EARSC Membership
EARSC has 122 members from 23 European countries. For companies, the annual membership dues are a cost-effective way to stay informed, promote their company, engage with political and institution representatives, have networking opportunities with other industry players and help to support the future the of geo-information industry. EARSC has both full and observer members to cover all entities active in the geo-information sector. Membership gives you the opportunity to add your voice to the issues that matter, influence national policy and setting industry standards. Full members shall be: • Any commercial company providing services (including consultancy) or supplying equipment in the field of remote sensing. • Based in a European country which is a member of the European Union or which contributes to the European Space Agency. Observer members can be: • Any organisation interested in the supply or use of Remote Sensing which does not qualify to become a full member of the Association.
Micro 1
Micro 2
Employees in EO and geo-information
Small, new companies formed in the last five years (micro 1, micro 2)
5 or less employees
1st year €250 2nd year €500 3rd year €825
Small companies
less than 10 employees
Medium companies
11-50 employees
Large companies
More than 51 employees €2,750
Yearly fees
Trial members Airnode Cittamap CybELLE Envirosar E-odyn GEO University Geoespace
Greensense HeraSpace KappaZeta MapTailor Geospatial Randbee Consultants Silex Clouds SatSense Science [&] Technology As
Sensar Skygeo SpaceSeed Spatial Services Spectator Spottitt Studiomapp Techworks Marine Annual Report 2019 5
Governance EARSC affairs are overseen by a Board of Directors elected by its members, which guides our policymaking, and an Executive Secretariat executes the daily activities regarding the administration of the Association.
The Executive Secretariat, comprimising 10 full-time staff operates from an office located at the office on Rue Art Loi 26 in Brussels. The EARSC secretariat’s activities include; operations management and governance, membership care, programme management, communications, policy analysis, event planning, tender preparation, and market development through market support and internationalisation. Much of the activity is delivered through proects which are often won competitively.
Board of Directors
EARSC Board of Directors 2018/2019
Oversight of the actions of the secretariat and the activites of the Association is provided by the EARSC Board of Directors (BoD). The BoD meets quarterly to progress EARSC business and to review the service it is providing to EARSC Members. Each year new Directors can be nominated by members on the occasion of the General Assembly.
Chetan Pradhan
Giovanni Sylos Labini
Planetek Italia
Celestino Gomes
Pierre-Alain Bosc
Massimo Comparini
Christian Hoffman
Geoville Group
Kamen Illiev
Andre Jadot
Maciej Krzyzanowski
Financial situation
Agnieszka Lukaszczyk
Markus Probeck
Marc Tondriaux
Terranis SAS
EARSC continues to develop strongly Expert Advisor Marcello Maranesi Independent with revenue growth from membership Expert Advisor Francis Vanderhaeghen Independent fees and projects reaching €700k in the last year. We especially wish to see membership revenue grow to balance the variable nature of projects through their life-cycle. This growth should continue for at least the next 2 years. The mixed business model allows us to provide higher value for members and, now it has become well-established, we do expect the roughly 20:80 balance to be maintained between membership and projects. All figures in €k 2017 The key operating concern is cash and this is managed and watched very carefully. With the increasing secretariat and essentially fixed costs which need to be covered; cash is king as in any business. Fortunately, most of our projects are covered by grants which provide a good, positive cash-flow. Office costs have increased with the growing of the secretariat and will increase again as we shall expand into a new office area in mid-2019.
Membership fees
Projects & grants
Other income Expenses Secretariat fees Office and other costs Projects costs Audit & accounting fees Surplus/deficit End of year reserves
Annual Report 2019 6
EARSC Awards The EARSC cocktail, sponsored by Planet, Planetek and SpaceTec Partners, took place on June 26, 2018. During the event, the winners of the EARSC EO Services Company Award and of the European EO Product Award 2018 were announced.
Company Achievement Award EARSC and a jury recognised Sinergise as one of the companies that has made the most significant contribution to the development of the Earth Observation sector in Europe. Sinergise is an SME from Slovenia with extensive expertise in developing advanced geospatial information systems based on web technology. In 2016 Sinergise established a satellite imagery processing engine in the cloud, Sentinel Hub, which won the Copernicus Masters award the same year.
European EO product award The 2018 product award went to Dust Frequency Maps (DFMs) by SILEX CLOUDS which provides a historical analysis of Dust storm occurrences over the last 12 years. It is focused mainly in MENA region and oriented to assist the management of PV Solar Parks under dust/sand conditions that daily affect the performance of solar panels energy projections and effective production.
Policy development
In October 2018, the EARSC position paper on the Commission proposal on the Space Programme has been published. The lead parliamentary committee (Industry Research and Energy) has adopted the report on November 21. On December 13 the plenary adopted the report and gave the mandate to enter into formal negotiations with the Council. Two trilogues took place in 2019, and on February 26 and 27 a provisional agreement between the co-legislators was reached. The provisional agreement covers exclusively governance and operational matters, leaving the discussions regarding the budget to later negotiations. On March 13 the Council endorsed the agreement and on the 17th of April the Plenary adopted it. EARSC has followed the developments of the Space Programme, specifically regarding the Copernicus Programme, through the actions of the Copernicus Evolution Working Group. Apart from the space policy developments, we have been focusing on different sectorial policies, namely agriculture. In collaboration with the Directorate-General of Agriculture and Rural Development, we have organised a workshop to explore the new Common Agricultural Policy proposal and its possible synergies with the Earth Observation sector. We have particularly focused on FaST, the Farmers Tool for Nutrients’ Management. More information on FaST is available on their website. We have also followed the Water Framework Directive REFIT process and plan on continuing working on the topic throughout the second half of 2019.
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EO Tools EOmag EOmag is the official EARSC Newsletter and is part of the EARSC strategy and initiative focused on the service of the citizen. It is the number one quarterly newsletter of the European EO industry visited by 3000+ readers per issue. The latest edition has been redesigned to accomodate the growing interest. Users that read our magazine come for the latest insights and movement in the EO Market. For our members it is one of the most important tools through which to promote a new service, project, or partnership.
Social media The most noteworthy social media outlet for EARSC is our twitter page where we promote events, members, projects, and engage with the EO community. Our linkedin presence is also gaining more traction in comparison to the previous year.
eoPAGES is a brokerage platform to help potential customers find suppliers whilst service providers are able to promote their products. The Earth Observation value added Industry is quickly evolving with an ever-growing pool of resources and services. eoPAGES is our unified tool to organize, catalogue and present these in a coherent manner. It is being designed for this purpose. It will be an active business-to-business website promoting the European geo-information service industry creating a meeting point between industry and market, focusing on competences and consultancy services; 1 product = 1 customer.
eoMALL / MAEOS eoMALL is a web-based technological showcase of European Data & Earth Observation Services companies providing access to referenced and qualified companies and products/services. Through various kinds of search tools (thematic, market sectors, geographical area) customers easily identify available services (information, service, tools, etc.) which our members can provide. eoMALL provides visibility to mature, automatically-generated EO based products, and provides the customer a channel to on-line services platforms run by its members. In addition, eoMALL gathers market information by profiling visitors to the website, which will be shared between partners to help with market research and product development. The focus is on online services ie one product = many customers.
Annual Report 2019 8
EARSC Studies Industry survey In the first quarter of 2019, EARSC conducted its biennial industry survey, to assess the state and health of the Remote Sensing sector in Europe. This is the fourth survey that EARSC has prepared. The final report will be issued in the upcoming weeks. The report shows that the sector has experienced healthy and steady growth over the last two years, with more than 8000 skilled employees and a revenue of over 1 billion Euros. You can find previous reports on our website.
SeBS Through a series of studies, EARSC aims to gather quantitative and qualitative evidence that the usage of Copernicus Sentinel data provides effective and convenient support to various market applications. These analyses are based on a methodology which traces the impact of the use of one EO product along a value-chain. In the frame of the follow-up study “Assessing the detailed benefits derived from Copernicus Earth Observation (EO) data within selected value chains”, under an assignment from the European Space Agency (ESA), funded through the EU Copernicus Programme, we published a 4th case study “Farm management support in Denmark” in 2018. Following this, we published 3 further detailed analyses between July 2018 and June 2019: • Flood management in Ireland • Navigation through sea-ice off Greenland • Producing frites in Belgium While the first case looks at how the Sentinel data and CEMS (Copernicus Emergency Management Service) service was used by Irish authorities during the floods of 2015-2016, the Greenland case investigates how Sentinel data helps navigating through sea-ice off Greenland. The last case analyses the benefits of Sentinel data to the Belgian potato farmers and the frozen potato industry. Furthermore, beside these detailed analyses, we published 2 short case studies as well: • Peatland management in the UK • Dredging in the Maldives We are always looking for new cases which must be “operational” i.e. in use by a customer organisation, use Sentinel data (essential), and open for detailed discussions and publication of results. All cases can be found on our website ( and along with a video showing the results is available as well. Further cases will be analysed in the coming years.
Annual Report 2019 9
Internationalisation IDEEO
The Internationalisation and Diversification of European Earth Observation (IDEEO) project which ended in April 2019 was funded under COSME Cluster Go International action and ran over fifteen months. The consortium is coordinated by EARSC. The overarching objective of the IDEEO project was the creation of a new European partnership which promoted internationally the use of European Earth Observation capability in different sectors such as marine, agriculture, energy etc. This project resulted in a strategic plan to deliver concrete services to our members to develop new internatioal markets Later this year EARSC will submit a proposal for the second phase of the project under which the defined strategy will be implemented. If successfull at the beginning of 2020, IDEEO will go into stage two. As a result, companies will be able to participate in trade missions to Chile, Australia and elsewhere to be defined.
Thailand This workshop was organised by EEAS (European External Action Service) on 18 - 19 September in co-operation with the the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Secretariat, EU Mission to ASEAN, the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency of Thailand, and DG GROW of the EU. The workshop’s aim was to promote European initiatives on Space applications to officials in ASEAN countries, and also to transmit information about opportunities for stakeholders in Asia to use Copernicus and Galileo for their own needs. Additionally, the activity helped identify opportunities for cooperation with European stakeholders (e.g. academia, government, industry).
Singapore The European Commission organised a Copernicus event in Singapore on 21 September 2018. It brought together representatives from the European Commission with European companies (E-GEOS, CLS, EOMAP, GISAT, Space-tec Partners, AIRBUS, Thales Alenia Space) and Singaporean companies and authorities working in Earth Observation or environmental monitoring for a Copernicus Infosession.
On March 11 we joined the European Union Delegation to the Philippines for a national conference on Copernicus Systems and Applications held in Manila. The conference was a platform for international and local scientists, technologists, policy-makers, development workers and business people to discuss ways on how to maximize the use of Copernicus technology to address the environmental monitoring requirements of various industries and sectors of the country. EARSC presented the industry and how Copernicus services and Earth Observation can benefit current and future applications in society, industry and economy of various nations.
Annual Report 2019 10
The GEO-Cradle project looks into EO Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East and Balkans and developing links with GEO. Within this project, EARSC developed a methodology for the assessment and monitoring of EO maturity at national level. The aim of this approach is to establish an analytical tool that allows quantitative measurement of the current EO capabilities of a given country and their evolution over time.
EuroGEOSS is Europe’s part of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). It allows Europe to position itself as global force in Earth observation thanks to the vast knowledge gained through running the Copernicus programme and others.
The NextGEOSS project is creating a data hub that will demonstrate the potential of new advances in data harvesting and cloud computing. The first public release was in September 2018 and presented a pilot on agricultural monitoring. EARSC brings the private sector’s voice to the project to facilitate the development and commercialization of EO services. EARSC has presented an extension of the EO taxonomy to partners and contributed to a survey aiming to map data user and data provider views on digital platforms.
The EuroGEOSS Workshop (formerly known as the European GEO Projects’ Workshop) took place on 12-14 September 2018. The workshop brought together European players interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS). The aim was to look for synergies among the participants and to discuss how Europe can contribute to this international effort. From July onwards EuroGEOSS will be referred to as EuroGEO
e-shape is a new project launched in May to strengthen the benefits for Europe of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). e-shape will promote the development and uptake of 27 cloud-based pilot applications, addressing the Sustainable Development Goals, The Paris Agreement and the Sendaï Framework. The pilots will build on GEOSS and on the Copernicus data pool and computational infrastructure. EARSC is proud to be leading one of the work packages within the project which focuses on the promotion of the pilot projects at national and international scale, across vertical markets and amongst key user communities. Annual Report 2019 11
Research to Business With projects such as EO4GEO, PARSEC, and CopHub.AC EARSC is committed to bridging the gap between academia and the private sector and a better understanding of skills development.
EO4GEO “Towards an innovative strategy for skills development and capacity building in the space geoinformation sector supporting Copernicus User Uptake” The needs of the industry are constantly evolving. Helping the Earth Observation and Geoinformation sector find workers with the right skills and ensuring that they acquire the competences they need to find jobs is key to sector economic innovation, growth and competitiveness. To that end, the Erasmus+ project EO4GEO (, is proposing skills development recommendations for education and training that will unleash students and workers potential to be the EO/GI sector innovators of tomorrow and the adopters in other industry end-user sectors (agriculture, energy, transport, local government, maritime, etc). This will allow the sector to make a step-change in upscaling and mass-market uptake of EO/GI services creating the conditions for integrating data into the data management from other sectors. EO4GEO targets skills beyond the technical context, whilst understanding how to foster the development of the sector and ensuring the improvement of workforce with the “right skills, in the right place, at the right time, integrating workflows into the data management”.
CopHub.AC will create a knowledge and innovation hub with several nodes to focus and link ongoing R&D activities in Copernicus-relevant academic fields, and to sustain the innovation process from academia to businesses.
Parsec supports SMEs and startups to apply satellite data for business innovation. Satellites collect a lot of data about our planet. This information is already driving innovation in the environmental, food and energy sectors. PARSEC inspires and stimulates businesses to fully make use of this data. With support from the EU, the project provides SMEs and startups with the tech tools, the funding, the market access, and the knowledge to develop the businesses of tomorrow.
e-shape, see also the previous page, is an unprecedented initiative that brings together decades of public investment in Earth Observation and in cloud capabilities into services to the citizens, the industry, the decision-makers and the researchers. A large consortium with a strong presence of researchers from institutes across Europe will provide concrete, actionable services regarding biodiversity monitoring, food security and sustainable agriculture, health surveillance (pollutants), renewable energy, water resources management, disasters resilience and climate monitoring. e-shape supports the pilots via various capacity building and long-term sustainability activities to attain complete and qualified products/services to the market. Annual Report 2019 12
Copernicus Ecosystem workshop, pitch session & cocktail
On the 9th & 10th October 2018 the European Commission organised the Copernicus Ecosystem Workshop in Brussels, Belgium. EARSC worked with the European Commission and organised an industry pitch session on the afternoon of the first day. Ten small companies presented their products / services through 5 minutes pitches to the assembled Copernicus stakeholders who voted for the best pitch. Lucy Kennedy from Spottitt was voted as the winner. In the evening EARSC also organised a Cocktail celebrating all actors in the Copernicus ecosystem.
EARSC-JSS Joint Workshop Data Pla�orms: New Wave for Earth Observation As part of their ongoing relationship, EARSC and JSS organised the first EARSC-JSS joint-workshop “Data Platforms: New Wave for Earth Observation” in November 2018 in Kyoto, to align with the GEO WEEK held in the same week, to which EARSC also attended. In both Europe and Japan, the concept of satellite data platforms is rapidly gaining momentum, and the joint workshop focused on presenting various platform initiatives that are currently underway in the two regions, followed by lively discussions to exchange thoughts and ideas.
IDEEO Workshop
The IDEEO workshop on Earth Observation & International Market Development Opportunities & Challenges was held in Brussels on the 7th of March 2019. The event focused on the challenge of expanding the European earth observation market outside the EU, and had a particular focus on the tools available for individual companies in the industry to do so. The event’s 50 attendee registration limit was reached which resulted in a diverse group ranging from the veterans with international experience to those thinking of getting their feet wet outside the EU.
Agriculture workshop On March 27th, 2019 the workshop “Digital transformation in agriculture: the role of remote sensing” took place in Scotland House, Brussels. The event was organised by EARSC in collaboration with the Directorate General for Agriculture (DG AGRI). The workshop focused on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy and the role of the remote sensing industry in supporting the new framework of policy requirements. The workshop was attended by a number of stakeholders from different organisations: local authorities, European institutions, private companies and trade associations, NGOs and consultancies.
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Focus 2019-2020 EARSC Secretariat The EO industry is growing rapidly and so in order to address its needs, EARSC Secretariat has expended yet again this year with the addition of four new staff members and an intern. This increase of the team also means that EARSC has to expand its office space. • Geoff Sawyer, Secretary General • Monica Miguel-Lago, Executive Secretary • Emmanuel Pajot, Senior Project Manager • Natassa Antoniou, Project Officer • Christopher Oligschläger, Analyst • Marion Bouvet, Communication Officer • Rory Donnelly, Business Manager • Irene Doda, Policy Officer • Yorgos Efstathiou, Project Officer • Weronika Borejko, Project Officer • Jack Van den Berg, Communication Assistant Future activities EARSC priorities over the next 12 months remain strongly focused on: Representing the members: EARSC will continue to link the European Institutions, Copernicus policy, GEO and ESA concerning the industrial policy of Earth Observation. Dedicated efforts will be taken to further promote the potential of EO services to new sectorial stakeholders. Market development and internationalisation: EARSC will continue to help the industry access new international markets through trade missions and services. Showcasing the benefits of EO: Using the Industry Survey and the Sentinel Benefits Studies, EARSC will promote the wide range of capabilities of the European EO industry. Tools for promoting the industry: Thanks to the e-tools and eoMALL, EARSC will continue to give visibility and bring opportunities to the EO European industry. Research to business: With projects such as EO4GEO, e-shape and PARSEC, EARSC is committed to bridging the gap between academia and the private sector.
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Planetek Italia has been an early associate of EARSC, we benefit a lot from the insight on our Industry offered by the true European dimension of this Association, an opportunity to contribute, even for small company like us, to the Space value chain. EARSC membership provided us visibility but, even more important, a far reaching vision of the future of EO in Europe and worldwide. Giovanni Sylos Labini; CEO Planetek Italia
EARSC endorsement has enabled us to bring our solution to its Final Users. We are happy to be part of EARSC. Pablo Marzialetti; CEO of Silex Clouds S.R.L
EARSC is a Pan-European Association operating in a niche but crucial industry. The application provides necessary background information about the field and the role of the association with supporting documents. Strong leadership by the top management shapes the industry and debate. Jury; European Association Awards
As the ESA Director for Earth Observation, I consider it very important to maintain a sustained dialogue with the industry and hence it is a great asset for us to have EARSC as a single voice representing the European EO Services industry sector. We have worked together now for many years and your support to us in representing the views of the industry is extremely helpful. In addition, your work on the industry statistics, on the benfits of EO technology and the links to other industrial sectors helps us develop our programmes. Josef Aschbacher; Director Earth Observation of ESA
As the national representative in the Copernicus User Forum and to the international Group on Earth Observations (GEO), I appreciate the efforts that EARSC has made to help bridge the public efforts with the EO services industry. The private sector is very important to the success of the European programmes and EARSC has contributed strongly to making this happen. Stefan Nilsson; Manager International Relations of SMHI
EARSC has been an extremely useful interface between industry and policy-making. In particular: I would like to thank you for the above and would urge you to continue the good work in the future. Andreas Veispak; Head of Unit for Space Data of Copernicus DG GROW, European Commission
Our Members
European Association of Remote Sensing Companies Rue Art Loi 26, 7th floor 1040, Brussels, Belgium |