Guidelines Husbandry Flamingo

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Boylan JT. 2000. Sonographic analysis of the vocalizations of Chilean and Caribbean flamingos. Waterbirds 23(Special Publication 1):179-184. ** Brown SG, Shannon P, Farnell G. 1983. Renesting and brooding in the Caribbean flamingo. Zoo Biology 2(2):137-141. ** Bruning D. 1981. Hand-rearing flamingo chicks. American Pheasant and Waterfowl Society Magazine 81-9:14-18. Burch LE, Gailband C. 2000. Comparison of hand-reared Caribbean flamingos and lesser flamingos at Seaworld California. Waterbirds 23(Special Publication 1):193-197. ** CĂŠzilly F. 1993. Nest desertion in the greater flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber roseus. Animal Behaviour 45(5):1038-1040. ** Colo T. 1993. 'Tis the Season. Riverbanks Magazine 11(3):2-5. ** Comben N. 1976. Notes on feeding carotenoid pigments. International Zoo Yearbook 16:17-20. ** Congdon ER, Searles S. Breeding behavior in a captive colony of Phoenicopterus chilensis, Chilean flamingo. AZA Western Regional Conference Proceedings; 1997. p 244-247. ** Conners S. 1992. If at first you don't succeed . . . Step by step breeding progess with flamingos. Animal Tracks - Birmingham Zoo 25(6):4-6. Cooper JE. 1975. Capture in Kenya. In: Kear J, Duplaix-Hall N, editors. Flamingos. Berkhamsted, England: Poyser. p 106-108. ** Cover LI. 1981. The management and propagation of greater flamingos at the Fresno Zoo. Animal Keepers' Forum 8(12):333-337. ** Cusson E. Nesting Behavior in Chilean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus chilensis) at Zoo Atlanta. 16th National Conference of AAZK; 1990. p 130-137. ** Cziulik M, Law AY. 2003. Reproducao em cativeiro do flamingo rosa (Phoenicopterus ruber roseous [roseus]) estimulada pelo uso de espelhos. [Reproduction of the greater flamingo instigation using mirrors.] Atualidades Ornitologicas 115:3. {Portuguese} D'Alessandro A. 1998. Breeding greater flamingos at the Rome Zoo. Solitaire No. 5:6-8. ** Davies WG. 1978. Cluster analysis applied to the classification of postures in the Chilean flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis). Animal Behaviour 26(2):381-388. ** Dejonghe JF, Czajkowski MA. 1983. Sur la longevite des oiseaux bagues en France metropolitaine, dans les dĂŠpartement d'outre-mer et dans les pays d'Influence francaise. [On the longevity of bird banding in metropolitan France, overseas region and in French influenced countries.] Alauda 51:27-47. {French}


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