The Truly Horrific History of DAFC

Page 4

TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub

Pa r t4:How Du nf e r ml i neAt h l e t i cs u r vi ve d t h eGr e a tDe p r e s s i onoft h e1 920sa nd1 930s Bet weent het woWor l dWar s ,Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i chadas er i esoff i nanci al t r oubl es . T hi swasper hapsnots ur pr i s i ngast heWes tF i f ear eawasbadl yhi tbyt hes t r i kesi nt hecoal mi ni ngi ndus t r yast hemi ner sf oughtt oavoi dwagecut s ,t hel ackofdemandf orl i nen,andt he cl os ur eofRos yt hDockyar dbet ween1925and1938. I n1925,t heChai r mancal l edas peci al meet i ngatt heS tMar gar etHal l t oas k s uppor t er st obuy£1s har esi nt hecl ubt okeep i ti nbus i nes s . By1929,acuti npl ayer s ’wageswasputi n pl aceandt heywer eevenbei nggi vens har es i ns t eadofcas h.I n1936,bankr upt cywasonl y s t avedof fbyt hes al eoft her i ght st o gr eyhoundr aci ngf or£2, 500.T her ewasa gr eyhoundt r ackr oundt hepi t chatt hatt i me. Ri ghtcol our s ,wr ongs por t . . .

F oot bal l r es ul t swer el ar gel ypoorandt hecl ub s eemedt ohavegonet ot hedogs( s or r y! )

I n1938,t heDunf er ml i nePr es snews papernot edt hatS tMi r r enwoul dnotagr eet ocheap admi s s i onf ort heunempl oyed,as chemewhi chDunf er ml i nehadus edt ohel pbot h at t endancesandt hel ongt er m out of wor k. T he1930sar er emember edf ormas sunempl oyment .Howevert her ewasal r eadymas s unempl oymenti nt he1920si nBr i t ai n. F ormos toft hedecadei twasbet ween10% and12%.T hen,i nt heear l y1930s ,t he economywass t r uckbyr eal depr es s i on.Byt he s t ar tof1933unempl oymenti nBr i t ai nwas 22. 8%. Howeverunempl oymentf el l al oti n1933,1934 and1935.ByJ anuar y1936i ts t oodat13. 9%. T hi sf al l cont i nued,andby1938t hel evel of unempl oymentwasdownt o10%.

Amar chpr ot es t i ngagai ns thi ghunempl oyment

Howeveral t houghabi tofar ecover yt ookpl acei nBr i t ai ni nt hemi dandl at e1930st her ewas s t i l l aneconomi cdepr es s i oni nt hear easi nt heNor t hofEngl and,S cot l and( i ncl udi ngF i f e)and S out hWal es . Ont heot herhandnew i ndus t r i ess uchascarandai r cr af tmaki ngandel ect r oni csgr ew i nt he Mi dl andsandt heS out hofEngl andwher eunempl oymentwasqui t el ow. T hepr obl emsofdepr es s i onandhi ghunempl oymentwer eonl yr eal l ys ol vedt hough,byt he ar r i val oft heS econdWor l dWar ,whi chboos t eddemandands t ar t edi ndus t r yboomi ngagai n.

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