De Montfort University Leicester
Degree and Diploma Awards 23 February 1994
Past, present and future
De Montfort University has as distinguished a history as many of the more traditional B1itisb w1iversities. Its roots go back more than a hundrnd years, to the mid-nineteenth century. It was parented by Victmian institutions oflearning founded on a sb"ong sense or the value of education , which se1ved the city of Leicester well over many years. The process of growth, amalgamation, and patterns of response to the needs of communities and markets, all of which still animate the present, res ulted in the creation, iJ1 1969, of Leicester Polytechnic. Formed from the maniage of Leicester College of Technology and Leiceste r College of A1t, the Polytechnic's educational mission, then as now, was to foster learning, enqui ry and enterprise. D e Montfo1t University has a long and celebrated reputation fo r the quality and professionalism of its teaching, the excellence of its research, and the management of its academic affairs. The success, quality and matwity of De Montfort University was recognised iJ1 1987 by the Council for National Acade mic Awards in the delegation of powers to the University to allow it to validate and manage its own degree programmes, and in 1989 by its transform ation into a fully independent Higher Education Corporation. At the time of its formation, in 1969, Leicester Polytechnic had a student population of approximately two thousand students. By 1992, the number of students had risen to more than seventeen thousand. A wide and carefully managed portfolio provides academic opportunities at all levels and appeals to a broad mix of students. Students of many
b ackgrounds and nationalities unde rtake programmes of sh1dy for first and second degrees, doctorates, di plomas and professional qualilications across a wide range of disciplines. These cover engineering, law, business, health, arts, science, design and hu manities subjects, as well as a wide variety o[ professional studies. An increasing number of unusual , highly specialised and cachet cow-ses are being fostered within these broad topic areas, refl ecting an open and innovative approach to the design and validation of fresh, creative academic programmes, as well as contention fo r excellence. Most significantly, according to academic quality rati11gs published by the Funding Co1mci.l and He r Majesty's Insp ectorate in 1992, 86 per cent or students at the University were on cow-ses of 'outstandin g quality'. It produces t.l,e highest number of computer science and IT graduates in the country, while its arts and design students consistently win national fashion and drama awards. At t.l,e New Designers Exhibition in London in 1992, in competition with every major university, polytechnic and colJege design school in Britain, De Montfort University students gained t.l1e highest number of awards. The work of D e Montfort University has extended well beyond its 01iginal Leicester bases in the city centre and at Scraptoft. In 1991, a new campus was opened at Milton Keynes. This prestigious and p urvose-designed development was op ened officially by Her Majesty the Queen in 1992. A policy of coop eration with othe r institutions offering complementa1y disciplines has fu rther widened the institution's cou_rse portfolio, extending and developing a corporate network into the next century.
Franchising arrangements with colleges linked to the University are also well established and set to grow significantly. ln recognition of 1ising demand from older learners, as well as growi ng pressure for study opportunities closer to home for all age groups, the University has been at the forefront of course franchising in a wide vrui ety of locations across the country. Linked colleges teach parallel first year course cunicula in selected subjects to those taught on the Un:iversity's own campuses: both student groups then enter common University examinations, controlled to the srune high quality standru¡ds. College-based students can continue tl1eir degree sh1dies at De Montfort University fol.lowi ng successful completion of the first year. These arnmge ments are tangible evidence of well-nou1ished networks of working links with other institutions botl1 at home and abroad which are of unquestionable advantage to students. Even more tangible evidence of the expanding network are the degree and diploma ceremonies which for the first time will be h eld in three locations - Leicester, Milton Keynes and Bedford. One of die most significant events in the institution's li fe was the enactment of the Furth er and Higher Education Act 1992, which gave it full authority to award degrees in its owi1 name from September 1992. In June 1992, the instih1tion became De Montfmt University, a new name readily applicable to the full range of activities of the institution, botb present and planned, while recognising its Leicester origins. The Univers.ity's name is associated with the D e Montfort
fami ly which was influential in the city in the 13t11 century. Its most celebrated offsp1i.n g was Simon de Montfort, one of the most distinguished Bgw¡es in English history, and widely recognised for establishing the Brst ever pru¡liameut in 1265. It was said by Lord (formerly Asa) Briggs the internationally renowned histo1iru1 and editor of Sir Winston Churchill's classic book The History of the English Speaking Peoples, that Simon de Montfort was Clmrchill's favourite English statesman of all time. Simon De Montfort (not to be confused witli his father, who shared the same name) was born in Normandy in 1208. He came to E ngland in 1231, 13 years after his father's death, and was received by the court of Henry III. By 1238, he had regained the family's lands and titles and mani ed tl1e King's sister Eleanor, a romantic cause celebre of its time since E leanor, a yow1g widow, had pledged chastity to tl1e church. He was created Earl of Leicester by tl1e King in 1239. Simon De Montfo1t's greatest contribution to the development of Parlirunent came in 1265 when he invited two Knights from each shire, and 'two of the more discreet, lawful and trnstworthy of tl1eir citizens or burghesses' from York, Lincoln and a number of otlier boroughs, to the fir st parliamentruy meeting. ln this precede nt for a House of Commons, Simon D e Montfort, in Churchi.ll's phrase, 'lighted a Bre never to be quenched in English hist01y'. De Montfort University is delighted to acknowledge its origins in the city of Leicester and to associate itself with the beginnings of democracy in E ngland through its distinctive nrune.
The international dimension The international dimension is an increasingly important feature of higher education. De Montfort University has become a focus of international activity, participating at stude11t, staff and institutional levels in the life of the international community. An increasing propo1tion of the University's courses include the option of a study period overseas. In many cases this is done through the European Community schemes for student exchange, i11 particular the ERASMUS programme which supports exchanges on courses in almost every School of the University. The University's energetic participation in the ERASMUS programme in Western Europe expanded from fonr programmes in 1990-91 to over twenty programmes proposed for 1993-94. ERASMUS support has enabled the University to become part of a European network of higher education institutions. With European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries also now eligible to paiticipate in ERASMUS, these links broke EC boundaries for the first time in 1992-93. Altho11gh student exchange is a central feature of many of these programmes, ERASMUS fun di ng has also supported programmes to facilitate the mobility of teaching staff between partne r institutions, and to encourage innovative cuniculum development.
One example of a Fully international course is the Masters in International Business offered jointly by De Montfo1t University, the Ecole Superieur de Com merce and the Universite de Savoie (Chambe 1y, France) and the Hochschule fw- Technik und Wi1tscbaft des Saarlancles (Saarbrticken, Germany). Students study in tum in Britain, France and Germany receiving three postgraduate quali.f"icalions, in each case the highest taught postgraduate
degree available in each counby . Also at postgraduate level, cooperation with the Netherlands has made available an International MSc in Biotechnology, while the School of Arts and Humanities has <leveloped a Masters degree in Ew-opean Alts and Cultural Policy fo r inb¡oduction in Septembe r 1993. In addition to European opportunities, links have heeo fann ed with a number of universities in the USA and students from the School. of Alts an<l H umanities, Combined Studies, Design and Manufacture, and Computing and Mathematical Sciences have been able to study on exchanges at wliversities in Georgia, Maiy land a11d North Carolina. Many cou rses offer the chance of brief sh1dy tours abroad, and course placements and research projects may also be undertaken outside the UK. Recent examples have seen De Mon tf01t University students in Zim babwe, Australia and the Antarctic. Student exchanges also have the advantage overseas studen ts to De Montfo1t University. In additio11, De Montfort University's courses are known worldwide, attracting sh1dents from 60 nations. This student community can provide an international aspect to the learning expeiience of eve1y student at De Montfort University. T he University's position in the international network is also strengthened by instih1tional links. Cu rrently, De Montfo1t University has sp ecial agreements with over fifty universities and colleges in 20 counb¡ies to encourage staff and student exchanges and research collaboration. Many of these relationships have matured over many years and with the basis of long-term understanding between institutions can be
Research and scholarship used as a platform for international contracting. For example, De Montf01t University is in partuersbip wi th KL Ke nnis Transfer, Tilburg (under conb·act to the Dutch Governme nt and the EC) de monsb·ating the application of management techniques and approaches relevant to tbe needs of college di rectors in the Czech and Slovak republics, and working within the countries' new political and economic environments. Departments of the University have shown a particular interest in helping the reconstruction or education in Easte rn E urope. As a consequence, projects in scie nce, e ngineering, environme ntal management, business and local government with partne rs in the Czecb and Slovak republics, Bulga.iia, Russia, Hungruy, Romania., Poland, Li thuania and Latvia are being suppmted by the EC TEMPUS sche me. The UK Government Know How Fund has also backed De Montfort University projects, most recently an in tensive training seminar in prope rty valuation and manage ment that atb·acted a national Latvian audience to its venue in Riga. The D ivision of Learning D evelopme nt has provided b·aini11g to colleagues in llungary and Turkey, while Leiceste r Busi ness School, supported by the British Council, is advising unive rsities in China and Swaziland. The range of inte rnational work, and the p1ide that t.he University takes in its international activities, can only conti11ue to benefit its graduates - who ,viii be working in a global market - the communities around the University campuses, and the wide range of organ isations which work closely with the Unive rsity.
Higher education is best constructed on a foundation of sound academic research. At De Montfort University, the researchers' development oflmowledge bas real impact on the way subjects ru·e taught. The University believes that ru.1 academic institutio11 prepru"ing its students for the 21st century should work at the cutting edge of research. Conti-acts fo r research cw-re ntly in progress at the Unive rsity are valued at around £11.2 million and involve all areas of the institution. Examples of research work include the CIMTEX (Computer Integrated Computing in Textiles) project in which De Montf01t University is the lea<l prutner of five universities. The initiative was set up to examine the problems and opportunities that new technologies offer the textile indusby. The CTMTEX laboratories are equipped ,vith state-of-the-,ut textile machi ne1y suppli ed by major international companies. This equipment is used for research and as a test site for manufacture rs to ev,J uate the options open to them. This initiative, sponsored by the Department of Trade and Indusby , is based on De Mont fort Unive rsity's acknowledged sb·engths in textiles, information technology, design and engineering. Other examples include the developme nt of cancer targeting drugs, the simulation and design of wate r disbibution syste ms, the capture and transmission of three-dimensional images, and the techniques of interpreting medical magne tic resonam;e <lata to help in the ide nti6cation of brain tu moms. Creative activity in the flne arts, performance and design, similarly maintain our position as educators at the forefront of specialist Oelcls of knowledge and practice. Students benefit from research and professiomu practice activity, since the latest work is refl ected in the teaching they receive. They also gain access to reseru·ch level laborato1i es and have the opport11nity to pruticipate in rese,u·ch projects.
Working with industry, commerce, the professions and the community
De Montfort University has always fostered close and mutually beneficial relationships witb industry, com merce, the professions and the local commtmities. The community
I-Iigber education located within any communi ty is a major economic, as well as a cultural, asset to tbe district. De Montfo1t University brings £100 million of revenue into the city annually. The University is also actively engaged in promoting projects which improve tbe environment of tbe city, in close collaboration with local organisations, and is closely involved with the Leicester City Challenge Project. The University's joint management of tbe vivacious Phoenix Alts Centre, which is highly successful iJ1 financial as well as artistic terms, briJ1gs the creativity of students and a mLxed programme of arts productions to a regional as well as a city audience.
between University staff and relevant indusbies. Tbe se1vices available to commercial clients are as many and varied as the opportunities open to students, and a great many are of direct benel1t to the co mmunity at large. For example, the University offers comprehensive environmental audit services, backed by su bstantial specialist expertise to provide effective and cost-effective solutions. Another example whi ch il.lustrates how the gap between academic resem·cl1 mJd the needs of indusby is bei11g bridged, is the work being cmTied out by the Water Software Systems Group in the Department of Electronic and Elecb·ical Engineering. Since 1986, the team has worked successfully with Thames Water in the construction of a muJti-mi llion pound London Ttmnel Hing Main - one of the lm·gest cwTent UK civil engineering projects - by developing softwm·e packages and computer simulation models of water networks.
The business world
Many companies of all sizes and in every sector are involved in suggesting, defining and supporting projects fo r final year studies. Each ye,u·, 1,200 students from tbe University work tbeir sandwich year in ind us by on projects of be nefit to employers, as well as being directly related to their academic studies. This enSLLres a close and continuous relationship
The consultancy services available through Leicester E;.,'}Jertise are not only ,vide-ranging in their scope and specialisms, but tbe same rigorous stand,u·ds are applied to tbe smallest job as well as the most sizable contract, and the company is as eager to atb·act the patronage of small businesses as of multinational corporations.
CONTENTS Page The Board of Governors
Dignitaries and Heads of School
Schools, Departments and Courses
Order of Proceedings and List of Students
Honorary Awards of the Leicester Polytechnic (now De Montfort University)
Honorary Awards of De Montfort University
Ceremonial Regalia of De Montfort University
BOARD OF GOVERNORS Professor Kenneth Barker, BMus, MA, FRSA, FIMgt Professor Howard Davies, MA, MSc, HonDLitt Professor Eli zabeth Esteve-Coll, BA, HonDArt, ALA Mr Ed Foster Professor Malcolm Francis Fox, BSc, PhD, CChem, FRSC, FRSH Mr James Trevor Griffiths, BSc, CPhys, CC Sir Ronald Halstead , CBE, MA, FRSC, FIGD, CIMgt Mr Robert Hill, BSc, FRICS Mr Alan Jones Mrs Ann Knowles, AMS Dame Anne Mueller, DCB, MA, HonDLitt, Dlitt, FRSA, CIMgt, FIPM Professor David Patrick Oxley, BSc, PhD, CPhys, Flnst P Mr Anthony Frederick Palmer, BSc, MSc Sir David Phillips, KBE , FRS Dr Udai Singh , BSc, MSc, PhD Mr Alan Spencer, MA Councillor Roy Stuttard, BA, MA Dr Joe Valentine, DSc Dr John Granville White, CBE, BA, PhD (Chairman) Mr John Michael Stannage Whitehead, CBE, JP, DL, FRSA (Deputy Chairman) Mr Keith Henry Wood-Allum , BA, MEd , FRSA Sir Clive Whitmore, GCB, CVO
DIGNITARIES AND HEADS OF SCHOOL The Chancellor Dame Anne Mueller, DCB, MA, HonDLitt, Dlitt, CIMgt, FIPM, FRSA Chairman of the Board of Governors and Pro-Chancellor Dr John Granville White, CBE, BA, PhD Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors and Pro-Chancellor Mr J.M .S. Wh itehead, CBE, JP, DL, FRSA Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor Professor Kenneth Barker, BMus, MA, FRSA, FIMgt Executive Pro Vice-Chancellors Eur Ing Professor M.A. Brown, BSc, PhD, Mlnstp, CPhys, MIEE, CEng, FIMgt Professor D.M . Chiddick, MSc, FRICS, MRTPI, FRSA Professor M. Scott, BA, MA, FRSA Professor B.H . Swanick, BEng, PhD, CEng, FIEE, MlnstMC Clerk to the Board Mr A.CH. Denny, BA, FCIS, FIPM , FIMgt University Academic Visitor Sir Geoffrey Warnock Heads of School School of Applied Physical Sciences Professor R.G. Linford, MA(Oxon), DPhil (Oxon), CChem, FRSC School of Arts and Humanities Professor W Vamplew, BSc, PhD, FRHS School of the Built Environment Professor N.T. Bowman, BSc, PhD, CEng, CPhys, FCIBSE, MIEE, MlnstP, MIOA, MConse School of Business Professor J. Coyne, BA School of Combined Studies Professor D. P. Oxley, BSc, PhD, CPhys, FlnstP School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Professor D. M. Chiddick (Acting H ead) MSc, FR/CS, MRTPI, FRSA School of Design and Manufacture Mr P. Sullivan, MBA, MSCD, FRSA, M!Mgt School of Engineering and Manufacture Eur Ing Professor G. M. Chapman, BSc, PhD, CEng, F/MechE School of Health and Life Sciences Professor M. Saks, BA, MA, PhD School of Law Professor R.I.E. Card, LLB, LLM
School of Applied Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Computer Systems Master of Science in Information Technology Master of Science in H uman Computer Systems
Department of Pharmacy Head: Dr J.H. Richards
Department of Information Systems Head: Professor D.R. Howe
Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Pharmacy
Postgraduate Diploma in Comput ing Master of Science in Computing
School of Arts and Humanities Centre for Postgraduate Teacher Education Head: Dr R. Mason
School of Design and Manufacture
PGCE in Art and Design Education
Department of Fashion and Textile Design and Technology Head: Dr R.J. Harwood
Sch0ol of the Built Environment
Higher National Certificate in Textiles Bachelor of Science in Textile and Knitwear Technology Master of Arts In Fashion and Textile Studies
Department of Architecture Head: Professor D.G. Henderson Postgraduate Diploma in Architectural Practice Master of Arts in Architectural Building Conservat ion
Department of Industrial and Graphic Design Head: Mr R.D. Buckley
Department of Land Management Head : Mr M.P. Hill
Master of Arts in Information and Graphic Design
Master of Science in Property Development
School of Engineering and Manufacture School of Business Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering Head: Professor JAG. Kn ight
Department of Accounting and Finance Head: Professor G.J. Wilkinson-Riddle
Postgraduate Diploma in Mechatronics Master of Science in Mechat ron lcs
Higher National Certificate in Business and Finance
Department of Corporate Strategy Head: Professor P. Foley
School of Health and Life Sciences
Post- Experience Certificate (Advanced) in Management Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Management Master of Business Admin istration Master of Arts in International Business
Department of Applied Biology and Biotechnology Head: Professor M.C. Elliott Higher National Diploma in Science (Applied Biology} Bachelor of Science in Science and the Environment Mast er of Science in International Biotechnology
Department of Human Resource Management Head: Professor I.J. Beardwell
Department of Health and Community Studies Head: Professor M.P. Saks
Master of Arts in Human Resource Management
Certificate in Youth and Community Development Diploma in Health St udies Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing (District Nursing} Diploma in Professional Studies in Health Visiting Diploma of Higher Educat ion In Social Work Bachelor of Arts in Health Studies
School of Combined Studies Head: Professor D. Oxley Master of Science by Independent Study
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences Department of Computing Science Head: Mr P. Messer Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology
â&#x20AC;˘ Details of the full range of courses offered are available in the Prospectus which may be obtained from the University Enquiry Office, Eric Wood Building. 4
ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS The Guest Speaker, Ms Usha Prashar, will address the assembly.
The Procession of the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellors, Governors, members of the Academic Board, Professors, Academic Staff and Principal Guests will enter the Hall at 3.00 pm.
The Chancellor will call upon the Vice-Chancellor to announce the conferment of graduates and diplomates.
Guests, Graduates and Oiplomates will stand until the Chancellor has taken her place.
The Vice-Chancellor of the University will announce the conferment of the Graduates and Diplomates, and call upon the Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Scott, BA, MA, FRSA to present those in attendance to the Chancellor.
The Chancellor Dame Anne Mueller, DCB, MA, HonDLitt, Dlitt, CIMgt, FIPM, FRSA will rise and open the proceedings with an address of welcome. Conferment of an award of Honorary Doctorate of Laws to Ms Usha Prashar.
Presentation of Graduates and Diplomates of the Schools of Arts and Humanities, the Built Environment, Design and Manufacture, and Business to the Chancellor and Pro Chancellor.
The Vice-Chancellor Professor Kenneth Barker, MA, FRSA, FIMgt, will call upon the Executive Pro ViceChancellor Professor Brian Swanick, BEng, PhD, CEng, FIEE, MlnstMC to read the citation for the Honorary Doctorate.
The Chancellor will call upon the Vice-Chancellor to address the Assembly
The Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor will read the citation.
The Vice-Chancellor will address the Assembly.
The Chancellor will confer the Honorary Doctorate.
Presentation of Graduates and Diplomates of the Schools of Applied Sciences, Combined Studies, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Engineering and Manufacture, and Health and Life Sciences, to the Chancellor and Pro Chancellor.
Conferment of an award of Honorary Doctorate of Technology to Mr John Leighfield. The Vice-Chancellor will call upon the Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor to read the citation for the Honorary Doctorate.
The Chancellor will thank the Assembly for their attendance and declare the formal proceedings closed.
The Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor will read the citation. The National Anthem. The Chancellor will confer the Honorary Doctorate. The Assembly will remain standing until the Procession leaves the Hall.
Conferment of an award of Honorary Master of Arts degree on Reverend David Devlin.
Organist: N.A. Curry, BA, MA, MBCS The Vice-Chancellor will call upon the Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor to read the citation for the Honorary Master.
Guests wi ll observe that Graduates and Diplomates are presented individually to the Chancellor. Wh ilst we wish to congratulate all those present, it wou ld be impractical to applaud every individual, and guests are therefore requested to reserve their applause until the end of each section of Graduates or Diplomates being presented, and as further annotated in the brochure.
The Executive Pro Vice-Chancellor will read the citation. The Chancellor will confer the Honorary Master. The Pro Chancellor, Or John White, CBE, BA, PhD will call upon the Guest Speaker to address the assembly.
Matthew James Turrell Damian Lewis Ward
Awards of De Montfort University applause THE POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN EDUCATION (ART AND DESIGN EDUCATION) SCHOOL OF THE BU ILT ENVIRONMENT Mark Jeremy Adams D iana Margaret Atkinson Susan Mary Bishop Alan Boulton Karen Jane Bowns N icola Elizabeth Breach Sarah Jane Burton Jonathan Butterworth Callie Caise Gerald Oliver John Carter Dawn Chetwynd Margaret Clancy Vedar Crawford Simon John Crow Michelle Elaine Cu llen Robert Col in Davies Elizabeth Lesley Eaton Dawn Claire Evans
applause Susan Rebecca Evans Declan Coneth Finn Amanda Louise Fisher Victoria Elizabeth Fisher Helen Frankland Timothy Gray Sally Griffin Karen Rosalind Hague Clare Haslett Emma Dawn Heather Donna Marie Hetherington Linda Gillian Hilditch Amanda Jane Hill Toby Chester Holland Barbara Susan Hunt
Awards of De Montfort University THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS ARCH ITECTURAL BUILDING CONSERVATION Stuart Edward Beesley Barbara Jeanne Bowman David Bruce Boyson Hilary Jane Brightman Peter Bryan Davies Andrew Paul Davison Mark George Fennell Charles Peter Kendall Ian Ki lby Clare Diana Lane Keith Long David Robert Mason Catherine Jane Mate Andrew Kent Senior Denise H elen Sweeney Dawn Al iso n Whitton
applause Kevin Andrew Jackson Julia J ohnson Rupert Jones Robert Rhys Jones Nicholas John Kemp Patricia Lanza Justin Mark Rhodes Lees Suzanne Wendie Moore Guy Domin ic Newmountain Christopher James Nock Daniel Lewis Rees Deborah Anne Robinson Malcolm Rutherford Linda Seymour Penelope Joy Sharpe Heather Samantha Singleton Lisa Smith Sheri Louise Stafford J enn ifer Mary Steele
John Barnett David Michael Burdett Sandy Mary Cole Paul Davidson Paul James Emmerson P hilip Alan Goode Jonathan Wil liam Howe David Langan Derek Ritchie Loughery David Mark Lowe Thomas Lyons Philip McOuillan Simon Parker Kim Roberts Ben Robotham Spencer Winter
Awards of De Montfort University
Awards of De Montfort University
Michael Anthony King
Jennifer Mary Bicat Shing Fook Chan Potlako Lilian Peoesele Disele Elisabet Sandra Ehlers Mohammad Wazir Jahilan Zainudin Md Nor Anas Musavir Niamh Elizabeth O'Brien Alison Smith Louise Ann Snell
applause Pau l James Kavanagh Joanne Lai May Loke Jennifer Colette Miller Keith Moody Hi royuki Otagaki
INTERNATIONAL BUSIN ESS Guilhem Cadilhac Florence Charnay Gail Edwards Martin Green Nicole Grumbrecht Matthias Hansen Anne Huhn Florence Lebesgue Eric Lecol le Vi rginie Matuszak Sabine Mittenhuber
applause applause THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Les ley Anne Rayner Corrine Robin Elke Rosch Valerie Schulze-Rouat J org Seel Markus Seitz Brigitte Strumm Rema Sundararajan Rolf von Roessin g Robert Wolf Mark Woodger
Award s of the Business and Technology Education Counci l THE HIGHER NATIONAL CERTIFICATE
applause TEXTILES
David Owen Ratcliffe
Hilary Dermott Helen Irene Eason
Awards of the Institute of Industrial Management
Awards of De Montfort University THE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE DIPLOMA
Ruth Ellen Arnold Kathryn Angela Bee Stuart Anthony Cufflin Catherine Hays Michael Idris Cogbill Mace Shaun Jason Packe Hilary Mary Walton
Awards of t he Business and Technology Education Counci l THE HIGHER NATIONAL CERTIFICATE
Debbie Atherton Opkar Singh Bains Adam Grant Cowie Richard Finn Ian Gray Ian James Hargreaves James Anthony Harris Nigel Peter Hodgson
Juliette Banks Kathleen Hamilton Christopher Roy Pidcock
lmran Javaid Darryl Guy Rees Carlos Jose Rodriguez Saus Manjit Singh Sandhu Paramjit Singh Sehmi Graeme John Snowdon Paul David Wilson
Awards of De Montfort University THE POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA HOSPITAL PHARMAO' Elizabeth Jane Austen Stephen John Cook Irene Elizabeth Lawton Clare Louise Morris Jyoti Patel Brian James Power
applause HUMAN COMPUTER SYSTEMS Jacobus Cornelis J ohannes Maria Loonen Steven MacBeath Adrianus Henricus Nicolaas Roestenburg
Christopher Edwardson
Awards of De Montfort University
Chi Cui
Jack Wai Tsit Wong
Bridget Mary Allgood Russel l Christopher Baker Ranj it Bhatia Sarah Jane Burton Bridget Louise Cooper Jane Myra Curnock Jill Madeline Dubery Patricia Janet Egger Brian Fewster
Samantha Hannan Diana Joan Holton John Wes ley Moore James Nair Michael Roy Przystupa Joseph Rugoyi Eleanor Frances Shearn Diana Eli zabeth Turner Mark Austen Wesson
Bruce Pountney Stephen John Preece Prabhjot Purewal Jaya Ravindran Alexander J ames Riggs David John Robson Shroot i Savani Amarjit Singh Sarah Taylor Michael Thorniley Ian Jonathan Turner Marie Walker-Greenwood Robin Michael David Zimmer
HUMAN COMPUTER SYSTEMS Michael Bearne Thomas Victor Bryan Trevor David Collins Andrew Darlow Mark Edwards Claude Joel Gibert Christian Heilbock applause
Christopher Gareth Hopkins Marcus Kuipers Michael Thomas Mullen Waseem Razzaq Christoph Shrimp! Paul Lee Sexton Cornelis Van Vloten applause
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Jacqueline Aughton Patrick Dwyer Baughan Simon Philip Batley Stephen Edward Bray Jeremy Sheridan Caine Kwok Wah Chan Christopher Sean Clinton Vinod Kumar Datta Michael John Davies Matthew James Dean Simon Paul Dean Joanne Louise Dipple applause
THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Mar k Frederick Cain applause
Awards of De Montfort University THE POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA MECHATRONICS Ragbir Singh Chamber Paul Gannon applause
THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE M ECHATRON ICS Mark Julian Bailey J ohn J oseph Butler Che Hong Chan Alan Edward Davies Uwe Escheuhorst Malcolm David Fox Clive Henkel Stefan Keller Andrea Klinkroth Ka Hong Lam Richard Evan Lewis
Kevin Dexter Drewitt Jeffrey David Fry Paul Franco Gammaidon i Susan Frances Hillery Halabi Hj Hasbullah Paul Ritchie Kennedy Philip Latham Alvin Wing Yin Lee Karen Elizabeth Lang lands Michelle Ann Martin Simon Nurton Elizabeth Jane Oddy Steven Martin Olds Craig Edward Pemberton
Gim Hong Lim Chung Hean Lin Bipinkumar Gulabbhai Mistry Roderick Leslie Mitchell Boon Keat Ng Girish Patel Peter Roger Reid Vel ichore Chandrakumara Robinson Michael Rottcher Stuart James Smith Wil liam Mark Towler Mun Wai Yuen
Keith Michael Maycock
Duncan Fraser McCulloch applause
Awards of t he Business and Technology Education Council THE HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA SCIENCE (APPLI ED BIOLOGY) Louise Ann Balzan Christopher Stephen Cox Tina Jean Thorpe applause
THE DIPLOMA IN PROFESSIONAL STUDIES IN HEALTH VISITING Mandakinl Vijaykumar Amin Louise Jayne Burton Margaret Amelia Gilfedder J anette Harrison Phillipa Ann Harwood Nicola Ann Hilton Josephine Elizabeth Sara Jackson J osephine Marie Lane Belinda Jane Mitchell Ginder Kaur Narle Nicola Sally Oldring applause
Awards of De Montfort Univers ity THE UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE IN YOUTH AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Susan Ann Chilvers Linda Davies Ian Philip Hardaker Dolores Lynette Hutchinson Mark Alexander Mizzen Owen Pinnock Ton i Michelle Price Elaine Redd ish Patricia Ann Rowland Michael Sailsman
Lesley J ane Popple Niru Rana Kat hleen Susan Rowell Susan Jillian Shier Sarah Sm ith Josephine Elizabeth Walsh Sarah Diana Wi lcock Claire Irene Wills Helen Margaret Robson Wright Nicola Jayne Wright Helen Wykes applause
Mervyn Lewis
Joanne Beeching Jane Helena Day Susan Margaret Dracup Annette Ellison Linda June Gale Nicola J ayne Goldsworth Deborah Lewis Lorraine Martin Stephen Richard Newby Beverley Donna Nicholas Denise Angela Roberts Clive Lawrence Nicholas Rushby Heather Anne Sample Helen Tracy Shelton
Richard Ian Bell Lesley Hurst Veron ica Lawson Mandy Robbins
HEALTH STUDIES Kim Elizabeth Winspear applause
Richard Pitt applause
THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Mark Stuart Andrews Adriana Maria Braber Cornelis Adrianus Handrikus Maria Bulkmans Alison Jayne Hayhurst Tejindervir Singh Hiran Rhodri John James Stuart Edward MacDonald Simon John Price Steven John Ritchie Elisabeth Hermina Hendrina Sanders Crispin Richard Wye
applause David Paul Hodson
applause David Smith
Senior Industrial Fellowship Mr P. Harveson - Senior Industrial Fellow 1989 Sir John Harvey-Jones - Senior Industrial Fellow 1990 Dr John Lewis - Senior Industrial Fellow 1991 Mr Peter Venables - Senior Industrial Fellow 1991 F. Christopher Price - Senior Industrial Fellow 1992 Merrick W. Taylor - Senior Industrial Fel low 1992 Ivor F. Vaughan - Senior Industrial Fellow 1992
Honorary Fellowships Sir Charles Keene - Honorary Fellow 1970 Dr E. Thomas - Honorary Fellow 1970 Mr R.E. Wood - Honorary Fellow 1973 Mr M. Bridger - Honorary Fel low 1976 Mr A.E. Hall - Honorary Fellow 1977 Mr E.E. Pullee - Honorary Fellow 1978 Mr R.E. James - Honorary Fel low 1981 Mr K . Tindall - Honorary Fel low 1982 Mr W. Bentley - Honorary Fellow 1984 Mr M. Shock - Honorary Fel low 1985 Dr S. Cotson - Honorary Fel low 1986 Mr R.T.S. Kempton - Honorary Fellow 1986 Mr W.J.H . Irwin - Honorary Fel low 1986 Dr D. Bethel - Honorary Fellow 1987 Mr F. Mee - Honorary Fellow 1988 Mr D. Cloake - Honorary Fellow 1988 Mr J. Mil lington - Honorary Fel low 1991 The late Professor Wi lliam J. Loweth - Honorary Fellow 1992 Ernest F. White - Honorary Fellow 1992
Associate Fellowships Miss G. Best - Associat e Fellow 1979 M r C. Gunn - Associate Fellow 1979 Mr J.C.H. Hurd - Associate Fellow 1979 Mr D.E. John - Associate Fel low 1979 Mr J.B. Lancashire - Associate Fellow 1979 M r A. Pountney - Associate Fellow 1979 Mr L.P. P riestley - Associate Fellow 1979 Mr SW Fowler - Associate Fellow 1980 M r G. Bromley - Associate Fellow 1981 Dr J.M . T hompson - Associate Fellow 1981 Miss M .A . Thorp - Associate Fel low 1981 Mrs 0. Ford - Associate Fel low 1982 Mr J.S. Ph ipps - Associate Fellow 1982 Dr V. B ruce - Associate Fellow 1983 M r R. Graham - Associate Fellow 1983 Mrs F. Alcock - Associate Fellow 1984 Mr A. Clark - Associate Fellow 1984 Dr D.R. Bragg - Associate Fel low 1985 Rev Canon C.H .G. Carver - Associate Fellow 1985 Dr JW.L. Warren - Associate Fel low 1985 Mrs M. Stewart - Associate Fellow 1987 Professor 8. Allison - Associate Fe llow 1988 Professor C. Arnold - Associate Fe llow 1988 Mr J. H iorns - Associate Fellow 1988 M r J. McKay - Associate Fellow 1989 Mr P. Duke - Associate Fel low 1990 Professor J. Poll ock - Associate Fellow 1990 Professor James Picken - Associate Fel low 1991
Companionships Dr P. Pflim lin - Companion 1987 Professor P.A. McKeown - Companion 1987 The Right Honourable Viscount Tonypandy PC - Companion 1989 Lord Thomas Boardman - Compan ion 1990 Baroness Mary Warnock - Companion 1990 Si r David Attenborough - Companion 1991 Sir Shridath Ramphal - Compan ion 1991 The Right Honourable, The Lord Briggs - Compan ion 1992 Si r (D.N.) Idris Pearce - Compan ion 1992
Senior Academic Fellowship Mr H. Davis - Senior Academic Fel low 1988 Mr M. Saibel - Senior Academ ic Fellow 1988 Mrs E. Esteve-Coll - Senior Academic Fel low 1988 His Honour Judge Geoffrey Jones - Senior Academic Fellow 1989 Sir Reginald Harland - Senior Academic Fellow 1989 Ms C. Berry - Senior Academic Fel low 1990 Senator J . Regu lski - Senior Academic Fel low 1990 Dr Mary Archer - Senior Academ ic Fellow 1991 Professor David Best - Senior Ac:ademic Fellow 1991 Mr Michael Bogdanov - Sen ior Academic Fellow 1992 Mr E.P. George H . du Boulay - Senior Academ ic Fellow 1992
HONORARY AWARDS OF DE MONTFORT UNIVERSITY Honorary Fellowships Arthu r Denny - 1993 Frank Henshaw - 1993 John Whitehead - 1993
Companionships Sir Brian Jenkins -
Honorary Doctorates
Arts John Dean - 1993 Michael Pennington -
David Carter -
The Rt Hon The Lord Griffiths -
The Rt Hon The Earl of Stockton -
Alan W Cuthbert - 1993 Susan Hackwood - 1993 Technology
Dr Thomas Flowers - 1993 Jerome Garfunkel - 1993
Honorary Masters Science
Raymond Rue -
Chancellor Scarlet: gilt emblazed with the University's heraldic motifs - soft hat - black and gold Pro-Chancellors Scarlet with gold embroidered margins -
soft hat
Vice-Chancellor of the University Scarlet and gold gown, gold and black mortarboard Honorary Fellowship of the University Black gown, black bonnet, scarlet , gold and black sash Companionship of De Montfort University Black gown, black bonnet, silver and black sash , and silver medal lion Honorary Doctorate Black, red and gold gown , black bonnet, and hood in University red and gold , wit h gold satin trimming Honorary Master B lack gown, black college cap, and hood in University red and gold Faculty Colours
PhD Degrees Black, red and gold gown, black bonnet, and hood in University red and gold with white binding
Arts Science Engineering
Masters Degrees Black gown, college cap, and hood in University red and gold w ith facu lty colour binding
Law Education Master of Business Administration Philosophy
Post-Graduate Diplomas Black gown, college cap, and hood in Univers ity red and gold Bachelor Degrees Black gown, college cap, and hood in University red and gold with faculty colour binding De MonHort University Licentiateship The Governing Body of Leicester Polytechnic in 1988 inaugurated the award of the Licentiateship, which is conferred on all Graduates and Diplomates who have com pleted an advanced course at the University and obtained a recognised f inal qualification. The robes associated with the Licentiateship consist of black gown, mortarboard and the Licentiateship sash of University red and gold. At this Ceremony, for procedural reasons, the wearing of robes associated with the awards of other Chartered Bodies takes precedence over the De Montfort University Licentiateship. Robes of the Business and Technology Education Council
Higher National Certificates and Diplomas: Black gown, red and blue hood, and college cap. Devices
The University Mace Desig ned by Nigel Kenward , MA, made in the University Silver Departm ent. Sliver presented to the University by Johnson Matthey and Company. The University Ceremonial Staves Designed by Neil Harding, DesRCA, MSIAD; made In the University by Neil Harding .
- Mid Blue - Green - Grey - Powder Blue - Brown - Lilac - White
The Alumni Association
The careers service
The De Montfort University Alumni Association has been established to help former students keep in contact with the Uo.iversity and with each other. It is common experience that once students leave an academic institution it becomes progressively more difficult to keep in contact with form er close colleagues and f1iends without some assistance.
Many of the young men and women graduating this year from our higher education institutions have been understandably concerned about the present economic recession and its impact on career oppo1tunities. While there is no doubt that the economic climate continues to be more dilncult than has been the case for several decades, it is also important to app reciate that the graduate employment market histo1ically has been very buoyant. Graduates have always enjoyed a com petitive advantage over less qualified individuals in the employment market and wiJJ contin ue to do so in the future.
Membership of the Alumni Association, which is free of cbm¡ge, provides you with regular news about the Un iversity through its periodical Network and invitations to functions and special reunions at the University. Special alumni products and services are also b eing developed for members, who will be encouraged to use tbe Association to develop social events. Joining the Alumni Association could not be easier. All former students will receive a communication within three months of graduation inviting them to join and asking them for an update of their details, in pmticular their chosen contact address. All this information is kept confidential. In the unlikely event of a form er student not receiving details it is hoped that they will contact the alumni office on 0533.551551 ext. 7348, to provide a current contact address.
However, in common with other universities, both new and established, De Montfo1t Unive rsity has experienced some increase in initial graduate unemployment. We are con fident, nevertheless, that the applied natw-e or most of ow¡ comses, and the fact that so many are sandwich based, are featu res which will be attractive to employers when recovery begins. The University Careers Se1vice has established close links with hundreds of employers across the counby, but would welcome further contacts from ru1y parent who may also be an employer and who might have e mployment oppo1tunities in tl1e future for suitable D e Montfort University graduates or diplomates. Offers of such assistance sboul<l be a<ldressed to the head or the service Mr D M Nichol. Graduates and Diplomates are reminded that they may continue to contact the Careers Service for advice and suppo1t alter graduation.
The honorands 1993 Companion of
The Rt. Hon. The Lord Griffiths MC MA(Cantab)
De Montfort University
This honour is conferred on persons who have rendered important services to the benefit of education ancVor cultuml ancVor economic life of the nation and who
Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, and Chairman of the Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct
To he awarded an llonormy Doctorate or Laws
renect credit on the University by the ir association with the, institution.
Michael Pennington MA
Honorary Fellowship of
Associate Director, English Shakespeare Company
De Montfort University
This lio11our is conferred on
To be awarded an .l Ionorary Doctorate or Arts
persons who have rendered important services to the University and/or lhe former Leicester Polytechnic over a sustained period and have been a member of or closely associated with the
Sir Brian Jenkins GBE MA FCA
Partner, Coopers & Lybrand, Chartered Accountants, Lord Mayor of London 1991-92
Honorary Doctorates of Arts, Design, Education, Laws, Letters, Music,
To be awarded a Companionship
Science and Technology
These honours are conferred on persons of high intelleclnal and c11lt11ral distinction.
Arthur Denny BA FCIS FIPM FBIM Honorary Masters Degrees of Arts, Business Administration, Design, Education, Letters and Science
T hese honours are conferred on persons who have served the University, or the former Leicester Polytechnic, or the community. and for whom the award of such a degree would be a proper form of recognition by the University.
Former Assistant Director and Clerk to the
.·.:~ 'e.. ·· _.,.:, ..'.....
Leicester Polytechnic Board of Governors
To be awarded an llononuy l,.ellows hip
John Dean DipTP(Manc) CEng FRTPI MICE FRSA Former City Planning Officer, Leicester; Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute; and Special Professor, Institute of Planning Studies, University of Nottingham
To be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Arts
Raymond Rue BSc CEng FIMechE Principal Lecturer, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, De Montfort University
To be awarded an Honorary Master of' Science
Susan Hackwood BSc PhD Professor of Engineering and Dean of College of Engineering, University of California, Riverside , USA T o be awarded an H onorary Doctorate of Science
Alan W Cuthbert PhD FRS Master of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, and Sheild Professor and Head of Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge To be awarded an H onorary D octorate of Science
David Carter CBE RDI PPCSD Professor of Industrial Design Engineering, Royal College of Art, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; Chairman, DCA Design Consultants; Royal Designer for Industry; and Royal Fine Arts Commissioner T o be awarded an Honormy Doctorate of D esign
The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Stockton President of Macmillan Pu blishing Ltd and Chairman of the Central London Training and Enterprise Council To be awarded an Honorruy D octorate of L etters
Jerome Garfunkel BA (Maths) Senior Consultant, Micro Focus; Author; International computer standards expert; and COBOL programming language expert To be awm¡ded an Honora1y Doctorate of Technology
John Michael Stannage Whitehead CBE JP DL FRSA Pro-Chancellor of De Montfort University, formerly Chairman of Leicester Polytechnic Board of Governors and leading textile industrialist T o be awarded an Honora1y F ellowship
Companion of
Frank Henshaw CBE FRICS FIMgt
De Montfort University
This honour is conferred on
President, Milton Keynes and North Bucks Training and Enterprise Council; Former Chief Executive and General Manager of Milton Keynes Development Corporation.
1wr,;;ons wlio l mv,· rc·11dcrr·d i111portant services to the
hc11eOt uf' eclu~>1tio11 a11d/or c.:11Jt11ral ;rn <l/or econornir.:
To be awarded an Honorary Fellowship
life oftlie nation alltl wlio reflect croclit 011 tlic· U11iversily by tlieir associat ion wilh t·hc instil11tion.
Dr Thomas Flowers MBE BSc DSc CE FIEE
Honorary Fellowship of
Employed by British Telecom Research Laboratories (formerly Post Office Communications) until retirement in 1970. Developer and builder of Colossus and developer of the telephone switching system
De Montfort University This honour is conferred on
person, who have rcnder<:d important sC'lvic:es to tlie
University an,Vor the fnrnwr l ,eiccstcr Polytechnic over a
To be awarded an H onorary Doctorate of'Tecbnology
s11.stainC'd period m1CI have been a 111cmbcr OI' closely ass,x:iatecl witl, tllf'
Usha Prashar BA DipSocSc
Executive Chairman of the National Literacy Trust; Civil Service Commissioner
U1 1ivp rsi!y.
Honorary Doctorates of Arts, Design, Education,
To be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws
Laws, Letters, Music, Science and Technology T hese honours are conferred on persons or high intellectual and cult11rnl
John Leighfield MA (Oxon)
Honorary Masters
President of the British Computer Society
Degrees of Arts, Business Administration, Design, Education, Letters and Science TIies<' ltrn1rnars ure conferred rn 1 pe rso11s wl 10
have; served tlie Univc-rsily, or lhe fo rm er Leicester
Polytechnic, or the community. and for who111
the award of' sucl1 a degree wouJd be a proper form of' recognition by the
To be awarded an Honorary D octorate of Technology
Rev. David Devlin
Supernumerary Minister; Associated with Leicester Polytechnic as Free Church Chaplain (Methodist)
To be awarded an Honorary Master of Arts