Rhode Island Normal School Catalogue: 1899

Page 36

Rhode Island Normal School. PI{OVIDENCE,



The Aims of the Schoo l and the Sco pe of its Work.

The -.dwol


maintained for the -.pt.:cific purpo-..,; of o.:du

(':Uiug-and training:to.:-achcr-. for the -.clJOol-.ofthc State. TllF DE,!_\C\D


Pl<OFE:<-.HI:'\.\J.l,\' r•Dt"t'.\'I'EIJ


Tho: !lc<.:-d of t:ducatcd and trained kachcrs h:1-. come to he fdt irr mo,.t qua ncr-;. and the \'alm: of <Hh:q uatt: -.p(:c inl pro.:-

p:uation for thi-.; importnut public -.o.:rdco.: is coming: to he app reciated .

l!r our own StatL· public -.cntim\.:nt in thi:< rc-

g-nrd hns ad\·anccd sub:-<tantially withirr a iur ~ · c:rr:-;.

T h<.·

duua ud for grHluatt:s of the :-;chool i-. g:n.::rtcr th:nr can be

m<ot :md lw-; hc1:n incn.:;1:-;ing- :-;h;:ad ily for so.:n.: ral ~ ,_-;r r,.,, Tl h..:y an.: -;ought for out:-;idc of the St a to.: as well a-. within it

It i-. a fact not 1-(eJJ<:rally appreciated th at. \\'hilt: in lllO:-<t cnlli ngs th<:n: is po.:rhap-. an t:xco.:-.s of capahlo.: \\'OI'ko.:r-.. tho.:ro.: is at prb<:Jlt l:lck of <]ualificd to.:ac ho.:r...; for d ...·JueJitary -.chool work.

:'\lauy positiou:-; art: ht:!<l by pt.:rson ... 1\'ho arc 11\H fitto.:d

hy nature o r pn.:paration for ... uch \\ork. ho.:can ... c qn:difiL"<l t<:achcr ... art difficult to find

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