Delta Phi Epsilon
spring 2018
Lead Like a
Delta Phi Epsilon
�e�ag� �ro�
Editor in Chief Nicole DeFeo, Φ Τ International Executive Director
Dea� Sisters,
Managing Editor Andrea Alhadari, Α Γ Director of Communications & Events Editor Janet D. Garraty, B M Editorial Contributors Cori Schearer, Δ Ν Emily Meister, Α Ι Art Direction Eighty6 Founders Dorothy Cohen Schwartzman Ida Bienstock Landau Minna Goldsmith Mahler Eve Effron Robin Sylvia Steierman Cohn
Mission: To provide a sisterhood experience rich in tradition, innovation and opportunities for growth. Vision: To inspire and empower our sisterhood to engage in a lifetime of leadership and service. The TRIAD, official magazine of Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority is owned by the Sorority, edited and published under the direction and control of its International Governing Board. Published twice a year. All submissions become the property of the Sorority and may be used for promotional purposes. Delta Phi Epsilon is a member of the Fraternity Communications Association and the National Pannhellenic Conference.
the president
& Friends of Delta Phi Epsilon, As we reflect on the beginning of our Sorority’s next 100 years, we hope to forge positive futures for the women of DPhiE. But the challenges to shaping that future are strong. Reports of tragedies and adversities on college campuses have cast a shadow over Greek life. Promoting the values we have always worked to live by is more critical than ever before. As an organization, we must continue to channel our energy and advocacy towards promoting the integrity of the sorority experience. Being a member of our sorority provides opportunities for leadership, personal growth and development; the benefits of which we must pass on to others. How we do that is by continuing the culture of inclusion and acceptance of others that our Founders established. We must strive for continued diversity with a welcoming spirit to all women who share our values, regardless of race, religion, financial background, orientation and identity. In this edition of The TRIAD you will read how our sisterhood continues to focus on leadership and social justice; be it through our talents, our point of view, or our influential networks. You will also read about the stance we took to enact an empowering transgender policy that promotes fairness and inclusiveness throughout our sisterhood. Read and learn about our new International Leadership Consultant program that is adjusting our organizational structure to accommodate the needs of our growing sisterhood. This growth needs your consideration to volunteer. With our collection of stories in this edition, we hope you will be inspired to do so. If you have time to give, please consider volunteering. If time does not permit, we encourage you to donate a gift to our Educational Foundation, which supports several of our leadership programs including the International Leadership Forum (ILF) scheduled for this summer in Buffalo, N.Y. Whether you volunteer, make a donation or attend ILF, please also share your story of being a DPhiE and how our sorority has impacted you. Share it with us and share it within your communities. It is one more way to contribute to sisterhood. This issue’s theme is all about expressing the positive stories of the sorority experience, the impact of which supports women throughout our country. Yours in True Sisterhood,
Delta Phi Epsilon International Headquarters 251 S. Camac Street Philiadelphia, PA 19107 P: 215.732.5901 l F: 215.732.5906 l
Spring 2018
Stac� Segal
International President
in this issue 4 6 10 12 14 17
Have Wanderlust, Will Lead Have Vision, Will Lead Have Courage, Will Lead Have Heart, Will Lead Have Guts, Will Lead Have Voice, Will Lead
spring 2018
department updates 2
Letter from the President Centennial Wrap-up
Chapter Installations & Future Colonies
Educational Foundation
On �h� Cove�
Sisters from across generations and the globe share how they lead like a DPhiE.
Corrections: From the Fall 2017 issue of the Triad. In Chapter Eternal, Kelly McGuire Africano chapter designation was listed incorrectly. She was a member of the Epsilon Mu Chapter at SUNY College at Brockport.
Chapter Updates
Chapter Eternal
Member Announcements
Chapter Roster
B�social @dphieihq TRIAD
Spring 2018
�av� �anderlus�,
will lead
Sisters �n STEM Making A Global Impact By Janet Garraty, Beta Mu Chapter at Rowan University
here were moments of no electricity or indoor plumbing, but not only did Catrina Valente not care, she helped build classrooms anyway. When Valente, Beta Eta Chapter at New Jersey Institute of Technology, traveled to Ghana, she knew there would be days devoid of modern conveniences. But that did not matter. The self-proclaimed travel bug and architect said she does not mind that her desire to serve humanity will take her far from the comforts of home. Valente said she is made for it. “It’s the chance of a lifetime to explore another culture,” she said. Valente has taken her penchant for exploration several steps forward, as she is co-founder of ARCHITEACH, a non-profit organization that seeks to create positive community influence through local collaborative design anywhere in the world. Her organization’s first project was to travel to Abetenim, Ghana for four months to build a classroom for a senior high school. Valente and her team worked with craftsman and volunteers in a hands-on building workshop that emphasized the application of sustainable and adaptable architecture while utilizing local building methods, materials and labor. “We were teaching volunteers as we were building, but we learned from craftsman about local materials and how to work with red earth,” she said.
Spring 2018
Valente, fellow sister and architect Lorin Felter, and two other ARCHITEACH founders designed the classroom before they left, but kept some design elements open so they could work with locals to complete the project. Another one of their goals was to create and build a structure that could be easily replicated so the local community could expand the school if needed. Valente said the leadership skills she learned in DPhiE certainly came in handy. She may have never worked in construction before, but the 2013 graduate was able to manage a team of six craftsmen and 17 volunteers. Oh, and she learned how to pour concrete, too. The trained architect said there were times it was too hot and she was too tired, but she kept going, another aptitude fostered through her sisterhood. “I made sure that when I went out there, I was whole-heartedly giving it my all. It didn’t matter if I got too hot or the day went on too long. I had the opportunity to help others and if I started something I would finish it,” she said. She concedes her mother worried that she was so far
from home, but understands her daughter’s wanderlust nature. With ARCHITEACH, Valente said she is now able to combine her love of architecture and service with her love of travel and exploration. Fellow Deephers do not have to travel the world to make an impact, Valente said, because wherever sisters are, they can help forge change. “It can be in something small and local. We (DPhiE sisters) really will volunteer our time to anybody who needs a helping hand. There’s a sense that we’re always going to be there,” she said. Back home in the United States, Valente and her team are charting their next course to find more projects for their organization. Neither the distance nor challenge will stand in her way, because doing things outside her comfort zone is something she came to love through DPhiE. “We are a well-rounded sorority that pushed me out of my comfort zone. That helped me grow more, be less afraid and be more expressive of who I really was,” she said.
Spring 2018
�av� �isio�, will lead �� Tales �� � Roa� War�io� By Emily K. Meister, Alpha Iota Chapter at University of San Francisco
M� Experiences �s � Leadership Consultant
There I was, fresh out of college with hardly a clue about what I was going to do with my life, but was certain it would involve helping women in some capacity. Flaps down in St. Louis in the summer of 1999, I deplaned and awaited the arrival of my fellow road warriors, Carrie Muoio, Phi Gamma Chapter at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and Jessica Peterson, Beta Chi Chapter at St. Norbert College; two women I had never met but knew we had at least one thing in common: we were sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon. We signed up to be leadership consultants because we wanted to explore other college campuses and get the “full sorority experience.” Like Carrie and Jessica, I had no idea about the adventure I was about to get myself into. I was now the woman collegians would look to, to help them get the most of their college experiences. Yikes, this was going to be nothing like my college years.
O� �h� P�aces I’� S�, �h� Peopl� I’� M�et �n� �h� Experiences I’� Hav� The journal I kept in my year of travels (1999 - 2000) described a series of challenges and surprises. I thought I knew exactly what would happen - I would go to chapters, check in and go to the next location. I was 100 percent wrong.
The theme my journaling revealed was that within every chapter there are DPhiE women who are smart, want to be involved, and are looking to make a difference in the world. If that is not inspiring, nothing is. 6
Spring 2018
A snapshot of Meister’s consultant journal, which is filled with memorabilia from her year of travels.
This reality meant I had to be flexible. Walking in with one plan, I had to sometimes make way for a new one because of the unique characteristics of each chapter. What works for the women in the great state of Georgia may not work for the women in beautiful Rhode Island. I also traveled to states I had never been. If you live in the south, have you ever been in a snowstorm in Ohio or Michigan in February? I have. It is fun – sort of. The fun part is when you are huddled in Ohio for an extra day with your network of sisters laughing while pounding down the hot cocoa. Winter no longer scares this Texan.
Shaping �h� Sister��� Experienc� Through recruitment, risk management and team work-
shops, I watched as chapter sisters soaked up the information and the knowledge we provided. They yearned to find better ways to do things, a signature trait for DPhiE sisters to this day. Our chapters crave the challenge of doing better because they are competitive and want to become the best versions of themselves.
On the road, my younger self did not know all the answers, but I knew who to call. No, not on a cell phone, a luxury not yet around in 1999. I had to use something called an address book and even a pay phone; an artifact now on display at the Smithsonian in case you are interested. Between Carrie and me, we figured out a chapter’s roadblocks and learned many were the same everywhere. The local volunteers were also there to help when they could. Chapter advisors would respond when available and when they did we worked towards best practices. But sometimes the resources of DPHIE were limited back then, so our short visits caused limits on our success.
Meister’s two daughters, Maggie and Lily, pose at a recruitment event.
Spring 2018
Ke� Performanc� Indicators (KPIs)
The health of Delta Phi Epsilon chapters is determined by four Key Performance Indicators (Recruitment Strength, Operations, Financial Stability, and Campus Leadership). We have listed the variables used to measure these KPIs below. The growth of our Financial Services Department at IHQ will focus on the Financial Stability KPI. The other three KPIs will be housed within Collegiate Services. These areas will be the focus for our ILC Program.
Delta Phi Epsilon is different now. It is stronger and provides better resources in many ways. That is not to say the past should not be honored, because it should. Now we have to look to the future. What will be our next 100 years? What story do we want to tell? From my young days as a leadership consultant, my point of reference for helping young sisters now shapes my continuing service with the Educational Foundation. We are working towards big goals. The $100,000 in scholarships awarded in 2017, with more to come, is hopefully the tip of the iceberg.
Click here to support the ILC Program with a gift to The Foundation
Ski� s �o� �h� Futur� The revived consultant training program is our new
mission for the Educational Foundation and a personal mission of mine. I am passionate about the International Leadership Consultant (ILC) program because knowing that I lived it and saw how these young consultants will help secure the next 100 years of our sorority is a cause worth pursuing.
Recruitment/Growth ✓ RFM Strength
Operations & Programs/ Standards of Excellence
✓ Correct use of International Programs ✓ Chapter Assessment Program
Financial Stability
✓ 30/60/90 policy ✓ Approved budget/Adherence to budget ✓ Use of BillHighway
Leaders on Campus
✓ College Panhellenic positions ✓ Establish College Panhellenic when there is none ✓ Fraternity and Sorority Advisor Report-In
complex and, at times, maybe even more challenging, but our sisters are amazing, bright women. I can attest to this, as being an advisor for the Zeta Theta Chapter at University of Rhode Island has opened my eyes and heart even more. Our women will lead the way on campuses, in their communities, and their professions with the skills they will learn through Delta Phi Epsilon. They need our continuing support. This will take all of us to cut the path clear so our new road warriors can help shape experience for the next generation of our sisterhood.
Our new ILCs will be trained at a higher level than ever before. In fact, they’ll spend six weeks training for their year on the road. They will become experts on recruitment; the work it takes before, during and after. They will become known as experts on Leadership Team development and mediation, as well as on Greek life and the issues facing college women (and men) today. While I can look back and say I did this work too, these new leadership consultants are the torch passers for a new generation of sisters. The new role will be more 8
Spring 2018
The ILC program will be led by Jessi McPherrin, Lauren Gesualdi, and Brooke Goodman. Learn more about them on
Alumnae Association Officer Service Projects Chapter Advising Program Facilitator Buildings & Grounds Committee Member
Chapter Assessment Program Reviewer Awards Selection Team Member Alumnae Engagement Committee Member TRIAD Writer/Contributor Scholarship Application Reviewer
Engage U Presenter Keynote Speaker Training Specialist National Panhellenic Delegate/Team Member Be Yourself Interviewer (Colony Recruiter)
Governing Board Member Educational Foundation Trustee National Development Corporation Board Member International Leadership Forum Presenter Nominating Committee Member
How do
Your blank & Your photo and story.
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�av� �ourag�,
will lead
Chang� �hat �mbodies �u� �ounders
By Janet Garraty, Beta Mu Chapter at Rowan University
e met with a completely honest approachthere were no false values or suspicions, no need to produce letters of recommendation or financial statements. We still meet often and that quality of friends is still present.” - Eve Effron Robin, Founder Belonging. It is a sense, a yearn to feel connected to others in a meaningful way. Upon our initiation into Delta Phi Epsilon, it is a sense we all get a chance to experience. Yet for so many among us, that sense of belonging has been denied because of who they love, or how they see themselves. Our Founders knew what that felt like, to be left out, not welcomed. So much so they struck it from our culture from the very start. The roadblocks back then were based on religious beliefs, societal connections and fi10
Spring 2018
nancial records that kept women from enjoying the sorority experience. We took a stand and proudly founded one of the first non-sectarian sororities. Our motto serves as a reminder that inclusion and being yourself is our most important trait. This trait has guided us another step forward with the passage of our new Trans Women and Gender Non-Binary policy that reiterates our commitment to inclusion. “The purpose of this policy is to establish an environment that is safe, welcoming, and free from stigma and discrimination for all potential new members, sisters, volunteer, and staff, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression,” the policy states. “Delta Phi Epsilon values self-governance. It is indeed what creates the leadership incubator of which we are so proud. Every chapter has its own challenges and wins that are shaped by its campus. I am excited that we lis-
Excerpt �ro� DPhi E’� Trans �n� No�-�inar� Inclusion Polic�
Click here to read the full policy statement
“Women will always be considered, regardless of other identities the (potential) member holds. This is inclusive of cisgender women and transgender women. Identities that may be considered for membership include non-binary, gender nonconforming individuals who are committed to the advancement of womanhood. Identities that will not be considered regardless of belief in womanhood are cisgender men, what we define as a person designated male at birth and identify as a man. No member is required to provide documentation regarding their gender. We welcome all women as they self-identify. Additionally, all gender expressions of students extended membership are welcome in Delta Phi Epsilon.”
ten and work with each chapter to help them succeed on their campus. This policy empowers the local chapter to decide what is right for them; together with their College Panhellenic. That is what makes this policy so strong. We are saying, ‘Recruitment is a mutual selection process. Use your wish list and find the right people to fit your chapter regardless of race, nationality, creed, sexual preference etc.’ We trust that our collegiate members will do what is best for their chapter and thus, what is best for our organization.” said International Executive Director Nicole DeFeo, Phi Tau Chapter at Rutgers University Camden.
good decision because they are aware of what we stand for,” she said.
International Headquarters began receiving letters from chapter women who are not gender conforming or who are transgender.
Other sororities throughout the Panhellenic community have recently enacted similar policies. Delta Phi Epsilon continues to be progressive in our actions.
“They were telling us that this is an important issue on their campus,” said Lynna Do, Alpha Iota Chapter at University of San Francisco.
Do believes the DIMES would be proud of this latest act, as it reflects their sense of inclusion for generations of women then and now.
As our history, promise and integrity has have always summoned us to lead, the International Governing Board assembled a committee last year to research and draft a policy that clearly states our position of inclusion.
“Our Founders, if they were around, they would have made this policy. They were visionaries. They did things that no one expected people to do,” she said.
Do, who chaired the committee, said fellow sisters examined the issue from every position during the six month research process. The committee followed the well worn path of transparency, knowing it would continue to reflect DPhiE’s values. “Women who will join DPhiE believe they are making a
Feedback to the policy enactment has been largely positive and received record engagement on the sorority’s social media pages. Do believes this is because DPhiE has always bended towards justice. “This is an organization that stands up. What’s wrong, we make it right one person at a time,” she said.
Both women said people within the LGBTQ community still have battles to face without having another door shut in their faces. Through this policy, DPhiE keeps those doors open by standing behind its values, they added. “I think it’s hard coming to an organization where I am different but still want to belong. This policy says to them, ‘I didn’t know where I belonged. But these women welcomed me,’” Do said. TRIAD
Spring 2018
�av� �ear�, will lead Ho� DPhiE Continues T� Positivel� Impact �h� Cysti� Fibrosis Foundation By Cori Schearer, Delta Nu Chapter at Temple University
ratefully comfortable now with a good career and a nice apartment, I was, not that long ago, on the receiving end of need as a little girl supported by school lunch and afterschool programs. It was in those years, growing up in a small town between central Pennsylvania’s chocolate factories, cheese steaks, and Amish country, that I saw the help I received needed to be passed on whenever I had the opportunity. From trick-or-treating for UNICEF back in grade school to serving my community in any way I could growing up, I felt the key to my heart was in making life better for others. I am an alumna, a sister from the Delta Nu Chapter at Temple University, and a recent transplant to San Francisco. I work at the intersection of music and technology, building products at Shazam and moonlighting as a tech and lifestyle blogger for A La Code. Some might say that is enough to keep me busy, as most recent alumnae are. But in my spare time, when I am away from the keyboard, I volunteer. I am a chapter advisory board member for the Epsilon Upsilon Chapter at Humboldt State University. I serve on several committees with DPhiE and now serve on the Tomorrow’s Leaders committee for the Northern California Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and on its national task force.
Spring 2018
Tomorrow’s Leaders is informed by the motivations of emerging young leaders and proven practices around programming, leadership, and engagement. Most importantly, a deep sense of purpose and mutually beneficial growth are at the heart of the program design.
- Mo�� Rile�, Cysti� Fibrosis Foundatio�’� National Directo� �� Volunt�e� �n� Dono� Relations I was recently a part of the roll out for Tomorrow’s Leaders, which is CFF’s young professional program that helps young people network and build leadership skills, while encouraging volunteerism.
to it in the first place. I was and will forever remain passionate about the mission of DPhiE, with our efforts to support the CFF, which I am committed to serving for the rest of my life.
For me, it is a perfect way to blend heart with purpose, a model so deeply instilled in each of us as sisters of DPhiE.
Through service, we are able to provide valuable connections to resources, to bring about fundamental change in social systems, and to encourage others to commit to a lifelong investment in service and social responsibility. We have seen how the power of our support has influenced our communities in positive ways and helped us personally.
Post-grad can be tough. I know. Especially in the experience I had of moving across the country. It is really difficult to develop genuine relationships when just moving for work. For me, volunteering not only helps others, but it helps me, too. I believe volunteering has always been the basis of creating meaningful relationships. I have met some of my closest friends and connections through service. Like my childhood and DPhiE experiences have taught me, volunteering has made me feel a part of a community and provides an outlet to fuel my very personal passion. It has provided me structure and purpose as a young adult looking to enjoy a full and valuable life. Delta Phi Epsilon has always been an organization of purpose. It is probably why so many of us were drawn
From this little girl growing up in Pennsylvania, to the DPhiE alumna living a grateful life across the country, I have experienced this power. And now it is up to me and young alumnae like me to extend that power to others we touch, where ever our lives lead us.
To learn more about the Tomorrow’s Leaders program, contact your local CF chapter by email, or click to visit,
Spring 2018
�av� �ut�,
will lead
A Conversation �i�� ILF Keynot� Speake�, Kat� Whit�
undreds of Delta Phi Epsilon sisters are scheduled to gather in Buffalo, NY this June to celebrate sisterhood. Attendees will learn from experts on how to be their best selves in both their personal and professional lives. We had a conversation with International Leadership Forum keynote speaker, Kate White, to talk about her life as a gutsy girl. White is a writer, former magazine editor and speaker. From 1998 through 2012 she served as the editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan magazine. She is the author of 12 novels and four non-fiction books focused on business advice for women. Her books have appeared in the New York Times bestseller list. What were some of the early lessons/experiences you had that helped you develop your strong point of view expressed in your life and books? One of the things that you find when you are gutsier is that it almost always pays off—which is so reinforcing. You do something and it works and it makes you want to do it again. One of those firsts, a big lesson for me was when I was in college. My school encouraged me to enter Glamour magazine’s “Top 10 College Women” contest and I didn’t hesitate. This was my ticket into the magazine business. I knew my application would need to stand out and writing something provocative would do just that. When I won the honor, I saw that breaking the rules and being gutsy could pay off. 14
Spring 2018
Own �ou� �xce�enc� �n� �mbrac� �ou� �eadine�. Are there any clues or indicators that women can detect in knowing when a huge opportunity is before them? I think an indicator that something is a big opportunity is actually when we find ourselves trying to talk ourselves out of that opportunity. It’s usually our fear of failure that is clouding our ability to make the decision. We are afraid. You talk about this in your upcoming book, The Gutsy Girl Handbook. Can you share a little more on this topic? You don’t have to be 100 percent ready when you go after an opportunity. Just say yes and figure it out as you go. I like to say instead of ‘ready aim fire’ say ‘aim, fire, ready’ – just understand that part of any promotion, job, or even graduate school is going to be a stretch. You learn it once you’re in it. I recommend reading Ten Ten Ten by Susie Welch. She challenges you to think about how the consequences of a decision will affect you in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years. It seems like we may be the ones holding ourselves back from success. What motivation can you provide for those still hesitant to jump into an opportunity? Own your excellence and embrace your readiness. There’s this sense, particularly with women in their 20s, to simply do what they’ve
been told to do and do it well. Those who are most successful are the ones who do what they’ve been told to do and then go beyond it. What is your take on the current state of feminism in this country? We are in such a great electric moment. Not just speaking up about harassment, but generally speaking up. I read about this Lean In study that shared women are not promoted as much because they don’t speak up as much. We’re nervous. We tend to start our idea sharing with these little phrases like, “this might be a crazy idea.” They make our statements sound tentative or half hearted. Instead we should be speaking in a confident voice and being a presence in meetings. Up talk is something I notice in my peers and myself. We try to combat it. What do you recommend? Pick a good seat at the table and not against the wall, have good eye contact and posture, and practice in advance what you’re going to say so someone doesn’t hijack what you’re saying. I recommend finding a female buddy for meetings. You don’t need to ask her to have your back, but ask if you can run your ideas by her. There is power in numbers and more and more women are understanding that we must support each other. Building relationships in your profession is so important. How does this play a role in networking? Does it replace it? In my new book, I talk about how you should never stop networking when you get the job. That’s when you move into power networking for future advancement: finding mentors or people who may open a door for you in the future. TRIAD
Spring 2018
“ ” �er� �s �owe� �n �umbers �n� �or� �n� �or� �omen �r� �nderstanding �hat �� �ust su�or� �ac� ��he�.
-Kat� Whit�
Go into each networking event having prepped in advance. Know who will be there and pick at least one person you want to meet. There’s something to be said about putting on a great pair of shoes and going out to meet people.
Once you make those connections, I recommend doing what is almost a ‘pre-ask.’ Don’t follow up for the first time with someone you met seven months ago and expect them to connect you with a coworker. Send an email and find a way to connect a part of your conversation in that email. Did they mention they’re going on vacation somewhere? Share an article you read on that city that they might find interesting. What’s ahead for you? Do you have a 5-year vision?
I generally advise people to work with what they can see with the car headlights. It’s really important to constantly be reassessing. Spend at least half an hour a week being the architect of your career. Take your pulse regularly and ask yourself, “Am I happy right now? Am I so entrenched that I wouldn’t be able to leave the field and do something else? What’s my networking plan for the next month?”
Spring 2018
Sometimes even looking at your career from a 360 perspective helps. That’s why I left Cosmo. I didn’t want to be at the party when all that was left was the wet potato chips on the table and the cups overturned. The big jobs with the big perks might not be around in the future.
Lik� ��at �o�’r� �eading �er�?
Meet Kate and other inspiring people like her at International Leadership Forum. All sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon are welcome to attend. You can learn more about registration prices, excursions, and programming by clicking the link below:
�av� �oic�,
will lead
“There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part! You can’t even passively take part!” – Mario Savio, Leader of the Free Speech Movement 1965.
xercising your voice to lead is one of the most courageous, most fearless acts one can take. When something is wrong, you must speak out and create change if you want to truly lead. Leading can be lonely. It can be difficult, but indeed it is the only thing that can move great mountains and close great divides. As we face the troublesome times ahead as a movement, as a nation, I will look to my sisters who will be by my side, using our voices for what is right, what is just. I hope I will see you there as well. Check your email in the coming months for information on how you can use your voice to advocate for the sorority experience and a safe space for women to learn to lead into the next decade. – Nicole DeFeo, International Executive Director.
� �oment �n �im� �uring �h�
free speech movement
Jackie Goldberg, Delta Zeta chapter at UC-Berkeley, speaks to a crowd from the top of a police car in front of Sproul Hall on October 1, 1964. Click here to read Jackie’s story, available exclusively through our online issue!
�elebrating 10� �ears...
by the numbers
As �u� �elebration �omes �� � �los�, �� �r� �hri�e� �� shar� �o� �an� Cente�ial Celebrations ��ur�e� �cro� Nor�� Americ�. Total Amount of Celebrations Held:
Amount of States & Provinces Where a Celebration Was Held:
State with the Most Celebrations:
Largest Attendance at a Celebration:
Ne� Yor�
Stat�-Wid�, Georgia
92 15
Spring 2018
28 40�+
Chapte� Char�ering &
future colonies Nor�hern Arizona Universit� Chapter: Zeta Iota Charter date: December 9, 2017 Location: Flagstaff, Ariz.
Panhellenic Community: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Delta, Pi Beta Phi Installed by: International President, Stacy Segal International representatives in attendance: International Governing Board General Members Allison Plotkin and Rose McGovern, Educational Foundation Board Member and NPC 3rd Delegate Gina Curtis, Coordinator of Collegiate Services Lauren Gesualdi, Coordinator of Communications and Events Gabrielle Centrone, Graphic Designer Devon DiMatteo, and Collegiate Development Consultant Alexis Truskolawski. This past fall, IHQ staff worked in conjunction with the Phoenix and Tucson Alumnae Associations to colonize a 200-woman colony at Northern Arizona University. The founding members hit the ground running, taking first place in the Greek sing competition. In October, colony members joined our extension team at EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University in nearby Prescott, Ariz. Their presence was instrumental in securing an invitation to re-colonize our Alpha Beta Chapter.
Delta Phi Epsilon will return to Embry-Riddle’s Prescott campus in the spring of 2018. It is the largest, fully accredited university system specializing in aviation and aerospace. The campus enrolls more than 2,000 students, with 25 percent being female. The colonization will include a merger with Chi Delta Chi local sorority. Interest in assisting with colonization efforts can be shared through “Embry Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott Campus is excited and very pleased to have Delta Phi Epsilon sorority return to campus. The leadership opportunities and ability to connect with our outstanding D Phi E alumnae will provide an immediate supportive environment for our young ladies and help ensure the continued success of the organization.” – Larry K. Stephen, Dean of Students
“Moving across the country for my dream job was exciting and super scary as a new professional. I felt so lucky to have an immediate connection with the Phoenix Alumnae Association. They helped me feel more connected to Arizona. Our Panhellenic community then went through extension and selected Delta Phi Epsilon as the newest organization at NAU. It was such a surreal experience to see the Panhellenic community be excited for an organization that gives me so much drive and passion. There has been so much amazing growth and opportunity for our organization in Arizona. Being able to be a part of it, and see its success, is truly inspiring. ”
- C�rdinato� �o� Fraternit� �n� Sororit� �if� Alaina Agne�, Alpha Lambda Chapte� �t Yor� Co�eg� �� Pe�sylvania
Fast Facts Campus Total: 42 Closest alumnae associations: Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas. Closest active chapter: Zeta Iota Chapter at Northern Arizona University. Follow our colonization efforts through social media: @ERAUdphie #ERAUdphie
Spring 2018
2017donor list iris
Roxanne Donovan, Gamma Harriette Hirsch, Delta Nu
Cheryl Lamm, Rho Emily Meister, Alpha Iota Stacy Segal, Psi
Lynna Do, Alpha Iota Carol Estes-Schwartz, Phi Eta Trisha Fletcher, Epsilon Tau Marilyn Friedman, Delta Rho Michelle Gilboy, Phi Gamma Heather Locke Green, Beta Chi Nancy Hart-Esposito, Phi Tau Barbara Heilveil, Delta Eta Linda Hyman, Delta Lambda Phyllis Kossoff, Delta Robin Lubetkin, Psi Lauren McCarthy, Phi Tau Jennifer Keys McNamara, Delta Iota Dawn McNulty, Phi Sigma Kristin Morgan, Alpha Nancy Pastroff, Delta Kappa Toby Tamarkin, Sigma Donna Von Bruening, Sigma
Ellen Alper, Phi Mu Linda Blockus, Epsilon Alpha Tricia Carlin, Delta Sigma Darlene Carver, Delta Xi Patricia Cayne, Nu Lisa Condon, Phi Tau Melissa Cordone, Beta Omega Gina Curtis, Epsilon Upsilon Nicole DeFeo, Phi Tau Berta Icabalceta Ellis, Alpha Gamma Charlotta Eriksson, Phi Lambda Barbara Guilick, Epsilon Beta Samantha Harper, Eta Kristen Lee, Alpha Epsilon Risa Mallin, Chi Mary Marbach, Gamma Meredith Mead, Beta Beta Debbi Pearlman, Gamma Allison Plotkin, Chi Sara Rice, Delta Gamma
Andrea Alhadari, Alpha Gamma Kasey Berman, Psi Meredith Bielaska, Beta Upsilon Elena Bonilla, Phi Tau Virginia Boulton, Alpha Epsilon Kristin Carlson, Parent Lisa Condon, Phi Tau Melissa Cordone, Beta Omega Gina Curtis, Epsilon Upsilon Nicole DeFeo, Phi Tau Lynna Do, Alpha Iota David Doermann, Parent Roxanne Donovan, Gamma Berta Icabalceta Ellis, Alpha Gamma Bonnie Richmond Etense, Epsilon Rho Nina Greco Gilgore, Delta Gamma Heather Locke Green, Beta Chi Nancy Hart-Esposito, Phi Tau Harriette Hirsch, Delta Nu Melissa Keesing, Beta Rho Mariah King, Gamma Gamma Phyllis Kossoff, Delta Cheryl Lamm, Rho Kristen Lee, Alpha Epsilon
Robin Lubetkin, Psi Lauren McCarthy, Phi Tau Marylou McGinley, Alpha Pi Kristin McDonough, Alpha Mu Jennifer Keys McNamara, Delta Iota Dawn McNulty, Phi Sigma Emily Meister, Alpha Iota Jessica Miller, Psi Kristin Morgan, Alpha Emily Olivares, Beta Mu Amanda Patterson, Beta Tau Debbi Pearlman, Gamma Nicole Rowlett, Beta Phi Letitia Scanlon, Phi Tau Stacy Segal, Psi Kristine Seim, Beta Lambda Carolyn Shea, Alpha Pi Emily Smith, Epsilon Gamma Cindy Tesch, Beta Lambda Shelley Vaillancourt, Beta Sigma Donna Von Bruening, Sigma Jocelyn Wallace, Phi Tau Molly Wolff, Phi Tau
Minimum $25,000
Minimum $5,000
IDA LANDAU SUSTAINER’S SOCIETY Annual giving with minimum of $500-1,000 dependent on graduation date.
Spring 2018
Minimum $10,000
Minimum $2,500
Registration NOW OPEN Learn about our speakers, browse the schedule, and see registration packages by clicking here:
Buffalo / Niagara this summer
June 28 – July 1 Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel and Conference Center Hotel rooms limited, register today!
Be adventurous
Convention-wide excursion to Niagara Falls on Maid of the Mist.
Be reignited
Rejuvenate your love for DPhiE by participating in ritual and long-standing traditions.
Be your best self
Learn from world-renowned speakers and professionals during our programming sessions.
�hapte� & �lumna� ��ociation
california alumnae association
zeta iota chapter
Nor�hern Arizona Universit�
Our sisters were recognized for their leadership this year. Kaitlyn Montalvo was awarded Phenomenal Woman during a women appreciation ceremony. Kelsey Fitzpatrick was elected our student government’s vice president, and Jennifer Jankowski was selected to lobby Capitol Hill for the Collegiate Housing Infrastructure Act.
Our association supported our newest California chapter, Zeta Eta, in November, 2017 by attending and judging their very first Deepher Dude. We look forward to supporting the growth of DPhiE throughout the state.
gamma epsilon chapter
Universit� �� Ne� Haven
This semester we raised more than $18,000 for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) with our Deepher Dude. We were honored to have Julia Rae, Miss Philadelphia 2015, who has CF. She spoke about her experience, and also sang live at our event.
phoenix alumnae association We kicked off the holiday season with our annual teddy bear tea. Teddy bears are collected and then donated to local fire departments in the Phoenix metro area. Connect with us on Instagram at @dphie_phxaa.
California epsilon upsilon chapter
Humboldt Stat� Universit�
This summer, our sister Andi Martin was selected to be part of the US Coast Guard. She spent most of her summer in boot camp. This is such a huge accomplishment and we are so proud to call her our sister.
Spring 2018
connecticut alumnae association
The CT Alumnae Association had another year of increased membership and events. We connected through a tea social, fall corn maze, vineyard outing and our annual summer BBQ. We have focused on increasing our involvement with local chapters & IHQ through various volunteer positions. Current members serve on Chapter Advisory Boards, the Alumnae Engagement Committee, and much more. Let’s chat:
beta nu chapter
Wesle� Co�eg�
Our sisters received many leadership honors this year. Kelsey Fitzpatrick was elected vice president of SGA. Additionally, Bond Marburger became president of The National Society of Leadership and Success- where eight of our chapter sisters are currently members as well.
tampa bay alumnae association
Our paid membership group is growing and so are the connections within our association. We meet to celebrate birthdays, plan events, support CFF, Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), the Educational Foundation, and encourage new arrivals to the area.
Georgia delaware alumnae association
We are excited to have welcomed a little legacy to our association; Brittney Acosta gave birth to daughter, Lila Marie. We elected our new leadership team in August, and they are planning some great events for 2018. Connect with us on Facebook at
alpha gamma chapter
F�orida International Universit� We hosted a chapter-specific alternative break trip. A group of sisters spent their winter break in New Orleans to assist the United Saints Recovery Projects in restoring the city and helping families who have been affected by natural disasters. We hope to make a positive change in the community and grow in the spirit of service and leadership.
psi chapter
Universit� �� Georgia
This has been a big year for our sisters getting involved on campus. Our members were elected into leadership roles in UGA HEROs, UGA’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity, Designated Dawgs, Lunch Box Garden and UGA Miracle.
alpha gamma alumnae association
We are proud to have created the Dream Girl Scholarship Fund through the Educational Foundation, in honor of our fallen sister Jennifer Cordero, whose legacy left a lasting impression on all those around her. The endowment will forever keep her spirit alive within our sisterhood.
phi lambda chapter
Emor� Universit�
We raised more than $5,600 at our Eat to Beat Cystic Fibrosis food truck festival. We paired up with a local CF family to also raise awareness for the disease.
beta tau chapter
Nova Sou�heastern Universit�
Congratulations to Amy Mohamed for being elected Panhellenic president. Our sisters are also involved on campus through student government, residence life and the President’s 64- a program of 64 students who represent the university and its president. We are also proud to have been recognized at the Student Leadership Awards with Philanthropy of the Year.
gamma omicron chapter
Georgia Sou�hern Universit�
We hosted our annual Color the Campus last November and raised $2,500 for CFF. It was also very special because it was the first color run hosted at our house.
Spring 2018
zeta zeta chapter
Young Har�is Co�eg�
We hosted our second annual Deepher Dude event. The turn-out from the students on campus was great, making our thirteen male contestants feel confident when showing the school their outfits and talents. We also partnered with local businesses for sponsorships and donations.
I�inois gamma chi chapter
Sou�hern I�inois Universit�-Car�ondal�
Three of our sisters were selected to serve on Panhellenic Executive Board. Congratulations to Kari Johnston, the next Panhellenic president, Kirsten Barton, the next vice president of special events, and Myla Burton, the next vice president of leadership and education.
beta rho chapter
Universit� �� I�inoi�- Chicag�
One of our biggest goals this semester was to challenge our sisters with new service events. We organized a book drive for the local elementary school and collected more than 200 books. Our sisters then visited Greene Elementary with the brothers of Lambda Theta Phi to read those books to the kindergarten and first grade students.
phi sigma alumnae association
Our alumnae continue to volunteer in the community, most recently at Bernie’s Book Bank. We are also looking forward to our annual reunion coming up in the next few months.
Indiana delta delta chapter
Indiana Universit�
gamma alpha chapter
This fall we held our most successful CFF event, #TBT with DPhiE. Not only did we surpass our fundraising goal, but we also reached a chapter fundraising milestone.
Sou�hern I�inois Universit�- Edwardsvi��
This fall we completed nearly 700 service hours. Additionally, we raised more than $10,000 at our annual ANAD Trivia Night. We are looking forward to an exciting and productive spring semester.
Spring 2018
gamma rho chapter
Universit� �� Main�
Congratulations to our two sisters elected to Panhellenic leadership positions; Catherine McDonald as vp of judicial affairs and Olivia Murphy as vp of academics.
Marylan� delta xi chapter
Universit� �� Marylan�
On October 29, we hosted a Centennial Celebration brunch with more than 100 Delta Xi alumnae in attendance, including International President Stacy Segal. Following the brunch, we took a tour. We look forward to strengthening our alumnae relations.
phi phi chapter
Towson Universit�
We hosted a recruitment open house with the theme, “#GIRLPOWER,” where we shared with potential new members the ways Delta Phi Epsilon has empowered us to be the best versions of ourselves. We also continue to lead on campus, with Michele Reda being elected Panhellenic president and Brandy Coates serving a second term as diversity chair.
phi chi chapter
Universit� �� Marylan�- Baltimor� Count�
We held our annual Fall Fest for CFF, which raised more than $1,400. We also volunteered with Race for the Cure, which is always an emotional experience for everyone who goes. We are excited to continue the tradition.
delta eta chapter
Universit� �� Michigan
On November 11, 2017, we hosted a wonderful Centennial Celebration in conjunction with our new member initiation. We were excited to have International President Stacy Segal lead the ritual and many alumnae attend the brunch.
epsilon lambda chapter
Michigan Technological Universit�
We participate in Make a Difference Day (MADD) every year. It has been tradition for us to participate in this local service event. This year we decorated residence halls for ‘safe house,’ a fun and friendly Halloween activity for students and locals to walk through. The sisters had a great time sharing our creativity as service this year.
Ma�achuse�s phi eta chapter
Nor�heastern Universit�
This fall, we hosted our annual Big Man on Campus male beauty pageant to support CFF. We had eight amazing contestants, sold more than 600 tickets, and raised more than $8,000- almost doubling last year’s total.
gamma iota chapter
Bridgewate� Stat� Universit�
This fall, we held our annual CF Week in order to raise money and bring awareness to CFF. The week consisted of activities, such as a campus-wide dodgeball tournament, Tate’s Totes event, yoga and a 65 Roses Gala.
alpha mu chapter
Universit� �� Michiga�-Dear�orn
We hosted a CFF walk on our campus that raised a record-breaking amount of nearly $3,000. We partnered with the local CFF chapter and co-sponsored the event with student government and the Student Organization Advisory Council, allowing the entire college community to be involved.
Spring 2018
alpha psi chapter
Lawrenc� Technological Universit�
We participated in the annual Kappa Cook-off competition on campus and are proud to share that we went home with the People’s Choice Award. DPhie unicorn popcorn and unicorn fudge were crowd favorites.
beta phi alumnae association
We are proud to continue our support of those living with cystic fibrosis through the Tate’s Totes program. We have distributed totes to four young Michiganders. It is so meaningful to have a continued connection to a philanthropic effort we were introduced to as actives.
las vegas alumnae association
An exciting night was had by all on October 7 in Las Vegas. The Sin City Centennial Celebration was held at the New York Hotel and Casino. Sisters from regional associations joined us to celebrate our sorority bond.
Ne� Hampshir�
alpha tau chapter
Winona Stat� Universit�
We doubled our fundraising efforts this year. Half of the funds raised came from Deepher Dude alone. We added a section called “Mr. Moneybags” where the audience donated money to their favorite contestant. This raised about $50 in two minutes!
zeta beta chapter
Truman Stat� Universit�
At homecoming this year, we came out in full force and swept the long-standing competition. We won first place in parade float, lip sync competition, and philanthropy where we set a new all-time record for any organization- raising more than $4,000. This resulted in our win of Overall Homecoming Champions for 2017.
phi psi chapter
K�en� Stat� Co�eg�
Our chapter GPA remains above the campus average and we have completed more than 900 hours of community service this year. Our sisters are active on the Panhellenic council executive board, student activities council, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and student teaching- just to name a few.
Ne� Jerse�
delta sigma chapter
Ride� Universit�
Each year, we host a haunted house where all proceeds benefit CFF. Our sisters decorate their entire house, with each room being a different theme. This year the overall theme was a haunted circus where multiple clowns were gathered throughout the halls. We raised $1,300 for the cause.
st. louis alumnae association
We hosted a luncheon at the Canyon Cafe in Plaza Frontenac with a service component. Attendees brought toys to donate to Fire Truck O’Toys, an organization that delivers toys from Santa to children spending the holidays in the hospital. Attendees included association members, recent grads and active undergrads.
Spring 2018
phi tau chapter
Rutgers Universit�-Camden
We held a Centennial Celebration on December 2, 2017 that brought back many of our alumnae to campus.
phi tau alumnae association
We partnered with our undergraduate chapter and the Phi Tau GOLD Alumnae Association to host a Centennial brunch this past fall. This event ended a successful year for our alumnae, many of whom continue to volunteer at university events and with our sisterhood.
epsilon chi chapter
Wi�ia� Paterson Universit�
Congratulations to Jasmine Barkley for being elected Panhellenic president for this academic year.
alpha delta chapter
Seton Ha� Universit�
Congratulations to Leah Meissner, who was selected as one of two recipients at Seton Hall for a 2017-2018 research fellowship through the New Jersey Space Grant Consortium sponsored by NASA.
beta theta chapter
Kean Universit�
We won multiple awards at our Greek Senate banquet including Sorority with the Most Community Service Hours, Organization with the Highest GPA, and Largest Organization on Campus. We also won the Five Star Award, which is the highest honor Greeks can win on our campus.
alpha eta chapter
Montclai� Stat� Universit�
We held our second annual CFF walk and our 23rd annual Deeper Dude, which were both very successful and included many members of our Greek community. From both events we raised more than $4,500 for CFF.
alpha theta chapter
Stockton Universit�
Our sisters hold positions within student senate, Panhellenic Council and a variety of other extracurricular activities. Congratulations to our sisters, Julia Araneo, Emily Gazzara and Alison Wooten for being inducted into Order of Omega.
beta mu chapter
Rowan Universit� alpha kappa chapter
Fairleig� Dickinson Universit�
We hosted our annual Bowl for Breath CFF fundraiser. We were excited to have more than 100 people attend and seven teams compete in this fun event.
beta eta chapter
Ne� Jerse� Institut� �� Technolog�
We received the Outstanding Risk Management Program Award and Outstanding Recruitment Program on campus. Our chapter grew 30 percent in the past year and we took home the Greek Week championship for the seventh year in a row.
Our chapter has more than 110 active sisters who work together to give back to the community. This year we raised more than $4,800 dollars for CFF at our annual Deepher Dude pageant. We have also raised more than $6,000 towards numerous philanthropy events both on and off campus making it the most we have ever raised in our chapter’s history.
gamma lambda chapter
Caldwe� Universit�
Congratulations to Nicole Sachs for being elected vice president to the Greek Life Council at Caldwell University.
Spring 2018
Ne� Yor� gamma chapter
Syracus� Universit�
In October, we hosted our fifth annual Human Foosball Tournament to support CFF. As a part of our goal to better educate the community on our philanthropies, we invited speakers and patients from our local CFF chapter to kick off the event. This year was our most successful year to date. We had 16 teams participate and raised more $2,000.
lambda chapter
Adelphi Universit�
We held our sixth annual 65 Roses Gala and surpassed our goal, raising more than $6,500. This could not have been possible without the collaborative efforts from our chapter, as well as, the hard work of Mikayla VanAlphen and Alyssa Piorro, vice president of programming and coordinator of philanthropy.
new york city alumnae chapter
We are proud to announce Stephanie Cockerl was elected vice president of the NYC Alumnae Panhellenic. Additionally, we held service and social events in September, October and November. To connect with your DPhiE sisters in New York City, email us at
delta iota chapter
Qu�ens Co�eg�
We have been applauded by Student Life for our excellent programming and increased campus events. The highlights of this semester have been our sisterhood retreats and our Deepher Dude, which included 23 contestants.
epsilon gamma chapter
Stevens Institut� �� Technolog�
Our annual Castle Point Cravings event raised $2000, surpassing last year’s total. We also competed in a campus fraternity’s service event that raises money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. We won the sorority division. Through this service event, we participated in the Walk for St. Jude’s in NYC and also participated in the NEDA Walk (National Eating Disorders Association) later in the semester.
epsilon gamma alumnae association
This year we welcomed our first alumnae initiates, Julia Enerson and Yeimy Fuentes. Both sisters took the initiative to lead within our association and have done great things so far.
epsilon delta chapter
SUNY Binghamton
This semester our chapter hosted Engage U, which was a rewarding opportunity. We also have two sisters serving on Panhellenic Council, Stephanie Gross as vp of recruitment and Sabrina Simanoff as secretary.
epsilon iota chapter
SUNY Genese�
Congratulations to Alisha Joshi for her term as Inter Greek Council president and Anna Gilbert, who will succeed her in the position. In addition, we are proud to announce that six of our sisters were inducted into Order of Omega.
epsilon pi chapter
SUNY P�a�sburg� delta iota alumnae association
Qu�ens Co�eg�
We had our annual picnic pool party in July and in October we joined the undergraduate women of our chapter for the annual CFF Stair Climb event in New York City. At all of our events we strive to raise funds for the Educational Foundation or our other philanthropies.
Spring 2018
We hosted a “Minute to Win It” event to raise money for CFF. This was our first semester trying out a new event, and we could not be happier with the results. One of our sisters’ mothers is diagnosed with CF, so we have a special connection to the cause.
alpha delta chapter
Seton Ha�
Our sister, Mary Bonatakis, has the amazing opportunity of serving as vp of recruitment for our college Panhellenic council.
alpha rho chapter
Pac� Universit�
We successfully held two events this semester: Deepher Dude and Real Men Can Cook, which were great turnouts. For our cooking event, participants from the community competed in three rounds; appetizer, cake decorating and mocktail. We even partnered with our food services to judge.
upstate new york alumnae association
This last fall, our sisters participated in the annual Monster Scramble in Rochester, NY for the Multiple Sclerosis Society. We remain active in the Rochester Alumnae Panhellenic Association and contributed a basket to their live auction fundraiser, which raises money for undergraduate scholarships. We are very excited for 2018 convention to be right in our own backyard.
Nor�� Carolina gamma upsilon chapter
Campbe� Universit�
This year our community grew and we formed a Panhellenic council. The best part was seeing one of our sisters become the founding president. We are excited to see where this next year takes us.
beta upsilon chapter
gamma psi chapter
This fall we hosted our annual CFF fundraiser, Mr. RIT, which raised nearly $4,000. In addition, we also hosted our annual 65 Roses Gala where we had the honor of hearing from a local Rochester citizen with CF.
This year we have worked with the Hospitality House of Charlotte. The Hospitality House provides the comfort of home for families of severely ill loved ones by offering affordable accommodations nearby. We have visited the house multiple times and made complete meals for the guests with the donations from our chapter.
Rocheste� Institut� �� Technolog�
beta omega chapter
S�. Joh�’� Universit�
This past semester, thanks to our hard-working service chairs, Aitana Ruilova Castro and Indra Persaud, we completed over 1,500 hours of service. We are so proud of our commitment to service and the impact that we make every day in our community.
Johnson & Wales Universit�- Charlo��
gamma kappa chapter
Capital Universit�
We hosted the first Engage U conference of the academic year and were so glad to meet sisters from all different chapters. Having the opportunity to meet the International President, Stacy Segal, was an honor.
Pe�sylvania gamma eta chapter
SUNY Bu�al�
On October 28, 2017, we hosted our annual dodgeball event with AEPi, “Dodging Cancer.” Proceeds went to the Pancreatic Cancer Network and the family of one of our sisters whose mother was battling cancer.
gamma phi chapter
eta chapter
Three of our sisters were funded by our campus to attend a leadership conference in Washington D.C. called NCSL. Together they learned new skills and techniques for leadership to bring back to campus.
We held our 14th annual Deepher Dude event on November 6. With a Bachelorette theme and nearly sold-out crowd, the event was a success with a total of $9,157 raised.
S�. Josep�’� Co�eg�
Universit� �� Pi�sburg�
Spring 2018
alpha alpha chapter
West Cheste� Universit�
Our annual Deepher Dude was held this past November. We had nine contestants representing fraternities, student life and athletics. The winner walked away with the title and a $100 donation to the charity of his choice while our chapter raised more than $15,000 for CFF.
alpha sigma chapter delta epsilon chapter
Saint Francis Universit�
We set out to be a champion for inclusion and diversity. We partnered with Drexel’s Student Center for Diversity & Inclusion to engage in discussions that emphasized the importance of deeper conversations, tools to have inclusive conversations and we reflected on how to create brave spaces for women to be their most authentic selves during recruitment.
alpha chi chapter
Drexel Universit�
phi upsilon chapter
Rober� Mor�is Universit�
Our chapter was awarded the Outstanding Programming Award at our annual Greek Life Dinner. We also had two women elected into Panhellenic: Arlington Swaney as president and Isabella Riordan as vp of membership development.
We are so proud of our sisters and their recent recognitions. Madison Krug was awarded the Wheeling Scholarship, Danielle Shoenberger was awarded the Wilbur Stauble Trust Scholarship, and Gabby Georgetson received an internship with the Army Corp of Engineers.
Bl�msburg Universit�
We partnered with the Women’s Resource Center on campus for many events throughout the semester. We attended Bloomsburg’s first ever, “Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk,” event. This is an adapted version of, “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes,” which is a platform for advocates and allies to show their support to survivors of gender-based violence.
beta beta chapter
Universit� �� �h� Sciences
We volunteered at the CFF Great Strides Walk, park clean ups and soup kitchens. We also hosted our third annual Deepher Dude in October, where we crowned a brother of Pi Lambda Phi the winner.
zeta gamma chapter epsilon omicron chapter
Clarion Universit�
We held a Centennial Celebration on September 27, 2017. We were thrilled to have 150 undergraduate and alumnae sisters attend, especially with our chapter celebrating its 30th anniversary. This semester we began the process of bringing an ANAD support group to the Clarion community, the first of its kind.
Kutztown Universit�
We are so proud of our sister, Andrea Dempsey, for being selected from a large number of students to participate in a marine research internship program in South Africa over winter break.
R�od� Islan� alpha upsilon chapter
Johnson �n� Wales Universit�- Providenc�
Congratulations to our sister Natasha Kiri for being awarded New Member of the Year by our college Panhellenic.
epsilon phi chapter
�omas Je�erson Universit�
This year, we received excellence awards from our university in the areas of philanthropy, membership development, community service and campus involvement.
Spring 2018
zeta theta chapter
Universit� �� R�od� Islan�
We hosted our first ever Deepher Dude and raised more than $2,500 for CFF. This semester we also came in first place for Sigma Chi Derby Days and second place for Philanthropy Week, which raised money for Habitat for Humanity.
gamma gamma chapter
Schreine� Universit�
This semester, we decided to try something new to fundraise for CFF. Baily Petri, vp of programming, had the idea to sell stickers to people on campus. This idea became much bigger than she ever expected as it was sold to sisters all over the United States and Canada. We raised more than $2,000.
Washingto�, D.C. dc area alumnae association
From pirate cruises and Marine Corps parades to brunches and Centennial celebrations, our DC sisterhood’s last few months have been eventful. In January we celebrated our fiveyear chartering anniversary with toasts and tapas. We would love to meet you whether you live nearby or are just visiting! Learn more at
beta lambda chapter
Universit� �� Wisconsi�- Stevens Point
gamma sigma chapter
Tarleton Stat� Universit�
In December, we took toys and handmade bracelets to Cooks Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth. Our chapter paired with another chapter on campus, Phi Mu, to create bracelets made from old sorority shirts. Together we donated more than 300 items to the hospital last year.
At our Centennial celebration this past October, sisters got to reconnect with founding members of our chapter and meet new alumnae (including a legacy). We swapped stories from years ago and shared how our chapter’s operations has evolved over 24 years.
Ontari�, Canada zeta epsilon chapter
Carleton Universit�
pacific northwest alumnae association We hosted our Centennial Celebration at Dash Point State Park in Washington. Sisters from different chapters celebrated sisterhood and shared stories while enjoying the outdoors with their family members. Are you in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska or British Columbia and want to meet sisters in the area and get back into volunteering? Connect with us at
We proudly share that our second Deepher Dude doubled our fundraising total. We raised nearly $3,000 for CFF and could not have done it without both the support of our sisters as well as the Ottawa Greek community.
Chapters and Alumnae Associations self-report updates. All updates submitted by December 1, 2017 were printed in this issue.
Spring 2018
Membe� announcements
life Bir�hs
Alpha Mu Chapter: Kristen Lewis engaged to Ryan Cibulskis.
Beta Omega Chapter: Hailey Elizabeth Dembowski born to Casey and Tim Dembowski. Alpha Psi Chapter: Evan Charles Lehtonen born to Katherine and Ryan Lehtonen. 1 Alpha Mu Chapter: Son born to Amanda Proctor. 2 Beta Xi Chapter: Matthew Brian Daly born to Nancy Jarger Daly and Brian Daly.
Phi Eta Chapter: Katie Brogan engaged to Chris Herndon. Alpha Gamma Chapter: Andrea Alhadari engaged to Alexander Patton. 4 Alpha Upsilon Chapter: Missy Gadoury engaged to Eric Beaudoin. Alpha Sigma Chapter: Danielle Shoenberger engaged to David Tinsley.
Beta Tau Chapter: Lila Marie Acosta-Nijamkin born to Brittany and Sebastian Acosta.
Beta Psi Chapter: Ceara Genvesi engaged to Thomas Rossetti.
Epsilon Pi Chapter: Mason Adam born to Jenny Hudder.
Zeta Alpha Chapter: Sierra Gipson engaged to Noah Stewart.
Delta Sigma Chapter: Charles Nicholas born to Laura Palumbo. 3
Beta Theta Chapter: Jessica Lynch engaged to JJ Milne.
Epsilon Lambda Chapter: Robert Roberston VI to Aimee Erickson Robertson.
Gamma Omega Chapter: Annie Johnson engaged to John Webb. Alpha Pi Chapter: Alyssa Iannotti engaged to Charley Anderson.
Beta Phi Chapter: Katie Schehr engaged to Martin Heppler. 5
Gamma Sigma Chapter: Harley Mayfield engaged to Kole Rose.
Alpha Psi Chapter: Kathryn Wheeler engaged to Mike Pruski.
5 3 1
TRIAD Fall 2017
Membe� announcements
Gamma Omicron Chapter: Autumn Ward engaged to Johnathan Johnson; Savannah Freeman engaged to Seth Lowery. 6
Gamma Pi Chapter: Deanna Petersen earned a masters of science in special education.
Psi Chapter: Tammy Pulliam became a fully licensed professional counselor; Sheryl Kurland spearheaded 5000 plus lipstick donations to women’s domestic violence shelters through her nonprofit, “Find Your Fabulosity.”
Omega Chapter: Alexa Angotti married to Sean Dineen; Alyson Clark married Mike Gaspero. 7 Beta Theta Chapter: Xochilt Noyola married Isaac Vigil. Alpha Chi Chpater: Hannah Livington married Jason Esdale. Epsilon Chi Chapter: Ida Nguyen married Arjay Dino. 8 Gamma Upsilon Chapter: Caroline Wilson married Paxton Clabaugh. 9 Gamma Tau Chapter: Chelsea Hancock married Trevor Cox. 10 Phi Gamma Chapter: Rachel Mankowski married Daniel Suarez.
Gamma Epsilon Chapter: Alexandra Bakerman earned her masters in teaching secondary biology. Phi Chi Chapter: Bethany Leedy was accepted into the doctor of dental surgery program at University Maryland; Wendy Tsang received her white coat during her induction into the doctor of pharmacy program at University of Maryland 11; Shruti Gujaran began her studies at University of Maryland’s School of Medicine following a year in Australia on a Fulbright scholarship conducting research on antibiotic resistance. 12 Beta Rho Chapter: Melissa Keesing attained her professional scrum master 1 certification.
Member announcements can be submitted year round through and are printed at the discretion of the editor. Announcements in this issue were submitted between August 1, 2016 and June 16, 2017.
Delta Sigma Chapter: Mary-Lyn Buckley hired as a Fox 29 Philadelphia on-air junior reporter.
12 9 7
�hapte�eternal We honor our Delta Phi Epsilon sisters who have passed away. International Headquarters had been notified of the passing of these sisters between July 8, 2017 and December 5, 2017. To report a sister’s death, please contact the IHQ office at 215.732.5901 or email Badges and other Delta Phi Epsilon artifacts are welcomed donations to the Delta Phi Epsilon archives.
Delta Chapter at Hunter College Phyllis Ehrlich Prince Zeta Chapter at University of Toronto Minnie White Eta Chapter at University of Pittsburgh Ruth Lazirowitz Simons Theta Chapter at University of Denver Myra Greenwald Rice Nu Chapter at University of Pennsylvania Marion Barg Fox Ruth Abrams Katz Chi Chapter at University of Texas Sandra Fields Marilyn Blatt Krovetz Amy Gross Marks Freda Baum Stern
Delta Zeta Chapter at University of California- Berkeley Beverly Cohen Rubenstein Delta Iota Chapter at Queens College Binnie Sternberg Meltzer Delta Rho Chapter at Cornell University Donna West Benamoz Delta Upsilon Chapter at University of Tampa Charlotte Rubin Hilzen Rony Pearl Scher Giuliani Epsilon Pi Chapter at SUNY Plattsburgh Alison Xenakis Miller
Chapte� roster Alpha Gamma Eta Lambda Psi Omega Delta Delta Delta Epsilon Delta Eta Delta Iota Delta Kappa Delta Nu Delta Xi Delta Pi Delta Sigma Delta Omega Phi Gamma Phi Eta Phi Lambda Phi Pi Phi Tau Phi Upsilon Phi Phi Phi Chi Phi Psi Epsilon Gamma Epsilon Delta Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon Zeta Epsilon Eta Epsilon Iota Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Lambda Epsilon Mu Epsilon Xi Epsilon Omicron Epsilon Pi Epsilon Rho Epsilon Upsilon Epsilon Phi Epsilon Chi Alpha Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Delta Alpha Epsilon Alpha Eta Alpha Theta Alpha Kappa Alpha Lambda Alpha Mu Alpha Pi Alpha Rho Alpha Sigma
New York University Syracuse University University of Pittsburgh Adelphi University University of Georgia University of Miami Indiana University Drexel University University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Queens College University of Florida Temple University University of Maryland-College Park Pennsylvania State University Rider University Monmouth University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Northeastern University Emory University Widener University Rutgers University-Camden Robert Morris University Towson University University of Maryland-Baltimore County Keene State College Stevens Institute of Technology Binghamton University-SUNY SUNY College at Albany LaSalle University SUNY College at Fredonia SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Cortland Michigan Technological University SUNY College at Brockport SUNY College at Oswego Clarion University of Pennsylvania SUNY College at Plattsburgh Hofstra University Humboldt State University Thomas Jefferson University William Paterson University West Chester University Florida International University Seton Hall University Kennesaw State University Montclair State University Stockton University Fairleigh Dickinson University-Madison York College of Pennsylvania University of Michigan-Dearborn Southern Connecticut State University Pace University Saint Francis University
Alpha Tau Alpha Upsilon Alpha Phi Alpha Chi Alpha Psi Beta Beta Beta Eta Beta Theta Beta Iota Beta Lambda Beta Mu Beta Nu Beta Xi Beta Pi Beta Rho Beta Tau Beta Upsilon Beta Phi Beta Chi Beta Psi Beta Omega Gamma Alpha Gamma Beta Gamma Gamma Gamma Delta Gamma Epsilon Gamma Zeta Gamma Eta Gamma Iota Gamma Kappa Gamma Lambda Gamma Mu Gamma Nu Gamma Xi Gamma Omicron Gamma Pi Gamma Rho Gamma Sigma Gamma Tau Gamma Upsilon Gamma Phi Gamma Chi Gamma Psi Gamma Omega Zeta Alpha Zeta Beta Zeta Gamma Zeta Delta Zeta Epsilon Zeta Zeta Zeta Eta Zeta Theta Zeta Iota
Winona State University Johnson and Wales University Ramapo College of New Jersey Bloomsburg University Lawrence Technological University University of the Sciences in Philadelphia New Jersey Institute of Technology Kean University St. Cloud State University University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Rowan University Wesley College The College of New Jersey Concordia University University of Illinois-Chicago Nova Southeastern University Rochester Institute of Technology Central Michigan University St. Norbert College Brandeis University St. John’s University Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Florida Atlantic University Schreiner University Texas A & M- Kingsville University of New Haven Webster University University at Buffalo-SUNY Bridgewater State University Capital University Caldwell University Ferrum College Shawnee State University Rhode Island College Georgia Southern University North Carolina Wesleyan College University of Maine Tarleton State University University of Toledo Campbell University St. Joseph’s College Southern Illinois University Carbondale Johnson and Wales Charlotte University of North Georgia Tennessee Technological University Truman State University Kutztown University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Carleton University Young Harris College California State University, Los Angeles University of Rhode Island Northern Arizona University
Spring 2018
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Delta Phi Epsilon Sororit� 251 South Camac Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
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To Delta Phi Epsilon Parents: While your daughter is in school, she will be receiving the TRIAD at her home address. Please remind her to update her address with the International Headquarters when she graduates so she can continue to enjoy the TRIAD.
“There is magic in the simple fact that On the Cutting Edge someone I have never met cared enough to make a donation to a foundation that has Buffalo, NY life. the ability to change someone’s For that, I am forever grateful.” June 28 – July 1, 2018
- KandysHyatt TemesRegency Buffalo Hotel
2017 Educational Foundation Recipient andScholarship Conference Center