Rhode Island State Normal School Catalogue and Circular: 1896

Page 34


('.\T.\LO(fl"E .\:\D CIHCTL.\H OF T il E


FutHhnll'ntal principles that have thtir appli C'atinn in tht·

. tlair:-; of 1·\·t·ry day life are the chief :-;uhjccts attended to. po-;-.ihle


.:\s fa t· as

prindple i..; tir-;t presented in an experiment. or attPntion is

tlirectt·d to it in the natural phcnomcn;l :ltHl in nrtifidal c·ontrivan('t".


,.;tutknh :m· taught to ohsen·c ca refully and accurately. and from the re-

sults of tlll'ir inn•,.;tigations to draw logical conclusio ns.

As faT aS facilities

admit. tht' studl'lll"- C'\:p('rimcnt for themselves and a rc taughL to ('On<;truct apparatu:-; nf tht· simph:st kind .

.By this m ethod they !cam that it

i~ pos-

sihl<· with tht• me:llh at hand to dc\·isc apparatus th at will illustra t(', fairly w<·ll. tht· mo"'t import:lnt fact.; of the subject

In th(' --c·c·mul,nar twc uty weeks arc g i \·en to the subjC'('t. Tlw ideas of moh•cular for('<'" an.: de\'C•Ioped, propc riies of matter, hnn; of falling hodk-.. and l'.implt• mechanical powers nrc determined C'Xp('rimC'ntally: apparatus is mach· and u..;ed which illustrates the clemt•nt:t r.\· prindpl<'s of thr suh.kct.

In th(· Senior term, light. heat. :.111d clcctririt,r l\l'C !-;tuditd.

C'liDtWntY.- I n tht•mi . . u·.\- the time is about equally d idd('d between in<li\·idual laho rat or_r wo rk and t h corrtic:ll clas~ w or k.

T he aim is p ri-

marily to help th<: pup il"' to a good eleme n ta ry kno wl ed,l!C' of the l'.ubjcct, both thcorrtieal and pmctical : and RCCOnda ril_,., to cons idr r hrl p f u l wa~·s of JH'C'l'.Cnting the rlcmcnlar,r f:lcts of c h cmis u ·y to young p upils.

T he laboratory work i~ arranged and concluctctl wi t h n dew t.o scc·uring , on th<• part of the pupil"-. first, nn acqua in tlln cc w i t h the nat me nnd propNtics of the apparatus and matc•rials used , toget h e r wi1 h fac ility in t he nwnipulation of ~arne: second, the hab it of do~c ohsc n :nion of the physical and ch<'tni('a\ prop<•rtics of the m or<' com mon cle m ents :llld eompolltHis

as a hn,.,is for thcorttical chem ist ry. I n C'las... work it i;; insisted t h at t h e p u p ils ma k e nn t'fron to ohtain a u intcllig<'nl UIHIC'rstanding of the nt.omi c t heo ry of t h e const iltlt ion of m al· IC'I' and of the nat me of c hemical reactions. T o tlli~ em\, n free u:;c of t he hla<·khoanl is made in wri ting m olecu lar fo rm ula.• and c·h e mi cal rqnat ions.

( ' il(·mic:Hl probh·ms in\'o]ving weig hed quaniitit'S of t h e substanc·e~ usee! form nn important part of thi.:;. work. E:ach elcm c·nt is studied to pically as fo ll o w s: l tsocc ttt'I'Cncc, pn: p a r:\l ion, physical prop<' t'liC's, che micnl properties. tC'S 1S, and uses. Co mpounds an• trl'nted in ~1 sim ila r

wn.'· ns fn t· as th e fa c ts will pC'rrnil , th o ugh m o re Clll -

phasis i:; natnmlly g i \'(• n to tl1 e ir comme rcial m a ntt fatt ltre a nd US('S.

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