Alzafar Achbar

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Alzafar Achbar

April 2019

The Alzafar Achbar is the Official Membership Newsletter of Alzafar Shriners: It is published monthly by Alzafar Shriners Stated Meeting ………………………….. 2nd. Thursday Monthly Chartered ………………………………………………… July 13, 1916 PHONE: 210-496-1625 San Antonio Shrine Auditorium: 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232: Alzafar Shriners E-mail: Official Website: 2019 ELECTIVE DIVAN Potentate ……………………………………………………..Eric DeWalt Chief Rabban …………………………………………….Marty Bartlett Assistant Raddan …………………………………Travis Elmendorf High Priest & Prophet …………………………….Robert Norman Oriental Guide ………………………………………….Rick Reyes III Treasurer …………………………………………………..Stuart Simms Recorder ……………………………………………….Thomas Leverett 2019 APPOINTIVE DIVAN 1st Ceremonial Master ………………………………..Bobby Miller 2nd Ceremonial Master …………………………………Steve Starr Director ……………………………………………………Donald English Marshall …………………………………………………………Ken Propes Captain of the Guard ……………………………………..Josh Miller Outer Guard ……………………………………………….Paul Dawson Chaplain ……………………………………………..Robert M. DeWalt 2019 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES Potentate ………………………………………………………Eric DeWalt Chief Rabban ……………………………………………Martin Bartlett P.P. Reese L. Harrison, Jr. ………Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bob” Jett …………….Emeritus Representative Daniel M. Hutchison III …………..Emeritus Representative P.P. Robert “Bobby” Hunt P.P. Stuart H. “Stu” Simms 2019 FINANCE COMMITTEE Potentate ………………………………………………….Eric A. DeWalt Chief Rabban ……………………………………………Martin Bartlett Assistant Rabban …………………………………Travis Elmendorf Gary Bausell ……………………………………………………….4 Years Kyle Jackson……. …………………………………………………3 Years TBD ………………….…….……………………………………………2 Years Garett Ethridge ………………………………………………….1 Year ALZAFAR SHRINE PHOTOGRAPHER ………….Art Loera STATED MEETING The next Stated Meeting of the Alzafar Shriners will be held on February 14 ,2019 at the San Antonio Shrine Auditorium, 901 N. Loop 1604 West San Antonio, Texas 78232. Dinner is at 6:00pm on a first come first served basis. The purpose of the Stated Meeting is to receive and ballot on petitions, to receive committee reports, to discuss and take possible action on agenda matters and any such other business, as might come before it YOUR 2019 DUES CARD WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ADMITTANCE TO STATED MEETINGS. BE SURE TO BRING THESE THREE THINGS: • • •

Your fez on your head Your dues card in your pocket The spirit of fun and good fellowship in your heart

Potentate Recorder

Eric A. DeWalt Thomas D. Leverett

ILLUSTRIOUS SIR Eric DeWalt POTENTATE OF ALZAFAR SHRINERS Oh, the places we you’ll go! What a simple book by Dr. Seuss but Oh how true. Oh, the places we you’ll go! I never thought I would be able to experience all the wonderful things that I have. Love and family are all around. What amazing sights have been seen from my vantage point along this journey. Family working together for a greater good. Having Fun while Helping Kids has never been more evident. The outreach clinic in Laredo just blew me away. The number of volunteers working in unison to accomplish the task at hand was amazing. My hat goes off to the Hospital Corps as well as to all of our Hospital Representatives for a job well done. What terrific Mid-Winters that have been attended by our Nobles and Ladies. Units traveling to meet their counterparts at other Temples for fellowship and competition. Clowns, Director’s Staff, Shotgun Unit, Legion of Honor and others representing our Shrine so well. Our Masonic Youth Brunch, our I-Hop Pancake Day and our OG Easter Party were all run smoothly and each were huge achievements. The success of these events is just an indication of our Shrine Leadership Rolls that are to come. Travis, Robert and Rick, I applaud your work. We have had Dance’s, Parties, Parades and Events and All have been a incredibly successful, either for our Philanthropy, our Fraternity as well as for our Membership. We have traveled and seen many marvelous things and Oh, the places we will go! Please allow me to invite each and every one of you to take time to celebrate. There is a time to work, there is a time to rest, there is a time to pray and there is a time to dance. Please join me in attending OUR NOBILITY BALL. On April 13th, we will take time to recognize and publicly install all of our officers throughout this wonderful Temple who have stepped up to serve. Without these fine Nobles in their respective positions, this Fraternity would have no backbone. I encourage you to purchase your tickets and/or table and bring a friend. This will definitely be - a night you do not want to miss. NIOSA, a Night In Our Shrine Auditorium. Call Carol for reservations.

CHIEF RABBAN Marty Bartlett


Greetings Alzafar, Preparations will begin soon for our 76th Annual Circus at Freeman Coliseum. We will have 1 show on Sept 13th, 3 shows on Sept 14th, and 2 shows on Sept 15th. I will have advertising brochures for you soon – but start thinking about who you can get to buy an ad in the program or to have a banner put up. The way we will make our money this year will be by selling program ads, banners, sponsorships, buck a lines, programs, and fezzes. Our largest single line item will be buying your noble tickets. Watch for when those come to you in the mail later in the summer. It is very important for everyone to buy their discounted Noble tickets when they come in. Then either use the tickets, give them away to friends and family, or return them to the Shrine so that we can re-purpose many of these tickets for needy children, military, etc. Outside of renting our building, the Circus is our biggest fundraiser for the temple. Please plan to participate over the next few months in selling ads and banners to get our circus season kicked off to a great start.

Greetings Alzafar, With the Easter Holiday upon us, it brings many things to mind. Most especially, to me, the ideas of re-birth, reaffirmation and a rekindling of my love for the family of Homo Sapien Sapien. We as people always tend to look at the negative, whether it’s about an individual, a project or just something that is sitting on our plate . In doing so, this can cloud our judgement and bar us from seeing the true possibilities, attributes or destination. Equal concentration should be given to the positive and inherently should be the first in any of our evaluations. There is much good to be had in viewing the positive and following through with it; always being mindful of the negative but not allowing it to take center stage. This I leave with you, it’s a concept and practice that I bring forth every year on this holiday. I LOVE you all. God Bless. Tell we see each other again- AR Out

Happy Easter

High Priest & Prophet

Oriental Guide

Robert Noman II

We find ourselves in April already and I find myself thinking “time really does fly when you’re having fun”. That is the theme this year, having FUN! Lady Tiffany and I have had a blast so far this year and can only imagine how much fun is yet to come. Last month, we hosted our first event as High Priest and Prophet. We were in charge of the Masonic Youth Brunch followed by the Grand Masters Conference on March 2nd. We cannot thank everyone enough for the overall success of the event. We both understand that without the help, guidance, and execution from so many people, that this event wouldn’t have been successful. The Masonic lodges in and around the area really showed the youth groups that they are here to support them. We had seven lodges send in monetary donations and 15 lodges bought a total of 21 tables for the brunch. Carlos Stanigar and the Host Family knocked the meal out of the park. With their help, we had plenty of hot and fresh food for everyone to enjoy. You guys nailed it! There were well over 300 people who were served. We would also like to thank the Honor Guard, Band, Motor Patrol, Brews Brothers, Nobles and their Ladies, as well as the office and maintenance staff for all their help as well. The numerous people able to step up to help was very humbling. What an honor it was for us to lead this day. Congratulations goes out to our Oriental Guide Rick Reyes III and Lady Amanda. These two had an opportunity to attend the Oriental Guide Seminar in March and have come back motivated and ready to assist in leading Alzafar into the future. It truly is an eye-opening experience. When you see these two, please stop and ask them all about their experience attending the seminar. I’m sure they would LOVE to tell you all about it. Our next event responsibility is the Full Form Ceremonial that will be held in August. We are in the initial planning stages of this event. More information to follow. We are so honored to have been given the opportunity to serve Alzafar. If anyone needs anything or has any suggestions, please let us know. Thank you all!

Rick Reyes III

Alzafar, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank y’all once again for allowing me to represent our organization on your behalf. It’s been three months so far and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. Amanda and I are excited for this year as well as the years to come. Throughout this last month, we’ve been pretty busy around the Shrine. From our second Round Table to meetings and everything in between, we’ve enjoyed the comradery and fun that we’ve been a part of. Our most recent effort, the OG Round Table was well attended and ended up being an hour of fun filled and enthusiastic ideas that are sure to propel our organization forward for years to come. We had many nobles and their ladies in attendance and each person had the opportunity to give their two cents on what they want to see our Shrine look like throughout this year and the years to follow. Our first event will be a Top Golf event whereby we will be focusing our efforts on membership. We walked away with 46 prospects to invite, so hopefully, it will turn out to be a good event for Shrine and Masonic Lodge membership. The DRIVE for the Shrine as we are calling it will be Thursday, April 18 th from 7pm to 9pm. If you are interested in assisting, please reach out and let me know. We have limited space so make sure you reach out in a hurry. Last, but certainly not least, our Shrine Children’s Easter Party went off without a hitch. I want to thank every one of you for your assistance in making sure that this year’s Easter party was fantastic. Many of you made every effort to offer your help and for that, Amanda and I are grateful. We had so many friends who came out for everything. We are so thankful for your support. This event proved that our Shrine family can make things happen and that most importantly, they have our back. We can’t wait for Halloween and Christmas and we can’t wait to see all of you throughout

the year. Regards, Rick Reyes III

TREASURER’S TWO CENTS WORTH P.P. Stuart Simms Phone: 210-659-1956 We have recently had some questions about the 2019 Budget and how budgets are created. So here goes. You have adopted the 2019 Budget. That Budget, and the related documents, are on file in the office and are available for review. They were also available for review before the Nobility vote on the Budget. The Budget is in two parts. The first is the Operating Budget. It includes income from building rentals, dues, and other fraternal income sources. Charges against the Operating Budget include our typical operational expenses such as insurance, utilities, salaries, and other expenses related to actually running the Temple. This year the operating budget is intended to break even or, with a bit of luck, do a bit better than that. The second part of the 2019 Budget is the Capital Budget. This Budget involves the expenditure of funds related to the cost of property and equipment having a useful life of more than one year. As an example, part of the 2019 Capital Budget includes replacing major non-functioning equipment in the kitchen. The items contemplated for purchase will last more than one year and make the kitchen operational again. Once operational, the kitchen can be made part of the rental package and can produce additional income for us. Additionally, an operational kitchen will be useful for our Shrine Family. Regarding how we arrive at a budget, our rules require that the Chief Rabban, in conjunction with the Board, prepare the budget. That process generally starts with the Chief Rabban and one or two others who examine the expenses and income from the year before and make related estimates for the impending budget year. Once adjustments have been made, an initial document is then produced. At that point, the Board, the Finance Committee, and various others all weigh in and arrive at a proposal for the consideration of the Nobility. That document is made available for review prior to the vote on the Budget. At the

meeting the Budget proposal can be accepted, rejected, or amended. It is your Budget and your money, so you have the final decision.

If you want to see how the budget sausage is actually made, much of the work occurs in the monthly in the Board and Finance Committee meeting. That meeting generally occurs on the Monday prior to the monthly stated meeting, and all Alzafar Shriners are welcome. The meeting starts at 5:00 p.m. in the conference room of the office. There are two caveats. Before you come to the Temple, please call the office at (210) 496-1625 to ensure that the meeting has not been rescheduled. Secondly, during the meeting, the Potentate may have to call the Board into executive session and exclude everyone but Board members. This is a rare occurrence, and almost always involves legal issues. I urge you to come to at least one of these meetings.

On a final note, the bulk of our investments are generally managed through Broadway Bank. Our investment and account bankers will present a briefing about our performance over the last year and provide advice for the future at the Board and Finance Meeting at 5:00 p.m. on May 6, 2019. You are more than welcome to attend, hear what they have to say, and provide your input. I look forward to seeing you there.

RECORDERS CORNER T-Bone Tommy Leverett

Longevity is a wonderful thing. As many of you know, Carol recently hit her 20-year mark as one of your employees in the office. Alex has now hit her 10-year mark and Maria has made it to 15years. It has been a pleasurer to work with these ladies in the office. This year marks my 4th year as your Recorder and these Ladies keep telling me it is a good thing you continue to elect me, because they are still trying to teach me my job. We are truly blessed to have such a talented team of professionals working in your office. Carol added to her full plate. If you have tried to schedule a room reservation for your Unit or Club, including the LOS and Nile Ladies, and Masonic Lodges, you know that Carol is your contact. I made this call to free up our Marketing Director's time to find new rentals. Carol has a copy of the electronic calendar and she will coordinate with our Marketing Director to make sure the date is available. We continue to encourage you and your Units to plan your activities during the week or on a Sunday. Friday and Saturday are the busiest times for us to rent the shrine out to the public. With our campus being built during the days of 6,000 + membership and today we have just under 1,600, we need the rental income to keep our beloved Temple. Also, for Christmas Parties and Installation of Officers, we will not be charging your Unit or Clubs. Many thanks to our Potentate, Eric DeWalt, for making this decision. If you have a fundraiser, try to hold it on a Sunday so we have an opportunity to rent the building on Friday and Saturday. Your layouts for the use of any of our rooms need to go to our Maintenance Supervisor, David Gibson, 30 days prior to your event. We can email you a blank layout for your room and you can return it to My door in my office is always open and I make the best cup of coffee in town. OK, it’s a Keurig Coffee Maker. Dust off the Old Fez and come out to the next parade and join in the fun. If it is not fun, it is not a Shrine Event. Find out why I say “Alzafar Rocks”!

MEMBERSHIP By: Al Rapoza From the Office of Membership Shriners International

Keys to Membership Success Membership development isn’t a process – it’s a behavior. While there is indeed a process involved with new member development, successful recruitment has to start from within your own culture. In preparation for organizing your temple (or club/unit) membership efforts, the following key elements must be considered: 1) Teamwork. The membership chairman is not the only person on the membership team. He needs to work with the Divan in building his team with the understanding that ALL Nobles are part of the membership team, regardless of whether or not they hold a title or position within the temple. 2) Documentation. As your membership team is contacting prospective candidates, receiving petitions and submitting them to the temple office, proper documentation becomes essential. With proper documentation, each of your team members will be able to easily recognize where candidates are in the process to ensure that no steps are skipped. Utilize the Membership Development System (MDS) on Shriners Village and some of the reports built therein – these tools are already designed and proven to be effective with proper utilization. 3) Salesmanship. We are all promoting a quality product – a fraternity of men who wish to better themselves and their community through service to mankind, particularly through their philanthropy: the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Shriners don’t need to possess a strong sales background; they simply need to be knowledgeable about their organization and talk to people about what it does. Our product will truly sell itself. 4) Consistency. Through proper presentation and education, all members of the membership team should offer consistent information to prospective candidates. Disorganization can lead to confusion and misinformation, which can deter the interest of the candidate.

5) Transparency. Be willing to give information about the organization. Hiding behind the mystique of the Arabian culture portrayed in our ceremonies will result in speculation and concern, especially considering the current events of our time. Unless candidates are asking you to divulge the specific secrets of the organization, you can discuss any element of the ritualistic ceremonies, the purpose, mission or any other aspect of Shrinedom. If you are unfamiliar with a topic they wish to discuss, refer them to someone who may be more knowledgeable.

6) Hospitality. Your temple has to portray a welcoming environment and a culture which is accepting to new ideas and new members and their families. The current population being targeted for recruitment is two generations separated from the current Shrine membership majority. Establish a Shrine Membership Action Renewal Team (S.M.A.R.T.) at your temple. Establish new Clubs and Units to attract, recruit and retain the Generation Y, Echo Boomers and Millenniums. This will grow your temple with younger members while making the older generations feel comfortable and relevant.

7) Fun. Fun is one of the most important aspects for success in any fraternal organization. Fun activities are also a terrific motivator for membership recruitment and retention. And considering that fun is contagious, if your Shriners are not having fun, they’re doing it wrong. --Noble RJ “Jody” Meguiar Membership Team, Egypt Shriners Membership Communication Coordinator, Shriners International

BREWS BROTHERS By: Russell Brown Beer is one of the oldest drinks humans have produced, dating back to at least the 5th millennium BC in Iran, and was recorded in the written history of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and spread throughout the world. The invention of bread and beer has been argued to be responsible for humanity's ability to develop technology and build civilization. Hopefully by now you have had a chance to sample some of our beer. As always, we appreciate your honest feedback. Our unit is about more than just brewing beer for competition, or the basic consumption of beer, but education about beer as well. We have started having home brewing classes the first Saturday of each month in our meeting room. Most recently we had a demonstration of various home brewing equipment. Lately we have been setting up at the end of stated meetings and at most of the Shrine functions at the Temple. When you see us, come on over, or drop in at a meeting, share a pint, and enjoy some fellowship. For every wound, a balm. For every sorrow, cheer. For every storm, a calm. For every thirst, a beer.

BURNING SUN By: Tony Calderon Our engines are running and our Burning Sun unit members are ready to rip up the streets. We are only four months into the year and we are doing everything we can to represent our Shrine with honor. When down in Laredo, we had six unit members make the long drive down there. Even though we only had four members ride in the parade, the others were helping out with other tasks to ensure the Shrine is looking and running good. We would like to give a big thank you to our very own Colonel James Stimson for hauling down the Shrine’s food trailer to the parade ensuing it was there on time and ready to cook great food for our Shrine family. We also had our biggest fundraiser during fiesta and want to thank all the family and friends for coming out and helping us ensue our unit stays in the game for years to come. This unit is all about family and we couldn’t do what we do without their support along with the support of the Divan. So when you see us around, make sure to say hi and give us some love!! As always, if you are looking for a unit that has family, fun, and speed come out and see us. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in room 5. We look forward to seeing you at our stated meeting.

DIRECTORS STAFF By: Miguel Inclan Our Director’s Staff participated at the Texas Shrine Directors Mid-Winter in Tyler hosted by Sharon Shrine. Although no awards were received, our own Director Donald English was made the President of the TSDA for this year. Congratulations to Noble Director English. A few of us manned the IHOP at US 281 and Bitters Road for National Pancake Day, we hope to see the numbers soon but it appears that the fundraising went well. Our Stated Meeting was moved due the National Pancake Day so there are no updates regarding the planned fundraiser to be discussed. Please attend the next few meetings as we discuss this new fundraiser idea.

CANYON LAKE SHRINE CLUB By: Tom Gilbert The Canyon Lake Shrine Club met on February 11, 2019. President, Steve White welcomed everyone. Chaplain, Lee Stroman said the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag and honors to the Texas flag was said by all the members. Steve White said that new things are happening in the Shrine. The Shrine hospitals need to be run like a business. New ideas have to be tried to reduce the cost of running the hospitals. Some of the things that will be in the near future is tele-communications and clinics. Money has to be raised to keep the hospitals going. Our guest speaker was Doug Miller, insurance agent for Miller and Miller Insurance Agency. He has been in business for 40 years. He stated that auto insurance is probably the most insurance sold. He also talked about the importance of flood insurance. He answered all questions. Then he picked up his guitar and sang a few songs. The members gave him a round of applause. The Canyon Lake Shrine Club meets the second Monday of the month at the Canyon Lake Golf Club, 404 Watts Lane, Canyon Lake, TX. Everyone is invited to join us. Ladies are also invited. For further information call Secretary, Tom Gilbert at 830-899-4839 or email

GOLF UNIT GIMMIES By: Walt Atencio February is the shortest month of the year, but it comes with one of the largest and most popular event–President’s Day parade in Laredo. Thirteen golf members, organized by Noble Studdard, loaded up two carts and their golf bags and headed south to Laredo to represent Alzafar and the Shrine Children’s Hospitals. Ignoring the ole “fun and work don’t mix” two rounds of golf were P.P.P. “perfectly prior planned” that combined the golf unit manner of having fun while working. Lead by President Nino, Nobles Bourne, Lowell, Studdard, Hamilton, Grona, Thompson, and Falke paraded the two golf carts, to what President Nino described as a "great reception" by the community. Looking forward to March, the Ladies Night Out is scheduled for the 27th. April is a busy month. The golf unit Fiesta Party is on the 20th and the Texas Shrine Golf Association meeting and tournament in Fredericksburg on the 25th & 26th. Nobles interested in joining a hard working and fun loving unit are invited to stop by Room 7 on the second Tuesday at 7:30 of each month and enjoy a visit and refreshments at the monthly meeting. You may call the unit Membership officer, Brother Bourne at 210-658-9780 for more information. F O R E

HILL COUNTRY SHRINE CLUB By: Ron Holm This year is very special to the Hill Country Shrine Club as it marks the 70th Anniversary as an Alzafar Club. According to the Wall of Unit Plaques at the Alzafar Shrine Center, in 1916 the Alzafar Band with 3 other units were first organized. Then in 1949, the Hill Country Shrine Club was organized as the 7th Unit or Club and Jim Duke was our first President. We are now one of 33 Great Units and 6 Exceptional Area Shrine Clubs listed in the Meeting Schedule in the Achbar. Our Club’s monthly meetings are being upgraded by the attendance of our Ladies, they are getting special shirts to show their support, and they are helping with ideas for our fundraising activities. We look forward and appreciate the gathering of area Nobles and their Ladies for lunch and a meeting at noon on the first Monday of each month at the Inn of the Hills in Kerrville.


HILLBILLY CLAN #152 By: Ken Propes We’uns had a super good time at r annual Sadie Hawkins Dance an Silent Auction. We’uns hope y’all had a great time. We did crown r new Possum Queen Lori Propes an now we’re looking fer someone new ta run fer that covetous title. We’uns r always looking fer new flatlanders ta join our fun group, an we did collect sum applications frum flatlanders wish’n ta become Hillbilly members. We’re hopin they cum ta r April meetin so we kin vote on em and perform tha degree ta make em right proud Hillbillies. R meetin will be April 14, 2019 at 5 PM. We ask everyone ta continue ta keep all r cuz’ns that r ailin in yer thoughts an prayers an hope they git back on tha Hillbilly trail real soon. Pleze keep r troops in yer thoughts fer their safe return.

As always, need to thank the lineup at the stated meeting and at the Masonic Youth Luncheon. We also need to thank the Ladies and Nobles that supported the club at the IHOP. Everything went well and had lots of fun. Anything and everything for the kids. We had a super turnout and lots of fun, again at our monthly get together. Everybody looked real spiffy for our picture taking. Need to give a big atta boy to the cooks. We all need to start getting ready for the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, the Nobility Gala and Fiesta. Before we know it, they are all going to creep up on us, so let’s start getting ready so we can all look spiffy. We will inform everybody on what’s going to be going down for Fiesta. May the Great Architect keep us in good health and safe.

Happy Easter Alzafar


Note: Subject to change! DATE





Sat. Feb. 23th…… Washington’s Birthday..... Laredo………..…7:00AM……… 9:00AM Sat. Apr. 6th…… Strawberry Festival……... Poteet.…………. 8:00AM……….10:00AM Sat. Apr. 27th…… Fiesta Flambeau………… San Antonio.……5:00PM……… 7:00PM Sat. May 4th ……. Cornyval………………... Helotes…..……...7:30AM……….9:30AM Sat. May 25th…… Memorial Day………….. Bandera…..……..9:00AM……….11:00AM Sat. June 15th…… Berges Fest………………Boerne….………7:30AM……….10:00AM Thur. July 4th…… July 4th………………….. Seguin..…………8:00AM……….10:00AM Fri. Aug. 24th ...… Gillespie County Fair….. Fredericksburg.…. 8:00AM……….10:00AM (Optional) Sat. Aug. 31st…… Kendall County Fair……. Boerne…..………8:00AM……….10:00AM Sat. Oct. 26th…… Medina County Fair……. Hondo…..……….8:00AM……….10:00AM Mon. Nov. 11th……Veteran’s Day………... San Antonio……..10:00AM……...12:00PM (Alzafar Ladies and Family) Sat. Nov. 23rd… Christmas Parade……….. Alamo Heights …..5:30PM……….8:00PM Fri. Nov. 29th ….. Holiday River Parade……San Antonio River…. Time to be determined Sat. Dec. 7th……..Christmas Parade……….. Sattler…………...9:30AM……….11:00AM (Alzafar Ladies and Family)

Smiley’s Shenanigan’s Here is an oldie but a goody!!! Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, “Esther, I’d like to ride in that helicopter.” Esther always replied, “I know, but that helicopter ride is fifty dollars, and fifty dollars is fifty dollars!” One year Esther and Morris went to the fair and Morris said, “Esther, I’m 85 years old. If I don’t ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance.” To this, Esther replied, “Morris that helicopter ride is fifty dollars and fifty dollars is fifty dollars!” The Pilot overheard the couple and said, “Folks I’ll make you a deal. I’ll take both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word, I won’t charge you! But if you say one word, it’s fifty dollars.” Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, “By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn’t. I’m impressed! Morris replied, “Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, but you know, fifty dollars is fifty dollars!”

AAANNNDDDD THE RECIPE FOR THE MONTH IS??? SCALLOPED CORN From the Kitchen of Lessie Wauson 2 pkg frozen cream-style corn 1 cup cracker crumbs ¼ cup chopped green pepper ½ cup celery chopped ¼ cup chopped green onions ¾ cup Velveeta cheese/ cut into cubes 1tsp salt 2 tbs melted butter 2 eggs beaten 1 cup milk Mix all ingredients together. Pour into 2 Quart Casserole and bake at 350 degrees F. for 50 minutes.

Q: Why did the clown go to the doctor A: He was felling funny Q: Where do hamburgers go to dance A: the Meat Ball!! Q: What do you call a fake noodle? A: Impasta Q: What do you call a man with a rubber toe? A: Roberto Q: What is brown and sticky? A: A stick Q: Why can’t you play cards in the jungle? A: There are too many Cheetahs

Life is short smile while you still have teeth ;)

That’s all I have!!! Until next month!! Keep the sun in your eyes! Smiley!!!

THE LAREDO SHRINE CLUB Larry Lowe Our newly installed President, Charles Whitfield, welcomed our 3 new members, Jonathan Scott, Miguel Inclan, Sr., and Javier Rodriguez. The Laredo Shrine Club wants to wish everyone a Blessed & Happy Easter. The Club is having its annual Gun Raffle. These proceeds will help finance all of our Club projects. Our February clinic was successful. Approximately 100 patients were seen over the 1½ days. We welcomed the Ill. Potentate Eric DeWalt and Chief Rabban Marty Bartlett during the clinic. A big thank you to all of our volunteers for their time and donations. Everything is appreciated. We especially want to thank the team of Alzafar’s Hospital Corps drivers for going the extra mile. They all pitched in to help with the set up for the clinic on Wednesday afternoon. Our next clinic is set for May 9th & 10th. Our Club received a generous donation in honor of Noble Chris & Lady Laura Turner. This will be used to help with the clinics, as well as anything to do concerning the hospital patients. Thank you to the 1st Presbyterian Church of Laredo.

ALZAFAR ROD & GUN CLUB By: Craig Noyes Hello all. At our March meeting, President Mike Barnes spoke about the club planning some good events for the future. We will be going to Louisiana as soon as some prices are nailed down on transportation. With buses being so expensive, the club may car pool. There will be more information to come. The Annual Dove Hunt will in Kennedy at the Shawn Williams Ranch. He has a field of grain and water on site and says the doves come in all of the time. There will be Bar B Que Brisket at lunch and maybe some sporting clay shooting at targets found in the club box. There will be a presentation from Texas Parks & Wildlife at the August meeting that pertains to the upcoming hunting season. The Bylaws changes that the Rod & Gun Club has done, has been approved by Alzafar and will be in effect soon. It will eliminate the Board of Directors positions which have been getting harder to fill as time goes on. If you are not doing anything on the first Sunday of the month, please come by and see us in the Roustabout Room at 12:00 noon for fun, fellowship and a good meal. That is all I have to say for this month other than “Thank You all and may there be many fish on your stringer”.

LEGION OF HONOR By: Tony Calderon C-130 rolling down the strip, a bunch of Alzafar troopers going on a little trip!! That’s right folks. Your Legion of Honor unit is moving along nicely and we couldn’t be prouder of our unit members for stepping up in a big way. We would like to acknowledge a few members for representing the unit. Lee Hubbard for flying the military flags during the Laredo parade and also helping out without hesitation when mission calls for a squared away sailor. We also had three members participate in TALOH Mid-Winter and even though there was not enough to be placed, the judges gave our unit high scores because of their professionalism and dedication to the unit and cause. Our very own Commander moved up in the TALOH line and is now the 2nd Lieutenant Commander for TALOH. So a big thank you to our Past Commander Art Canizales, 2nd LTC James Farless and Commander Al Rapoza for representing Alzafar Shrine with honor. Keep an eye out for us because we are just getting started and we will be unit that everyone comes to know! If you would like to know how you can become a member, feel free to come to our stated meeting. We hold them on the 2nd Monday of the month and times are varied to ensure we accommodate all Nobles, but usually around 630pm we start. Come out and meet with us and learn how you can continue your service as an Alzafar Veteran.

NEMNUF UNIT By: Jon Strandlie April is named after the Greek goddess Aphrodite. It's name is derived from the latin word aperit, which means to open. It is considered that April is the month of the growing season and when trees and flowers begin to “open”. It is also believed that the month’s name is named after the Greek goddess, Aphrodite (Aphros). We opened last month with great TSCA Mid-Winter participation in Corpus Christi. Thank you to all the clowns that took time out of their busy schedules to compete and more importantly join us for a weekend of fellowship & fun. As I write this now, it is IHOP Day and our army of fun-loving clowns will be distributed all over town to remind patrons what those free pancakes are really all about. Hopefully this will open people's minds to grow our Hospital donations. Be sure to bring the entire family, kids, g-kids to the Alzafar Shriners Easter Children’s Party on Sunday April 7th. It’s always loads of fun, but especially this year with Tater at the helm. We look forward to seeing you all at these parades this month, Poteet Strawberry Festival Parade on April 6th and Fiesta Flambeau Parade on the 27th. Finally, according to Wikipedia, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, so be mindful of that.

NEKODAH TEMPLE NO. 44 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE Our new year has begun. As the reign of Queen Amanda Brown begins, we are thankful to Junior Past Queen Carol Carpenter for all she has given us in the past year. Congratulations to Queen Amanda and all of the new officers installed on March 30th. This is going to be another great year. The sewing room is diligently working every 1st Tuesday at 10:00 am in the parlors to create handmade items for the children in the hospitals. We invite all Nekodah members to come out and help. Every hand contributes even if you don’t sew. Help us keep the household roster up to date. If you have new contact information such as mailing or email address or phone you may send it to the Nekodah group account: If anyone knows or wishes to report an illness or family bereavement please contact Pr. Chaplain Charlie Bedgood, PQ at (210) 215-0028. My sincere thanks and appreciation for all those who participated and attended the installation of the DON 2019-2020 officers with special appreciation to Potentate Eric DeWalt and his Lady and Princess Suzy as well as the Divan. I look forward to an exciting year for achieving our goals to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Our first event is a Fiesta Luncheon on Saturday, April 6th, as well as a Ceremonial May 19th at 2:00 pm to welcome new members and sewing each month. Amanda Brown, Queen Nekodah #44

Lynda Hall Director of Sales and Marketing San Antonio Shrine Auditorium

Roustabouts History The Roustabouts go back to the early 60’s and perhaps before that, but we have lost some of the history due to our natural attrition over the years. The unit was formed initially to provide a work force for the Shrine Center and it’s Potentate and the Chief Rabban as Director General of the circus. Initially the unit was charged with the fabrication, modifications and maintenance of all circus properties, necessary to produce and stage Circus production. In addition to producing the circus the unit also sold animal rides, programs and just about everything the public could consume while enjoying the show. The unit actually produced the circus. The unit sought out and hired circus performers, constructed the rigging, handled all of the electrical requirements and were the “worker bee’s” for each of the many performances held. The circus was a hit and the Unit did an excellent job putting on great shows for the public enjoyment, while generating a significant fund to help with the financial aid in operating the Shrine Center. While difficult at the time to join the unit, the Roustabouts were the unit everyone wanted to be a part of. Over the years as regulations became increasingly more difficult and the age of the unit members grew, the production of the circus was outsourced. It has since morphed into what it is today. Still, the Roustabouts, while gaining age at “lightening speed” is a working unit. The scope has changed, but we still work at the will and pleasure of the Potentate performing tasks he wishes to be completed throughout the Shrine Center. Look for the Green Shirts and White coveralls, the unit continues to make its mark after all these many years.

RED ROADSTERS By: Ken Whited Greetings and salutations all! At the end of February, I was in Green Bay, Wisconsin and wasn’t scheduled to leave until Saturday, fortunately. I discovered that the Beja Shrine Circus opened Friday, 1 March and was executed by our favorite circus, the Carden International Circus. It was a slightly smaller venue than our Freeman Coliseum, but boy did they pack in a crowd! The weather forecast stated that the area would get 1-3 inches overnight, but it did not stop the spectators! I met Jacob “Jake” Sylvester, Beja Oriental Guide, who has only been a Shriner since May 2018, but was knowledgeable about the Shrine philanthropy and fraternity. He and Noble Eugene Reece III made me feel at home by showing me around, and put me to work selling circus programs! Fez or no fez a Shriner is identified by his heart and ambition. I supported the Beja Shrine Circus much more than I expected and invited them to visit with us in San Antonio anytime they can. Something that I found to be very true this past month is based from Harvey Coleman’s PIE theory concerning networking. P=performance and is valued at 10% by those that observe you, but can be 0% if you don’t do anything, so make it count. I=image and is valued at 30% so present your best all the time, e’ry time to maximize your image as a Mason and a Shriner. Lastly, E=exposure and is valued at 60% of all that you do, and reminds me of a quote by Neil Gaiman, “If you’re making mistakes, it means you’re out there doing something.” Let’s get out and make some mistakes, Red Roadsters! I sincerely thank the four Red Roadsters that attended the George Washington Parade in Laredo in February. Two others were present representing either the Golf Unit or helping with the Hospitality Unit. Thank you to them as well! Your participation and exposure reflects great credit upon each of you, and is appreciated by myself, members of the Divan, and our Illustrious Potentate, Eric DeWalt.

PROVOST GUARD By: John Pendleton Marshal Ken Propes welcomed all to the March Provost Guard meeting and opened with the Invocation and Pledge to the Flag. Attendees included Past Potentate Terry Zittle (Abu Saad) and Past State Marshals Rick Corbin and Steve Aiken. Nine wives also joined us for a delicious corned beef and cabbage dinner cooked by Tom and Gretchen Martin. Unfinished business included a discussion of the shoot in El Paso March 23rd-24th. Rich Orr reminded everyone that they should have already signed up to be included in a competitive team. Rich also reminded everyone to mark their calendar for the IHOP Pancake Day on Mar 12th, Potentates Ball on April 13th, and the Shrine Circus Sept. 13-15, 2019. Discussion followed regarding the shoot at Imperial Shrine session in Nashville TN the first week of July. Two handed shooting will be available as well as the NRA 900 course single hand shoot. More information will be shared when available. Prayers were requested for Tony Montez’ wife Rose who recently underwent surgery, and for Tony who is battling cancer, also for other nobles and wives who are suffering from various afflictions. Meeting adjourned with the benediction.

We some great parades this month, and into the next. First off Poteet Strawberry Parade & Festival on April 6th. Line up is at 8, and Step off is at 10. It’s a shorty parade, but the fun is just down the road at the Festival. Next is one not to miss, Fiesta Flambeau Parade. There will be a pre party, and an after party at our Illustrious Potentate Eric DeWalts office. It is located at 810 Brooklyn Ave. San Antonio, Texas 78215. The HOST Team will be serving food, and drinks thought the event. Line up is at 4p.m., Vanguard Step off is at 7:15 Lastly on May 4th is Helotes Cornyval. Check all information for our parades listed on the website,

FOR MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Enclosed is a contribution in the amount of $ ________ In Memory of ____________________________________________ In Honor of ____________________________________________ On the Occasion of _________________________________________ Please send acknowledgement card to: Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________ Contributed by: Name ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________ Mail to:

Alzafar Shrine Center

901 N. Loop 1604 West

San Antonio, TX 78232

ALZAFAR SHOTGUN UNIT AKA SMOKIN CLAYS BY: Terry Zittle Greetings to all. As I write this article, we are packing up to head to Houston for our Mid-Winter on 9 March. I can say with confidence that we will have a great time and a great shoot. We had our practice/family fun shoot on 10 February at Joshua Creek. There was a total of 14 shooters and a grand total of 18 family members. Following the shoot a great lunch was had by all at PoPos Restaurant. Our next practice/family fun shoot will be on 27 April at Bexar Community Range and the venue is to shoot 5-Stand, and believe me, that can be a humbling experience. And as usual, we will be putting on a feed worthy of a king. All are invited, but please let me know so we can plan a head count. Our Monthly Stated Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month in our room, which we share the Provost Guard and the Directors Staff. We have a meal that is served between 6:15 and 6:30 pm with the meeting commencing at 7:00 pm. At our last meeting we had Chikin and Dumplins prepared by Chief Chef Davie Hadley. Of course libations are available. Feel free to come on out at check out this amazing unit.

Until next month, keep our powder dry and remember as long as there is lead in the air, there is hope!

SENIORS By: Roger Hopkins The Alzafar Seniors met in the Roustabouts Room with 21 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was opened by our President, Noble Dan Coburn, followed by an invocation from our Chaplain, R.W. Donald Garrido, PP. We then rendered honors to the American flag and went into a great lunch of Salisbury Steak with all the fixings. We had some great appetizers and desserts provided by Sandra Phillips and John Morris, Jr. Our business meeting consisted of the recognition of anniversaries/birthdays and discussion of upcoming events. Noble Coburn reminded everyone that we would meet next month back in the Parlors. We were then treated to a presentation about “Tiny� Homes by the owners of Rio City Land Development LLC. They provided an overview of the opportunities for personal use and investments offered by their LLC. Following the presentation, there was a brief question and answer session. After some last remarks by President Coburn, R.W. Garrido gave us a benediction and President Coburn closed the meeting. We look forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting scheduled to take place in the Parlors on April 4th. Until then, we hope that each of you are enjoying a marvelous spring.



FOR SALE: 2 crypts at Anchor Lodge Cemetery. Make offer. Call Bob @ 210-824-4689. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Funeral Park. Asking $4,000.00 each. For more information call Noble A. G. Pinson @ 615-746-6888. FOR SALE: 4 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each or negotiable. Call Judy Phillips @ 210-274-7713. FOR SALE: 2 burial plots at Sunset Memorial Park in the Masonic Section. Asking $4,000.00 each. Please

FOR SALE: 4 adjourning plots in Brookside Memorial Park Cemetery, Houston Texas. Section 26 (Masters Lawn-Masonic Section), lot 251, spaces 3,4,5 & 6. Asking $4,995.00 each. Sell all or part. Call Noble Johnny @ 210-328-1776. FOR SALE: 4 burial plots in Houston Texas. Historic Hollywood Cemetery, perpetual care included. Asking $4,750.00 each. Contact Betty Chalfont @ 830-237-3229. FOR SALE: #5 Arabia at Camp Alzafar. Please call Ronny @ 210-724-9653 for details and also for showing. FOR SALE: #7 Maskat at Camp Alzafar. 2 bedroom, 2 bath cabin across from the ball park.

contact Vicki Gann @ 210-315-1325.

Includes all furnishings and golf cart. Call Noble

Mark Morley at 210-632-4194.



Abigail Keller

Floyd & Jennie Barker

Ann Kondoff

Ron Ezell

Betty White

Bob & Mava Prichard

Calvin Schmeltekopf

Floyd & Jennie Barker

Col. Jay P. Thomas

Mike & Gwen Treat

Connie Jarvis Espinoza

Ray & Doris Isley

Connie Ross

Mike & Linda Sluiter

Dolores Vasquez

Alzafar Honor Guard

Frankie Tuma

Ron & Mary Trine

Frankie Tuma

Mike & Linda Sluiter

Frankie Tuma

Alfred G. Gray

Frankie Tuma

Eddy & Doreen Bowers

George Inouye

Alzafar Honor Guard

Glenn Gill

Juanita Bray

Glenn Gill

Betty Puckett

Jack E. Ladds

Bob & Mava Prichard

Jane Robison

Juanita Bray

Jane Robison

Betty Puckett

Jane Robison

Jerry Rhein & Pat Ladwig

Jane Robison

T.A. Watson

Jane Robison

Alzafar Golf Unit

Lucille Noyes Yorston

Charlie Bedgood

Lucille Noyes Yorston

Craig Noyes

Lucille Noyes Yorston

P.P. Paul McCombs & Lady Norma

Lucille Noyes Yorston

Betty Gimbel

Lucille Noyes Yorston

Stephen McMahan

Lucille Noyes Yorston

Billie J. Pitts

Magdaline Robles

Alzafar Honor Guard

P.P. Loren Hayes

Hillbilly Clan No. 152

Reggie Davis

Jacqualine Purvis

Sally Keele

Ron & Mary Trine

Sally Keele

Floyd & Jennie Barker

Sally Keele

Eddy & Doreen Bowers

Suzanne McIntosh

Floyd & Jennie Barker

Guadalupe Gutierrez


3RD Tuesday Each Thursday 4th Wednesday 2nd Wednesday 2nd Thursday Memorial Day July 4 & Labor Day


1st Monday 2nd Thursday 3rd Wednesday 2nd Tuesday Each Thursday 2nd Tuesday Each Monday

7pm Room 9 6:30pm Room 7 7:30pm Room 5 7pm Room 5 12pm as Designated 12:00pm Camp Pavilion 7:00pm Room 4 6:00pm as Designated 7pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Directors Rm. 7:30pm Room 8 7:30pm Room 7 6:30pm Room 9

2nd Sun. Feb.,Apr. 5:00pm Roustabout Rm. June, Aug.,Oct.Dec.

1st Monday 3rd Tuesday

7:30pm Room 12 7pm Room 6 Wed. Before Stated 7pm Pavilion 4th Monday 7pm Room 11 2nd Monday 7pm Room 4 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Room 10 3rd Monday 7pm Room 5 2nd Monday 7:30pm Room 11 Each Wednesday 7pm Room 8 4th Monday 7pm Room 6 1st Wednesday 7pm Provost Gd. 1st Tuesday 7pm Room 10 1st Sunday 12pm RoustaboutRm 1st Wednesday 6pm RoustaboutRm 4th Weekend As Designated 1st Thursday 12pm Parlors 2nd Monday 7pm Directors Rm. 1st Monday 7pm Parlors 1st Wednesday 7pm as Designated


3rd Wednesday 2nd Monday 4th Saturday 3rd Monday 1st Monday 1st Wednesday

6:30pm as Designated 6:30pm Lakeside GC. 6:30pm Ramada Inn 6:00pm as Designated 11:00am Inn of the Hills 7:00pm as Designated


4th Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Tuesday 2nd Thursday

7:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm


1st Monday

7:30pm as Designated


Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Alzafar Annex Parlors

7:00pm Parlors

PAST POTENTATES OF ALZAFAR SHRINE 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966

Frank R. Newton, SR.* Ted Millburn* J. A. Patterson* Henry Rabe* Robert Burne* Sylvan Lang* Robert S. Michael* Nathan K. Tracy* H. W. Weber* Herman Horner* Charles D. Hall* S. X. Callahan* John Lomax* Henry A. Hirschberg* A. J. McKenzie* Louis P. Hartung* Anton N. Moursund* G. G. Grebenheimer* Porter Loring* P. D. Mathis* Geo. F. Dullnig* Willard E. Simpson* C. Baumberger, Jr.* William Eifler* William H. Wallace* Daniel O’Connell* O. J. Solcher* Rennie Wright* Albert A. Green* W. D. Turbeville* Ted E. Poppe* Alfred W. Harlos* Sam A. Chapman* Richard Adams* Roy Akers* Glen K. Schuepbach* W. C. “Pat” Welch* Elliot J. Bilhartz* Ray H. Trimmier* T. M. McCormick* H. S. Norman* W. B. Jack Ball* Floyd J. Griffin* Henry W. Eitt* Harvey McDonald* L. L. Woodman* George W. Henry* Barney Norris* Jack B. Lee* Robert B. O’Connor E. Jeff Ashcraft, Jr.*

1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2015 2016 2017 2018

D. Neal Talley* Wm. H. Ferguson* Keith Gerstner* Jack W. Cones, Jr.* Bruce Waitz* Floyd F. Graham* Drue H. Floyd* Jack O. Dietz* H. C. Kopplow* W.H. “Bill” Elmore* Thurman Barrett, Jr.*

Floyd O. Schneider* Reese L. Harrison, Jr.

Burdit W. McCoy* James V. Gullette* Joseph M. Clark* George D. Van, Jr.* Joe Roy Halloway E. C. “Bud” Jordan* Sidney D. Autry* Terry McGuire* James Dockery, Jr.* George J. Labinski* James W. Todd Ray Fuller* Robert “Bob” Jett Emmett C. George* E. C. “Ed” Vest* Tom Boothe* Jerry Krupp* Harry D. Rose* Robert D. “Bob” Green

Robert “Bobby” Hunt Bob Stephens* Loren Hayes* J. Phillip Knight-Sheen

Wayne R. Duncan Steve R. Molnar Stuart H. “Stu” Simms

Frank B. Hunter* Joseph Calvey Paul F. McCombs James “Jim” Strayer* Richard “Rick” Reyes Gregorio “G.I.” Flores

Robert “Bob” Jones Tom Young Jay Dee Thomas John Dunn Gary R. Radvansky Jason Triggs

MEMBERS OF ALZAFAR AND WHO ARE PAST POTENTATES OF OTHER SHRINE CENTERS 1964 Roy Reynolds (El Bekal)* 1970-71 Eldon Wesner (Anezeh)* 1979 Ray Robison (Suez) 1981 Donald Garrido (Abou Saad) 1983 David Martin (Suez) 1998 Terry Zittle (Abou Saad) 2012 Rick Oberg (El Zagal) * Asterisk Denotes the Passing of Our Illustrious Sir

APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 4th 6th 7th 8th 11th 13th 27th

Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Poteet Strawberry Festival Parade Children's Easter Egg Hunt/Pavilion Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Nobility Gala/Ballroom Fiesta Flambeau Parade/San Antonio

12:00 noon 7:00 pm 10:00 am 2:00-4:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm

_____________________________________________________________ MAY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2nd 4th 6th 9th 18th 25th 27th

Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Helotes Cornyval Parade Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom NILE Stated Session/Parlors Alzafar Car Show/Parking Lot Bandera Memorial Day Parade MEMORIAL DAY-SHRINE CENTER CLOSED

12:00 noon 7:00 pm 10:00 am 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 7:30 pm 11:00 am


JUNE CALENDAR OF EVENTS 6th 10th 13th 15th

Seniors Meeting & Luncheon/Parlors LOS Stated Meeting/Parlors Finance & Divan Meeting/Conference Room Alzafar Stated Meeting/Ballroom Berges Fest Parade/Boerne

12:00 noon 7:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am

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