TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yof
D un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i c Foot b a l lCl ub Pa r t1 :How t h ef ol kofDu nf e r ml i negots ome l e i s u r et i mea nds p e nti tonane wf oot b a l lt e a m Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i cwasf oundedon2J une 1885atameet i ngi nt heOl dI nnpub,near Dunf er ml i neAbbey. T her ewasabi tofanar gumentbecaus et hi s wasabr eakawayf r om Dunf er ml i neCr i cket Cl ub,wher ef oot bal l hadbeenus edasa wi nt erex er ci s es por tasear l yas1874. Howeverby1885,t hef oot bal l s ect i onwant ed i ndependence,( andnott opaymember s hi p f eest ot hecr i cketcl ubaswel l ) .
“Whats aywepl ayf oot bal l i ns t ead,ehchaps ?”
S ot hef i r s tgamef orDunf er ml i neAt hl et i cF oot bal l Cl ubwasatEas tEndPar kon13J une1885, andwasa21wi noverEdi nbur ghUni ver s i t y.T hi scl ubwoul ds ur el ybevi ct or i ousf or ever ! I nVi ct or i ant i mes ,peopl ebegant ogetmor e l ei s ur et i measdai l ywor ki nghour sgr adual l y wentdownt oasl i t t l eas10hour sperday,and f ort hef i r s tt i mei nt he1870ss ki l l edand pr of es s i onal peopl ewer egi venS at ur day af t er noonof fwor k. T hi sbecamenor mal f oral l wor ker si nt he1890s andt hegover nmentmadel awscal l ed F act or yAct s . T hemai ns our cesofwor ki nDunf er ml i newer e l i nenmi l l s ,coal mi nesandwor konf ar ms . Asear l yas1886,Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i cwer e pl ayi ngi nf r ontofcr owdsofs ever al t hous and atEas tEndPar konaS at ur dayaf t er noon.
Wa ntt oknow mor e ? T oughcondi t i onswor ki ngdownt hemi nes .
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t2:How t h ed e mond r i nk t ookou tt h eAt h l e t i cke e p e r I n1911,Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i cF Cs i gnedas t argoal keeperf r om Bat hgat e,whowentbyt he nameofMaur i ceS l avi n. Hehel pedt hePar st owi nt hei rf i r s tmaj or t r ophy,whi chwast heS cot t i s hQual i f yi ngCup i n1912. However ,S l avi n,l i kemanypeopl eoft het i me, l i kedt odr i nkt oomuch. T hi smadet heDunf er ml i necapt ai n,J i m Br own, s endt hekeeperof ft hepar ki nal eague gamewheni tbecamecl eart hatS l avi nwas ver ydr unk,andwashavi ngdi f f i cul t yeven pi cki ngupt hebal l ! Nott heact ual Maur i ceS l avi ni nact i on,but t hi si swhathewoul dhavel ookedl i ke.Pr obabl y.
Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i cevent ual l yl os tt hegame by7goal st o2!
T heT emper ancemovementi nS cot l andwasa gr oupofpeopl ewhower eagai ns tt hes el l i ng ofal cohol . T hi sT emper ancemovementdi dnotwantmen t odr i nkal cohol andwant edpeopl et obe t eet ot al ( notdr i nkANYal cohol atal l ) . T heyas kedt hegover nmentt omakeal cohol l awst obant hemaki ngands el l i ngofi t . I nS cot l and,t hi sr eachedi t shei ghti n1913,wi t h t hepas s i ngoft heT emper anceAct( ki ndof l aw)whi chl ett ownsbant hes al eofal cohol . Af t er1920bot hAi r dr i eandKi r ki nt i l l ochvot ed t or emoveal l publ i chous es( pubs )butt hi sl aw wasneverpas s edi nmos tofS cot l and i ncl udi ngDunf er ml i ne. Howevert heActr emai nedi nf or ceunt i l i twas f i nal l ychangedi n1976!
Manywomenmadei tcl eart hatt heydi dn’ t wantt os eewageswas t edonbooz e!
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t3:How t h eFi r s tWor l dWa r ca met oDu nf e r ml i neAt h l e t i c I nDunf er ml i ne,mos toft hef oot bal l t eam vol unt eer edf orWarS er vi ce,andt her egul arf oot bal l l eagueswer es t oppedbyt heendof1914. I naddi t i on,t hear mycommandeer ed( t ook over )Eas tEndPar kf orkeepi nghor s esand heavyt r ans por twagonson.Wet hi nkt hegr as s wasver ywel l manur ed! S omeoft hepl ayer svol unt eer edf ort hel ocal r egi mentwhi chwast heBl ackWat ch,and ot her sj oi nedt heS cot t i s hS por t i ngBat t al i on, of t enknownasMcCr ae’ sBat t al i on. S i rGeor geMcCr ae,t hecol onel ,wasmar r i ed t oaDunf er ml i negi r l ,f r om t heNew Row,and manyl ocal menwentt ot hi sbat t al i on( 16t h Royal S cot s ) . Unf or t unat el yt hi suni twasr i ghti nt hebat t l e f r ontwhent heBr i t i s hAr myat t ackedon1J ul y 1916ont heS omme.ManyDunf er ml i nemen di ed,aspar toft he20, 000ki l l edt hatday.
Menwai t i ngi nl i net ogo‘ overt het op’ dur i ngt heBat t l eoft heS omme.
I ncl udedi nt henumber swer eDavi eI z at t ,t he Dunf er ml i nel ef tback,andJ i mmyMor t on,a memberoft heCommi t t eeoft heCl ub. Dunf er ml i nehadt wol ocal menwhowont he Vi ct or i aCr os si nt hatwar .T heywer e: J ohnEr s ki ne,ayoungs hopowner ,f r om Par k Avenue.Hewonhi sVC i n1916f orr es cui ng woundedcomr adeswhi l s tunderenemyf i r e. S adl y,hewaski l l edi n1917t r yi ngt or epeatt he f eat . Davi dHunt er ,acoal mi nerf r om Ki ngs eat ,won hi smedal f orr ef us i ngt os ur r enderi n1918, al t houghhi sl i t t l egr oupofs evenmenwer e s ur r ounded.T heyhel doutunt i l hel par r i ved t wodaysl at er . Davi dwasar egul ars uppor t erofDunf er ml i ne At hl et i cf ormor et hananot herf or t yyear s .
Wa ntt oknow mor e ? Davi dHunt er-s ol di er ,VC r eci pi entandPar sf an.
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t4:How Du nf e r ml i neAt h l e t i cs u r vi ve d t h eGr e a tDe p r e s s i onoft h e1 920sa nd1 930s Bet weent het woWor l dWar s ,Dunf er ml i neAt hl et i chadas er i esoff i nanci al t r oubl es . T hi swasper hapsnots ur pr i s i ngast heWes tF i f ear eawasbadl yhi tbyt hes t r i kesi nt hecoal mi ni ngi ndus t r yast hemi ner sf oughtt oavoi dwagecut s ,t hel ackofdemandf orl i nen,andt he cl os ur eofRos yt hDockyar dbet ween1925and1938. I n1925,t heChai r mancal l edas peci al meet i ngatt heS tMar gar etHal l t oas k s uppor t er st obuy£1s har esi nt hecl ubt okeep i ti nbus i nes s . By1929,acuti npl ayer s ’wageswasputi n pl aceandt heywer eevenbei nggi vens har es i ns t eadofcas h.I n1936,bankr upt cywasonl y s t avedof fbyt hes al eoft her i ght st o gr eyhoundr aci ngf or£2, 500.T her ewasa gr eyhoundt r ackr oundt hepi t chatt hatt i me. Ri ghtcol our s ,wr ongs por t . . .
F oot bal l r es ul t swer el ar gel ypoorandt hecl ub s eemedt ohavegonet ot hedogs( s or r y! )
I n1938,t heDunf er ml i nePr es snews papernot edt hatS tMi r r enwoul dnotagr eet ocheap admi s s i onf ort heunempl oyed,as chemewhi chDunf er ml i nehadus edt ohel pbot h at t endancesandt hel ongt er m out of wor k. T he1930sar er emember edf ormas sunempl oyment .Howevert her ewasal r eadymas s unempl oymenti nt he1920si nBr i t ai n. F ormos toft hedecadei twasbet ween10% and12%.T hen,i nt heear l y1930s ,t he economywass t r uckbyr eal depr es s i on.Byt he s t ar tof1933unempl oymenti nBr i t ai nwas 22. 8%. Howeverunempl oymentf el l al oti n1933,1934 and1935.ByJ anuar y1936i ts t oodat13. 9%. T hi sf al l cont i nued,andby1938t hel evel of unempl oymentwasdownt o10%.
Amar chpr ot es t i ngagai ns thi ghunempl oyment
Howeveral t houghabi tofar ecover yt ookpl acei nBr i t ai ni nt hemi dandl at e1930st her ewas s t i l l aneconomi cdepr es s i oni nt hear easi nt heNor t hofEngl and,S cot l and( i ncl udi ngF i f e)and S out hWal es . Ont heot herhandnew i ndus t r i ess uchascarandai r cr af tmaki ngandel ect r oni csgr ew i nt he Mi dl andsandt heS out hofEngl andwher eunempl oymentwasqui t el ow. T hepr obl emsofdepr es s i onandhi ghunempl oymentwer eonl yr eal l ys ol vedt hough,byt he ar r i val oft heS econdWor l dWar ,whi chboos t eddemandands t ar t edi ndus t r yboomi ngagai n.
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t5:How Du nf e r ml i neAt h l e t i c a d va nce dt h r ou ghWor l dWa rTwo Whent heS econdWor l dWarbr okeouti nS ept ember1939,i tl ookedasi ft hef oot bal l cl ub,al ong wi t hmuchoft hepopul at i on,woul dbeevacuat edt os omewher el es sl i kel yt obeat t ackedby enemyai r cr af t . T heRos yt hnaval bas eandl ar geai rf or ceand ar myheadquar t er snear bymeantt hat Dunf er ml i nef oundi t s el fasagoodt ar getf or l ar ges cal ebombi ng.Asar es ul t ,pl ayer s ’ cont r act swer ecancel l edandt hear myt ook overEas tEndPar k. I nt heevent ,i tpr ovednott obes obad,and gr adual l yf r i endl yf oot bal l mat chesr et ur ned wi t hvi s i t i ngpl ayer sas kedt opl ay,butt her e wer enol eaguesorcupst obepl ayedf orunt i l af t ert heendoft hewari n1945. Avi s i t i ngt eam f r om Gl as gow Ranger ss aw a r eques tf r om t hemanagementofDunf er ml i ne At hl et i c“T heManagementr eques tt hatal l s pect at or scar r yt hei rgasmas ks ” .
AS econdWor l dWargasmas k.I magi ne t r yi ngt oeatyourbr i di et hr ought hat !
S i xweeksi nt oWor l dWarI I ,on16Oct ober1939,t hef i r s tai rat t ackoverBr i t ai nt ookpl ace,above t heF i r t hofF or t hnearNor t hQueens f er r y.Ni neGer manpl anest ookpar ti nt her ai d,whi cht hei r cr ewss oondi s cover edwasatt heex t r emel i mi toft hei rbomber s ’r ange. Ant i ai r r ai dgunner sont heF or t hwer eengagedi nagundr i l l att het i me,andqui ckl yhadt o ex changet hei rdummyammuni t i onf orl i veast heGer manpl anesappear edover head. T heGer mans ’t ar getwast heRoyal Navyf l eet andbas eatRos yt h.T heydamagedt hr ee boat s :t hel i ghtcr ui s erHMSS out hampt onand t wocr ui s er s ,HMSMohawkandHMS Edi nbur gh.
Cr owdsgat herr oundoneoft hedownedHei nkel s
S uper mar i neS pi t f i r esof603S quadr on‘ Ci t yof Edi nbur gh’wer equi ckl ys cr ambl edf r om T ur nhous eAi r f i el d,aswas602‘ Ci t yof Gl as gow’S quadr onbas edatDr em i nEas t L ot hi an.
T heys hotdownt woGer manHei nkel pl anesovert heF or t handabomberof ft heMayI s l and. T hecr ew ofal ocal f i s hi ngboatpi ckedupt woGer mans ur vi vor s .T hes ewer et hef i r s tenemy ai r cr af toft hewart obebr oughtdownoverBr i t ai n.( Ol df oot age:ht t p: / / bi t . l y/ hi s t or ypar s hei nkel ) T hought heF or t hRai l Br i dgewasnott ar get eddur i ngt hi sr ai d,manypas s enger sonat r ai n cr os s i ngatt het i met houghtt heywer et het ar get .
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t6:Su cce s sa tl a s t f ort h ePa r s I nMar ch1960Dunf er ml i neneededanew managerandt heowner soft hecl ubgavet hej obt o t heGl as gow Cel t i cyout hcoach.Hewascal l edJ ockS t ei n. Hehadpl ayedf oot bal l ,butwasneveragr eat pl ayer .Woul dhebecomeagoodmanager ? Nooneknew andonl yt i mewoul dt el l . . . T hePar swer eneart hebot t om oft hel eague, buthemanagedt ogett hepl ayer spl ayi ng muchbet t erand,af t erwi nni ngal l oft hei rf i nal s i xgamesoft hes eas on,t heyes capedbei ng r el egat edt ot he2nddi vi s i oni nMay1960. I nhi ss econds eas ont hePar spl ayedeven bet t erandi nApr i l 1961r eachedt hef i nal of t heS cot t i s hCupf ort hef i r s tt i meever ! I nt hatf i nal t hePar shadt opl ayCel t i c.T hey wer eJ ock’ sol dt eam andheknew mos tof t hem wel l .T hegamef i ni s hed00,s oar epl ay washel dont heWednes dayni ght .
Par spl ayer scel ebr at easDaveT homs ons cor est he f i r s tgoal i nt heS cot t i s hCupF i nal wi noverCel t i c.
T hePar swont hatgame20andf ort hef i r s tt i me( butnott hel as t )br oughtt heS cot t i s hCupt o Dunf er ml i ne!F oot agef r om t hegamecanbevi ewedatht t p: / / bi t . l y/ hi s t or ypar s 1961S C. T hateveni ng,t hepl ayer spar adedt hecupdownt heHi ghS t r eetonanopent opbus ,i nf r ontof t hous andsofhappyt owns f ol k!
Br i ngi ngt heCuphomet oDunf er ml i ne,ast hous andsoff anss ur r oundt het eam bus .
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t7:How Du nf e r ml i neAt h l e t i ca ndt h eBe a t l e s conqu e r e dEu r op ea tt h es a met i me I nt hes ummerof1962,t heMai nS t andwasbui l tonHal beat hRoad,us i ngt hemoneyf r om wi nni ngt hecup.Al t houghi thasbeenr ef ur bi s hedandi mpr oveds ever al t i mess i nce,i ti ss t i l l one oft hei cons( l andmar ks )ofS cot t i s hf oot bal l . Al ongwi t hl ar gers t andscamei mpr ovedpubl i caddr es ss ys t ems ,whi chwer eus ednotonl yf or publ i cs af et yannouncement sbutal s ot opl aymus i c. T heBl uebel l Pol kabyJ i mmyS handwass oones t abl i s hedasacl ubf avour i t e,andwi n,l os eor dr aw,t hecr owdsatEas tEndPar khavel ef tt hes t adi um t ot hi saccor di ont uneevers i nce. 1962wasal s ot heyeari nwhi chT heBeat l es becamet hemos tpopul arbandi nBr i t ai nand Eur ope,andevers i ncet hencur r enthi t shave beenpl ayedbef or eandaf t ergames ,al ong wi t happeal st omovecar sandpi ckupl os t chi l dr en. T hePar sgott ot hef i nal agai ni n1965,butt hi s t i mel os tt oCel t i c32.T heywer eal s ot hi r di n t hel eaguet hatyearandonl yONEPOI NT behi ndt hewi nner sKi l mar nock!
T heBeat l es ,Paul ,Ri ngo,J ohnandGeor ge.
However ,i n1968t hePar swont heS cot t i s hCuponcemor ewhent heybeatHear t s31i nt he f i nal atHampdenPar k. Dur i ngt hes et i mesDunf er ml i neAt hl et i cwasal s opl ayi ngf oot bal l r egul ar l yi nEur ope.Bet ween 1961and1970t het went yhomegamespl ayedatEas tEndPar ks aw 17wi ns ,2dr awsandonl y onedef eat .Atonepoi ntt hePar swon12homeEur opeanmat chesi nar ow atEas tEnd,a S cot t i s hr ecor d!
Beat i ngAnder l echt32i n1970.S adl yt hePar smi s s edapenal t y( above)andl os tonawaygoal s .
I nal l ,t hecl ubr eachedt woEur opeanquar t er f i nal sandones emi f i nal .Hi ghl i ght soft hi st i me i ncl udet hedef eat sofEngl i s ht eams ,Ever t onandWes tBr omwi chAl bi on,aswel l asS t ut t gar tof Ger many,Gwar di aWar s aw ofPol and,Ol ympi akosAt hensofGr eeceandBor deauxofF r ance.
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TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yofD un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i cFoot b a l lCl ub
Pa r t8:Th eLa t e s tCh a p t e r !How Du nf e r ml i neca met o b eowne db yh u nd r e d sofor d i na r yp e op l e Mos tf oot bal l cl ubsi nBr i t ai nar eownedbyoneper s on.Howevert hi si schangi ng,wi t han ever i ncr eas i ngnumberownedei t herwhol l yorpar t l ybyS uppor t er s ’T r us t s . AtDunf er ml i ne,t hePar sS uppor t er s ’T r us ti st he l ar ges ts har ehol derwi t hcl os et o30% oft he s har es .T hi scameabouti n2013becaus eofa f i nanci al cr i s i s .Hundr edsofDunf er ml i ne At hl et i cs uppor t er ss avedt heCl ubf r om di s appear i ng. L ot sofpeopl e,i ncl udi ngs ever al S uppor t er s ' Cl ubs ,puti nnew moneyt oanew Communi t y I nt er es tCompany( whi chi sabi ts i mi l art oa char i t y)andnooneper s onownsmor et han 10% oft hes har es . Whent hecl ubneededi t ,t hef answer et her et ohel p.
S ot heCl ubbel ongst oaboutat hous and s epar at ef ami l i es ,andl ot sofpeopl ehel pout bygi vi ngt hei rt i mef orf r eet ohel pDunf er ml i ne At hl et i c.I ndeedt heDunf er ml i neAt hl et i c S uppor t er s ' Cl ubs hophasr ai s edover£30, 000 i nl es st hant hr eeyear sbyvol unt eer ss el l i ng goodsdonat edbyf ans T hi smi ghtmeanbei ngaBal l Gi r l orBoy, hel pi ngpai ntt hes t adi um,as s i s t i ngdi s abl ed peopl eonmat chdays ,wor ki ngonpr oj ect si n pr i mar ys chool sori nl ot sandl ot sofot her ways . Peopl es avedt hecl ubf r om ex t i nct i on becaus ei ti sver yi mpor t antt ot hecommuni t y ofDunf er ml i neandi thasbeenf ormany gener at i onsofWes tF i f ef ol k.
T hePar shavegr eatl i nkswi t hl ocal s chool s .
T hi sf oot bal lcl ubbel ongst o al lofus ,andwe’ r edel i ght ed t os har ei twi t hyou.
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T hanksf orr eadi ng!Wehopeyouenj oyed. . .
TheTr ul yHor r i f i cHi s t or yof T hous andsandt hous andsofPar sf anst oget herat Hampdenf ort he2004S cot t i s hCupF i nal .
D un f e r ml i n eAt hl e t i c Foot b a l lCl ub