Fall 2020 BC Hereford Association Newsletter

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FALL/WINTER 2020 NEWSLETTER c/o Janice Tapp, Secretary Box 185, Fraser Lake, BC V0J 1S0 E-mail: Happ@bcgroup.net

REPORTS Your BCHA Board of Directors for 2021 President: John Lewis, Courtenay Vice President: Greg Peter, Langley Treasurer: Daryl Kirton, Abbotsford Secretary: Janice Tapp, Fraser Lake

President’s Report As 2020 comes to a close I would just like to say THANK YOU to all the directors for all their hard work over the past year and all the people that continue to raise and support BC Hereford Cattle. The directors would also like to encourage anyone who has ideas to help expand interest and enthusiasm in the Hereford breed to contact us by phone or email.

Directors: Don Richardson, Tlell Clint Smith, Abbotsford Neil Turner, Kamloops Club Reps: Thompson Valley: Bob Gowans, Kamloops West Coast: Nathan Reimer, Abbotsford Yellowhead: Sheila Solmonson, Vanderhoof

Wishing everyone and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Junior Adult Advisor: Kari Lynn Hoffman, Knutsford CHA director: Janice Tapp

C h r i s t m a s Greetings to All.

John Lewis BC Junior Hereford

I would like to introduce myself. I am the new adult advisor for the BC Junior Hereford Association. Jamie Richardson, who lives in the Fraser Lake area, and Stacey Willmon, who is on Vancouver Island, will be assisting me in each of their regions. Thank you to Debbie Paul for 3 years of service as the adult advisor. We all sincerely appreciate the time you put into the BCJHA. To give you a bit of background about myself. I am a homeschooling mom of three boys, ages 7, 5 and 2, and cattle rancher. I ranch with my

parents on Ogilvie Stock Ranch near Kamloops, BC. My Xiancé, Cody Turner, is also a rancher and operates Turner Ranch Ltd with his parents. As a child, I was actively involved the BCJHA and the CJHA, including as a CJHA national delegate for 2 years. I am excited for my three boys to be involved in the Hereford industry. My oldest son has attended a couple Bonanza’s so far and my boys are looking forward to attending Bonanza 2021 in Manitoba. BCJHA has just started a Facebook page, Facebook group and Instagram page for BCJHA. DeXinitely try to check them out and connect with other members from around the province. When you are sharing photos on social media, be sure to tag BCJHA and use the hashtag #bcjrhereford and we will share your photos. It would be great for us all to connect and have the 2020 AGM on Dec 2nd 2020 at 6pm PST by Zoom. It will be a fun way for us to connect from around the province by video conference. We need to elect a president, vice president, secretary and 2 national delegates. BC has 2 national delegate positions, preferably for members over the age of 18, to represent BC on the CJHA. One position is a two year term and one is to fulXill the remainder of a term, for one year. Weston Warkentin has just completed a two year term. Billy Paul has done a great job representing BC the past number of years; however he is now over the age of the BCJHA. We will be sending further details in November on how to join the meeting through Zoom. I would love to hear from you with any suggestions and ideas of things that you would like our junior association to do! It would be great if we could arrange some fundraising activities. Is there any online training that you would be interested in? If you are interested in taking on a leadership role within the BCJHA p l e a s e s e n d m e a n e m a i l (longlakecattle@outlook.com) or phone me at 250-318-3753. I am looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday Dec 2nd at 6pm PST by Zoom! Submitted by Kari Lynn Hoffman

BC Hereford Association AGM September 14, 2020 The Annual General Meeting was held on Zoom this year—a Xirst for the Association and for many of the members at the meeting. Despite a few glitches with technology, we were able to get through the business of the meeting well. Elections were held, with nominations being required in advance of the meeting to make things a bit simpler. The results of elections are listed on the front page of this newsletter. Thank you to all who are listed for letting their names stand and taking on the business of the Association. Thank you to two Executive members who have resigned Debbie Paul who was our BC Junior Hereford Adult Advisor for three years and to Vic Redekop who resigned as the West Coast Rep. Vic is one of our longest serving Executive members and we have greatly appreciated his wise and thoughtful input throughout the years. Daryl Kirton Xinishes his term as our CHA director in December. Thank you for representing us for over twelve years at the national level, Daryl. Thompson Valley Hereford Breeders The Directors of the Thompson Valley Hereford Breeders regret to inform their members that due to the Corvid crisis the club will not be holding their Annual General Meeting for 2020. Hopefully everyone has managed to cope well over the past year and we look forward to a 2021 which will bring about new changes and back to a somewhat normal. Memberships are due for 2021 for $20.00 a year and should be mailed to: Joan OBrien 3144 Carlin Road Tappen B.C, VOE 2X3 Best wishes for 2021. Submitted by Joan Obrien

Yellowhead Hereford Breeders’ Association Fall Report Our club, like everyone else, is keeping a low proXile. We haven’t actually had a get together of any kind since the last year’s AGM and Bull Sale held in Vanderhoof in April. So I contacted local districts to Xind out how the 4H kids had managed. Turns out the resourcefulness of local people made it possible for them to achieve and sell.

Bonanza is in Brandon, Manitoba next year and we hear that Weston Warkentin is going to pick up his second heifer from the Blair-Athol herd to show there.

Smithers had three clubs achieve and sell. They sold through a timed auction.

CHA Director’s Report November 2020

Houston held an early achievement day on July 18th at Poplar Meadows Farm. Then on August 27th, they held a timed auction in Himech’s barn. The successful auction, handled by VJV, brought an average price of $3 per lb. Everett Himech placed with his Hereford steer and Lily Groot placed 1st with her Hereford heifer. There were several Hereford inXluence animals in the show. Burns Lake held an achievement day and live auction. Prices were good. Vanderhoof held an achievement day for each project in the district and it was live streamed so the parents could watch. Market animals were displayed at B.C. Livestock and sold by video auction. Only a small number of buyers were allowed in the premises. Weston Warkentin place second with his Hereford inXluence steer and his brother Evan placed second with his heifer. Prince George was not able to organize an achievement day but Central Interior Auction sponsored an online sale for them. There were some difXiculties with the bidding and the prices were much lower than normal. There were Hereford inXluence steers there. Williams Lake sold their animal trough B.C. Livestock and it was a very successful sale I know this sounds more like a 4H report than a YHBA report, but we like to keep track of where our Herefords are and how they are doing. We are happy to see so much effort by the leaders and the sponsors to keep things as normal as possible for the 4H kids. It shows agriculture is alive and active in our member area.

Covid 19!!! Well!! Like farming, “ there is always next year”. KEEP SMILING!!! Submitted by Sheila Solmonson

As we begin to wrap-up 2020, the CHA board is still hard at work planning for the future. Although being unable to meet in person this year has made the process more challenging, the board has shown much resolve and continued to push forward with the planning. The CHA emailed all members with a summarized Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, which has led the board to conclude that breeders of Hereford cattle need to win the following battles to grow the breed and make a larger impact in the commercial cattle industry. Hereford's Must-Win Battles: 1) BE a maternal ingredient of choice for progressive crossbreeding programs; 2) IMPROVE Hereford's inXluence in producing a quality carcass; 3) CONNECT as a breed choice for upcoming generations of cattle producers; 4) AFFIRM Hereford as the most cost-efXicient beef breed in Canada; 5) DISPEL the image of Hereford as yesterday's breed; 6) EMPOWER Hereford breeders to commit to a coherent and consistent strategy that is complementary to the commercial industry. The board is currently developing strategies, projects, and actions developed speciXically to win these battles and move the breed forward. This is an ongoing process and will shape what initiatives the board invests in for years to come. I encourage you to reach out to your CHA

director to express your thoughts and ideas for the entire breed's beneXit.


The board is working alongside commercial cattlemen, feedlot operators, fellow Hereford members, cattle breeders from other breeds, and industry professionals to develop actionable items. ReXlecting on the breed's direction and planning for a bright future is no-easy task, but the most challenging work of all will come after this process is complete. To make this process a success, we will rely on Hereford breeders to commit and move the breed forward in a consistent manner to improve the breed, grow the commercial marketplace for Hereford genetics and inspire the next generation of breeders to rise through youth programming.

Sales: 46th Vanderhoof All Breeds Bull Sale: April 10, 2021 Contact Trevor Tapp 250-699-6466 EmaiL: ttapp@bcgroup.net Deadline for entries and advertising in their catalogue is January 15, 2021.

Please contact your CHA director to discuss your ideas to move the Hereford breed forward. We look forward to empowering Hereford breeders to garner recognition for the value Hereford genetics offer to the commercial industry. Regards, Stephen Scott

Williams Lake Bull Show and Sale: April 15-16, 2021 Deadline for Entries: January 13, 2021 Contact: Pam Abrahamse at 250-296-4744 Email: blastit@telus.net for further information. Other 23rd Annual Peace Country Beef Congress: Cancelled for 2021 due to current circumstances.


Southside District 4H (Burns Lake)

4H Achievement days, shows and sales were a lot more complicated this year and some shows were even cancelled. The BC Hereford Association heard from only a couple of shows and therefore very few of our gift certiXicates for top Hereford/Hereford InXluence steers and purebred Hereford heifers were given out. We know there were probably more out there, so if there are 4H members out there who had the top Hereford steer or heifer at an achievement day, please contact John Lewis about your success. John can be reached at johnnymlewis@hotmail.com .

Congratulations to the following 4-H members who showed the Top Hereford or Hereford InXluence animals at their respective shows.

Logan Lambert, Top Hereford InXluence Steer

Nechako Valley 4H Achievement Day Weston Warkentin, Top Hereford InXluence Steer Reserve Champion Steer Overall

Evan Warkentin, Top Hereford Heifer

Sales: 11th Annual Richardson Ranch Online Sale Tlell Polled Herefords Hosted on DLMS.ca Sept 19 & 20th 6 bull calves averaged $3 533 2 heifer calves averaged $2 250 7 bred heifers averaged $2 757 1 cow sold for $2 300 16 head sold for $47 300, averaged $2 956 Embryos sold to Germany and Saskatchewan, 14 embryos averaged $325 Sale gross was $51 850 High Sellers: Bred Heifer: Lot #10 - TLELL 1Z GWAII GIRL 2G, daughter of TLELL 8N RED ZULU 1Z, sold to Alden and Colleen Voth, Vanderhoof, BC for $4 500 Bull Calf: Lot #1 - TLELL 617D HARDCOPY 6H, son of REED X05 REVOLVE 617D ET, sold to Sheila and Martin Solmonson, Vanderhoof, BC for $3 700 Heifer calf: Lot 9 - TLELL 652D MARLIE ET 4H, daughter of MCM 6964 BOLT 652D, sold to Kevin Schaub of Leduc County, AB for $2 700

Deadline for Spring Newsletter March 1, 2021

BC Hereford Association on Facebook Needs Your Input!! This is an "Open Group"-meaning anyone can visit the page and read what is posted but only members can write or post to the page. Anyone can apply to be a member but either Jamie Richardson or myself must accept the application. We want to foster communications between all BC Hereford members. Please feel free to share posts of your daily activities on your operation. Please share your family's interactions with your cattle. Don't hesitate to also share 4-H projects, Junior Hereford activities, cattle show and club activities. This is also a place to ask questions of other members and to share knowledge. Watch for questions posed by your BCHA directors before we have our meetings as we gather member’s opinions of issues on the agenda. Come on folks, this page can only be as good as the members who contribute. Search BC Hereford Association on Facebook and hit the "JOIN" button. Don Richardson Make Use of A Great Tool: The BCHA Website Selling Cattle? Equipment? Beef? Have a Coming Event? Looking for Something? wwww.bchereford.ca Contact our Webmaster Don Richardson don@richardsonranch.ca with your items

Rates for BCHA Members: Full page: $75.00

Half page: $50.00 Third page: $35.00 Business Card: $25.00 Contact: ttapp@bcgroup.net or


Canadian Hereford AssociaQon Honour Roll/ Memorial Scroll Awards Legacy / Ambassador Awards If you know someone who deserves a nomina9on for these awards check out the criteria on the CHA website www.hereford.ca under About Us-Member Awards. Nomina9ons are due by February 1

2021-2023 BCHA Breeder Directory and Handbook The BC Hereford A BC H dD c

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