FAA10 Katalog

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Deltagende virksomheder - Fokusaften Aalborg 2010

Danske Bank - Development & IT Show up because


You will meet engaged managers and graduates, who can tell you about the challenges they meet every day in Development & IT. You will learn about the organisation and the strategy forming the foundation for businessdriven product development.

Fokus IT og Informatik Hvornår Tirsdag d. 16. marts kl. 17:00 Hvor Fr. B. vej 7 Tilmelding Fredag d. 12. marts

The company

MULIGHEDER Studiejob Opgaveskrivning Speciale Praktikophold Trainee-forløb Fuldtidsstilling Deltidsstilling Udstationering

FAKTA Hovedaktiviteter It is the responsibility of Development & IT to develop Danske Bank’s IT platform

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At Development & IT, we are responsible for developing innovative products and services for the Danske Bank Group’s IT platform. We are around 2,000 employees who strive to integrate the ‘One Group – one platform’ strategy into our work. We are responsible for both small and large projects, from the development of the idea to the implementation of the solution in the organisation.

Student or newly graduated We have tailored a graduate programme where you specialize within it development, test management or business development. The programme gives you the possibility to test your WKHRUHWLFDO LQVLJKW DQG JDLQ SUDFWLFDO H[SHULHQFH LQ DQ ,7 SLRQHer organisation that is always determined to set new standards within it development and implementation.

Lokationer Glostrup, Kgs. Lyngby, Aarhus

Medarbejder total (DK) 14.000 Heraf Ingeniører (DK) 300 Hjemmeside www.danskebank.com Presentation is in: English

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