Valentich Files Released by Australian Government

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Section No .


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Conce~ the fiiGlt or 21 Oc ber 1970, Val t1 iul.d not d1ecussed it vith to eny decree but she nov ~ he bad di.acusaed it with her mother, appm:ently while waiting ter at IIcce 0'.... tiDe . '.r'ue Gist or tl.e oonT ~tion bad been tbat he hod earlier 1ntended to take W.II tather on tl.o tlight, that he vue n ot the water" (lor vorda) and that tJ: e "plane 1a an old one" (w.e words) . l110s tee awoore her boyfriend bad made the niGht !!oorabb1n to ~ Isl.an4 betore but Bhe . . . uncertain if e had !'-own the te a t ~lt .

ene strance bad occurred a week earli 19 tllOY _ 1n the bD.bit or celebrating the 1IOIlt.hly emU: or their ceeting aDd tor the tifth anniversary Valenti bad decided to ciVIl her a fr".".,ah1 p r1Jl6. t.ltllOU(;b WIt 11 ot e date ot t11e amiVII (20 Ootober) , dellpite her testo.tions he !lad 1neieted giv1Dg i t to her on 1} Oc ber. .i.e apparently bad told his friends or hill 1ntent to cive her t11e rine. She bad DO explanation ter hill action. illSIWQ hod IIhe now vi Valant1ch before . e oa1d • hD.d tlIIZQ' timee . but never at niGht . notable fiicbt bad been in a CefllJDa a1roratt to 'eV038tle about 10 &GO. ~ tour otller sengerII _ to l1a"... been a t l~oorabbin a t 0400 h • but tlUty had not shown by 0600 houra and Valenti cane wi out tbeI:l. Tle fi!&lt 1I00000Ue. Aero l i = airBtrip) bad been unaventf'Ul. but bad 1 to !ly over 1I0lid olaud f about a hour. Tn tOUlld a hole aDd descended t:.rot.l6h it.

a t plan bad to be subc1ttod at Da.nkstown fer Sne oonsidered t!lat rstum fiiabt to Ioorabb1n, Valantioh bad nown to Da.nkstovn. and entered t!lo "Sydney Restricted Z , 118 told t o do 110 by Sydney" . Valenti 1 hD.d experienced difficulty landing • e t a::.d to Ileveral at e. Tile roas n was t11at t.:lIt " oontr->l 001= locked" . Valontich bad aveated prot'Uaely in tllie e1tuat1on. auch that she UIIed hie handkerchiot mop his brow to ant tllll !Neat blurrinlS hie Tiaial. She sto.tod that t e al~ awe ted w.:.en lIocetllinG unexpected er a little out ot • ordinary occurred and aho wa.a or the O::m1C8 in her boyfriend t II voice en theee s1tuationa &rOso. Other nisbta she bod J:lIIdo with Valmt1o.h were 1'rCIII .oorabbin to oen4on, by wri0U8 routes , 1I1cbt-GeeiJlB t:le city' a pranfnent te turca . Sha 8Il1d sh. was 1l:Ipros by t Valent1ch lnev or a.irc=tt. and that sho coneidered him to be "a vary good pilot" .


lIowvver, she was a1ol3rll ot a unwrual habits he had w!l1le ny1nc. Theee ooncerned the use ot the ~o . S' 0 was a\ ; e usually " 011 ed" the cropbona button after tro.nao1tt1ng, and that Ie never put it in tl:1O racl:, but left tho crophone on h1a lap wore, 'beOllWlo ot hie le cctiona. It was somet1l:lo1J activated. ne aleo hod the bit or pol1all1n/r er rubbing the m1 lODe on his jucpor eleeve before using It. She sto.tod Valenti 1 lana le end tllat atter a r10d ot t1l:le it was hie habit t o rsle e t110 t and to puah It rearward , 1oIh1oh eca1n scl»t1mao operated the cdcroph his lap. She was of to:: opinion the nCIBtall.1o noise" t10ned 1n the newpa r c ould been tllll seat al1d1ng rsarword. vi th tho cdcropb.ane tranac1 ttine . naB llwshton had no knowledee or how Valenti 118ed the enc1ne to tly. an aoked . s: 0 t1-en lIoJ.d she oonsidored he was "usually overoauti0U8" . tllll.t 1111 llkoIJ to thlnk t.'W:(;s \/ell sheD.d and be11eved tllat ho Wl.uld have entcr9d the a1roratt \/e~ t!le lite j " t. She oa1d Valent1o.h al~ had a plan to cover poslJible _rCODCiclI , she had trsqu.ently been told v. en !lying t!lat "it ~ coos ~, look fer a stl.-a1Ght roD.d er a lena padd • wi tllout tences" (Valenti

D.o.T. 149N (Rev . 8/ 77)





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