Alzafar Achbar

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September 14th – 16th Freeman Coliseum

The Alzafar Achbar is the Official Membership Newsletter of Alzafar Shriners: It is published monthly by Alzafar Shriners Stated Meeting ………………………….. 2nd. Thursday Monthly Chartered ………………………………………………… July 13, 1916 PHONE: 210-496-1625 San Antonio Shrine Auditorium: 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232: Alzafar Shriners E-mail: Official Website: 2018 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Raddan ………………………………………Marty Bartlett High Priest & Prophet ………………………….Travis Elmendorf Oriental Guide …………………………………………Robert Norman Treasurer ………………………………………………………….Ron Trine Recorder ……………………………………………….Thomas Leverett 2018 APPOINTIVE DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ………………….Edward C. Rodriguez 2nd Ceremonial Master …………………………..James C. Hoyo Director ……………………………………………………Walter Koehler Marshall …………………………………………………………Ken Propes Captain of the Guard ………………………………Ralph Flanigan Outer Guard ……………………………………………….David Hadley Chaplain ……………………………….P.P. Gregorio “G.I.” Flores 2018 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt P.P. Reese L. Harrison, Jr. ………Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bob” Jett …………….Emeritus Representative Daniel M. Hutchison III …………..Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bobby” Hunt P.P. Stuart H. “Stu” Simms 2018 FINANCE COMMITTEE Potentate …………………………………………………….Jason Triggs Chief Rabban ………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Assistant Rabban ………………………………………Marty Bartlett Kyle Jackson ……………………………………………………….4 Years Richard Reyes III …………………………………………………3 Years Garrett Ethridge …….……………………………………………2 Years Gary Bausell ………………………………………………………….1 Year ALZAFAR SHRINE PHOTOGRAPHER ………….Art Loera STATED MEETING The next Stated Meeting of the Alzafar Shriners will be held on October 11 th 2018 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232. Dinner is at 6:00pm on a first come first served basis. The purpose of the Stated Meeting is to receive and ballot on petitions, to receive committee reports, to discuss and take possible action on agenda matters and any such other business, as might come before it YOUR 2018 DUES CARD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO STATED MEETINGS. BE SURE TO BRING THESE THREE THINGS:   

Your fez on your head Your dues card in your pocket The spirit of fun and good fellowship in your heart

Potentate Recorder

Jason Triggs Thomas D. Leverett

ILLUSTRIOUS SIR JASON R. TRIGGS POTENTATE OF ALZAFAR SHRINERS Congratulations and a big thank you to our High Priest & Prophet, Travis Elmendorf, and his Lady Brenda for hosting a fantastic day of celebration in honor of our newest Nobles. It truly was a memorable day for all as 29 candidates participated in this year’s full form ceremonial. The Ritualistic Divan, Directors Staff, Arch Degree Team…great performances from all! Of course behind every successful event there is an army of support working behind the scenes including the Shotgun Unit, Oriental Band, and the Nile Dancers who also helped put that special touch on the festivities. Motorized units from all over Texas took over our parking lot last month during the annual Texas Shrine Motor Patrol Association obstacle competition. Alzafar was represented well by the Burning Sun unit as they brought home many awards including the fastest time in class by Noble Seth Harrison and the not so coveted award of most cones hit by yours truly. Noble James Stimson was also elected as the 2nd Vice President of TSMPA and has very ambitious plans to help generate more participation throughout Texas. I’m looking forward to seeing him move up through the ranks during the next couple of years. The calendar is definitely full during the upcoming months. Keep an eye out for developing details. There will definitely be something for everyone coming up as we enter into the last part of the year!



What a Ride

What an exciting time of the year! Our 2 biggest events – Circus and Gala are right around the corner. These are our opportunities to support our biggest fraternal and our biggest charitable fundraisers for the year. Please come out and enjoy both. I will let Eric tell you all about the exciting things he has in store for us for Circus, but let me tell you about the party of the year we are about to throw – our Grand Ole Opry themed Gala.

Imperial is over and a lot of business was discussed in Daytona. My Lady Suzy and I had a wonderful time alongside Illustrious Sir Jason Triggs and Lady Cynthia. We visited with Imperial Divan, Imperial Representatives, Counterparts from all over the United States and other parts of the world and most importantly we met many patient ambassadors. It is really something to hear of the trials and tribulations of other Temples. All the while, realizing what a fantastic Shrine we have at Alzafar. We are financially stable and are definitely a Temple to be reckoned with due to our size and our commitment to our Philanthropy. By the time you read this article Circus will be upon us. I want to say, what a ride this has been. Entering this year, I was rather nervous, as we were without a Circus Contract. I want all to know that I have always had our beloved Fraternity’s best interest at heart when making decisions. I want to thank the Nobility for trusting the direction we have taken and embracing and implementing change where needed. Nobles and Ladies from all Units stepped up to lend a hand in every aspect of this journey. There were those that have walked these steps before and those that stepped up for the first time for an event of this magnitude. I am deeply humbled by all of our Nobility’s efforts. I am writing this article before the event, so it is difficult to talk about the outcome. But I anticipate a hugely successful Circus and I look forward to looking at this event from the other side. I hope everyone had fun. I pray all were safe throughout the event. With a good plan along with a great family to help, I pray our Fraternity is in a better place because of Circus. Let me end by saying, I want you all to know how proud I am to dawn my Alzafar fez.

On October 6th, our largest annual hospital fundraiser, the Hospital Gala, will be held. Have you heard who our special guest will be? Alec – the International Ambassador for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. We are very fortunate to have him coming to our big event and being our featured speaker. We have also lined up some exciting country music talent to sing for us that night (including some big surprises), have a great meal planned, and the bar will be open. Here is your chance to dress up in your tux, your tux and jeans, your cowboy boots, your fancy dress or your best cowgirl outfit and come out for a glitzy, country western night. It will be an amazing night of entertainment with the Shrine Center looking like the actual Grand Ole Opry, and lots of silent and live auction items for you to pick up. Tickets are $750 for a regular table of 10, $1,000 for a VIP table of 10 (private waitress and best placement in the room), or $100 per person (if you don’t have any friends you want to sit with at a table). For Shriners and family, we have an early bird special, though! If you call in your table order by September 17th, (3 weeks before the event), your table price will be $650 for a regular table and $850 for a VIP table. Once again, it is great to be a Shriner. Get your group together quick and call in to Maria or Carol in the office since this special deal will be gone soon.



I would like to share something that I heard while watching a sports award show a few months ago. I was watching the ESPYs on ESPN. They presented Jim Kelly, a retired NFL quarterback, that is battling his third bout with cancer, the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance. When he took to the stage, he thanked several people before delivering the most powerful minute and fourteen second speech I have heard in a really long time. He began with a simple quote: “Make a difference today, for someone who is fighting for their tomorrow.” He went on to say the following: “When I look across this arena and when I talk to people, you don’t need to be a Russel Wilson or an Aaron Rodgers to make a difference out there. Every single person in this room can be a difference maker. You can be just a normal person. One that gets up every morning and goes to work, but you can be a difference putting a smile on those faces. My kids and my friends when they came to see me not once did they have a frown on their faces. So I just urge anybody out there if you have somebody suffering it doesn’t have to be cancer it can be somebody not having a good day. It could be your mom and dad, it could be your grandparents what you say to them and the smile on your face could be a difference of them making it the next day. Remember that. Always, always persevere like Jimmy V said never, ever give up. To my Bills fans back home I love you, to everyone here tonight and to the Jimmy V foundation thank you for honoring me and humbling me with this award. I love you all God Bless and may the Good Lord continue to bless you.”

By now you know that our Hospital transportation fund has improved slightly, thanks to the very generous donations from a lot of units, clubs and individuals. While we have not had the ability this year to stay up with the financial demand, we have done a respectable job in my opinion continuing to make a difference in the treatment and care of our Shrine kids. A few statistics for you to be aware of if you were not at the last stated meeting.

After I heard that I let it somewhat process. I thought about it and then I rewound the TV and I listened to it a few more times. This speech stayed with me for the next few days. I constantly replayed “Make a difference today, for someone who is fighting for their tomorrow.” As I continued to think about this I couldn’t help but think this is exactly what Shriners and Masons do. We try and make a difference every day in order for the children in our hospitals to fight for their tomorrow. In Masonry we are taught to assist within length of our cable tows. Sometimes we may need to stretch that cable tow a little longer in order to give a little more. Shortly after this speech I heard the news of our Junior Past Potentate Gary Radvansky and his battle with cancer. This has got to be one of the most positive individuals I have ever met. This man always has a smile on his face. I will share a couple things he said in a post letting people know he will be ok. In true fashion, he made a small joke by saying “my hair was thinning anyway”. He then said “for those who know me…. know that I always focus on the positives and trust and believe God works in mysterious ways.” Gary we are all behind you my Brother. We have arrived now, where we began, helping those who need it the most. “Make a difference today, for someone who is fighting for their tomorrow.”

Typically over the last 3 years, we spend on an annual basis, $250,000-$300,00 per year. Serving some 700 Patients. This includes;  Direct donations to the hospitals.  Patient transportation to Houston & Galveston for treatment.  Patient and guardian meals & lodging. This year, with higher than normal demand, we have performed to the best of our ability, but have not been able to cover a 100%.  Donations since the beginning of the year have been slightly less than $200,000.  Donations include proceeds from Ihop, Golf tournament and many significant donations from individuals, units and clubs  The Mulholland foundation is responsible for 11% of the cash donations.  We have spent $230,000 in direct donations to the hospitals, meals & lodging and Transportation.  40% of our transportation expenses have been Airlife. We began the year with approximately $75,000 and we currently have $35,000 in the HTF fund. I thank you all for your generous donations. You should be very proud of all your hard work and sacrifices to make a difference in the care of our kids. Next on our agenda will be Circus, Circus, Circus. Hope you are selling a lot of ad’s and Buck-A-Lines. Nobles, please make sure that when you receive your Circus Tickets, please take time to call the office and make arrangement for payment. We need your financial support to make the Circus a big success. In October we have our annual Hospital Gala. Please come out and enjoy the fun and help support your Hospital Transportation Fund. I hope you had a very safe and fun filled Summer. A wise man once said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today” Abraham Lincoln.

RECORDERS CORNER T-Bone Tommy Leverett


Midget Wrestling take over our Shrine Ballroom: Our Potentate and First Lady brought the wrestling group to our Shrine Center for a fun filled night. This was a Fraternal Fund Raiser and we had nothing but smiling faces. Smiling “Young” faces. It is my understanding the event was promoted in the Current Magazine which appeals to the younger crowd. I personally don’t make it a habit to read the Current, and we did not put an advertisement in Senior Living where I get my information these days. Even our friends with TSMPA, Brad Corley and fellow El Mina Shriners bought their tickets online and after their banquet came and joined in on the fun. I also received a phone call from my counterpart in Houston who wanted more information on this event. Everything went great until the wrestlers started using one of our maintenance departments yellow caution signs and I was afraid Shpresa would enter the ring and take them all down.

Congratulations are in order for all Alzafar Nobles contributing to a successful year in our membership growth. Let's continue the momentum. I want to share the following excerpt from Ken Sapp, Director Region 5, Imperial Membership Committee:

Peanut Update: My Grandson (aka Peanut) is ready for the 2018 Shrine Circus. Dez loves the animals, Spider Man for the 2017 circus and the World’s greatest Alzafar Shrine Clowns. We have a tradition each year to have Peanuts picture made with Bobby “Ice Bucket” Miller. I know our Nobles will rally around our Circus Director; Eric DeWalt to make sure this year’s Circus goes off without a hitch. September 14th-16th are the dates for San Antonio Shrine Circus. Tell Eric congratulations on negotiating a contract that guarantees Alzafar a very nice profit. The GALA is coming, the GALA is coming: Somebody please tell our Asst. Rabban, Marty Bartlett to please settle down. If you have donations for the Silent or the Live auction, please get them turned into the office ASAP. With a Western Theme this year, we are sure to have a “Grand” Old Opry good time raising money for the Shrine Hospital Transportation Fund. For the last two years we have netted over $100,000 profit. So put on your boots and we look forward to seeing you on August 6th. Membership: Just give us a lead. Go to We need the candidates name and phone number and your shrine number, which can be found on your dues card. It is simple and everyone can be on the Alzafar Membership Committee and help us keep growing one member at a time. Come out and join us at the next event or Shrine Parade and find out why I say “Alzafar Rocks”!

"Goals have been established for this Imperial year for each temple. Last year 74 temples met or exceeded these goals and in this process, improved the stability of their temple. The 3 "R"'s, Recruitment, Restoration and Retention are critical components of membership growth and require a fully staffed membership team to assure success". Now is the time to take the first step and establish a membership chair for the ensuing year and register them for the Membership Seminar in October. This is an investment that can pay huge dividends down the road through an exchange of ideas and the importance of building a strong membership team. The seminar is the equivalent of Spring Training and provides motivation and real life success stories. I can't encourage you enough to make this critical investment. Your Imperial IAMRU Goals will follow shortly. I encourage you to share progress on the goals regularly with your Nobility. It is also appropriate to create and communicate incentive programs to build enthusiasm and acknowledge success. Together we can do it again.

ANTIQUE CARRIAGE By: Rick "Tater" Reyes

THE BAND By: Richard Wallace

Another month has gone by and your Alzafar Antique Carriage Club has been representing in many facets throughout the Shrine. Over the months of June and July the ACC participated in the Bandera Parade and the Seguin Fourth of July Parade. As a unit, we met as always at the Shrine and discussed the many successes that we’ve seen this year. Our biggest success being our most recent car show. The final numbers for the car show came in and we ended up grossing well over $10,000 and netting just over $6,700. As a unit, we voted to donate $5,000 of those proceeds to the Shrine Transportation fund.

Summer is over, we enjoyed the break, now it is time to get back to work.

Up next for our unit will be our monthly meeting which will be the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Also, be on the lookout for our beautiful unit vehicles cruising down the streets of Fredericksburg in their annual parade followed up by the second Boerne parade of the year. As always, for those of you interested in learning more about our unit, come on out to our stated meeting. You don’t need to have an antique vehicle. As a matter of fact, you don’t even have to own a car to be a part of our unit. The meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm. Until next time….

For the second time, the Alzafar Shrine Band performed for the First Friday Club’s Steak Break in Sequin on Friday, September 7th. This is a charitable fund raising event that will benefit the Children’s Hospital Transportation Fund for Alzafar. As you read this, we will be performing our usual duties at the 75th Annual Shrine Circus and hosting the Luna Middle School Longhorn Band as well at the 3:00 pm performance on Saturday. This band is always a treat to listen to and observe. Another Fund Raiser for the Hospital Transportation Fund will be the First Alzafar Shrine Oktoberfest on Saturday, September 29th. Keep tuned for more details. In July, the Band and Masonry in San Antonio lost one of its shining examples of Masonry. Ricardo Baldarrama passed away after a ten-year long bout with cancer and was interred at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery. His loss is deeply felt and he will be missed. Rehearsals will resume on Thursday, August 2nd at 6:00 pm in Room 7. We are always looking for more performers, especially woodwinds, low brass, and percussion. Family members of Shriners are also encouraged to join us. We meet on Thursday evenings from 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm in Room 7. Come on by for good music and good fellowship, a combination that’s hard to beat. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210-2196861 or email at

BURNING SUN By: Tony Calderon Burning Sun unit is at it again and we couldn’t do it without the support of our family, friends, and nobles alike. We brought home some trophies from T.S.M.P.A to include our very own Potentate with most cones hit! It takes great skill and focus to accomplish this and our Illustrious Sir did it with grace and a smile on his face. This is what our unit is all about, getting out there having fun not just for the unit but for the family and friends that come out to support us in our mission. With T.S.M.P.A. out of the way we can focus on our potential new members the rest of year. Congratulations to our Major James Stimson for stepping up to become the 2nd Vice President of T.S.M.P.A. If you don’t know James, he is all about family and bringing all the units together to have fun. He has a few years before it is in his hands but we feel confident that he will make Alzafar proud and bring great credit to our temple. We look forward to finishing this year out strong and also look forward to bringing in new and seasoned riders. As always if you are looking for speed, excitement, and family fun come meet with us. We do this every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in room 5. We would also like to invite any motorized unit that would like to do a kart workshop or maneuver practice for parades or competition. We’ll save a seat and look forward meeting with other units.

THE DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS By: Richard Wallace The Championship Alzafar Shrine Drum & Bugle Corps will soon begin preparation to defend its State Title in Wichita Fall in 2019, come and join us. We are always looking for more musicians. Currently we are performing on brass instruments that are played in the band; Bb trumpets, Bb marching French horns, marching trombones, marching baritones, etc. We do have instruments that we can lend to you. We are also need percussionists and we have drums for you to play. We are a very low-pressure organization in terms of expectations and very flexible concerning time commitment. Thursday evening practices in Room 8 start at 7:30pm and end at 9:00pm. If you have any questions, please call Richard Wallace at 210219-6861 or email at Come on out and join us!

GOLF UNIT GIMMIES By: Walt Atencio 2018 came in as usual with all the work and fun related to Golf activities. However, it turned out to be one of the saddest and heartfelt loss of three of our longtime dedicated members: Nobles Puckett, Lawhon, Lee and James. They packed their golf bags and joined the “Masters” golf club in Heaven. They will forever be remembered and missed. On the positive side of 2018, the Golf Unit family welcomed five new members: Nobles Furgerson and Lady Evelyn, Eads and Lady Betty, Harper and Lady Sherry, Lammey and Lady Rose, Sowell and Lady Lynne. October 1st-5th, Ruidoso N.M. The golf unit President’s Annual Golf Trip details are all set. If anyone hasn’t signed up and wishes to participate, is asked to contact Prez. Hamilton at 210-275-3724. The agenda includes three days of golf on three of Ruidoso’s great courses, shopping plus a casino nearby, to name a couple. F O R E

HILL COUNTRY SHRINE CLUB By: Jim Bobbitt The Club was dark during August but will be participating in the Fredericksburg parade on August 24, 2018. We invite any Nobles in the area to join us for our monthly meeting resuming on Septermber 10, 2018 and subsequently on the first Monday of each month at 11:30 am. We meet at the Inn of the Hills, 1001 Junction Highway, Kerrville, Texas 78028. Any further information please contact Jim Bobbitt 830895-3615.

HILLBILLY CLAN #152 By: Rich Orr R next meetin will be in Oktoebur. We’ll be handing out the tickets for the $200 gift card. We’ll pull the winning ticket at our Christmas party in Decembur. The proceeds will go ta pay fer tha work done on “Betsy”. “Betsy” didn’t make tha last cupple of parades, as she needs sum work done. We have now been able to get sum of tha work done but she’ll need more work. If’n yu know a friend who would like ta become a Hillbilly, have them cum out ta r meeting an see what we are all about. We ask everyone ta continue ta keep PP Gary Radvansky an wife Cheryl in yer thoughts an prayers as he battles leukemia. We understand that after doing tha chemo treatments an tha bone marrow test that he is now free of cancer. Prayers really do work. We ask prayers for Frankie Tuma an Elma Myers an hope they r doin better. We’uns hope ta see y’all at r next meetin in Oktoebur 2018. HONOR GUARD Al Aranda Right off from jump street, need to reminder and ask all of our members to keep all these members in your prayers: our Illustrious Past Potentate G.I. Flores as he’s still flying at slow speed, but slowly he’s getting there; Noble John Mauro has to go for seconds as they did not replace all his spare parts. The Inouye’s daughter is also flying low and Noble Jerry Hockman

there; Noble John Mauro has to go for seconds as they did not replace all his spare parts. The Inouye’s daughter is also flying low and Noble Jerry Hockman had a complete wheel replacement, with all of our prayers and the Good Lord, they should be jumping back into full swing. Need to thank the lineups at the stated meeting and the Boerne Parade and as always, we cannot forget the lovely ladies that supported the club at the parade. Also, need to thank all the Nobles that supported the club at the ceremonial. A big atta boy and girl to everybody that supported the club at the Circus. Like always, we had a super time and enjoyed it. All of you members that did not join us at our luncheon, you all missed out on some super food, kool-aid and friendship and lots of fun. May the Good Lord keep us safe and in good health.

THE LAREDO SHRINE CLUB By: Larry Lowe The Laredo Shrine Club has been quiet this summer. August 2nd & 3rd was the beginning of our 7th year of the Shriners Childrens Hospital of Houston Laredo Outreach Clinic. Our 1st Clinic was in August, 2012, and we saw 39 patients. The last 2 clinics we have seen 100+ patients. Our Clinics are a huge success. We want to give a huge “thank you” to Alzafar for allowing us to use vans and drivers from the Hospital Corps. This has become a big part of our success. As always, we cannot thank our volunteers enough. The Laredo Shrine Club has combined efforts with the Nuevo Laredo Shrine Club to aide in getting our patients through customs at the bridge. The Laredo Shrine Club will have hosted a Bowling Tournament on August 30, 2018. The proceeds are to help fund our clinics and support the other Laredo Shrine Club endeavors. The Club is continuing with our bucket restaurant collections, which are still going strong.



Many of these Shrine Temples have a uniformed unit called the Legion of Honor. Legion of Honor members are Shriners who have served or are still serving in the Armed Forces of our countries. Honorable discharged or retired, volunteer or draftee, officer or enlisted, we are all proud to be doing or having done whatever our countries needed to keep our countries safe. This includes service in our countries' Armies, Navies, Air Forces, Coast Guards, Merchant Marines, etc. or in their Reserve components.

The Alzafar Seniors met the 2nd of August with 27 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was opened by our President, Noble Earl “Tex” Phillips, an invocation was given by our Chaplain, Noble (Right Worshipful) Donald Garrido, PP, who provided a little humor as well as a blessing. We then rendered honors to the America flag followed by a delicious meal of cheese enchiladas, rice and beans from Luby’s.

Members of Shriners International and the Legion of Honor means that we are also Masons. Every Shriner must first be a Mason and Freemasonry teaches a series of moral and spiritual lessons and obligations designed to make us better men. Some of us are in our twenties or thirties, returned from the Middle East, a peaceful state-side tour, or somewhere we don't talk about. Some of us are in our forties or fifties, and may have spent time in Viet Nam or Southeast Asia. Others are older, having served in Korea or even surviving Pearl Harbor or DDay. Some of us are retired, but many of us work full time supporting families. Still, we find the time to carry "Old Glory" whenever and wherever it's required, with full military dignity and honor, for parades, ceremonies and other special occasions. So, is that all there is to it? No. Like Masonry itself, there's so much more to it than can be put into words. If you are a Shriner and either a veteran or on active duty, look for a unit near you. Whatever the case, we thank you for visiting our site and invite you to stay and browse to discover more of what we are about.

We then conducted a brief business meeting that involved recognition of Nobility birthdays, anniversaries, sickness and distress. Our Secretary reported that the minutes of the July lunch were not in the recent copy of the Achbar and the treasurer reported that we added another few more $ to the treasury at todays’ lunch. After business was conducted, we were provided a very uplifting message from Noble Gary Rogers, owner of the New Braunfels Action House and member of the Blue Lodge in New Braunfels and Alzafar Shrine. He presented a historical view of the auction and the current state of his practice. He’s a true Patriot and an accomplished speaker. His presentation was well received and enjoyed by all. Our President thanked the members who brought deserts {Noble Carl Bloom and Maggie Estlack). Jerry and Bonnie Hopkins volunteered to bring Chicken Fried Steak from Denney’s next month. The meeting was closed following a benediction by Noble Garrido, PP. We meet next on September 6th and look forward to seeing many of you then.

Need A Venue For Your Next Special Event?

Look No Further! Contact Lynda at (210) 496-6334

Lynda Hall Director of Sales and Marketing San Antonio Shrine Auditorium


NEMNUF By: Rick "Tater" Reyes Another month has gone by and your Alzafar NEMNUF clowns have been hard at work bringing smiles and fun to the masses. Over the months of June and July the clowns found themselves in parades, social events, and many Shrine functions. We found our way yet again through the streets of Bandera in June and entertained the crowds of Seguin for their annual fourth of July parade. We had clowns representing in makeup and out at our Imperial Shrine Session in Daytona Beach Florida as well. Up next for our unit is the Fredericksburg parade followed up by the second Boerne parade of the year. We will have our unit summer party up at Camp Alzafar and as always, be on the lookout for your favorite clown at the 75th annual Shrine Circus. Our very own Eric “Wet-O” DeWalt has made sure that this year’s circus will be one to remember. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about our unit, please make it a point to stop by the 2nd Monday of each month for our stated meeting. Meal at 6:30 and the meeting will start promptly at 7:30pm. Until next time…. Bump a Nose

Before we start our lesson on batteries, one last word on your "go juice". Over the years dealing with auto mechanics, especially dealership service writers, I wanted to know what are the differences in major brands of gasoline. Specifically, what brand of gas would they recommend? As you might expect, they were prohibited from recommending one brand over another. But they did tell me about "Top Tier" gasoline. These are brands that have added detergents to their fuel to help keep the fuel system clean without damage to the valve system. Most auto manufacturers recommended Top Tier gasoline. I found a list of these in AAA magazine and elsewhere. Two major brands have recently been added to the Top Tier list: COSTCO and Valero. These two were added to brands such as Texaco and Shell. Now to batteries. Our little cars take a small battery that you can buy for as little as $25.00. It will probably last you a year or maybe two, depending on use (horns and lights). Our engines come stock with a 4 amp alternator. If you are in a 2 hour parade using your lights - you will be lucky if your car starts the next time. You can attempt to install an 8 amp alternator or buy a better battery. The better battery, often referred to as "Gel Cell" battery, will cost you two or three times what the Wally World special costs. But it will last for several years. Saving you money, and heartache, in the long run. Henry David Thoreau tells us that an early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. Most golfers agree.


ALZAFAR ROD & GUN CLUB By: Craig Noyes Hello everyone. Our last meeting was much better with many more people in attendance and much business was covered. We spoke about the annual Dove Hunt at the 2nd Year Directors Frank Rivas Ranch in Hondo, Texas and that we will be hunting on his stock tank that is stocked with catfish. After the hunt we will have dinner at Herman Sons Steakhouse which is always enjoyable, and all members from other clubs and units are invited to attend. In other business, the club voted and approved having the 2018 Christmas Party with the Directors Staff/Roustabouts to save some time and money and have fun with more people attending. The date is December 14, 2018 between 6:00 and 10:00 PM, and all members are invited to attend. President Dusty also, spoke about an idea that is similar to what the Hillbilly’s do and that is have meetings every other month. The Club decided to table the discussion for another time. We also have a spot to fill for our Gambling Coordinator as Past Queen Pat Lee has moved to Virginia and will no longer be available to put trips together for us. Anyone interested should contact one of the officers of the Rod & Gun Club and volunteer. That is about all I have to say in this Achbar so I thank you and may there be many fish on your stringer.

FOR MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Enclosed is a contribution in the amount of $ ____________________ In Memory of _____________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________ On the Occasion of _________________________________________

Please send acknowledgement card to: Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________________

Contributed by: Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________

Mail to:

Alzafar Shrine Center 901 N. Loop 1604 West

San Antonio, TX 78232

REPORT ON 2018 IMPERIAL SESSION By Bob Hunt, Imperial Representative Good Nobles all. A good time was had by all in Daytona Beach, FL (by the few that attended) at the 144th session of the Imperial Council of Shriners International. Rick (Tater) Reyes won four awards in the Clown Competition. We currently have a membership of 232,830 Nobles, which is down 11,500 from last year. There were 6,569 Nobles created and 3,417 affiliated and restored. On the loss side there were 2,199 demits, 9,175 deaths, 9,741 suspensions and 358 resigned or were expelled. Alzafar went from 1,552 members to 1,573 for a gain of 21; that’s a 1.35% gain for a Gold Status. There were 20 temples with a net gain. That’s only 10% of our Shrine Temples. Four of seven International Temples had a gain. We currently have 8000 International Shriners. We really need to recruit more members and our membership committee is doing a great job of achieving that goal. Way to go Nobles. Imperial Treasurer, Brad Koehn, reports “that healthcare has been in a tremendous state of change over the last few years, and that does not appear to be slowing down. There are greater regulatory requirements that must be met and adjusted to and we must always be mindful that we are a charity using public donations and ensuring that those dollars are being efficiently and effectively utilized. This ever-evolving healthcare landscape makes it even more important that we ensure our organization is prepared financially to continue to treat children for the next 100 years. As the 2017 financial statements show, Shriners Hospitals for Children’s net assets increased from $8.8 billion to $9.5 billion, a $700 million change. This change was driven from the markets and unrealized gains on our endowment. As a result of these gains, the endowment value grew from $7.9 billion to $8.6 billion. Although we did experience positive growth in the endowment, through unrealized gains, our investment yield, made up of interest, dividends, fees and miscellaneous investment returns was flat in 2017 at approximately $185 million. As we have seen for many years, interest rates earned on our investments still remain at historic lows and where we earned $147 million of interest in 2007; in 2017 we earned only $81 million in interest. Our organization utilizes the interest, dividends and other operating revenue sources to meet the needs and expenses of our hospital system. In 2017, similar to 2018, those operating expenses exceeded our operating revenues by $178 million. It was the unrealized gains on the portfolio that created an overall increase in net assets for the system.” In sports fund raising, the East/West Shrine football game is in its 8 th year in Florida with attendance rising. The College Baseball Classic game in Houston is doing well with attendance up over 50%. Bill Wassburg and Charlie Eads had a lot to do with the success of this event. Our Alzafar Shriners’ golf tournaments raised over $34,000. The International Clown Assoc. presented two checks for over $1.5 million. Last year in Daytona Beach we voted on 50 items. This year in Daytona Beach 48 items were on the agenda -32 items on the fraternal side and 16 items on the hospital side. On the fraternal side of the Iowa Corporation business, 22 amendments passed, 4 failed and 6 were withdrawn. Of importance that PASSED: (1) the amendment will define “Good Standing”, a Shriner who has paid his dues; (2) Temples supporting International development can apply for reimbursement of a portion of expenses under limited conditions; (3) written objections prior to balloting on a candidates petition would not be allowed; (4) an associate member cannot concurrently hold elective offices in any of the temples of which he is a member or concurrently hold elective offices in any of the units or clubs of the temples of which he is a member; (5) In any state, outside the USA, Canada, Panama and the Republic of Mexico, regardless of wherever such state currently is within the jurisdiction of a temple, dispensation could be issued upon a petition signed by 150 Nobles or Master Masons qualified by these bylaws to become Nobles. A Temple granted dispensation under this exception would be required within 3 years to meet the requirements of at least 300 Nobles prior to be eligible for a Chapter; (6)”The Board of Directors of Shriners International (SI) would be required to consider re-employment of Imperial Sir Randy Rudge with SI, and would be required to consider compensation of Imperial Sir Randy Rudge with the amount he would have received as the Director of Membership as a salary for the Imperial Recorder in accordance with Imperial By-Law 206.7(a) of the bylaws of SI, Imperial Sir Randy Rudge would be permitted to oversee the duties and responsibilities of the Imperial Recorder during the time he is elected to that Imperial office and the incoming Imperial Potentate would be required to consider appointing a special committee to investigate violations of the bylaws of SI as referenced in the Resolution.”; (7) SI hereby grants a Charter to Amal Shriners of Sao Paulo in the country of Brazil; (8) SI hereby grants a charter to Bolivia Shrine in the country of Bolivia. Of importance that FAILED: (1) the Imperial Recorder shall be paid an annual salary in such amount as SI may provide. There were two candidates for Imperial Outer Guard: Mark Hartz and Joe Schloss; Mark Hartz won. Mark is from Bowni Shriners in Baltimore, MD. There were two running for Imperial Recorder: Randy Rudge and Imperial Sir Gary Bergensky; Randy Rudge won.

On the hospital side, the Colorado Corporation had 16 amendments: seven passed, seven failed and two were withdrawn. Of importance, amendments that PASSED: (1) The Boards of Governors of the Twin City Hospital, the Cincinnati Hospital and Tampa Hospital and the Boards of Directors and Trustees of Shriners Hospitals for Children would be authorized to reach a decision on relocating the Twin Cities Shriners Hospital, the Cincinnati Hospital and the Tampa Hospital by a 2/3 majority vote of the respective Boards; (2) the Oversight Committee will continue with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shriners Hospitals for Children appointing the chairman and four additional members of the committee for the succeeding year; (3) an election, or vote conducted in accordance with any provision of the bylaws of Shriners Hospitals for Children shall by raised hands, written ballot or electronic voting at the discretion or the presiding chair; (4) an election or vote conducted in accordance with any provision of Part I or Part II of the bylaws of Shriners International shall be by raised hand, written ballot or electronic voting at the discretion of the presiding chair; (5) adding or closing Hospital could only occur by the affirmative vote of the required number of votes by written ballot, or electronic Voting at the discretion of the presiding chair. Of Importance that FAILED: (1) Additional Hospitals could be acquired or constructed and existing Hospitals could be closed by the vote of the members at an annual meeting or by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors and Trustees. There were four candidates for hospital trustees. Elected were Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt and Paul Poulin, MD. There was an election for the President of the Board of Trustees, Shriners Hospital for Children. Past Imperial Potentate Jerry Gantt was re-elected. Message by Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt, “We appreciate the representatives’ support for the efforts and work of the member of the Joint Boards and the Executive Teams at both headquarters and the hospitals. We are enthused and energized by the decision to move forward and implement the plans for realigning and restructuring the Boston, Cincinnati, Spokane and Twin Cities hospitals. For Boston, the plan primarily involves consolidating space and sharing our location with Massachusetts General Hospital, (MGH). In Cincinnati, we will be working to determine the right hospital to share space with – at either their location or ours. Our Spokane hospital has agreed to significantly reduced expenses and to increase both specific outreach efforts and their sports medicine program. The Twin Cities location will move to a partner site, where our staff will provide both inpatient and outpatient services, and will increase outreach to specific target areas. We plan to have the transitions of the Boston and Cincinnati locations completed by the end of 2020; the changes in Spokane finalized by the end of this year; and the work completed for Twin Cities within the next year. We are encouraged by the spirit of trust, cooperation and change that was clearly evident at Imperial Session. We are very confident in the future of Shriners Hospital for Children. We are grateful for this new spirit of realism and responsibility; it will be a significant factor as we continue to respond to changes in the health care industry and make necessary adaptations throughout our health care system.” Be thinking about the next four years – Imperial is in Nashville, TN June 30-July 4, 2019; Kansas City, KS July 5-9, 2020, Houston, TX July 5-9, 2021 and Minneapolis, MN July 3-7, 2022. This concludes my report. Thank you for electing me as one of your Imperial Representatives of Alzafar Temple. I hope to continue representing Alzafar Temple with your help in 2019. Come out and vote at the December Meeting.

Tentative Parade Schedule… Year, 2018 Note: Subject to change! DATE





Sat. Feb. 17th…… Washington’s Birthday..................... Laredo……………7:00AM……..… 9:00AM Sat. Apr. 14th…… Strawberry Festival………………………... Poteet.…………. 8:00AM……….10:00AM Sat. Apr. 28th…… Fiesta Flambeau………………………… San Antonio.………5:00PM……...… 7:00PM Sat. May 5th ……. Cornyval…………………………………….…... Helotes…..…...7:30AM………….9:30AM Sat. May 26th…… Memorial Day…………………………..….. Bandera…..……..9:00AM……….11:00AM Sat. June 16th…… Berges Fest………………………………………Boerne….………7:30AM……….10:00AM Wed. July 4th…… July 4th…………………………………………….. Seguin..…………8:00AM……….10:00AM Fri. Aug 24th……. Gillespie Co. Fair…………………………. Fredericksburg.…8:00AM……….10:00AM (Optional) Sat. Sept. 1st……. Kendall County Fair…………………….…. Boerne…..………8:00AM……….10:00AM Sat. Sept. 29th……Homecoming Parade…………………..….Sabinal….……….8:00AM……….10:00AM (Optional) Sat. Nov. 10th……Veteran’s Day……………………….……...San Antonio……..10:00AM……...12:00PM (Alzafar Ladies and Family) Fri. Nov. 23rd……River Parade……………………………..……. San Antonio……. 4:00PM………..6:00PM

Sat. Dec. 8th……..Christmas Parade……………………….….. Sattler…………...9:30AM……….11:00AM (Alzafar Ladies and Family)

IN MEMORY OF Dave Mullins Don Prichard Edward Lee Emmitt Carroll Jack Haygood Gulley James Stultz James Stultz James Stultz James Stultz James Stultz James Stultz James Stultz Jim Beathe John C. Hoyo IV

DONOR Jay Crist Bob & Mava Prichard Juanita Bray P.P. Stuart Simms Clarice G. Fisher Charlie Bedgood Bernice & Michael Fischer Nancy & Gary Espenhover Buck & Shirlee Bourne Mike & Linda Sluiter & Helen Paddie Juanita Bray Walt & Patsy Hammons Bob & Mava Prichard James & Shelly Hoyo

Jack H. Gulley

Arthur A. Lefton

Ricardo Baldarrama

James “Bill” Gooden

Herman H. James FOR SALE: 2015 Honda Shadow Areo. 750 cc; 3,000 miles. New in 2017. Many extras. Asking $6,500.00. Call Noble Tom Kopcho @ 210-414-9495. FOR SALE: Purchased new, 2004 Jayco Flight Travel Trailer. 27 ft. long, sleeps 7. Must sell due to illness. Asking $5,000.00 OBO. Trailer in storage at Camp Bullis. One owner. Less than 200 road miles. Call Jesse Araiza @ 512-769-0014. FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Funeral Park. Asking $4,000.00 each. For more information call Noble A. G. Pinson @ 615-746-6888. FOR SALE: 4 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each or negotiable. Call Judy Phillips @ 210-274-7713.

FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each. Please contact Vicki Gann @ 210-315-1325. FOR SALE: 4 adjourning plots in Brookside Memorial Park Cemetery, Houston Texas. Section 26 (Masters Lawn-Masonic Section), lot 251, spaces 3,4,5 & 6. Asking $4,995.00 each. Sell all or part. Call Noble Johnny @ 210-328-1776. FOR SALE: 4 cemetery plots in Historic Hollywood Cemetery, Houston Texas. Perpetual care included. Price is $5,000.00 each. Contact Betty Chalfont @ 830-237-3229. FOR SALE: Corn roaster, like new condition. Nat Washer Lodge paid $13,000.00, will take reasonable offer. Please call Noble Andrew J. Perez @ 210-2597953.


3RD Tuesday Each Thursday 4th Wednesday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Thursday Memorial Day

July 4 & Labor Day

7:00pm Room 9 6:30pm Room 7 7:30pm Room 5 7:00pm Room 5 12:00pm as desig. 12:00pm Camp Pavilion 7:00pm Room 4 6:00pm as desig. 7:00pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Room 8 7:30pm Room 7 6:30pm Room 9


1st Monday 2nd Thursday 3rd Wednesday 2nd Tuesday Each Thursday 2nd Tuesday Each Thursday


1st Monday 3rd Tuesday

7:30pm Room 12 7:00pm Room 6 Wed. Before Stated 7:00pm Pavilion 4th Monday 7:00pm Room 11 2nd Monday As Designated 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Room 10 3rd Monday 7:00pm Room 5 2nd Monday 7:30pm Room 11 Each Wednesday 7:00pm Room 8 4th Monday 7:00pm Room 6 1st Wednesday 7:00pm Provost Gd. 1st Tuesday 7:00pm Room 10 1st Sunday 12:00pm Dining Room 1st Wednesday 6:00pm RoustaboutRm 4th Weekend As Designated 1st Thursday 12:00pm Parlors 2nd Monday 7:00pm Directors Rm. 1st Monday 7:00pm Parlors 1st Wednesday 7:00pm as desig.


3rd Wednesday 2nd Monday 4th Saturday 3rd Monday 1st Monday 1st Wednesday



Sun. Feb.,Apr. 5:00pm Roustabout Rm.

June, Aug.,Oct.Dec.


6:30pm as desig. 6:30pm Lakeside GC. 6:30pm Ramada Inn 6:00pm as desig. 11:00am Inn of the Hills 7:00pm as desig.



4th Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Thursday


1st Monday

7:00pm Parlors


7:30pm as desig.

7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Parlors

PAST POTENTATES OF ALZAFAR SHRINE 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

Frank R. Newton, SR.* Ted Millburn* J. A. Patterson* Henry Rabe* Robert Burne* Sylvan Lang* Robert S. Michael* Nathan K. Tracy* H. W. Weber* Herman Horner* Charles D. Hall* S. X. Callahan* John Lomax* Henry A. Hirschberg* A. J. McKenzie* Louis P. Hartung* Anton N. Moursund* G. G. Grebenheimer* Porter Loring* P. D. Mathis* Geo. F. Dullnig* Willard E. Simpson* C. Baumberger, Jr.* William Eifler* William H. Wallace* Daniel O’Connell* O. J. Solcher* Rennie Wright* Albert A. Green* W. D. Turbeville* Ted E. Poppe* Alfred W. Harlos* Sam A. Chapman* Richard Adams* Roy Akers* Glen K. Schuepbach* W. C. “Pat” Welch* Elliot J. Bilhartz* Ray H. Trimmier* T. M. McCormick* H. S. Norman* W. B. Jack Ball* Floyd J. Griffin* Henry W. Eitt* Harvey McDonald* L. L. Woodman* George W. Henry* Barney Norris* Jack B. Lee* Robert B. O’Connor E. Jeff Ashcraft, Jr.*

1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015 2016 2017

D. Neal Talley* Wm. H. Ferguson* Keith Gerstner* Jack W. Cones, Jr.* Bruce Waitz* Floyd F. Graham* Drue H. Floyd* Jack O. Dietz* H. C. Kopplow* W.H. “Bill” Elmore* Thurman Barrett, Jr.*

Floyd O. Schneider* Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

Burdit W. McCoy* James V. Gullette* Joseph M. Clark* George D. Van, Jr.* Joe Roy Halloway E. C. “Bud” Jordan* Sidney D. Autry* Terry McGuire* James Dockery, Jr.* George J. Labinski* James W. Todd Ray Fuller* Robert “Bob” Jett Emmett C. George* E. C. “Ed” Vest* Tom Boothe* Jerry Krupp* Harry D. Rose* Robert D. “Bob” Green

Robert “Bobby” Hunt Bob Stephens* Loren Hayes J. Phillip Knight-Sheen

Wayne R. Duncan Steve R. Molnar Stuart H. “Stu” Simms

Frank B. Hunter* Joseph Calvey Paul F. McCombs James “Jim” Strayer* Richard “Rick” Reyes Gregorio “G.I.” Flores

Robert “Bob” Jones Tom Young Jay Dee Thomas John Dunn Gary R. Radvansky

MEMBERS OF ALZAFAR AND WHO ARE PAST POTENTATES OF OTHER SHRINE CENTERS 1964 Roy Reynolds (El Bekal)* 1970-71 Eldon Wesner (Anezeh)* 1979 Ray Robison (Suez) 1981 Donald Garrido (Abou Saad) 1983 David Martin (Suez) 1998 Terry Zittle (Abou Saad) * Asterisk Denotes the Passing of Our Illustrious Sir

SEPTEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1st 3rd 6th 10th 13th 14th-16th 15th 25th 29th

Kendall County Fair Parade/Boerne Camp Alzafar Labor Day Celebration/Boerne LABOR DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Alzafar Shrine Circus/Freeman Coliseum Medina County Fair Parade/Hondo Officer’s Call (OC) Meeting Homecoming Parade/Sabinal (Optional)

10:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am 7:00 pm 10:00am

_____________________________________________________________ OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS 4th 6th 8th 11th 13th 28th

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Alzafar Hospital Gala/Ballroom COLUMBUS DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Masonic Picnic/Camp Alzafar Children’s Halloween Party

10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm All Day TBD

__________________________________________________________________ NOVEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1st 4th 10th 12th 15th 23rd

Forget-Me-Nots/Room 4 10:00 am Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors 12:00 noon LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors 7:00 pm Alzafar Memorial Service TBD Veteran's Day Parade/San Antonio 12:00 noon Veteran's Day Observed-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom 7:30 pm River Parade/San Antonio TBD

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