Technology in the Schools (SP2016) Booklet

Page 186

Recycling Project Name: Brittany Vernon Duration of Lesson: 1.5 hours

Subject Area(s): Science Grade Level: 3rd

School and Classroom Demographics: Analyze learners

Guild Elementary School is a Title I school in Gallatin Tennessee. The state report card found at shows that over 65% of the students are considered to be economically disadvantaged. There is a diversity of cultures and ethnicities within the school, as well as the class that will be taught this lesson. There are Caucasian, African American, Asian, and Hispanic or Latino students in both populations. There are 22 students in this third grade class with 12 males and 10 females. The ages of the students in this class range from 7 years old to 9 years old, and the grade level abilities range from 2nd grade level to the 4th grade level. There are fourteen students in the RTI2 Tier I group for English/Language Arts. During RTI rotations the mentor teacher meets with small groups. Students are grouped by ability. The mentor teacher does advanced enrichment with Tier I students such as accelerated or higher level assignments. There are six students in the RTI2 Tier II group for English/Language Arts. During RTI rotations the Reading and Math interventionist meets with these students for 45 minutes in the classroom. There are two students in the RTI2 Tier III group for English/Language Arts. These students are pulled out for instruction with the special education teacher during English/Language Arts instruction. Student A is pulled out for 75 minutes each school day and receives 30 minutes of inclusion with a special education instructor. Student B is pulled out for 30 minutes each school day and receives 30 minutes of inclusion with the special education instructor as well. Individual learner needs: Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) Of the three students who have IEPs in English/Language Arts, one is in the special education program, two are ELL, and none of those students are in the gifted/exceptional program. No students have 504 plans. Student A needs abbreviated assignments, additional time, directions given in an alternative format (picture/verbal), directions given in small distinct steps, shortened test length,

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