《界.面》裝置劇場Inter-Face Installation Performance

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界.面 裝置劇場 Inter-Face Installation Performance

22/5-19/6, 2021 特邀演出 Live Jamming

12-13/6, 2021 賽馬會創意藝術中心 JCCAC 社區文化發展中心 (L205-208) Center for Community Cultural Development

跨界對談系列 Dialogue on Face Series 線上錄像 Online Video

策劃及製作 Curated and produced by


場地伙伴 Venue Partner



自有歷史記載,人類總渴望以種種方式將其他人分類。無論重點是臉部、 「種族」概念、生物統計學特徵還是基因圖譜,任何類型的分類都不可避 免地涉及反映社會和文化信仰的感知和偏見。試圖將面部特徵與信念體系 聯繫起來的做法,在面相學和顱相學等偽科學中,以至於身體人類學中, 現已過時的人種「類型」的字眼持續存在。現今的面部基因研究能夠將某 些面部細節分辨出來,這可能會成為重要的臨床和法醫工具。 《界.面》從這些概念出發,重新想像這些概念如何扣連當代社會的複雜 性,以及面部作為持久性形象以至身份和識別技術的關係。作品藉著圖 像、光、空間、聲音、基因、物質、時間和存在作為空間經驗並縱橫交 錯,從而呈現「人類」這概念,以及透過臉部作為人類的經驗的跨學科探 索。我們抗拒將人類的複雜性簡化為技術 - 科學的線性幾何,取而代之是 對「存在」作為空間 - 時間 - 物質的纏結流變和表達,進行批判性的重新 評估。通過形式和意念的衍射,這個裝置劇場被設計成促進想像和共用 的存在的第三空間。在某種程度這呼應了巴拉德(Karen Barad)的渴望,即 「在當下的厚重感中具有物質存在的想像 — 與凝結在每個時刻的過去和 未來相互調適的想像;包含許多生命和時間的疊加及共存並為反覆的內 部活動所重新配置之多種不 / 可能性的想像」 (2015:388)。這邀請我們 「不僅想像從外部顛覆科學的保守議程的可能性,而且想像從內部開放科 學並作為催生本身已具備之解構性的可能。(2015: 412)


Project Statement

The human desire to classify fellow human beings has been expressed in various ways throughout recorded history. Whether the focus is the face, concepts of ‘race’, biometric features or genetic profiles, classification of any sort inevitably involves perceptions and biases which reflect social and cultural beliefs. Attempts to link facial features to belief systems persisted in the pseudo-sciences of physiognomy and phrenology, and the now-outdated language of population ‘types’ in physical anthropology. Nowadays genetic studies of the face are able to isolate certain facial details, which may become an important clinical and forensic tool. Inter-Face uses these concepts as points of departure to reimagine how they relate to the complexity of contemporary societies and the face as a persistent image as well as a technology of identity and identification. This transdisciplinary exploration of the concept of ‘human being’ and the experience of being human through the face is presented through intersections of image, light, space, sound, genes, matter, time and presence as a spatial experience. Resisting the reduction of human complexity to the linear geometries of the techno-scientific, we instead engage in a critical reappraisal of ‘being’ as an entanglement and expression of space-time-matter. The installation is designed to foster a third space of imagined and shared presences, seen through a diffraction of forms and ideas, that in some ways echo Karen Barad’s desire for “imaginaries with material existences in the thick now of the present — imaginaries that are attuned to the condensations of past and future condensed into each moment; imaginaries that entail superpositions of many beings and times, multiple im/possibilities that coexist and are iteratively intra-actively reconfigured” (2015: 388) that invite us “to imagine not only the possibilities of subverting science’s conservative agendas from the outside, as it were, but also those of opening up science from the inside and serving as midwife to its always already deconstructive nature.” (2015: 412)

Karen Barad; TransMaterialities: Trans*/Matter/Realities and Queer Political Imaginings. GLQ 2015; 21 (2-3): 387–422. 5

《界.面》:面容 x 科學 x 藝術跨界對談與裝置劇場系列 Inter-Face: Face x Science x Art Dialogue and Installation Performance Series

《界.面》以勘探面容的複雜性為基礎,橫跨科學、醫學、法醫鑑證學、 視覺藝術、燈光藝術、劇場、音樂、認知心理學、人類學,通過跨界換位 的思維及不同形式的節目,在藝術和科學的異同之中,打開兩者各自的既 定框架,重新認識和思考藝術、科學與當下纏結多變的世界,讓我們帶着 新的眼光與步伐,在紛亂中迎向未知。 Inter-Face explores the complexity of faces by integrating science, medicine, forensic science, visual art, light art, theatre, music, cognitive psychology and anthropology into the project. It aims to rediscover the entangled relationship between art and science in this unpredictable and constantly changing world through opening up and reconfiguring the well-established and highly institutionalised systems of art and science. The cross-disciplinary perspective and art forms including artist presentations, dialogue and installation performance will enlighten us to envision the world anew and march into the unknown.


跨界對談系列 Dialogue on Face Series

從解剖枱到舞台 (粵語主講) From Anatomy Theatre to Theatre (in Cantonese) 小小的面部,面積只佔整個身體表皮的百分之五,卻是人類自我身份建 構,與人溝通的核心。從古至今的醫學科學探究、檢測、量度面容,從而 作出定義與分類。科學與藝術除了在技術層面的應用外,其分割與交叠之 糾合關係將會慢慢被揭開。 A review of the history of face, examining how human face is extensively measured, investigated, classified and explored by medicine, science and performance art from past to present, and uncovering the complex and entangled relationship of science and art underneath our faces.

法醫面容重構的科學與藝術 (英語主講,中文字幕) Facial Depiction for Identification: An introduction to forensic facial imaging from an art/science perspective (English with Chinese subtitles) 講者以其法醫面容重構及視覺藝術的雙重專業,帶領參加者進入面容重構 的獨特世界,與背後複雜交錯的解剖學、人類學、科學、科技、藝術原 理,挑戰我們對面容的既定想法,同時反思面容與社會、種族、性別之間 的張力。 An introduction to forensic facial analysis and depiction, exploring the intersection of art, science, technology, anatomy, and anthropology underlying this highly specialized area. The journey challenges our usual understanding of the face and critically reflects on the tensions that the face embodies in relation to concepts of race and gender in society.

5mm 的距離 (粵語主講) 5mm Clearance: Face and Head and Neck Surgery

(in Cantonese)

在狹小的臉部徹底切除腫瘤,並達致腫瘤與正常組織之間留有至少 5 毫米 的距離,對外科醫生是一大挑戰。解構揭面手術,窺探肌理神經,展示高 科技手術研究,讓觀眾看見不一樣的容貌景觀。 7

Provide an account of one of the most complex anatomical regions of the human body and the novel and challenging surgeries to approach the region, showcasing the wide range of advanced technologies used, and the important social and cultural consideration of the face behind the surgery.

面容跨界對談:醫學 x 視覺藝術 x 法醫 x 劇場 (英語主講,中文字幕) Inter-Face Dialogue: Medicine x Visual Art x Forensic Science x Theatre (English with Chinese subtitles)

三位講者從各自的專業進行跨界對話,在藝術、科學和法醫面容重構的異 與同之間,發掘更多未知的領域:局部與整體的微妙與抗衡關係、客觀性 與個人化之交纏並列、藝術與科學相互服務以外的思考。 Exchange of dialogues among the three speakers exploring the differences and similarities of face from respective specialty perspectives to push the borders on the concept of face and to rethink the relationship between one’s face and the society, and the in-betweens of wholeness and partialness, objectivity and individual subjectivity, and what art and science can learn from each other.

講者 Speakers

陳一云 Amy Chan

病理科醫生、燈光藝術家、劇場工作者 Pathologist, Light Artist, Theatre Practitioner

Kathryn Smith

法醫面容重構、視覺藝術家 Forensic and Visual Artist

陳英權教授 Professor Jason Chan 香港中文大學醫學院耳鼻咽喉—頭頸外科學系副教授

Associate Professor of Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

主持 Moderator

張康生 Enoch Cheung 視覺藝術家 Visual Artist

網上重溫 Video


重訪裝置劇場 讓音頻迴盪 Let’s Re-visit the Inter-Face Installation Performance through Sonic Frequency

人類渴望看見面容,期盼通過面容穿透內在; 我們量度、檢視、拼砌、裝演臉孔, 纏牽種種標準、規範、分類與定義。 光、水、鐵、電、泥、核、影、間、音…… 與時間聚合、消融、內卷, 衍變無限路徑…… Human beings long for seeing faces and everything underneath and innermost. We measure, examine, fabricate and disguise faces, which trouble and entangle all the standards, norms, classifications and definitions. Light, water, metal, electricity, clay, nucleotide, image, space, sound, Converging, dissolving and involuting with time. The infinite pathways of diffraction.


裝置劇場創作團隊 Installation Performance Creative Team

陳一云 Amy Chan

意念及創作 Concept & Creation

燈光藝術家,戲劇工作者,Drama COLLABoratory 藝術總監及病理科醫生。 香港演藝學院藝術碩士(優異),主修燈光,研究後戲劇劇場的光影空 間。其裝置及跨媒體表演作品探索光之音樂性、表演性及劇場性,並拓闊 光和音樂 / 表演和裝置 / 藝術和醫學之間的界限。 Light artist, theatre practitioner, artistic director of Drama COLLABoratory and pathologist. A Master of Fine Arts (with distinction) graduate of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, major in lighting design and with key research on light in postdramatic theatre. Her installations and cross-disciplinary performance works explore the musicality, performativity and theatricality of light, and the in-betweens of light-music, performance-installation and arts-medicine. www.amychan-light.com/

Kathryn Smith

意念及創作 Concept & Creation

生於 1975 年,以南非開普敦為基地,是一位跨界別的藝術家和法醫面部影 像專家。她的混合實踐將藝術和應用科學結合起來,通過對重新調解和策 展的雙重興趣,對知識系統進行批判性的審視。她是斯泰倫博斯大學視覺 藝術課程的高級講師和 A4 藝術基金會的高級策展人。 Kathryn Smith (b.1975) is an interdisciplinary artist and forensic facial imaging specialist based in Cape Town, South Africa. Her hybrid practice brings art and applied science together through twinned interests in re-mediation and the curatorial, directed at a critical interrogation of knowledge systems. She is senior lecturer in Visual Arts at Stellenbosch University and senior curator at A4 Arts Foundation. Online: https://linktr.ee/serialworks

張潔盈 Natalie Cheung

劇場構作 Dramaturgy

澳洲格理菲斯大學戲劇教育碩士、香港藝術發展局審批員 ( 戲劇、藝術 教育 )。自 2000 年擔任幼稚園至大專教師培訓課程設計及導師,亦為長者 口述歷史劇場、論壇劇場等擔任創作、導演及教育節目編寫。近期以戲劇 構作身份參與風格獨特之跨媒體創作。 10

Natalie curates, creates and facilitates applied theatre programs and teacher training courses for various communities and different social issues since 2000. Graduated from Griffith University of Australia with a Master of Drama Education, she is currently an examiner of Art Development Council (Drama, Arts Education), and the dramaturg for various cross-disciplinary productions.

馮以誠 Fung Kathleen Yee Sing

聲音創作、現場音樂表演 Sound Art, Live music

生於香港,太陽人馬上昇雙魚座良家婦女,有時需要創作,用聲音、攝 影、錄像、畫作和烘焙紀錄生活痕跡。2019 年於香港演藝學院畢業,修讀 作曲及電子音樂學士(榮譽) 學位。 Normal human being from Hong Kong. She likes to transform secrets into sound, snap, video art, illustration or food. She graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2019, majoring in Composition and Electronic Music.

Derek Mak

聲音創作、現場音樂表演 Sound Art, Live music

我係 Derek I’m Derek

朱寶和 Chu Bo Wo

陶藝創作 Ceramic Art

寶和作品率真快樂,人物動作活潑生動,讓人會心微笑。寶和是聊天高 手,談笑風生,任何事情在他的演繹下都變得生動有趣。 Bo Wo’s works are candid and gleeful, with figures in bubbly and vivid movements that cheers one up. A specialist in small talks, he talks with captivating wit and charm and is able to render everything lively and interesting under his delivery.

任安言 Yam On Yin

演員 Actor

劇場旅人,遊走於光影之間,尋索一個在六感以外的藝術時空。 Theatre traveler, wandering between light and shadow, seeking for a universe of art beyond six senses.


《界.面》裝置劇場創作及製作團隊 Inter-Face Installation Performance Creative and Production Team 意念及創作: Concept & Creation: 劇場構作: Dramaturgy: 聲音創作: Sound Art: 陶藝創作: Ceramic Art: 燈光技術統籌: Light Technical Coordinator: 裝置技術統籌: Installation Technical Coordinator:

特邀演出 Live Jamming 聯合導演: Co-Director: 現場音樂表演: Live Music: 演員: Performer:

陳一云、Kathryn Smith Amy Chan, Kathryn Smith 張潔盈 Natalie Cheung 馮以誠、Derek Mak Fung Kathleen Yee Sing, Derek Mak 朱寶和 Chu Bo Wo 林宛珊 Sandy Lam 陳兆聰 Chris Chan

陳一云、張潔盈 Amy Chan & Natalie Cheung 馮以誠、Derek Mak Fung Kathleen Yee Sing, Derek Mak 任安言 Yam On Yin

《界.面》:面容 x 科學 x 藝術 跨界對談與裝置劇場系列 Inter-Face: Face x Science x Art Dialogue and Installation Performance Series 意念及策展: 陳一云 Concept and Curator: Amy Chan 策展及監製: 張潔盈 Curator and Producer: Natalie Cheung 錄像製作: 李彥錚 Video Production: Dexter Lee 平面設計: Fansangönei Graphic Design: Fansangönei 字幕翻譯: J.T. Subtitle Translation: J.T. 行政支援: 湯令琪 Administration: Tong Ling Ki Drama COLLABoratory 策劃及製作 : Curated and produced by: Drama COLLABoratory

場地伙伴: Venue Partner:

社區文化發展中心 Center for Community Cultural Development

支持機構: Supported by:

香港中文大學醫學院病理解剖及細胞學系 The Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

此項目由香港藝術發展局「Arts Go Digital 藝術數碼平台計劃」支持 This project is supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council “Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme”

鳴謝 Acknowledge Angus Lee Dr Chit Chow Bill Wong Yuk Tsang 12

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