Annual Report 2012–2013
Our Mission Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) is the peak body for women and children’s family violence services in Victoria. DV Vic’s mission is to lead the Victorian community in building safer lives for women and children experiencing or at risk of violence.
The Challenge Family violence is a major health risk to the Victorian community. Intimate partner violence is responsible for more ill-health and premature death in Victorian women under the age of 45 than any other of the well-known preventable risk factors, including high blood pressure, obesity and smoking (VicHealth 2004). Violence against women costs the Australian economy approximately $13.6 billion per year, and the Victorian economy $136 million. The costs to Australian business is estimated at a minimum of $500 million per year (The National Council to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, 2009). Victoria Police respond to approximately 1,000 family violence incidents per week (Victoria Police 2012). These statistics are consistently increasing, for example in 2013 there was a 21.6 per cent increase in reports to police since the previous year. DV Vic plays an important role in efforts to prevent violence against women in our community and also in improving responses to women and children when violence has already occurred. As the peak body for family violence services we play a critical role in coordinating efforts across the state, supporting collaboration and partnership between governments, services, businesses and communities and highlighting gaps where improvements are required.
Domestic Violence Victoria
Our Work We have three strategies to achieve our mission:
BUILDING BETTER RESPONSES DV Vic members are organisations that support women and children when violence has occurred in their lives. DV Vic supports our membership to meet standards of practice to ensure women and children get the response that meets their needs.
BUILDING STRONGER SYSTEMS Victorian family violence services, courts and police work together to enhance the safety of women and children and the accountability of men who choose to be violent. This requires planning, coordination and monitoring of the system’s response.
BUILDING SAFER COMMUNITIES In addition to working to improve responses to violence once it has occurred, DV Vic is committed to building relationships and coordinating efforts across communities, services, businesses and government to prevent violence against women from occurring at all.
CEO Fiona McCormack speaking to media outside Parliament House
Annual Report 2013–2013
Our Staff
Fiona McCormack Chief Executive Officer
Sophie Mellios Coordinator of Office and Communications & Personal Assistant to CEO
Linda Ranik Finance Officer
Alison Macdonald Policy Officer
Thank you to the following people who temporarily filled in during staff absences: Tara Hearne and Nicole Bluett-Boyd.
Jeanine Jones Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Project Coordinator Cross-Sector Conference Project Coordinator
Vanessa Born Media Projects Officer
Jacinta Masters Sector Development Officer
Our Volunteers
Zanetta Hartley
Volunteering with DV Vic gave me lots of experience and tools that I have used to advance my professional career. Working as part of the team was so rewarding, I not only expanded my knowledge in different areas of domestic violence but also learnt about the type of work a peak body organisation undertakes.
Domestic Violence Victoria
Megan Williams
I am so grateful for the opportunity to volunteer with DV Vic. I have an interest in working in the field of domestic violence and helping reduce figures of violence against women. I have learnt how DV Vic works to achieve these goals and this has fostered my knowledge. The ability to attend the EVAs was also an amazing experience.
Our Membership The primary membership of DV Vic is comprised of specialist family violence services providing a response to women and children experiencing, or at risk of violence. DV Vic also has an associate membership open to various organisations and individuals that support the mission and operational goals of DV Vic. DV Vic provides its membership services that include: •
Taking issues from the grassroots of service delivery into the policy arena; • Providing opportunities for networking and planning with other services; • Ensuring members are informed of the current policy context, supporting best practice and innovative service delivery models; • Representation at state-wide, national and international levels.
Our Board of Management 2012–2013 Chair
Ordinary Members
Maya Avdibegovic In Touch Multicultural Centre against Family Violence (July 2012 – April 2013)
Keran Howe Women with Disabilities Victoria
Maureen Smith Regional Family Violence Integration Coordinator for the Western Metropolitan Region (May – June 2013)
Vig Geddes Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Lucy Prinzi Berry Street
Yvonne Lay Bryant Lay Consulting
Treasurer Julie Lane Lane Accounting
Annual Report 2013–2013 iv
Thank you! We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people and organisations for supporting DV Vic’ s mission to build a safer and healthier community: •
Amy Wallis (Cards of Hope Project)
Anna Loewendahl
Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA)
EVAs Media Awards participants: Prof Larissa Behrendt; Corinne Grant; Hon Mary Wooldridge MP; CCP Ken Lay; Deputy Mayor Susan Riley; & Emeritus Prof Ann E Edwards
Bryant Lay Consulting
Emily Ross
Cait McMahon & DART Centre for Journalism & Trauma
Federation of Community Legal Centres
Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers
Central Highlands Grampians Family Violence Regional Integration Committee
Gippsland Integrated Family Violence Reform Strategy Steering Committee
Chestnut Hill Conference Lodge
Country Women’s Association
David Cassar Freelance Web Design
Dr Deb Western
Department of Health
Department of Human Services
Department of Justice Family Violence and Sexual Assault Unit
Reichstein Foundation
Renegade Films
Rob Bonett
Rotary Melbourne
Sally Nicholes & Nicholes Family Lawyers
Sam Horsfield & Real Politic Consulting Senior Rights Victoria
Jacqui Cheng
Legal Services Board
• ThinkPlanReport
Katie Crosby
Terry Healy Consulting
Kaz Mackay
The Brandsmiths
Kelly Beans Bomboniere
Magistrate Pauline Spencer
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
Monika Fritz
The Victorian Cross-Sector Advisory Committee for VAW & the Media
Margaret Simons & Centre for Advancing Journalism
Nick Richardson & News Corp
The Victorian Family Violence Justice Alliance
No To Violence Male Family Violence Prevention Association
Vicki Lee Thomas & Pact Community Support
Victoria Police
Victoria University
Walker and Associates
DV Vic Members
Eastern Metro Region Family Violence Partnership
Not1More Committee
Eastern Community Legal Centre
Office of the Public Advocate
Office of Women’s Affairs
Pearson Trueman and Associates
Domestic Violence Victoria
EVAs Media Awards Judges
Prof Peter Horsfield & RMIT School of Media and Communication
Happenings Australia
DV Vic Board
Western Family Violence Integrated Committee
Contents Our Mission / Our Work i – ii Our Staff, Our Membership, Our Board of Management iii – iv Acknowledgements v DV Vic Highlights 2012–2013 2–3 CEO Report 4–5 Chair Report 6 Building Better Responses Rising to the Case for Change Quality Improvement Response and Early Intervention Projects
7–9 7–8 8 9
Building Stronger Systems Policy Development, analysis and Law Reform Red Rose Rally Commission for the Status of Women: 57th Session Senate Committee Hearing on Consolidation of Anti-Discrimination Laws Women Steering Justice Project DV Vic in the Media Representation and Presentations International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Press Conference Not 1 More and Walk against Family Violence 2012
10 – 17 10 11 12 12 13 14 – 15 16 – 17 16 17
Building Safer Communitites Working with the Media to Prevent Violence Against Women The EVAs Media Awards Project Presentation to News Ltd One Billion Rising Collaboration with Country Women’s Association VicHealth and DV Vic resource on reporting of violence against women International project support – Samoa and Papua New Guinea Cards of Hope Project
18 – 24 18 19 – 21 22 22 23 23 23 24
Financial Reports
25 – 31
Annual Report 2013–2013
Highlights 2012/2013 July 2012 •
The 2012 Eliminating Violence against Women Media Awards (EVAs)
November 2012 •
Red Rose Rally
Journalist Training
Not1More event
Women Steering Justice Reform Camp
DV Vic staff participated in the Walk against Family Violence
March 2013
Domestic Violence Victoria
57th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57)
Presentation to Dept Health Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Advisory Group
Joint response to Shergold discussion paper, ‘Towards a more effective and sustainable service system’ (Women with Disabilities Victoria, Federation of Community Legal Centres Victoria, No to Violence – Men’s family violence prevention association, Aboriginal Prevention of Family Violence Legal Service Victoria, Women’s Legal Victoria, Women’s Mental Health Network Victoria, in consultation with Centre Against Sexual Assault)
September 2012 •
Advanced Supervision two-day training
DV Vic coordinated Motivational Interviewing training for Wimmera Uniting Care in Horsham
DV Vic and Victoria University Elder Abuse Sector training day for FV and Homelessness sectors
December 2012
January 2013
Agency and Workforce Development Forum
Presentation to Senate Committee hearing on Consolidation of AntiDiscrimination laws
April 2013 February 2013 •
2011/2012 AGM Moving Constitutional Changes
One Billion Rising
International project support for Samoa and Papua New Guinea
Training Support for Country Women’s Association Family Violence State Project ‘What Can I Do?’
May 2013
June 2013
• Presentation to National ARAS Elder Abuse conference in Adelaide on the DV Vic Elder Abuse project
First Responding to the abuse of older women and men forum hosted by the Southern Peninsula Integrated FV Partnership
• Rising to the Case for Change consultations commenced for ‘Client outcomes and outcome measures’ leadership team and critical friends group.
Annual Report 2013–2013
CEO Report It is my pleasure to present DV Vic’s annual report for the financial year 2012 – 2013. This has been another busy year for our organisation and our partners working to reduce the incidence and impact of violence against women in the Victorian community. We could not do the work we do in isolation; I would like to thank and acknowledge the broad range of partners – our members, Board, government, philanthropic agencies, private sector bodies, other community sector organisations – that we work alongside to create a safer and healthier community. DV Vic’s voice is key to ensuring that women and children experiencing family violence have their needs and issues represented in the media. Some of our success as a peak can be measured by the increasing media profile of family violence and violence against women generally. The current profile that family violence receives in the media hasn’t happened as a matter of chance, but is in part the result of a media engagement strategy begun eight years ago in Victoria, which is now generating frequent demand for expert comment. We work hard to ensure that the messages that are disseminated in the media on violence against women are consistent, evidence-based and cohesive across the range of allied agencies with a stake in preventing violence against women. As peak body we play an important role – not only as an authoritative voice on violence against women in our own right – but in organising media commentary on behalf of the sector we represent to convey messages that aim to change attitudes and behaviours. We hear anecdotally that the EVAs is having a positive influence on the quality of reporting on violence against women – the awards honour journalists for excellence in the reporting of violence against women, in print, television, radio and online media. We believe that the EVAs – specifically the calibre of the wining pieces and the publicity generated by high profile engagement – is having a tangible influence on the quality of violence against women journalism in notable reductions in historic trends such as victim-blaming and minimising and justifying the use of violence against women.
Domestic Violence Victoria
Each time Victoria Police releases its crime statistics there is an increased public focus on family violence as it is responsible for an overall increase in crime. For example, in September 2012 Victoria’s crime statistics indicated a 23.4% increase in family violence-related crime over the past financial year. Family violence now accounts for approximately 38.6% of crimes against the person. The Victorian press naturally has a strong interest in reporting these sharp statistical increases and speculating on their causes, but it is critical that reporting is accurate, evidence-based and does not cause further harm to victim/survivors. We aim to keep a strong media focus specifically on the unprecedented levels of demand currently facing the family violence system and the need for investment to ensure women and children are safe and violent men are held accountable for their behaviour. With ever-increasing police statistics revealing the true extent of family violence in our communities, much of the focus for DV Vic this year has been on advocating for investment in the family violence system. DV Vic is playing a key role in leading the family violence sector through the Victorian Government’s multiple reforms to the homelessness and wider community services system. The Rising to the Case for Change project, detailed further on in this report, has been the key vehicle for this work. In response to the Victorian government’s reform agenda, DV Vic met with members last August to discuss with them ways in which we might utilise the impending reforms to improve outcomes for women and children experiencing or at risk of family violence. We had a fantastic response from members who recommended two approaches around which we have shaped the project: to showcase the ways in which family violence integration aligns with government reform objectives and developing a vision for the future of responses to family violence. This work has been extremely important in galvanising the family violence sector around forthcoming changes to the broader community sector and how we might utilise the current reforms to improve outcomes for women and
children. DV Vic’s work with members this year and how as peak it has been able to take forward this work in its representation on key governmental advisory groups has been critical for ensuring the needs of women and children experiencing violence are represented in the reform processes. The outcomes of Rising to the Case for Change will be presented at our Annual General Meeting this year. We congratulate our members and all the others who participated as ‘critical friends’ for their commitment to this project – we can all be very proud what we collectively achieved. I would also like to acknowledge Jacinta Masters’ stewardship of this project; Jacinta’s approach to involving our broad stakeholders has been central to the engagement of the sector. I’d also like to thank the independent Chairs, who all generously gave their time to the process – Terry Healey, Lyn Walker, Deb Bryant and Deb Western. A big highlight this year has been the Women Steering Justice Reform project which involved working closely with a group of women who had experienced family violence about their experiences of the Victoria criminal justice system in the past two years. Rather than writing up a report that risked sitting in people’s ‘to read’ files, the women’s experiences were captured in a powerful film. The power of narrative, of hearing other’s stories and getting a firsthand glimpse into another’s experiences can be so much more informative and compelling than the written word. We are thrilled with the result as it truly gave voice to women’s experience, both positive and negative, and allowed them to be able to utilise their experiences by providing recommendations on what is working well in the justice system and what is required for further reform. As with all the work we do, we would not have been able to undertake this project without the support and expert advice from a range of people from both government and non-government sectors. I would particularly like to thank the Women Steering Justice Reform Project Manager, Trina Howley, for her incredible vision and passion in seeing this project come to life. It was also a team effort and I would also like to thank Jacinta Masters, Jeanine Jones and Sophie Mellios for their support. Our thanks also to the Legal Services Board for their funding and ongoing support of the project. The Elder Abuse project, which has involved holding a series of regional consultations, has been extremely successful in engaging a really broad range of professionals with an interest in learning more about violence against older persons and how it manifests in our community. What is really clear from the engagement
on this issue to date is that we are only just scratching the surface of a huge social problem; that many different people in their professional lives are coming into contact with older people subject to violence and abuse and are seeking the tools to respond appropriately. The elder abuse project, funded through the Victorian Department of Health, finishes up in early 2014. We will endeavour to ensure that violence against this particularly vulnerable group of women and men remains a key priority in DV Vic’s strategic objectives. My thanks to Jeanine Jones for her commitment to this project. I was privileged to be invited to join the Australian Women Against Violence (AWAVA) delegation to the 57th Session of the Commission for the Status of Women (CSW 57) at the United Nations in New York this year. Members of the delegation hosted a presentation to the CSW conference as well as presented to the CSW 57 non-government parallel forum. Both were opportunities to showcase what we do well in the elimination of violence against women in Australia and situate this work within the broader international effort. It was a highlight of my career to be witness to the final session of the Commission as it passed hotly debated Agreed Conclusions at the last minute. The EVAs ceremony with keynote speaker Professor Larissa Bernhardt was once again a standout for the year, not only for DV Vic but for so many of the stakeholders working in the violence against women space. My thanks to our partners on the project, NTV and CASA Forum, to the many organisations and individuals who support us in this event and to Vanessa Born, who works tirelessly each year to make the EVAs such a success. I would like to extend a huge thanks to the members of the DV Vic Board of Management who give their time, knowledge and experience to ensuring that the family violence sector is represented by an effective and robust peak body. I look forward to enacting this year’s changes to the Constitution which will continue to strengthen the expertise of our Board and to grow our organisation. My thanks also to the rest of the team and especially our volunteers, who generously give their ideas, efforts and time to work collaboratively in developing DV Vic and supporting our aim for all women and children to live free of violence. Fiona McCormack CEO
Annual Report 2013–2013
Chair Report 2011–2012 2012/13 was another successful year for DV Vic, with a growing profile in the media, a professional team and a range of projects on board. This year the DV Vic Chair position was shared between Maya Avdibegovic, CEO of InTouch Multicultural Centre against Family Violence (until April 2013) and Maureen Smith, the Regional Family Violence Integration Coordinator for the Western Metropolitan Region (for the remainder of the year). 2012/13 was another successful year for DV Vic, with a growing profile in the media a professional team, and range of projects on board. The Board of Management adopted a new Strategic Plan which positions DV Vic as a key voice on family violence in the Victorian community. DV Vic is increasingly called upon to speak – in the media, to government and to the public – on violence against women and juggles this demand very well. This speaks to how important it is that Victoria has a well-resourced peak family violence body that can communicate critical messages on violence against women to the community and the state’s role in responding to it.
At the 2012 Annual General Meeting the Board passed constitutional changes that will pave the way for changes to the composition of the Board to allow for a broader range of people to be elected to govern the organisation including those not traditionally among DV Vic’s membership body. This will allow for a greater field of expertise to serve the organisation and allow us to recruit people for their specific skill base. The constitutional changes were carefully devised so as to ensure criteria for board membership that retains understanding of the evidence-base on violence against women as central. A lot of work has been undertaken this year to ensure the organisation is prepared to open up its Board of Management accordingly. A big thanks to Fiona, the rest of the Board and staff for their commitment and excellent work over the past year; and for the support of our partners, including our members in contributing to development and growth of our peak. Maya Avdibegovic Chair (July 2012 – April 2013) Maureen Smith Chair (May – June 2013)
Domestic Violence Victoria
Building Better Responses In August 2012, DV Vic held a facilitated conversation with our membership about future directions for Victorian community services and how we can work within and make the most of the current reform context to improve service provision and outcomes for women and children experiencing violence while maintaining a specialist response to family violence responses and building upon the strengths of current approaches. Rising to the Case for Change DV Vic urged the sector to come together and approach current opportunities collectively to support the exploration of ideas on how to take the family violence response to the next level of sophistication and continuous improvement. Recommendations from our members were to showcase and build upon innovative practice and capacity that has been developed as part of the Victorian family/domestic violence reforms over the past decade, and to build capacity for change and improved responses and systems. The Department of Human Services funded a 12 month position for DV Vic to continue to the work begun with members involving critical reflection on possibilities for change. DV Vic called this work ‘Rising to the Case for Change’. The first steps in the Rising to the Case for Change project were to respond to the Peter Shergold (2013) discussion paper; Towards a more effective and sustainable community services system. The report introduced options on the future reform of the Victorian community sector, which will include changes to
on-the-ground family violence service provision. DV Vic responded to the discussion paper by engaging various community peaks and statewide services that have a stake in the integrated family violence system to partner with us in this submission including the Federation of Community Legal Centre’s, Women’s Legal, Women’s Health Victoria, Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service, Victorian Women & Mental Health Network, Women with Disabilities, in consultation with Centre Against Sexual Assault Forum. DV Vic engaged an independent consultant to work with us in formulating the joint submission to Shergold’s reform themes and pathways. The joint submission was divided into two parts; highlighting the extensive Victorian integrated family violence reforms of the past decade, and our response to the risks and opportunities identified in the tabled reform pathways. The joint submission was later cited in the second Shergold paper, Reflections on the consultations, which identified the integrated family violence reforms as an example of good practice. The Rising to the Case for Change project comprised three key themes: (1) Client Outcomes and Outcome Measures, (2) Systems and Practice Integration and (3) Service and Funding Models. A range of consultations were held with members and ‘critical friends’ on each key theme, with the aim of delivering a set of key recommendations to the Victorian Government.
Annual Report 2013–2013
Building Better Responses
With an enthusiastic uptake in participation, the consultation process allowed for the practical consideration of different recommendations according to the risk to women and children, while exploring the possibilities for progressive change within the specialist family violence sector. External ‘critical friends’ were also engaged from a range of sectors: community sectors; mental health, disability, justice, homelessness, sexual assault and women’s health and various government departments including Services Connect, Child Protection, Offce of Women’s Affairs, Department of Justice, Victoria Police etc. The final output of the project will be a united ‘Vision for the Future’ of the specialist family violence service system. The vision will be supported by the sector’s recommendations from the three themes for reform; client outcomes and outcome measures, systems and practice integration, service and funding models. DV Vic aims to lead the sector into the next phase of reform by rising to key “asks” and using the findings to argue for critically needed investment in the system.
Quality improvement Agency & Workforce Development Forum Building Best Practice in a Changing Environment In December 2012 Domestic Violence Victoria in collaboration with the Council to Homeless Persons held a one-day Agency & Workforce Development Forum for the family violence sector, the homelessness sector, and other interested professionals. The forum theme, ‘Building Best Practice in a Changing Environment’, was delivered at a time of significant policy reform, and was well received by the sector as it offered an avenue to discuss change and development in the current reform environment. The specialist family violence and homelessness sectors were invited to learn about a range of policy directions from the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare; and the ‘Services Connect’ delivery model by the Department of Human Services, followed by a panel open discussion on sector reform. The afternoon session included three workshops: Strengthening Services through Partnership & Philanthropy; Building organizational capacity to prevent homelessness and violence against women; and mapping and enhancing employee capabilities.
Domestic Violence Victoria
The forum delivered a platform for conversations around funding pathways in a tight fiscal environment, service collaboration and practice development, and a focus on gender and the determinants of violence against women and homelessness.
Response and Early Intervention Projects DV Vic is a representative on the state-wide Elder Abuse Prevention Advisory Group. The group is working together to support the implementation of the Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Guidelines 2012 – 2014 under the Victoria Health Priorities Framework. DV Vic has been funded to deliver a project focused on Elder Abuse Prevention and Response from April 2012 to April 2014. Some of the activities this year have included;
Assessment Services (ACAS), Home and Community Care (HACC), Victoria Police, Centrelink, Hospital social workers, Victims Assistance Program, Alcohol and Drug services, Indigenous services, Men’s Behaviour Change Programs, Magistrates’ Court registrars, community lawyers, State Trustees, Community Corrections, Child Protection, Commonwealth Carelink and Respite Care and Medicare Local. The evaluations and feedback received from the participants were overwhelmingly positive and the forum identified challenges that will feed into a final report which includes recommendations to the Department of Health. The year ahead will see forums hosted across all regions in Victoria.
Elder Abuse mapping survey
DV Vic Elder Abuse Prevention and Response e-newsletter
Early in the project an elder abuse mapping survey was circulated to all family violence program managers and managers of entry points across the state. This was to gauge the present level of elder abuse knowledge and awareness of services, enquire what form of risk assessment is being used, and to ascertain whether agencies have policies and inter-agency protocols.
DV Vic has produced and disseminated the quarterly DV Vic Elder Abuse Prevention and Response e-newsletter to over 250 professionals working in the area of elder abuse. The e-newsletter provides information and resources to support workers in responding to elder abuse.
DV Vic and Victoria University Cross-sector training day on Elder Abuse The family violence and homelessness sector play a vital role in the provision of supports and services to older people experiencing abuse. In September 2012 DV Vic and Victoria University held a training day for both sectors. The aim of the day was to increase the sector’s capacity to work effectively with older persons at risk. The day was very well attended and the evaluations were positive. DV Vic Responding to the Abuse of Older Women and Men Forums The past year has seen the project gather momentum in relation to engaging with regions across Victoria to host forums on Responding to the Abuse of Older Men and Women. The first of nine elder abuse forums was held in May 2013 at the Sandhurst Golf Club. The forum was hosted by the Outer South Peninsula Integrated Family Violence Partnership. The forum was attended by 94 participants from a broad range of agencies including Family Violence, Homelessness, Aged Care
FV Focus group involved in development of a State wide on-line Elder Abuse Toolkit DV Vic worked with Senior Rights Victoria to develop an on-line elder abuse toolkit informed by a focus group made-up of DV Vic member services. The toolkit will be widely promoted and will be a valuable resource for those working in the area of elder abuse. National Elder Abuse Conference – Adelaide Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS) hosted the second national conference to observe World Elder Abuse Day on 17 & 18 June 2013 in Adelaide. The conference theme explored how to build a national approach to prevent elder abuse. DV Vic’s Elder Abuse coordinator Jeanine Jones presented on the DV Vic project at the conference. Partnerships This year has seen some solid partnerships built between DV Vic and key stakeholders who work in the area of elder abuse. Seniors Rights Victoria, the Office of Public Advocate and Eastern Community legal Centre are all key partners in facilitating the Elder Abuse forums. DV Vic appreciates the support and commitment from these key organisations.
Annual Report 2013–2013
Building Stronger Systems Victorian Family Violence services, courts and police work together to enhance the safety of women and children and the accountability of men who choose to be violent. This requires planning, coordination and monitoring of this system’s response. Policy development, analysis and law reform DV Vic consults with member organisations, and with women who have had contact with courts and police and services, and provides high level advice to government and other stakeholders about ways in which the system can be improved. DV Vic also represents family violence services on statewide and national advisory committees. Much of DV Vic’s advocacy this year has centred on engaging the Victorian Government on the issue of family violence and the need for investment in the system that responds to it. We continued our representation on the multiple steering, working and reference groups of the integrated family violence system (a snapshot is listed on page 16). 2012 saw the release of Victoria’s Action Plan to Address Violence against Women and Children; Everyone has a Responsibility to Act. This is the state plan that sits under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, and which details the actions and strategies Victoria is committed to in order to meet our international obligations. We advocate for improved legal system responses to women and children experiencing family violence and participate in law reform processes. This year some of the key law reform issues we engaged with included the Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Matters) Act 2012 and the role of the Coroner’s Court Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths (see report on the Red Rose Rally on page 11). We have also been in ongoing conversation with the Department of Justice in regards to measures to deal with the
10 Domestic Violence Victoria
burgeoning demand on courts for Family Violence Intervention Orders. We collaborated with partner peak bodies to engage with the Victorian Government on social housing reform and advocated to the then Commonwealth Minister for Housing and Homelessness on the need for ongoing commitment to the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness. Once again this year we were delighted to partner with the Council to Homeless Persons to produce a family/domestic violence themed edition of Parity, the homelessness journal ‘Finding a Way Out: Women and Children Escaping Domestic Violence and Homelessness’. Articles in this edition highlighted domestic and family violence precipitated homelessness and explored many of the policy, program and practice solutions in place across the country. We continued to support the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse with their work to promote the adoption of family violence clauses in workplace enterprise agreements and it has been fantastic to hear about the growing inclusion of such clauses across Australian workplaces. See the report on page 12 on our representation to the Senate Committee Hearing on Consolidation of Anti-Discrimination Laws. We also continued our role on the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) Advisory Group. Being a part of this alliance provides an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues from violence against women fields across the whole country. The opportunities to undertake joint advocacy through AWAVA certainly meets its founding objectives to strengthen Australian women’s voices.
Red Rose Rally Approximately 100 people met on the steps of Parliament Housing on 13 November 2012 to call on the Victorian Government to fund the Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths. The rally centred around laying red roses to commemorate the average 27 deaths that happen in the context of family violence per year in Victoria. Red Rose rallies have been held in other states for a number of years to commemorate and draw attention to domestic homicides. Background Since 2009, the Victorian Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths (VSRFVD) has played a critical role in Victoria’s efforts to reduce family violence deaths. The VSRFVD works to understand why and how such deaths occur so that we can try to prevent similar killings in the future. The rally was held to draw attention to the fact that the Coroner’s Court had not been provided with the $250 000 per year needed to maintain the VSRFVD since July 2010. The organisers were an alliance of peak bodies and specialist family violence services who are members of the Reference Group supporting the Victorian Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths (VSRFVD) in the Coroners Court including: •
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Federation of Community Legal Centres
Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic)
No To Violence Male Family Violence Prevention Association
Women’s Legal Service Victoria
Women with Disabilities Victoria
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service
Annual Report 2013–2013 11
Building Stronger Systems
Commission for the Status of Women: 57th Session DV Vic was fortunate to join the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) delegation to the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York.
The 57th session of CSW was extremely important for agencies working to eliminate violence against women in Australia as its theme this year is the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. Over 6,000 women from the international women’s sector attended during the two week conference, focusing on securing international agreement on approaches to addressing fundamental human rights issues facing women worldwide. CSW57 finished by adopting agreed conclusions after ten days of intense negotiations including exciting new clauses, previously not visible, on topics including prevention, women with disabilities, culturally and linguistically diverse communities and Indigenous women. The AWAVA delegation developed close links with the other NGO delegations and with the community sector representatives on the Government delegation and offered expertise, advice and support to ensure the best possible outcomes at CSW57.
Senate Committee Hearing on Consolidation of AntiDiscrimination Laws On 23 January DV Vic CEO Fiona McCormack represented the Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA) along with the National Alliance of Working Women’s Centres on the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse panel before the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. The delegation gave evidence in favour of including being a victim of domestic/family violence as a protected attribute in the forthcoming Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Act. The panel gave evidence on employment and workplace related discrimination. We were delighted to hear subsequently that the Senate Committee recommended the Draft Bill include ‘domestic violence as a protected attribute’. The Committee concluded: ... this is an area where the Commonwealth must lead the way, and is encouraged by the Australian Government’s recent commitment to amend the Fair Work Act to provide more flexible working conditions for victims of domestic violence in places of employment. The committee considers that this action, together with a further amendment to the Draft Bill, will assist victims of domestic violence to increasingly participate in the workforce and broader community. Unfortunately the Commonwealth Government shelved its plans to consolidate anti-discrimination laws in March 2013.
12 Domestic Violence Victoria
Women Steering Justice Project During 2012/2013 DV Vic was funded by the Legal Services Board to run a project called Women Steering Justice Reform. Through the establishment of a Family Violence Women’s Advisory Group DV Vic developed a mechanism by which women in Victoria who have experienced family violence and who had been through the Victorian Magistrates’ Court system could offer feedback and recommendations. These recommendations focused on ways in which the justice sector and the current Magistrates’ Court response to family violence could improve service delivery and a more participatory and clientfocused system could be developed. Nine women came together for three days and two nights and shared their stories of family violence with heart wrenching and intimate details of violence and abuse that, for some, spanned years. This filmed session was often a two-hour sitting per participant and alone equated to almost 20 hours of filming over the course of the workshop. Together, over the course of the three-days and assisted by Magistrate Pauline Spencer the women worked to develop a series of recommendations to improve the justice sector’s response to family violence. The approach we used is based on the technique, ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ (AI). Used extensively in South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the approach allows for the sharing of knowledge and through exploration of the positive and the negative, the chance to connect to the information and to acknowledge it together. The women shared their experiences of navigating their way through the current justice response to family violence dealing with Police, court staff and lawyers and of appearing in court before a Magistrate. They told of times of frustration and confusion and of the relief of being ‘heard and believed’. They cried when they spoke of the impetus to protect their children and how at times they felt powerless to do so. They were considered and reflective in their development of key recommendations to form a future vision that has culminated in the recommendations within a booklet and accompanying film. Within the first months of the project a Steering Committee was developed comprising of representatives from the family violence and legal service sector. The Committee met four times over the life of the project including for the review of the film and report. The film and report were launched in late February 2013, with attendance by Chief Commissioner of Police, Ken Lay, then Minister for Crime Prevention, Andrew MacIntosh, several Magistrates and stakeholders from across police, the justice and community sector. Our special thanks to Trina Howley for an amazing job on the project and for the courageous and generous women who shared their stories to improve justice systems for the benefit of other women and kids.
Annual Report 2013–2013 13
Building Stronger Systems
DV Vic in the Media During 2012/2013 DV Vic had a marked increase in media exposure. Police figures indicating an increasing rate of family violence reporting meant that we were frequently asked to provide analysis on the apparent increase in family violence across Victoria. DV Vic is also asked to comment when high profile cases involving violence against women are in the media spotlight. We use these opportunities not to comment on details of cases which may be before the courts, but to communicate messages to the community on the prevalence and impact of violence against women in Australia and what the community can do to eliminate the levels of violence that so many women live with. 3 September 2012
4 September 2012
4 September 2012
‘Crime rises for first time since 2001’ by Alison Savage at ABC News
Fiona McCormack interviewed on ABC News Radio
Fiona McCormack interviewed on Mornings with Jon Faine (ABC 774)
“…But the chief executive of Domestic Violence Victoria, Fiona McCormack, says support services for victims are not keeping pace with improved policing.” b407c5ab83935f805a654d7f1/ files/ABC_News_ Radio_04.09.12_6.45pm.mp3
“…Skyrocketing family violence figures highlight need to for more support.”
13 November 2012 Fiona McCormack interviewed by ABC News Online
22 February 2013 ’80 per cent of killers known to their victims’ by Jared Lynch at The Age “…But Domestic Violence Victoria’s chief executive Fiona McCormack said conflict resolution was not appropriate in relationships where one partner was violent against the other.” victoria/80-per-cent-of-killersknown-to-their-victims-201302212eudm.html
22 April 2013 Fiona McCormack interviewed by Nino Bucci at The Age
14 Domestic Violence Victoria
9 September 2012
9 October 2012
‘Charges for family violence soar’ by Nicole Brady at The Age
Fiona McCormack interviewed on 3AW’s Breakfast with Ross and John about failed intervention orders in relation to the Sargun Ragi murder
“Fiona McCormack, head of Domestic Violence Victoria, said the $16 million funding boost over four years announced by the State Government was welcome”
10 October 2012 Fiona McCormack interviewed by the Herald Sun charges-for-family-violence-soar20120908-25lk5.html
15 June 2013 Fiona McCormack interviewed by ABC1 News in relation to increasing incidents of family violence particularly in Victoria’s growth corridors
9 October 2012 ‘Violence against Women plan insults’ by Channel 9 News
12 June 2013
17 June 2013
Fiona McCormack interviewed on Channel 10’s The Project in response to Adrian Bailey’s prior criminal record.
Fiona McCormack interviewed on Channel 10’s The Project in response to the attack on Nigella Lawson and violence against women
18 June 2013 13 June 2013 Fiona McCormack interviewed by MX
Fiona McCormack interviewed by the Herald Sun
Annual Report 2013–2013 15
Building Stronger Systems
Representation and Presentations We represent interests of women and children who experience family violence and the organisations that work with them on various state and national reference groups and other advisory mechanisms. We are also frequently called upon to speak on the issue of family violence and the Victorian integrated system. A sample of DV Vic activities during 2012/2013: July 2012
November 2012
City of Whittlesea Family Violence Report. Officially launched report.
Good Shepherd AGM Presentation on the ‘Making Connections’.
No To Violence Conference on Responses to Men’s Domestic and Family Violence: Experience, Innovations and Emerging Directions. Officially opened the conference by speaking to the main reason for this work, and acknowledged the women and children who have, and continue to, experience violence.
Red Rose Rally. Hosted the rally on the steps of Parliament House, laying down a rose for each woman who lost her life at the hands of a loved one.
International Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference. Joint presentation with Det Superintendent Rod Journing.
NGO representation for Victoria on the National Plan Implementation Panel (NPIP).
Consultative support VicHealth print media study on reporting on violence against women.
August 2012 •
Community Information and Support Victoria (CISVic) Forum. Presented on DV Vic and the spectrum of prevention.
7th National Homelessness Conference – Melbourne 2012. Presented on working with the media to prevent family violence.
October 2012 •
National Elder Abuse conference in Brisbane.
September 2012 •
DV Vic and Victoria University Elder Abuse Sector Training Day. Presented to family violence and homelessness sector workers.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Press Conference As part of the 25th November activities Fiona addressed a press conference facilitated by Victoria Police on November 23rd 2012. The press conference had key speakers such as Ken Lay Chief Commissioner of Police, Vic Health, and a sexual assault survivor. Fiona spoke about prevention of violence against women and promoted the Not 1 More event and Walk against Family violence that was being held on the day.
16 Domestic Violence Victoria
March 2013
Not 1 More and Walk against Family Violence 2012 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2012 DV Vic was a member of both committees and fully supported the two events. Part of DV Vic’s role was to assist promotion of the events to member agencies and their networks far and wide.
December 2012 •
Safe at Home, Safe at Work Booklet Launch Hosted and emceed the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse launch.
Presentation to the Western Australian Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence members.
AWAVA Delegate at the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57).
Roundtable with Arab Women Leaders (hosted by Chief Magistrate Peter Lauriston).
DV Vic ASU delegate attended the ASU woman’s conference.
ANEX Forum on Domestic Violence The causes and impacts of family violence as well as the prevalence of alcohol and other drugs in family violence situations.
Government Elder Abuse Prevention and Response Advisory Group. Presented DV Vic’s Elder Abuse project.
April 2013 •
White Ribbon Conference. Presentation on panel discussion.
May 2013 •
Presentation to Council to Homeless Persons conference.
June 2013 •
DHS Family Violence Forum. The service system response.
National ARAS Elder Abuse Conference. Presented on the DV Vic Elder Abuse project at the Adelaide conference.
January 2013 •
Senate Committee Hearing on Consolidation of Anti-Discrimination Laws representing AWAVA.
Annual Report 2013–2013 17
Building Safer Communities In addition to working to improve responses to violence once it has occurred, DV Vic is committed to work with communities, businesses and government to Prevent Violence against Women from occurring at all. Working with the Media to Prevent Violence against Women The Working with the Media to prevent violence against women project started in the previous financial year in January 2012 and continued until December 2012. DV Vic’s work in the previous financial year focussed on building interest and support for this work, having identified that working with media in preventing violence against women was in its infancy internationally. DV Vic has worked steadily this financial year to promote recognition of the definition and distinct nature of primary prevention work, and the distinction between working with the media compared to using the media for campaign advocacy. DV Vic has also worked to highlight the critical role of evidencebased primary prevention as well as the efficacy of consistent, coordinated, and collaborative approaches to prevention messaging, best use of resources and shared learnings. DV Vic’s project work has included the continuation of the recently convened Victorian Cross-Sector Advisory Committee on VaW & the Media (PVAWM Committee), the third EVAs Media Awards, the review and redrafting of the FV in the News: Strategic Framework (CAFS and Pact Ballarat 2007) by the PVAWM Committee, and numerous collaborations and presentations that have further extended the reach of the project. This work has contributed to the strong state and national momentum building throughout this year, with interest and support for working in this space gaining noticeable traction in multiple sectors. The Victorian Government has followed the successes of the project closely and funding for a new and expanded Media Program 2013–2014 is expected to be underway in the 13/14 financial year. DV Vic is excited to see further potential realised and look forward to contributing to social change in this space in years to come.
18 Domestic Violence Victoria
Victorian Cross-Sector Advisory Committee on VaW & the Media (the PVAWM Committee) & the Victorian Strategy to work with the media in preventing violence against women The Victorian Cross-sector Advisory Committee on VAW & the Media (the PVaWM Committee) was convened by DV Vic in May 2012, in recognition that a broadened and formalised state-wide group is the best way to strategically coordinate activities, share learning and resources across media projects, organisations and sectors. The committee has representation from around 30 organisations across the state, including women’s, men’s and health services, media, police, government, local government and academics. The committee has continued to develop steadily in the second half of 2012 with focus on gaps in the prevention of violence against women and media (PVaWM) work in Victoria. Foremost, the committee identified and recommended the need for an updated strategy for working with media in PVaW. This strategy would serve to inform a strategic, evidence-based plan for future work with media, consistent messaging to the public, and to develop avenues to share and collaborate on work in this area for best use of resources and most effective outcomes. In working towards a new strategy, a review of the Family Violence in the News: Strategic Framework was carried out in October 2012 and funding was secured to consult state-wide and develop a new Victorian Strategy that incorporates the evidence base of the 2007 framework, learnings in this work space since 2007, and the redefined scope of VaW to fit within the National Plan and Victorian Action Plan to prevent violence against women and their children.
The EVAs Media Awards Project “Through recognising quality journalism, the EVAs aim to promote leadership in the media on the issue of violence against women. Journalists play an essential role in raising awareness of the issue, communicating accurate facts, and debunking common social myths, all of which contribute to keeping the Victorian community informed.” Fiona McCormack Running for a third successful year, the 2012 Eliminating Violence Against Women Media Awards (the EVAs) was held Thursday 26th July at the ANZ Pavilion in Melbourne. The event was held to celebrate and recognise quality coverage of the issue of violence against women by Victorian journalists. The stories celebrated at the EVAs are of exceptional journalistic merit, promote community awareness and understanding of violence against women, and inspire community action.
The EVAs award journalists for excellence in reporting throughout a range of mediums including print, television, radio and online news with eleven distinct categories, and one overall GOLD winner. The 2012 finalists and winners represented some of the biggest names in Australian media including Four Corners, Australian Story, 7.30 Victoria, The Age, Woman’s Day, and Inpress Magazine. The night was well attended with over 110 groups and organisations represented, including senior professionals from media outlets, judiciary, Victoria Police, government, community services and business executives; as well as women who have experienced family violence and sexual assault. The EVAs is a Victorian Government funded initiative and are sponsored by Nicholes Family Lawyers. Nicholes Family Lawyers are committed to the prevention of violence against women through their support of The EVAs and in their daily work within the family law sector, supporting clients and their families. The EVAs are a joint partnership project between Domestic Violence Victoria, No To Violence and CASA Forum, the three peak organisations representing the numerous state-wide violence response and prevention services. Initial project funding granted by VicHealth under the Respect, Responsibility and Equality: Preventing Violence Against Women initiative helped us to build the foundations of this successful event. The 2012 EVAs was privileged to have Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, Australian Human Rights Commission as the Keynote Speaker, Julie McCrossin as MC, and Auntie Joy Wandin Murphy scheduled to deliver the Welcome to Country (unfortunately unforeseen circumstances prevented her attendance on the night).
Annual Report 2013–2013 19
Building Safer Communities
continued The EVAs Media Awards Project continued
Fourteen awards were presented by the Hon Minister Mary Wooldridge MP, then Minister for Women’s Affairs, and Ms Sally Nicholes from sponsor Nicholes Family Lawyers. Other speakers and notable attendees include Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Ken Lay and numerous Assistant Commissioners, Chief Magistrate Ian Gray, Chief Judge Jennifer Coate, and Magistrate Noreen Toohey, to name a few. The judging panel is comprised of a diverse range of distinguished representatives from the violence against women services sector, academics, and media professionals.
“Initiatives like the EVAs can and are making a difference!” Comm Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission The EVAs have grown exponentially with an increase in quantity and quality of entries, the expansion of the EVAs Judging panel to include a greater representation of media professionals, and an exceptional turnout of over 200 (with nearly one third of attendees from media organisations).
The awards ceremony was highly praised, particularly by the EVAs distinguished judges who commented that this is a “great initiative” and that the “EVAs process is making reporting on violence against women more visible in the community and in the media industry.” Margaret Simons, journalist, commentator and director of the Centre for Advancing Journalism at the University of Melbourne, wrote a piece in Women’s Agenda praising the EVAs for its success as an agent of change.
“Thankfully, as a judge of the EVAs this year, I can report there has been a big improvement in reporting over the last few years. When the awards began, I am told, it was hard to find examples of meritorious reporting. These days the competition for the awards is hot. Thank heavens for that.” Margaret Simons, journalist and Director of the Centre for Advancing Journalism This success is thanks to the hard work and support of many organisations and individuals that have built the groundwork and supported the development of the EVAs, including the EVAs Advisory Committee and Victorian Cross-Sector Advisory Committee on Violence against Women & the Media, . This project was also made possible, and is grounded in the findings and recommendations of the Family Violence in the News: Strategic Framework. This important work identified key areas for the family violence sector to address family violence prevention and response
20 Domestic Violence Victoria
within the media setting, and these learnings drive the EVAs aims and strategy. The EVAs seek to engage media and encourage and support best practice in reporting, aiming to drive changes in the way in which family / domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of violence against women are presented in the media and, in the longer term, to progress changes in community attitudes. In her Keynote Speech, Elizabeth Broderick eloquently explained the purpose and importance of the EVAs.
“That is why the EVAs are just so important. They recognise the critical role journalists play in telling the stories of violence against women. It’s the stories that galvanise the community to take action. It’s the stories that encourage individuals, advocates, community and business leaders, politicians, union representatives and human rights activists to open their hearts and minds to the devastating impact violence has on women’s lives – to the incredible strength of character and resilience exhibited by so many women living day in, day out with violence.” Comm Elizabeth Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission As part of our strategy to enhance the EVAs profile, and increase the accessibility of resources offered through the EVAs website, DV Vic redesigned the EVAs website in August 2012. The new look has been praised for being assessable and user friendly. The EVAs website is particularly important because it is a key site through which journalists, and the broader community, can access valuable information about the issue of violence against women, and how best to communicate the issue when reporting. We know that media coverage of violence against women is pivotal in shaping community attitudes and understandings of this extremely serious issue in our community. This is why it is critical that media outlets continue to improve the ways they report on and cover matters involving violence against women. The EVAs are influential in this space because the event, and what it represents, serves as a conduit between the media industry and those who seek to end violence against women, and celebrates coverage that has the power to achieve this aim. Further information on the EVAs is available online at
Annual Report 2013–2013 21
Building Safer Communities
Presentation to News Ltd DV Vic was invited to co-host with News Corp staff, a workshop with their journalism cadets on reporting of violence against women. The workshop was an informal and interactive presentation and discussion that included advocacy on the issue of violence against women, and discussion on the industry and social factors involved in reporting on this issue. The workshop received overwhelmingly positive evaluation from the participants, but more importantly, the participants were engaged and outspoken during the workshop. Various myths and misconceptions of violence against women were discussed in detail, in conjunction with discussing how advocacy, community perceptions, and industry requirements interact and methods for breaking down the barriers and further aligning these three positions and supporting change on all levels.
One Billion Rising DV Vic was part of the One Billion Rising organising collective throughout 2012 and stage managed the highly successful Melbourne V-Day event on February 14th 2013. A 2000 strong audience gathered for the public event at Federation Square, dancing along to the ‘Break the Chain’ signature event routine with the dance instructors and performers on stage. The One Billion Rising campaign began in 1998 as a call to action as a result of the one billion women and girls on the planet who will be beaten or raped during their lifetime. Attracting massive global attention, February 14th is dubbed ‘V-Day’, and is an international dance campaign event to end violence against women and girls. This year, the Melbourne event held at the main stage of Federation Square, attracted a crowd of around 2000 women, men and children of all ages. The collective also secured a video from the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard, endorsing the One Billion Rising movement & the Australian events. DV Vic was proud to be amongst several key organisations across Victoria who supported the event, including Victorian Trades Hall Council, YWCA Australia, South-East Centre Against Sexual Assault, Women’s Legal Service Victoria and Gabriela Australia. DV Vic will continue its involvement in the collective for the 2014 event.
22 Domestic Violence Victoria
Collaborations with Country Women’s Association
developed by Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE), with input from CWA and DV Vic, with the former two groups running the training.
DV Vic’s relationship with Country Women’s Association (CWA) has been a mutually beneficial one of the sharing of networks, knowledge and ideas. CWA first approached DV Vic in 2011 seeking partnership on raising awareness of family violence amongst its members.
Workshops ran in the first half of 2013 across five regional and one metro location. Around 250 CWA members and their friends and family participated in the workshops, with 300 information kits handed out. Feedback was extremely positive, including an overwhelming majority in all workshops evaluating that “I feel more confident about identifying family violence and referring on as a result of this session”.
Since that time, DV Vic has worked with CWA in developing possibilities, including planning training, content inclusion in CWA publications and events. This financial year, collaborations have included: supporting family violence to become CWA Victoria’s 2012 social issues topic, their annual State Conference theme, the focus of their Victorian State Project for fundraising, and development of family violence training for CWA members and their family and friends. Country Women’s Association Family Violence State Project and ‘What Can I do?’ Family Violence Training DV Vic supported and advised on the development of Family Violence Training workshops to CWA members across Victoria. Training and materials were
DV Vic will continue to consult with and support CWA to continue the promotion and work on this issue with its members. Presentation at Country Women’s Association Annual State Conference DV Vic CEO Fiona McCormack presented at the CWA State Conference in June this year in light of DV Vic’s partnership with CWA on the issue of family violence. Fiona was asked to speak about the issue of family violence and how the work of CWA can make a difference in challenging violence-supportive attitudes in local communities. Fiona also took the opportunity to congratulate and thank CWA for all their fantastic efforts in the area of violence against women.
VicHealth and DV Vic resource on reporting of violence against women
International project support – Samoa and Papua New Guinea
In November 2012, VicHealth launched a new resource for journalists and media professionals on reporting on violence against women. This resource was based on the EVAs Reporting Guidelines for Journalists and findings of the VicHealth Print Media Study on reporting of violence against women.
DV Vic has met with and supported delegates from both Samoa and Papua New Guinea who are working in their countries to develop violence against women prevention and response initiatives, including working with media in PVaW.
The resource is a unique business card size design that can easily be carried and referred to by media professionals whilst on the job. It contains support numbers to add to reports on violence against women, as well as succinct tips on the key issues to address when reporting on this issue. The resource is due for evaluation of its effectiveness in October 2013.
These initiatives include review of legal and government policy, and development of community projects. DV Vic has provided consultation, relevant research and other resources, and reviewed project plans for the workers. We expect to maintain relationships with these workers and provide ongoing support where possible.
Annual Report 2013–2013 23
Building Safer Communities
Cards of Hope Project The Cards of Hope Project started by Amy Wallis, with support from Domestic Violence Victoria, aims to celebrate and appreciate the importance of family, friendship and community. Both personally and professionally, Amy has seen the devastation that family violence can cause; the isolation and fear. Through Amy’s beautiful prints (designed solely by her) we are all reminded about the importance of hope. Without hope, life loses colour. The Cards of Hope project has the primary purpose to unite people and spread the message that everyone deserves the right to feel safe and family violence is not acceptable in any community. The Cards of Hope Project 2011 and beyond is an attempt to share the voice of these women and children who are too often silenced by fear, intimidation and judgment. Greater awareness, compassion and commitment is needed to help advocate for the rights of all people to live free from abuse. We would like to thank Amy for her donation DV Vic made from profits from this project, providing much needed funds for projects aimed at assisting women and children living with and escaping domestic violence. Cards are still available for purchase directly through DV Vic (cash only) at the office: 2 pack = $5 6 pack = $10 10 pack = $15
24 Domestic Violence Victoria
All cards are blank and suitable for any occasion; each pack comes with an even amount of red and green cards
Annual Report 2013–2013 25
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.
26 Domestic Violence Victoria
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTORIA Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2013 Note
2013 $
2012 $
311,320 76,030 387,350
508,551 113,021 621,572
8,225 8,225
9,851 9,851
17,493 39,062 56,243 112,798
29,770 27,165 182,931 239,866
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents Trade and Other Receivables Total Current Assets Non-Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Total Non-Current Assets
Total Assets Current Liabilities Trade and Other Payables Provisions Other Total Current Liabilities
Equity Retained Profits Total Equity
6 7 8
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.
Annual Report 2013–2013 27
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTORIA Statement of Cash flows For the Year ended 30 June 2013
Receipts from Debtors Payments to Suppliers and Employees
Interest Received
766,779 (934,602) 5,135
Goods & Services Tax Paid
Net cash used in Operating Activities Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Held
(34,503) (197,191) (197,191)
Cash at Beginning of Year
Cash at the End of Year
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.
28 Domestic Violence Victoria
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTORIA INCOME AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2012 Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 30 June 2013 Note
2013 $
INCOME Grants Other Revenue NOTE 1 - REVENUE Interest
Operating Activities EXPENDITURE
Advertising and promotion
2012 $
5,142 660,773
Accreditation Rendering of Service Depreciation expense
Other Audit fees
16,438 2,400
Bank charges
Computer expenses Consultants fees
6,511 3,741
Interest from: Conference costs
Other Persons Donations
22,486 2,762
36,247 2,545 547,552
4,571 9,659
5,135 -
15,225 100
EVA Media Awards
Loss on sale of assets
Expenses Legal cost
Depreciation Non Current Assets
Operating leases
TrainingRemuneration cost of Auditor Rental Audit expense or Review Telephone
NOTE 3 – CASH ASSETS Travelling expenses Cash in Hand Subscriptions WBC Account 240514 Workcover WBC Maxi Direct Acct Superannuation Account SalariesDonations and wages Visa Debit Card Current year (deficit)/surplus RETAINED SURPLUS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NOTE 4 - RECEIVABLES FINANCIAL YEAR RETAINED SURPLUS AT THE END OF THE FINANCIAL Current YEAR
Trade Debtors Accrued Income
32,545 3,000
25,007 2,400
175 6,509 5,241 5,257 265,447 29,957 36,714 354,544 3,743 557,337
(624) 1,081 28,400 1,616 440,570 20,001 36,554 238,662 3,652 370,971
394,535 530
404,318 113,021 0 113,021
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.
Annual Report 2011–2012 29 Page 1 of 7
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE VICTORIA Notes to the Financial Statements For the Year ended 30 June 2013 2013
35,200 26,975 8,225
29,886 20,035 9,851
11,536 5,957 17,493
29,238 3,551 5,930 343
19,362 2,655 4,388
NOTE 5 – PROPERTY PLANT & EQUIPMENT Office Furniture & Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation & Impairment
NOTE 6 – PAYABLES Current Provision for GST PAYG Withholding
Total Trade and Other Payables
5,173 29,770
NOTE 7 - PROVISIONS Current Provision for Holiday Pay Provision for Long Service Leave Provision for Sick Leave Superannuation Payable
NOTE 8 - OTHER Current Revenue in Advance
56,243 56,243
182,931 182,931
NOTE 9 – RETAINED PROFITS Retained profits (Accumulated Losses)
at the beginning of the Financial Year Net profit attributable to Members
Retained Profits (Accumulated Losses) At the end of the financial year
30 Domestic Violence Victoria
$ 2013
$ 2012
(a)Reconciliation of Cash
Cash at the end of the Financial Year EXPENDITURE As shown in the statements of cash flows Is and reconciled to the related items in the Advertising promotion Statement of financial position as follows: Accreditation
Depreciation expense
Cash in Hand Audit fees WBC Account 240514 Bank charges WBC Maxi Direct Acct ComputerDonations expensesAccount Consultants Visafees Debit Card Conference costs (b)Reconciliation of Cash Flow from Operations Donations
with profit from Ordinary activities after income tax EVA Media Awards Profit from Ordinary activities after income tax Insurance
5,142 3,176
175 5,2412,400 265,447 178 36,7146,511 3,7423,741
(624) 28,4002,545 440,570 91 36,5544,571 3,6529,659
(108,781)5,403 1,215
Loss on sale of assets
Operating leases
Training cost
Rental expense
Travelling expenses
Legal cost
Superannuation Salaries and wages Current year (deficit)/surplus
The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.
Annual Report 2011–2012 31 Page 1 of 7
Members •
Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service
Mary Anderson Family Violence Service
Ann Davies
Maureen Smith (RIC – Western Metropolitan)
Annie North Inc.
McAuley Community Service for Women
PACT Community Support
Peninsula Health – Community Health
Barwon CASA
Berry Street (Northern Family & Domestic Violence Service)
Plenty Valley Community Health
Quantum Support Services
Bethany Community Support Inc.
Robinson House Inc.
Brimbank City Council
Royal Children’s Hospital – Integrated Mental Health Program
Centre for Non Violence
Dr. Deb Western (Monash University)
Russelle Beardon (RIC – Barwon South West)
Denise Roberts (RIC – Eastern Metropolitan)
Safe Futures Foundation
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV)
Salvation Army Services Family Violence Outreach Program
Eastern Domestic Violence Outreach Service (EDVOS)
VincentCare/Olive’s Place/Marian Community
Elizabeth Hoffman House
Emerge Women and Children’s Support Network
Willaneen Women’s Shelter G.E.G.A.C
Emma House Domestic Violence Services Inc.
Georgina Martina Inc. Women’s Refuge.
Western Women’s Domestic Violence Support Network
Gippsland Women’s Health Service Inc.
Women With Disabilities Victoria (WDV)
Good Shepherd Youth and Family Services
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service (WDVCS)
Grampians Community Health Centre
Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE)
Inner South Community Health
Women’s Health West (WHW)
InTouch Multicultural Centre against Family Violence
Women’s Health in the North (WHIN)
ISIS Primary Care Ltd.
Women’s Health in the South East (WHISE)
Jeannine Le Vaillant (RIC – Grampians, Central Highlands)
Women’s Housing Ltd.
Women’s Information Referral and Exchange (WIRE)
Women’s Information Support and Housing in the North (WISHIN)
Women’s Liberation Halfway House
Woorarra Inc.
WRISC Family Violence Support Service
Wyndham City Council
YWCA Victoria
Jewish Taskforce Against Family Violence
Kaye Londrigan (RIC – Grampians, Western District)
Kara House Inc.
Latrobe Community Health
Mallee Sexual Assault Unit & Domestic Violence Service
Maribyrnong City Council
32 Domestic Violence Victoria
PO Box 21175 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne, VICTORIA 8011 T 03 9921 0829 F 03 9921 0828 E W