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Lastly, the membership for years has clamored for a casual bar and gathering place, and we believe the renovation of the Fo’c’sle and Bowling Center will make a very appealing and highly desirable year round fun spot for all. The Board and I recognize that this is a tall order and member reactions will likely range from high excitement to wary trepidation. Nevertheless, the time has come when action must replace words, and it falls upon this Board to act. To finance this major undertaking, we will be considering many options, including capital funding, borrowing, and the generosity of member donations. As we proceed on this path, we realize the critical necessity of retaining our status as a premier Yacht Club, one of the finest in North America, and pledge that we will never lose sight of that principle. On behalf of the Board, I thank you for your continued membership as we move forward together on this exciting and bold plan to insure our Club’s future.

Kevin B. Granger, Commodore


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