Db 7(3)1985

Page 9

Occurrence of White-tailed Plover in Europe

sometimes wading in shallow pools. This also holds true for most previous Europeàn records and probably reflects a habitat preference typical for the species: The superficial structural resemblance between White-tailed Plover and Black-winged Stilt corresponds weil with their preference for similar habitats where both species of ten nest together (Glutz von Blotzheim et al). The Claedon bird was chased by Lapwings several times, the one at Klazienaveen, Drenthe, only when it approached Lapwings with downy young . No interspecific interactions we re seen at the other sites.

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1 White -ta iled Plover Chettusia leucura, Wellington, Shropshire, Great Britain, May 1984 (J Sankey).


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