The New Economics of Nuclear Power

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References and Further Reading

CERI (2004) - Levelised Unit Electricity Cost Comparison of Alternative Technologies for Baseload Generation in Ontario DGEMP (2003) - Reference Costs for Power Generation European Commission (2001) - Report of ExternE Project EIA (2004) - Annual Energy Outlook IEA (2003) - World Energy Investment Outlook IEA (2004) - World Energy Outlook IEA and OECD-NEA (2005 - earlier editions too) - Projected Costs of Generating Electricity MIT (2003) - The Future of Nuclear Power OECD-NEA (1994) - The Economics of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle. OECD-NEA (2000) - Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Plants Royal Academy of Engineering (2004) - The Cost of Generating Electricity Stricker L& Leclercq J (2004) - “An Ocean Apart” in Nuclear Engineering International, December Tarjanne R & Luostarinen K (2003) - Competitiveness Comparison of the Electricity Production Alternatives University of Chicago (2004) - The Economic Future of Nuclear Power World Nuclear Association (WNA) (2005) - The Global Nuclear Fuel Market: Supply and Demand 20052030


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