1st Quarter 2016 | Spring/Summer
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Sex & Dating.
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20/05/2016 10:10
DAVE, 21 STUDENT, NON-SMOKER I’m a college senior majoring in theatre and set design. When I’m not working on my craft, you can find me hiking, biking, or surfing. After a long day of school and sports, I like to kick back with my Yorkie and watch reality TV.
Roommates.indd 1
30/04/2015 16:17
BEN, 26 PROFESSIONAL, NON-SMOKER I’m a screenwriter looking for a roomie to set up shop with me in my bad-ass beach pad. I’m active in local theatre, and just started surfing lessons. I love animals, and enjoy hiking, camping, and chilling out at home.
Find your perfect match.
Roommates.indd 2
30/04/2015 16:17
Share & Earn Friends shopping together. Earn $10 for each friend’s purchase. Your friends will receive $10 when joining. Go to roots.com/us
Roots Canada.indd 1
06/04/2016 15:00
13 7
T-WAYNE: We talk to the man behind “Nasty Freestyle”
shot and college recruiting
CAREER BEGINNINGS: How to find a summer internship
MARKETING: Do you know how to market yourself on social networks? RESUME WRITING: Find out our essential tips and tricks for resume writing
2016 ELECTION: Will Clinton and Trump be the final competitors in the 2016 election?
GRADUATION CEREMONY: Have STAYCATION: How to plan a perfect trip in your own city
HEALTHY RECIPES: These easy smoothie recipes will quench your thirst
STAR WARS: Fans of the sci-fi
SUMMER WORKOUTS: These summer exercises will keep you in shape and active
#CTOL: Can you fall in love in college? SUMMER DATE: Which of these dates would be a perfect summer date for you?
34 24 34
SEXUAL ASSAULT: Learn how to stay safe in unsavory situations
MOVING TIPS: Moving can be easy with these #Flylife tips
HIGHLY SUSPECT: We interview the double Grammy nominees about their modest beginnings
COVER STORY: Emily Haines from Metric talks about their lost album Pagans in Vegas
with our tips on how to make your own party décor
weddings are becoming more popular
your perfect celebration
MINORITY EXPERIENCE: We examine how POC have differing experiences on campuses
franchise will love these fun tech products
47 49
cause a statement at a music fest?
SUMMER MAKEUP: Spring/summer seasons with our makeup advice
FESTIE FASHION: Do you know how to
METRIC collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
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20/05/2016 11:16
EDITOR’S LETTER | spring/summer 2016
Tahyira Savanna is a young entrepreneur currently residing in the Brooklyn area of NYC. She is a graduate with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus.
Group CEO & Publisher Kevin Harrington
As a published author, Corey has spent he past six years perfecting her skills in writing and editing while rapidly developing her graphic design company.
Editor Jess Smith Editorial Contributors Reel Robinson Tahyira Savanna Josh Smith Corey Demaline Jessica Gavrilovski Alyssa Lee Danielle Dabrio-Carroll David Morales Julia Johnston Donald Bird Jaicel Asegurado Sarah Eleid Production Director Jo Harrington
A ball player that enjoys watching and discussing the game. 8
Senior Designer Friyan Mehta Production Coordinator Tammie Peeples
David Morales’ professional background includes work as a writer, journalist, musician, and in the human services industry. He has a BS in psychology from Eastern Michigan University and has a deep empathy for the creative process.
Marketing & Operations Tammie Peeples
Danielle is a recent graduate from Old Dominion University who has a passion for writing. If she could interview anyone in the world it would be Tina Turner because she is attracted to her self-confidence and strength.
Massachusetts with a creative soul and a craving for adventure. I appreciate good coffee, great friends, and the little things in life.
Julia grew up in the beloved Lilac Village of Lombard, Illinois but has lived in Chicago for the past five years. She likes spending time with her dogs, friends, family, and books (in no particular order).
A UCSD grad that enjoys books, fashion, movies, and World of Warcraft. Let’s just say that my palette has range.
Jessica Gavrilovski is a Michigan native with a love for dogs.
Josh has been gaming since the early 80’s and his passion for technology and gadgets followed soon thereafter. Residing in Maine with his wife and two children, Josh is constantly searching for a balance between technology and nature.
Donald Bird is a yoga enthusiast and adventurer. His goal is to entertain, educate and empower people through his words, actions and work.
I am a city-dweller from Boston,
collegenews.com Editor: Jess Smith
College News 730 N. Franklin Suite 604 Chicago, IL 60654 Tel: (312) 572 7727
© College News, 2015. All rights reserved. All material in College News is wholly copyrighted and reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is strictly forbidden. Neither this publication nor its contents constitute an explicit or implied endorsement by College News of the products or services mentioned in advertising or editorial content.
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Spring and summer is a time for rebirth, in terms of nature, as well as yourself. New beginnings mean you will be shedding a layer of old experiences to make room for new ones. Whether you are a freshman, sophomore or junior progressing to the next grade or a senior progressing to a brand new chapter, spring and summer can be a pivotal time. When taking steps towards your career goals, it is important to get as much experience in you field as possible, this is why we came up with some advice and facts on how to find an internship during the summer. While beginning any career it is important to market yourself, that is why we also go through the best methods on how to market yourself on social media networks. Of course taking all of these big steps in life as well as reuniting with friends and family is a cause for celebration, which is why we give you the 4-1-1 on how to create your own decorations during a summer celebration. Speaking of parties, you’ll want to have a fun playlist to get the momentum going and if there is anyone who knows how to start a party it is T-Wayne, the artist behind the infectious hit “Nasty Freestyle”, who talked to us for our Ear Candy interview. Grammy nominees Highly Suspect also talks to about their musical origins and the ins and outs of being in a rock band in an exclusive interview we did with them. We keep the theme of rock bands with our cover story, which highlights us talking to frontwoman of Metric, Emily Haines. This issue is brimming with fun and informative pieces for the spring/summer season. So, find a nice spot outside and pop open our latest issue! Until next time,
Jess Smith, Editor
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
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20/05/2016 10:19
T wayne interview | EAR CANDY
T-Wayne interview BY TAHYIRA SAVANNA
e got a chance to catch up with TWayne, the man behind the latest hip hop dance-a-long, #SwingMyArm . He was just about to kick off his tour Young Hustle Tour, but took the time before a flight to answer a few questions.
*5! Recently you have come up with a new dance called The Swing My Arms Challenge. Between the Milly Rock, Nae Nae, The Whip and The Dab, which is your favorite dance to come out in 2015? ;>! Hit The Quan!
*VSSLNL 5L^Z! Your work ethic is crazy, where did you find the time to release one music video per day, as well as work 3 jobs? ; >H`UL! All I know is hard work. I understand that what you put in is what you get out so I just go in. I have always been very motivated. I just work and whatever blows up first, blows up first.
*5! Why do you feel you received so much recognition for nasty freestyle over work it like a pro? ;>! Nasty Freestyle, every single line is a punch line and the beat was crazy. I also spit some real life fact so I’d say it was the combination of realness and a beat that you could dance to, is what captured most people. The production aspect was better than Pro.
*5! Who would be a dream feature on your album? ;>! Future! He is my favorite rapper hands down.
*5! Are you signed with 1017? ;>! No, I’ve never been. I’m signed to BSM, Brick Squad Music, Waka’s label.
*5! With the death of David Bowie looming over the entertainment industry’s head, a lot of hip-hop artists are coming out saying he inspired them. Is there anyone that inspires you that would surprise people? ;>! Eminem has always inspired me and definitely Justin Bieber. Bieber’s album is the only album I purchased all year.
*5! Would you ever consider cutting a compilation album with your label mates? ;>! Cheddar The Connect, Myself.... umm that’s it for right now. *5: Are you super excited or super nervous for the tour? ;>! A lil bit of everything but I am very excited. I cannot wait to performing for my fans. cn
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
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20/05/2016 10:21
SPORTS | college recruiting
College Recruiting: The 3-point shot revolutionizing basketball. Again! BY REEL ROBINSON
the time, it was looked upon as a gimmick and it wouldn’t really be a major part of the game but as the game became more physically demanding the art of the long ball has become one of the more necessary weapons for winning basketball. Players who can contribute from beyond the arc have an opportunity to make a significant difference on a basketball team. MAKING A CULTURE CHANGE IN BASKETBALL Once the conversation of the three-point shot goes in to creating opportunities for young men and women to pursue their athletic dreams, then we can see its significance. No longer are the times of players being physically unable to play against bigger and stronger counter parts. The three-point shot has opened the door for the average Joe to establish a viable skill on the court. A “niche” one might say, where putting the ball in the net efficiently from behind the arc makes you just as dangerous or even a tad bit more because of its impact on the momentum of a game. The 3-point shot has crushed the hearts of some of our favorite players, dwindling successful seasons to a defining moment of failure for most. Robert Horry made of a career out of delivering these heartwrenching finales to opponents.
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN6.Basketball.indd 8
20/05/2016 10:23
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asketball has been a force in America since the 1960s, not just one of the most popular sports in the country but it has become a worldwide game. The NBA is a multi-million-dollar cash cow that markets itself brilliantly at times. They have a knack for finding their most talented players and building story lines and drama around to peek interest. In most cases the player that gets the most attention is respected for his unmatched skill level or athleticism. After the Michael Jordan era came to an end, players needed to jump high and make spectacular moves in the air to get shoe deals and endorsements. Those players took a lot of wear and tear to their bodies over the years causing a much-needed alternative to sustain longevity. The success of reigning NBA MVP Stephen Curry and his boyish looks, which is the reason for his nickname “Baby faced Assassin,” the idea of what “sells” has changed. The 3-point line was created by the American Basketball Association in the early 1970s in an effort to compete with the more popular NBA. Although the ABA was unable to sustain against the well-funded juggernaut their inventiveness caught notice and was implemented into the NBA game in the 1978-79 season. For many people at
college recruiting | SPORTS
2015-2016 season take 30 3-point shots per game making 41% of them, which is by far the highest percentage in the league. They are on a historic run to win 73 games this season primarily because of the accuracy in which the entire team shoots the ball from deep. If you take that same stat to the college ranks the #1 shooting team in the country is Michigan State who shoots 43.9%. The Spartans are also #1 in the coaches Poll, these correlations can’t be a coincidence. Shooting the basketball well plays a significant role in the sport. The old saying teams “live and die” by the 3-point shot is extremely accurate. Coaches who preach the 3 have lost their jobs due to their
team’s inability to make the shot when it mattered. Times have really changed on the basketball court, the sport is less physical and much more finesse making room for a new generation of ball players. Steph Curry, James Harden, Damien Lilliard make for the perfect examples of this new wave. They aren’t menacing like say Karl Malone or Charles Barkley but their skill sets will give any coach nightmares. Just pay attention to the direction the NBA is going with coaching as well. Some of the greatest shooters in history are now head coaches (Steve Kerr, Fred Hoiberg, Jeff Hornacek) throughout the league we are seeing a transition of power right in front of our eyes. cn
© 123R F
The recruiting process for high school and collegiate athletes has seen a remarkable shift over the last decade. Although the majority of your top picks are still forwards and centers, rightfully so, the need for a dynamic point guard and shooting guard has become a priority for any successful NBA franchise. We are in a small ball era and the speed of the game is conducive to players who can get up and down the court and release accurate bombs that excite the crowd. We still love dunks and alley oops but the sure enjoyment you get from a packed house when a big 3-point shot is made has no comparison. Many team’s feed off their ability to shoot the long ball. The Golden State Warriors this
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN6.Basketball.indd 9
20/05/2016 10:23
MONEY & CAREERS | summer internship
Finding a summer
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Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
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20/05/2016 10:25
summer internship | MONEY & CAREERS
s the warmer weather approaches, many students begin to imagine what their summer plans are going to include. If you are feeling ambitious and thinking about your future career, an internship can help you gain more insight into what you want to do. A summer internship is a great way to gain experience and valuable skills outside of the academic world. You will be able to learn more about the job field you are interested in while also getting to know more people who work in that field. Here is how to get started: 1 GET AN EARLY START AND CHECK
DEADLINES. Do not wait until the first week of summer to begin your search. There will probably be a lot of competition, and you want to send your resume and information out as soon as possible before deadline. This gives you a higher chance of landing your desired internship and also gives you more options when picking which internship opportunity is the best fit for you. 2 THINK ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS. What do you want to do after you graduate? Even if you are unsure, you probably have some idea of a general job field that you are interested in learning more about. Focus your search on your field of interest, but remember that the internship is a learning experience. If you end up not liking what you are doing, that is perfectly fine. The whole internship process is also a learning and exploration process, and finding out what you do not want to do can also be beneficial.
professors and asking them if they or someone they know is hiring summer interns. It could also mean simply asking your peers and upperclassmen about places they have interned or worked for. In terms of networking online, LinkedIn is a great website to connect with other professionals. Even if you have little experience, it can help to list every detail of what you have experienced just to start building your presence online. 5 USE THE CAREER SERVICES THAT YOUR COLLEGE PROVIDES. Many times students forget to utilize these beneficial services. College career offices can be really helpful in finding you internships that suit your interests. They also have many connections with employers which means more opportunities for you! 6 RESEARCH COMPANIES OR BUSINESSES THAT INTEREST YOU. Find out if they are hiring summer interns, usually listed under the “Careers” or “Volunteer” tabs. If you cannot find any information, try to figure out who the important people are in that company, and send them an email about internship opportunities. It helps to get directly to the source by visiting a company’s website, and it will also show that you are ambitious and determined. Check out the company’s social media
pages as well for any events or additional information that could benefit you. 7 USE GOOGLE TO HELP YOU FIND INTERNSHIPS OR OTHER HELPFUL INTERNSHIP WEBSITES. There are so many to choose from that your possibilities are endless! You can enter in all of your preferences (paid or unpaid, local or a few cities away, etc.) and the Internet does the work for you. Well, some of the work. It is up to you to decide which internships will fit your interests the best, and then send in your resume as soon as possible. 8 SPEAKING OF RESUMES, WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU UPDATED YOURS? Look over and edit your resume before sending it in to make sure all of the up-to-date details are included. Applying for an internship is a great way to learn what it might be like when you apply for a future job that you want to pursue as your career. Even if you do not know what you want to do yet, an internship can help you decide. During the summer, you will most likely be able to devote more time and energy to an internship; however, it is also important to have fun in the application process and working the actual internship. After all, you will be one step further in getting your future dream job, and that is something to be excited about. cn
3 DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED IF YOU HAVE DON’T HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE. That is what the purpose of the internship is! Instead, take the experiences you do have and think about how you can apply those to the internship you want. Even if those experiences are only college-related, you can still use those to talk about your accomplishments and skills. If you need to write a cover letter for part of your application, explain how you are interested in the job field and that you are eager to learn more. Your passion and willingness to learn are important when applying for an internship. 4 NETWORK IN PERSON AND ONLINE. This could include talking to your
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN7.Internships..indd 11
20/05/2016 10:25
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Cuaround - Tshirt1 1- Spivo.indd 1 Cuaround.indd T-Shirt Hell.indd
20/05/2016 20/01/2016 12:39 11/05/2016 09:42 16:49
Marketing Yourself on
Social Media
f you use social media then you have probably seen it. The slew of young people and businesses using social media as a way of free advertisement. Some jobs now even require that you already have a following or are able to know how to use social media to market yourself. Don’t fear the stress of trying to figure this out, we have five great ways for you to dive in without becoming overwhelmed.
KEEP IT SIMPLE: Simple, short, sweet, and to the point, no one wants to see you everywhere they go on the internet, and they don’t want to read long paragraph post either. Know your social media median, and post appropriately. If you’re already always on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, then take advantage and set up your professional profile there. Also to keep in mind is the length of the post, and the phrasing. No: “Read my blog post about last weekend’s #catering conference at mydomain.com and leave a comment!” Yes: “New blog post about last weekend’s #catering conference at mydomain.com. Which of you went? Fav presenters?”
*Don’t just post links. Get your followers involved, it’s called the online community for a reason.
© 123R F
SET A SCHEDULE: It’s not fun when it starts to feel like a job, but you also have to stay relevant, followers fall off when you do. You don’t have to flood their newsfeed, but a post once or twice a week to let
them stay updated is a good start to getting everyone interested.
USE WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE: Integrate your social media platforms together for easier access. Have links to your different accounts available on all your sites, so they won’t be missing anything, and you won’t have to be constantly posting links to each one.
MONITOR BRAND MENTIONS: You are going to be talked about whether you know it or not. Great thing about social media is that you can see what they are saying and take care of complaints quickly or share positive feedback on your pages. There are monitoring tools available that lets you track your handle so you can see what’s trending about you.
FOLLOW THROUGH: Once you do develop a following and have your own online community set up, sitting back and taking in the rising subscribers is not enough. You have to follow through and follow back. Following back isn’t just a nice thing to do, it also lets you see what your followers are interested in, so you can see the kind of people you and/or your business attracts. This is helpful when tailoring your post and products to keep them interested. cn
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
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20/05/2016 10:26
Make Your Resume
Stand Out
t’s finally time to graduate, and you’re ready to find the job of your dreams! Putting your resume together is one small step in applying for the job. Your resume will outline your skills, qualifications, and experiences to show that you are fit for that position you want. Grab the attention of potential employers by polishing your resume with these tips and tricks.
CONTACT INFORMATION » Make sure your email is professional. Do not use the one that you made when you were thirteen. An email with your name in it is safe. » Put your permanent address and/or school address. Make sure you use the one that is closest to the job location. OBJECTIVE » An objective is a short statement that outlines your career goals while also portraying yourself as someone who fits the job. » You should only include an objective if you are applying for a specific job or
clear on what your goals are. Otherwise you can leave it out. » In your objective, be as specific as possible, tailoring your statement to the position and the company. Make it valuable by describing how you can benefit the company as well. EDUCATION & COURSEWORK » Include your school, major, degree, and year of graduation. Indicate whether you have achieved academic honors such as making the dean’s list. You could also include your GPA if it is high or above 3.0. If you took any courses directly related to the field you are applying to work in, include these as well. Even if you did not major in the field but you took classes related to it, you can list those courses. EXPERIENCES » Work experiences should be listed in » reverse chronological order (the most
recent work experience is listed first). » When describing your work experiences (this includes jobs and internships), use action verbs like “manage” or “coordinate” to directly show employers what your responsibilities were. This leaves a powerful impression while showcasing your skills and adaptability. SKILLS » Showcase the diversity of your skills. For example, you can include information about how you are a good self-starter but you also have experience leading groups and participating in-group projects. Your resume will continue to change throughout your life and according to the many opportunities you will receive. Having a strong and solid resume at the beginning of your career journey is a great start to applying for your dream jobs. cn
© 123R F
FORMAT » Play around with the font of your resume to make it stand out yet still have easy readability. Times New Roman and Arial are safe and widely used, but others that you could try are Calibri, Garamond, or Georgia. » Use bold or italicized font where necessary (such as headings) to draw attention; however, keep the font style consistent throughout. » Most people use bullet points to list their information, which makes it easier and quicker for employers to read. » The length of your resume should be about one page. Writing clear and concise sentences that are straight to the point will make it easier for employers to read and comprehend.
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
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20/05/2016 10:27
presidential primaries | POLITICS
Hillary Clinton Donald Trump BY DAVID MORALES
The presidential candidates in the 2016 general election
© 123R F
fter months of debating during the presidential primaries, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump remain the lead front-runners and the likely presidential candidates of the 2016 general election. Clinton’s sweep in states like Ohio, Illinois, Missouri and Florida seemingly sealed her victory over Bernie Sanders, who in mid-March trailed by more than 300 delegates. Trump has dominated the republican primaries and is already looking forward to the general election as he is urging party unity amid growing concerns over the potential of a contested convention. GOP leaders are now looking toward John Kasich to represent them and challenge Trump in the event of a contested convention as democrat leaders pressure Sanders to back down after the primary losses. According to a New York Times report by Maggie Haberman and Michael D. Shear, Obama told party donors that he believed it was time for the democratic party to come together, indicating that further contention along party lines could strengthen the republican fight for the White House. Despite this, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver announced that “If we can keep winning states and delegates, we’re going to come back and win this primary.” According to CNN, Trump has to win nearly 60 percent of the remaining delegates in the GOP race, noted CNN reporter Stephen Collinson. A task complicated by the fact that some states award delegates on a proportional basis, rather than distributing entire shares to
the winner. However, it is unlikely that Kasich, a candidate who has only one win in the state of Ohio, can compete against Trump, who has won 18 states and is far ahead in the delegate race. Trump and his appeal to angry grassroots republicans, has spoiled the chances of the once considered strong White House contenders, such as Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. But is this Democracy? It is clear that Trump is not the American people’s choice. He is the result of a flawed party system. After all it is the parties that get to choose the presidential candidates and now, due to Trump the republicans
warn of a brokered convention. Because of this, many claim that the use of delegates in primary voting has perpetuated a system of power that is not representative of the people. However, Clinton’s victories give Sanders a tough road to climb if he is to win the nomination. Sanders would need to win about 72 percent of the delegates in order to come back, said Collinson. And as time is running out, it is unlikely that Sanders will pull off the necessary delegates in order to run against Trump in the November general election. cn
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
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20/05/2016 10:28
POLITICS | minority experience
Minority experiences on campus: Living the college experience T
he college experience offers new and adventurous opportunities for many students. Academically it provides the foundation to develop discipline specific competencies. Socially it sustains emotional learning that is essential for the nurturing of intergroup relationships. These domains of learning are essential for the structural cohesion that bind academic communities. Throughout the college experience students will not only build relationships, but will also explore newfound freedoms. Being prepared is a key factor that contributes to success. And for many students, their performance is shaped by an environment that enhances learning. Although campuses provide a safe and warm environment to learn, not all student experiences cater to the same standards or sense of community. Most minority students experience campus life from a marginal perspective. Often facing hostility on campus that affects their chances for success; the minority experience is reflected in graduation rates across the nation. Andre Perry from the Washington Post draws a comparison between hostility on campus and academic progress with research conducted by various universities throughout the United States. “In hostile environments, students of color graduate at lower rates, jeopardizing not only their academic careers but also future success,” stated Perry. The results of this research suggests that campus climate is strongly correlated to academic achievement and that a hostile environment may serve as a mechanism by which students of color remain outsiders. But how does a campus become hostile? According to the U.S Department of Education, low-income and minority students are more likely to drop out of college. They make up about 22 percent of the general population. Additionally, black and Hispanic men have the lowest graduation rates (33.2 percent and 44.8 percent) compared to their white and Asian peers (57.1 percent and 64.2 percent). Despite these economic and racial disparities, success isn’t just on students’ shoulders. To increase graduation rates among minority students, colleges and
universities must change at a structural level. ne way institutions of higher One learning can improve the experiences of minorities on campus is by implementing place-based instead of merit-based scholarships. Currently, colleges and universities focus on meeting the short-term needs of minority students rather than prioritizing their scholastic pursuits. As a result, minority students who come from poor innercity neighborhoods and have attended ineffective elementary and secondary schools are at the greatest risk. Reaching high risk minority students from low socioeconomic backgrounds has been an ongoing task in academia and on the federal level. Recently the federal government announced a new initiative directed toward elementary and secondary students of color and girls. According to the Huffington Post, our country has a problem accessing computer science programs, explained Rebecca Klein. This initiative would create an educational infrastructure that would allow more states and school districts to teach computer science classes. The plan could potentially allocate billions of dollars in funding to marginal school districts, readying minority students for post-secondary institutions. Diversity on campus promotes an inclusive environment for everyone. It fosters a creative and innovative culture conducive to personal growth and academic development. There are many ways colleges and universities can assist minorities on campus and create an environment in favor of their success. Institutions of higher learning can implement policies and programs that would attract minority faculty at a greater rate. Faculty should embrace their role as advocates and counselors and not just instructors or researchers. They should also be held accountable for low graduation rates and
actively engage minorities on campus who are struggling academically. Being a racial or ethnic minority on campus has its challenges. Preparing a strong system of support can lay the ground work for success. Attitudes between and among groups influence intergroup relations on campus and how well students adjust to campus life can affect their academic performance. With that said, it may be beneficial for minority students to establish living-learning communities that provide opportunities to reside with students that have similar educational interests. Learning to stay a step ahead and being prepared are essential aspects of the college experience every student must employ. However, for minority students, the threat of a hostile campus climate is a reality that they cannot afford. Together, students have the power to make a difference and to make their campus a welcoming environment for everybody. cn
© 123R F
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN12.Minority.indd 16
20/05/2016 10:29
Mixed Chicks.indd 1
07/03/2016 10:24
Graduate from UNDERFRUMP Dress well from the inside out underfrump (adjective) [uhn-derfruhmp]: the annoying, baggy, coming untucked feeling experienced while wearing a typical undershirt. Underfrump might be a new term to you, but every guy has had it and every girl has seen it. It’s at weddings, at
events, and it will undoubtedly attend your graduation. There is the ‘freshman-15’, and then there’s the 15lbs an untucked undershirt bunched-up under the dress shirt will pack on you. As you now prepare to graduate and move on to the next steps in life, you’ll be looking for deeper and richer product experiences, including the clothes you choose to buy. Those undershirts your mom has been buying you (comes in a plastic bag made with cheap boxed or combed cotton) have no business underneath a nice dress shirt. An undershirt is layer closest to the skin, and sets up everything else from your dress shirt to a suit. You should select them with thoughtfulness.
The 3 components for a good undershirt are: 1. Longer to stay tucked in 2. Some stretch to form fit your body 3. Made with a premium material Follow these rules when selecting an undershirt, and you won’t be the one with the underfump. Sponsored by:
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Your incredible hair is an extension of your body and should be cared for just as you care for your eyes, your hands and your heart. But we need to understand our hairincredible before wehair canis truly nourish it.ofWomen today that their hair isfordry, Your an extension your body andfind should be cared justfrizzy as and easily spending year hair to care products, youbreaks care for yourdespite eyes, your handsover and $80 your billion heart.aBut weonneed understand needlessly stressing themselves, their hair, every our hair before we can truly nourish it. Womenand today find that theirday. hair is dry, frizzy and breaks easily despite spending over $80 billion a year on hair care products, Hair Truth #1.needlessly Your hair isstressing never sothemselves, vulnerable and when it is wet. and damage their hair,prone everyas day. How you dry it is one of the most critical steps to caring for your hair. If you rub it at this delicate point or isuse yoursoregular ‘ole bath that was as never meant for Hair Truth #1. Your hair never vulnerable and towel, damage prone when it is wet. your cause irreparable damage that thoseforhair products can’t Howhair, you you dry itcan is one of the most critical steps to all caring your hair. If you rubfix.it Changing yourpoint hair drying and adding in atowel, hair towel can make most at this delicate or useroutine your regular ‘ole bath that was never the meant for to the health and beauty yourhair hair.products can’t fix. your hair, you candifference cause irreparable damage that all of those Changing your hair drying routine and adding in a hair towel can make the most AQUIS Hair Towels and HairtoTurbans are and made with special difference the health beauty of your ultra-fi hair. ne fibers called AQUITEX that’s woven tightly together to create these channels inside the fabric that wickHair water out and from your faster and more ultra-fi gentlyne than anycalled other AQUIS Towels and away Hair Turbans arehair made with special fibers material yourtightly hair from the damage wethese spend thousands of dollars to AQUITEXprotecting that’s woven together to create channels inside the fabric repair. Most importantly save time in the whenthan you any could be that wick water out and you away fromprecious your hair faster andmorning more gently other doingprotecting more important things for a test, yoga or meditating. material your hair fromlike thecramming damage we spend thousands of dollars to repair. Most importantly you save precious time in the morning when you could be Change way you dry your hair and experience hair days! doing more the important things like cramming for a test, better yoga or meditating.
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20/05/2016 04/05/2016 12:41 11:18
graduation preparation | LIFESTYLE
How to Prepare for
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collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN14.Graduation.indd 19
20/05/2016 10:30
LIFESTYLE | graduation preparation
fter years of caffeine-fueled all-nighters, exam preparations, and meeting lots of cool people, you have finally made it to your final year. The upcoming graduation ceremony is an exciting time, especially for your family and friends who have encouraged you all the way through college. This will be your day to shine, to acknowledge all the hard work you’ve put into your education, and to usher in a new phase of your life after college. To make this day special and smooth for you and everyone involved, the planning needs to start early, so that you’ll be in good shape by the time you pick up your cap and gown.
package is included and fits perfectly on your frame.
6 MONTHS BEFORE. Apply for Graduation. Go to your student account and let the school know that you’ll be finishing your program. Complete the graduation application, and make sure that your name is correctly spelled. Pay the graduation fee if there is one.
Order Graduation Party Decorations. Time to plan your party! Pick a theme, and order supplies such as grad-themed balloons, banners, and streamers. Also, figure out which food and drinks you will be serving at your party.
3 MONTHS BEFORE Order Graduation Materials. Most schools offer a cap-and-gown package. Some organizations give you the opportunity to wear a stole with their logo on it, such as fraternities and sororities. This is also a good time to order your class ring and graduation invitations. Find out the maximum number of guests that each graduate may bring. Take Graduation Photos. Schedule your graduation photos so that the pictures arrive in time for you to send out invitations and announcements. Make sure to do your hair and makeup prior to walking in, so that your hair and makeup looks good in the photo. Find a Job. Make sure you have a job lined up right after graduation. Not only will this solve the “What am I going to do after college?!” dilemma, having a job will also make conversations with attendees of your graduation party a lot easier. People will be asking what you’re going to do after graduation, and it would be ideal to have an answer besides “I don’t know.”
Wrap Everything Up. Submit projects, complete exit interviews if you have any student loans, pay off library debts and remaining school fees, invoices, and bills. Make sure you have cleared out your slate so that you have the green light for graduation. Mail Graduation Announcements & Invitations. Mail your announcements and invitations at least two weeks before the actual ceremony date (or even earlier for outof-town guests).
1 TO 2 WEEKS BEFORE Plan Your Outfit. Get comfy (but attractive) shoes. You’ll be on your feet for a long time, and your family will also be taking lots of photos. Prepare an outfit suited for the temperature and weather of the ceremony (especially if it’s an outdoors ceremony). Dress so that you don’t freeze or marinate under your graduation gown. 1 DAY BEFORE Have Everything Ready. Prepare everything you need beforehand so that you don’t rush in the morning (especially if you have an 8 a.m. graduation ceremony). Cap and gown, tassels, stoles, name card (with pronunciation marks), graduation ceremony tickets.
Set Things Up for the Graduation Party. Start prepping food that can be refrigerated overnight. It will save you a lot of stress the following day. Get started on putting up the party decorations that you ordered a month ago. Place a graduation sign in the front yard to announce your graduation and hang graduation banners on your walls. ON THE DAY OF GRADUATION – WHAT TO EXPECT? Graduation Brunch. Many universities offer a graduation brunch or breakfast to celebrate their students’ achievements. Commencement Rehearsal and Ceremony. Make sure to arrive early. Graduation Party. Celebrate your hard work with your family and friends. Everyone will be so proud of you. Bask in the spotlight. 3 Months Post-Graduation Receive Official Diploma. You can often pick this up from the administration office at your school, or they will mail it to you. Print Unofficial Transcripts. These may come in handy when you apply for jobs that require a certain GPA. Order Ceremony Video and Photographs. Unless you’re satisfied with all the photos that your mom took of you at graduation. GOOD LUCK WITH LIFE! You are embarking on the next phase of your life, whether that means entering the workforce or going to grad school, or even both. Good luck with everything, and be sure to celebrate all of your big accomplishments with family and friends. cn
Prepare directions and schedule of events. Make sure you know where to go and what to expect from the ceremony.
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1 MONTH BEFORE Pick Up Graduation Materials. This includes the cap-and-gown package and invitations that you may have ordered two months ago. Make sure everything in your
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN14.Graduation.indd 20
20/05/2016 11:39
staycation | LIFESTYLE
Plan a Staycation in Your Own City BY ELLEN ZACARIAS
bout to go on spring or summer break? Prepare to see your Facebook feed explode with vacation photos of your friends livin’ it up in faraway places. But you don’t need a $1000 airplane ticket and a fat wallet for shopping and boarding to explore and savor the flavors and smells of a locale. In fact, you can get that tourist experience inside of your own city. How many times have you passed by that museum, historical building, or well-known local restaurant without going in? Go solo, or grab your friend(s) and check it out for once. This is your chance to explore what you haven’t before, and to learn a few things about your city, whether you’ve been living there for a year or your whole life. Below are some ideas for planning a staycation in your own city:
Often, they give tours and even offer samples. Look into it. RECONNECT WITH AN OLD FRIEND OVER COFFEE, TEA OR LUNCH. out and move out of school- or workmode. Reconnect with an old friend over coffee, tea, or lunch. The time to maintain a meaningful connection with a friend is a wonderful luxury and should be cherished. cn
LOCAL FESTIVALS. Look into your local chamber of commerce’s website or local newspaper to find out when festivals are happening in your city. Parades, film festivals, and cultural festivals can be events that you can attend and participate in. ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH THE LOCAL THESPIAN/MUSIC SCENE. Meet the local bands that replenish the lifeblood of your city’s indie music scene, or if your city has a theater, go and watch local actors create stories with their bodies.
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VISIT A NEARBY TOURIST SPOT. What draws the crowds in your city? Check out a nearby national park, beach, landmark, or historical building that you often hear about but haven’t personally visited. Take lots of pictures! INDULGE YOUR SENSES AT THE LOCAL BREWERY OR FACTORY. You may be living near a local brewery or (chocolate) factory.
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN13.Staycation.indd 21
20/05/2016 10:32
ROAD HEAD, QUEEFING, MIDGET TOSSING, TWERKING, CROP DUSTER, BUKKAKI, WHISKEY DICK, AND NAKED GRANDMA. When I hear those words I think, damn, I wish there was a way that I could act or draw those words in front of my friends. Now’s your chance! Over The Line is a hilarious party game that is a combination of Charades and Pictionary only the words go too far, too soon, too often. Here are few more cards you will be able to act or draw for your friends: FREE BEER, 4:20, SQUIRTER, WHALES VAGAINA, MANSCAPING, TEABAGGING AND SMALL BLACK COCK
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20/05/2016 13/05/2016 12:45 12/05/2016 17:05 16:09
diy summer decorations | LIFESTYLE
Â&#x2021; 7LVVXH SDSHU PDWFK \RXU balloons) Â&#x2021; µ [ µ &DUGVWRFN Â&#x2021; ,QNMHW SULQWHU Â&#x2021; 0DVNLQJ WDSH Â&#x2021; /DWH[ EDOORRQV PL[ RI µ DQG µ
ho doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t love a summer party? The themes are endless, and everything is better when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s warm! Decorations from Party City can get expensive though and no one wants to be limited when it comes to making their event as festive looking as possible. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need Party City when you can do all of these easy decorations cheaper. Here are just a few to get you started LUAU THEME: DIY Luau lights: Disassemble lei, cut tiny slit in center of each flower, slide 2 (or more) flowers over each bulb on string of multi-color Christmas lights, easy!
© 123R F
Paper Umbrella Wreath: Who doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like wreaths? They are the first thing you see and set the mood. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simple and done by sticking cocktail parasols into a grapevine wreath. *Different colors are best, and different sizes helps with variations and making sure the entire wreath is covered. PALM FROND BALLOONS: This one might take a little more effort, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still simple and look amazing! Supplies: Â&#x2021; %DOORRQ +HOLXP 7DQN Â&#x2021; )UHH SULQWDEOH SDOP OHDYHV
Instructions: &XW RXW VHYHUDO UHFWDQJOHV RI WLVVXH SDSHU DERXW µ E\ µ 2. Tape one of the rectangles (glossy side of the tissue paper DOWN) to a piece of card stock with masking tape on the top and bottom of the paper (see photo). )HHG WKLV WKURXJK \RXU SULQWHU WR SULQW the palm leaves, one sheet at a time, onto WKH WLVVXH SDSHU %H VXUH \RX DUH IHHGLQJ WKH paper through the printer the right way (each printer is different) so that the image prints onto the tissue. 5HPRYH IURP FDUG VWRFN DQG OHW GU\ IRU DERXW PLQXWHV ZKLOH \RX FRQWLQXH printing additional images. &XW RXW WKH OHDYHV 7KLV GRHVQ·W KDYH WR be perfect as the tissue will blend in with WKH EDOORRQ MXVW D URXJK FXW DURXQG WKH perimeter works. 6. Inflate balloons with your balloon helium tank and tie with string or fishing line. 6SUD\ WKH EDFN RI HDFK OHDI ZLWK VSUD\ adhesive and let dry slightly until tacky. $GKHUH WKH LPDJH WR WKH EDOORRQ WDFN\ VLGH down, and smooth over with your fingers. 5HSHDW ZLWK DV PDQ\ LPDJHV DV GHVLUHG *Bonus: Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to cover your trash cans with hula skirts too!! You can even have a few lei flowers glued on to help keep everything in theme. /DVWO\ IRU D OLWWOH FHQWHUSLHFH WUHDW WATERMELON FRUIT BOAT!! cn
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN15.DIY Summer Party.indd 23
20/05/2016 10:33
LIFESTYLE | smoothie recipes
It Over
With Healthy Smoothie Recipes BY ALYSSA LEE
© 123R F
What better way to cool off this summer than with a refreshing smoothie? These drinks are not only tasty but they are also super quick to make and only require a few ingredients. Smoothies are the perfect thirst-quenchers for parties and get-togethers with friends, or even for snacks and desserts for everyone in the family. Get your blenders out because here are some delicious smoothie recipes you will definitely want to try this summer!
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN16.Smoothies-js.indd 24
20/05/2016 11:44
smoothie recipes | LIFESTYLE
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collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN16.Smoothies-js.indd 25
20/05/2016 10:34
PRODUCT GUIDE | holiday gift guide
Summer Gift Guide 966;: /VVK` Our Roots Salt & Pepper Original Kanga Hoody is made to last in our durable, ultra soft, exclusive fleece. Designed with raglan sleeves, kanga pockets and a double lined hood for extra warmth and comfort, consider this a staple piece for mixing and matching with our classic sweats. www.roots.com
7VY[HISL >VYRZ[H[PVUZ PC TABLES Inc is a leading manufacturer of portable workstations for laptop pcâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and other portable equipment. Our flagship product, TABLETOTE, is one of the best selling portable workstations of its kind. It provides business travelers and consumers a portable workspace that can be carried with them and used anytime, anywhere. The collapsible table is a versatile, stable workstation that can be used in a variety of situations, such as airports, hotels, meetings, at school or even outside. Makes a GREAT GIFT! Purchase TABLETOTE workstations on Amazon for the retail price of $29.99.
-SPJRZ 7YVQLJ[VY Summer is the perfect time to project some movies in the backyard and hang out with your friends. However, projectors can be bulky, overpriced and hard to use. That isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the case with the Flicks portable boombox projector. Featuring Bluetooth 4.0 Hi-Fi audio, Ultra-bright LED projector, versatile HDMI connection and a rechargeable lithium ion battery, this is without a doubt the best projector for the college market. Go to Dashbon.com/flicks.html and have the coolest summer movie night ever!
?APWP[ *\Y]L ;HZR *OHPY Looking to personalize your boring dorm? The XZipit Curve task chair is equipped with an interchangeable logo system that can show your school pride, pro team allegiance, or any custom logo you can imagine. The options are endless. Tired of one look? Zip the logo off and replace it with any of our other designs. Officially licensed by most Universities and Pro teams. Use promo code: collegenews for 10% off. www.XZIPIT.com
9VVTTH[L -PUKLY Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cry. Roommates.com is here to save you from roommate disasters by finding the perfect one for you. Roommates covers thousands of cities nationwide, and sign up is much faster and easier than picking up after the â&#x20AC;&#x153;mistakeâ&#x20AC;? who just finished your last beer. Roommates.com
6]LY ;OL 3PUL 7HY[` .HTL :4(33 )3(*2 *6*2 ! )<22(20 ,3,7/(5; >(32 40+.,; ;6::05. ;,()(..05. 5(2,+ .9(5+4( (5+ -9,, ),,9 Now you can act or draw these horribly offensive words with your friends. Over The Line is a hilarious party game that is a combination of Charades and Pictionary only the words go too far, too soon, too often. OverTheLineGame.Com
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN18.Product Guide..indd 26
20/05/2016 11:49
= :-) Want to keep up-to-date on everything thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening on campus, across the country and around the world? Follow us on Twitter (@CNcollegenews) and friend us on Facebook! Trust us, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be glad you did!
Human Energy by K-Tor Human driven generators have been in existence for over 100 years but with the advent of wall outlets, the power grid, rechargeable and disposable batteries they fell out of popularity. K-Tor was born in 2008 by Ken Torino an electrical engineer who was caught once to many times with a dead battery while traveling and camping. It was not possible to buy a device as they did not exist and so Ken created K-Tor with the idea of making a highly functional modern design hand crank and pedal generator. These were developed after extensive development and testing as the Pocket Socket hand crank generator and Power Box pedal generator and the realization of that vision.Visit us at K-Tor.com
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17/12/2015 11:15
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16/05/2016 16:10 23/05/2016 10:36
TECH | star wars tech round up
e c r o F e h Let t : u o y h t i be w Star Wars Tech Round Up BY JOSH SMITH
DISNEY INFINITY 3.0: The Disney Infinity series stepped into the “games to life” genre and made an immediate impact. The latest, Disney Infinity 3.0, takes a closer look at Star Wars, thanks to Disney’s purchase of the property. Sure, it seems like a game meant for younger audiences, but being able to play as your favorite character, both old and new, is captivating and will help you lose hours mastering the force. To complement the game, Power A has a few accessories that will help keep your gaming space free of clutter. The Power Disc Case and The Hall of Heroes Case will ensure the small, easily lost Power Discs and figures are neatly stored and easily accessible or ready for travel.
STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT II: It’s multiplayer only, but Battlefront II is fun and gives players a more graphic look into the war between the Rebellion and the Empire. This is as close as you’ll get to dedicating your life to fighting against (or for) Darth Vader. With varying game modes that take place in recognizable settings, there’s fan service from top to bottom. You’ll also be able to spend some time as Luke
Skywalker, Darth Vader, and other favorites, adding another level for fans to love.
POWER A STAR WARS CONTROLLERS: Whether you love the Dark Side or the Light, droids or humans, Power A gives you the ability to show it off while you play your favorite games (Star Wars or not). They’re wired controllers, the only downside, but the artwork and retail price make them useful for playing and can scratch a collector’s itch.
X-WING PILOT GAMING HEADSET: Don’t deny it, you’ve always wanted to be an X-Wing pilot. Who hasn’t? Thanks to Turtle Beach, your dream can become a reality. The X-Wing Pilot headset is a relatively inexpensive option for the sound quality you get. It’s comfortable, sitting over the ears as you play, and the 40mm drivers deliver sharp sound. The headset style and orange/white color scheme mimics the look of an actual X-Wing pilot.
BATTLEFRONT SANDTROOPER GAMING HEADSET: How often do you find a legitimately limited edition, individually numbered, Star Wars collectible that doubles as useful hardware? The design is customizable thanks to the removable and replaceable speaker plates, and you might find yourself having a hard time choosing one. The drivers are larger than average at 50mm, making the audio crisp, clean and, at times, overpowering. If there’s anything that gamers want from their headset, it’s overpowering audio. Request granted. cn
© 123R F
ince being rocketed back into a “Galaxy far, far away,” the world has once again come down with a case of Star Wars fever. For decades we’ve all worn our love for the series on our sleeves and now Episode VII has our passion burning hotter than the suns of Tatooine. To capitalize on the popularity, gamers have access to a number of options from games to accessories. If you’ve been looking for the best way to show your dedication, look no further.
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN19.Star Wars.indd 28
20/05/2016 10:35
Š 123R F
star wars tech round up | TECH
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN19.Star Wars.indd 29
20/05/2016 10:37
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20/05/2016 04/04/2016 12:48 16:14
Summer Workouts
summer workouts | HEALTH
ummer is all about two things, tightening and toner, gotta look good in the swimsuit man! Summer is also the time we usually fall off the wagon and ruin all the work we did over the winter to get that beach body in the first place. Good thing Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m here right? I have five great body toning workouts that you can do over the summer to keep your body toned without having to continue killing yourself in the gym so you can enjoy the sun you waiting all year for.
Lower-Body Blast
Targets shoulders, arms, butt, and legs Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides. Lunge backward with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees. Skipping in place, lift right knee to hip height and come up on ball of left foot; simultaneously swing left arm overhead. Return to backward lunge. Do 12 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
Hip Trimmer
Targets Shoulders, chest, arms, abs, butt, and legs Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest, elbows out to sides. Lunge left leg out to left side, bending left knee about 90 degrees while keeping right leg straight; left knee stays in line with left toes. Push off left heel to return to center, then lower into a squat. Return to start and repeat on opposite side to complete 1 rep. Do 12 reps.
Russian Twist
Targets chest, abs, and obliques Sit on floor with knees slightly bent, arms extended in front of you with hands together. Lift legs until shins are parallel to floor, feet together, and lean torso back about 45 degrees. *Make it Easier: Keep feet on floor. Holding legs here, twist torso to left together with arms. Return to center and twist to right to complete 1 rep. Do 12 reps.
Š 123R F
Belly and Booty Firmer
Head-to-Toe Toner
Targets chest, biceps, abs, butt, and hamstrings Stand tand with feet together, arms at sides, knees slightly bent. Hinging forward from waist, bring arms toward floor under shoulders while lifting left leg straight behind you, body forming a straight line from head to left heel. As you return to standing, lift left knee to hip height and bend elbows directly behind you, bringing hands by ribs. Lower arms and right leg to return to start.
Targets abs, obliques, butt, and hamstrings
Do 12 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
Lie face up on floor, knees bent with heels on floor and arms at sides. Extend left leg toward ceiling, foot flexed.
*Bonus: If you want to keep your heart weight up and burn more calories, if you are doing the workouts outside or at a gym run a lap between each set. If you are doing them inside your dorm or house, between each set try to hold a plank for a minute. This will give your core and arms an extra workout, and help scare off belly flab and batwings.
*Make it Easier: Keep both feet on floor. Lift hips, squeezing glutes. Hold for 1 count, then lower. Keeping left leg raised throughout, crunch up, reaching hands toward left foot. Return to start. Do 12 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN20.Summer Workouts.indd 31
20/05/2016 10:38
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16/06/2016 10/09/2015 11:48 11:47 16:50
#ctol | SEX & DATING
Falling In Love In College: The Truth A
lot of us know at least one couple who met in college, fell in love, and got married. Falling in love in college is quite real, but it’s also difficult. So when you fall in love your freshman or sophomore year, does it mean they are “the One”? Think about it this way. When we were juniors and seniors in high school, didn’t we think we had it all figured out? For most of us, yes. We knew exactly how we wanted our lives to pan out. We knew where we wanted to live, what we wanted to major in, and if we weren’t seeing someone at the time, more than likely we’d find our happily ever after in college. True? Why is that? Well, I think a big part of it has to do with what those around us said.
I met your dad in college. We’ve been happily married ___ years.
© 123R F
I met your aunt at a frat party. We’ve been in love ever since.
And that’s all fine and dandy. I’m not saying you won’t meet the love of your life on the men’s floor of your dorm hall, I’m just saying don’t be disappointed if you don’t. From my personal experience, freshman year was a maze. I hardly knew anyone, I was contemplating my major every day, and I missed my family and friends back home. My focus turned to trying to survive a new city and maintain a decent GPA. I was seeing someone at the time and in my mind I was sure we would get married. Since that year I have been in three different relationships. Do things your way, make your own decisions. Focus on you. We are so young. Younger than we realize. If you meet someone great and fall in love during college, that’s wonderful. But do not automatically assume that is the person you’re going to spend forever with. If things get rocky in the relationship and you’re consistently having more bad days than good, do not throw every ounce of effort into it and forget about the real reason you’re attending college. Yes, try to make it work, but do not sacrifice your education for someone who may not be right for you.
Falling in love isn’t always forever, and it’s not meant to be. Those four or five years are some of the most transitional years of your life and with it could be your relationships. You and your college partner may have started off sharing the same goals, but over time that could change. You begin realizing who you really want to be and what you want to do. This might cause the two of you to drift apart. If this happens, it’s okay! Just remember the reason you went to college: to study and learn your career. To gain independence. To transition to the real world. Maybe travel abroad. If a person doesn’t change in this time I’d be shocked. A majority of students their freshman year of college end up changing their major, and with this could bring a lot more change. If you fall in love in college and end up marrying that person, congratulations. I wish for you years of happiness. But if you don’t fall in love, or if you do and it doesn’t work out the way you had dreamt in high school, it’s okay. Graduate college, start your career, focus on you. That’s what our youth is for: finding our way in this world. Eventually, you’ll find the person who wants to discover the world with you. cn
collegenews.com | Spring/Summer 2016
CN21.Relationships.indd 33
20/05/2016 10:48
SEX & DATING | summer dates
: s e t a D Hot s a e d I ating BY ALYSSA LEE
D r e Summ T
1. Make a bonfire and roast marshmallows for s’mores. 2. Visit your local farmer’s market. You can even cook a meal together with the food that you buy. 3. Go for a hike or a walk in the park. Then pick wildflowers and feed the ducks. 4. Take your lover on a romantic picnic in a beautiful spot in nature. Make sure you bring your date’s favorite food, snacks, and drinks! 5. Have a water balloon fight or a water gun war. 6. Go to a carnival or fair and ride the ferris wheel. Kiss at the top like in all of the movies. Eat all of the fried dough, pretzels, and corn dogs. Don’t worry, you’re basically walking off all of the carbs! 7. Go to an outdoor concert. Dance and sing together like nobody’s watching. 8. Go out for ice cream. Or chase the ice cream truck. 9. Sit on the beach and build sandcastles together. 10. Check out a food truck. Or two or three. 11. Visit an outdoor flea market. You never know what treasures you’ll be able to find! 12. Check out yard sales and garage sales as well for more exciting finds. 13. Still want to watch a movie? Visit a
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he sun is finally coming out and you can feel it! After all of the time spent indoors this past winter, you probably want to go out and get your Vitamin D. There is no better way to spend the day outside than with the one you love. Perhaps all of the movie nights during the winter have got you and your lover feeling too cooped up. Both of you could use the fresh air and beaming sunshine to reconnect and revitalize your love life. Here are 50 outdoor date ideas for you and your sweetheart to try all spring and summer!
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summer dates | SEX & DATING
drive-in theater. Yes they are still around! 14. Dine or drink coffee outside at a restaurant, cafe, or even on your own porch. 15. =Go fishing. You could even take your date out on a rowboat adventure. 16. Watch the sunrise or sunset together. 17. Ride in a hot air balloon. See the world together. 18. Lay out in your backyard at night to gaze at the stars. Make a wish upon a shooting star or try to name all of the constellations! 19. Go camping together if you really love the wilderness. 20. Go for a bike ride through your town or city. Visit parks or monuments that you’ve never been to before. 21. Push each other on the swings at the playground. Race each other down the slides. 22. Go to an open field and fly a kite together. You could even make your own kite together! 23. Paint portraits of each other outside so you can make all the mess you want! 24. Play a sport together such as badminton or frisbee. 25. Try minigolfing. 26. Go tubing down a lazy river but don’t
drift too far apart. 27. Rock climb even if it’s just the small rocks at the beach. 28. Go to a baseball game. Even if it’s just for the hot dogs and popcorn. 29. Visit a zoo. Who doesn’t like cute animals? 30. Go strawberry or blueberry picking. You could even use your berries to bake a dessert together. 31. Kayak down a river if you’re feeling adventurous. 32. Do a beer or wine tasting if you’re of age. 33. Walk along a pier if you live near one! 34. Visit a flower or butterfly garden. 35. Rollerblade or rollerskate through the park. 36. Wash your cars together. Flick some soap onto your date. Set the hose nozzle to “jet.” Spray it at your date. 37. Walk your dogs if you have them. Or borrow a neighbor’s dog. 38. Plant something together whether it’s a tree, flower, fruit, or vegetable. 39. Visit a water park or amusement park. Go on the tallest roller coaster together! 40. Go horseback riding and ride away into the sunset! 41. Visit a waterfall in the forest.
42. Buy lemonade from a lemonade stand. Or make your own! 43. Cool down and have a pool party. 44. Throw some burgers and hot dogs on the grill. 45. Volunteer outdoors at a community garden or animal shelter. 46. Paintball! Need I say more? Let the competition begin! 47. Go jogging together on a scenic route. 48. Look for sea creatures at the beach. 49. Try yoga together outside under the sun. 50. Create a time capsule. Collect photos or objects that symbolize your love. Bury it in your backyard and dig it up in ten years! Whatever you decide to do with your loved one this spring and summer, the most important thing you should do is have fun! Being outdoors can bring you two closer than ever, and there is an endless amount of entertaining activities to do. Exploring nature together puts into perspective how beautiful the world can be and how special your sweetheart is. Whether you prefer relaxing or getting active, there is a fun outdoor date idea for every couple! cn
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20/05/2016 10:49
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23/05/2016 17/12/2015 11:59 16/05/2016 11:12 15:11 11:57
sexual assault | SEX & DATING
Avoiding Sexual Assault during Break BY DANIELLE DABRIO-CARROLL
inter break, spring break, summer break, it really doesn’t matter the season, the threat of sexual assault exist and you need to know how to keep yourself protected from it. These are a few things to keep in mind so you can stay safe in any situation.
WHEN TRAVELING: We all like to travel during break, it relaxes the mind, lets you stress from the stress of the semester you just survived, but we’ve all seen Taken right?
We all like to party and have a good time, sadly so do those that could harm you. Sexual predators tend to always force consent through guilt and/or pressure but you don’t have to comply and should get away as quickly as possible
Pick someone you trust and give them your itinerary information, flight number, as well as the address and telephone of where you are staying.
If you’re out with a group use a code phrase that can let the rest know you are uncomfortable in the situation. Not something that would come up in normal conversation, but one that isn’t odd to hear either. An example could be “I wish we went on that trip to Vegas” something short, easy, and wouldn’t sound odd to the assailant. If you are alone have a list of numbers you can text a code word to, who can call and help you create an exit.
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When traveling it’s easy to get caught up in the fun of the trip, and you make “friends” very quickly. Even though they may seem safe; be wary of strangers, because they are strangers. Don’t let your guard down, and let them earn your trust as you would do with any new person in your life.
You should not have to stay in any situation that makes you scared, uncomfortable, or feel threatened. There is nothing wrong with a small lie so you can leave if you are fearful of getting them angry. Anything from looking at your phone and getting an “emergency text” about a friend or family member, you
have to get back to your friends on the other side of the bar, or even saying you have to go the bathroom. cn
*If you find yourself in an emergency situation abroad, contact the U.S. Department of State. They can connect you with a variety of resource to help, wherever you are. From the U.S. & Canada: 1.888.407.4747 From Overseas: +1.202.501.444 You can also contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where you’re visiting. Consular officers are available for emergency assistance 24/7. If you are a victim of a crime, you can have the support of a U.S. consular officer to help navigate the process. This person cannot investigate crimes or provide legal services, but they can help you navigate the criminal justice system in the country you’re visiting. If you contact or report to local law enforcement, be sure to request a copy police report.
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20/05/2016 10:51
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medical marijuana | FEATURES
Finally, Stoners can get married in Peace BY REEL ROBINSON
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owadays, the world is littered with stoner friendly places. We are entering a new age where the once frowned upon drug serves more benefits than detriments and the bulk of the population are seeing the truth for what it is. Times are indeed changing and that has led to a boom in the 420 culture. These are especially evident in the cities that have legalized marijuana recreationally. States like Oregon and Colorado offer so much variety, we are literally seeing the revolution of the marijuana business. The mystique that once shadowed the forbidden drug, with assumptions that only lazy, non-driven people use, has become a popular choice for many who suffer from pains and ailments. People are finally waking up, realizing how the big pharmaceutical companies have long polluted our bodies with outside chemicals prescribed by doctors with other interest in hand. That is another discussion. Lifestyle in the 420 household has changed tremendously, culminating with new trends like of having personal cannabis bars at bachelor parties, weddings and other events that helps to create an all-inclusive experience for all of your invitees. Couples are now choosing to furnish their wedding with a full cannabis bar in
which they provide a certified bud tender and a variety of some of the finest strains of medical grade marijuana to the disposal of your 420 friendly guest. Any wedding with an open bar of anything is alright with me but to specifically treat people to great weed has to be the experience no one ever forgets. Now there are rules to having a marijuanainduced wedding. For example, in Oregon it is prohibited that marijuana be served to guest in an establishment that also holds a standard state liquor license. Pay attention to state laws before planning a wedding of this caliber, here are few cautionary things to consider during the planning process.
effective way to alleviate problems with the law. For potheads nothing can be more rewarding than jumping the broom right into a tent full of the best weed in the world. You will be the talk of the town by creating an experience that even the most stoned will remember. As marijuana legalization becomes more prevalent throughout the country one can only assume this trend will be taken to a whole new level of creativity in the near future. Can you imagine all of the laughs at a wedding where half of the audience are stoned out of their minds. Me neither, but I am on the first flight if I am ever invited. cn
PRECAUTIONS 1. Transportation for those consuming marijuana is a MUST. As the host of an event like a wedding that holds a cannabis bar you must be able to provide sufficient travel to and from the venue because medical marijuana patients are prohibited from driving under the influence. 2. State regulations must be met, be sure to do your research. 3. Separate the tent from the actual event. This is especially important if you are provided drinks to other guest. Providing tent for marijuana users has proven to be the most
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20/05/2016 10:50
FEATURES | saving money on vacation
y e n o m g Savin g n i l e v a r t while If your destination is somewhere within your native country, don’t go overboard on trying to fly out there if there is a car readily available. A group of four or five friends can easily split the cost of gas and possibly even the rental of a vehicle, if need be, to make a trip from one state (or one country) to another easily affordable. When traveling by car, pack snacks that can easily be at hand and withstand temperature changes. In other words, don’t pack ice cream or the leftover chicken in the trunk of the car, hoping that it’ll last. Reconsider your options, and go for foods and snacks that are less perishable, such as granola bars, crackers, beef jerky, etc. Consider grabbing a cooler as well and filling it with water bottles. TRY SCHEDULING FLIGHTS FOR “OFF” DAYS.
If you can’t resist the temptation of flying to a whole new destination or simply just prefer traveling by airplane, look for cheap and discounted prices for flights taken on days such as Tuesday and Wednesday, which typically don’t receive as much attention. I’d also definitely suggest booking ahead and keeping up to date with as many flight websites as possible; you never know what their deals could be! While on the subject of air travel, opt for the cheapest seat option and try to pack as much as you can into your carry on. Usually, air companies charge extra for an exceeded amount of luggage and/or weight, and basically, don’t go for the first class seats “just because;” you could easily use that money for something worthwhile.
S USE APPS AND WEBSITE B! BN AIR E LIK What could possibly be better than getting a cheap rental space (usually that’s someone’s home, so the chances of the sort of issues
you get with motels and hotels are relatively slim) and getting to bond with someone who knows the area better than you would by simply being a tourist? If you’re lucky enough, you may be able to make quality, life-long friendships and gather experiences from said person that you simply wouldn’t have gotten by just wandering aimlessly. Airbnb renters typically live in the area they’re renting, therefore know the area well; they might be able to show you sights that you wouldn’t have seen on your own!
DESTINATION, ONCE YOU GE T TO YOUR PLACES, PLAN OUT AND LIST THE ’D LIK E TO SEE EVENTS, AND STUFF YOU T ACCORDINGLY. OU M THE AND SCHEDULE Don’t try to overdo and make a list with two week’s worth of events if you only plan on being there for five days; you’ll end up feeling rushed and leaving disappointed. This might take some careful consideration and making your own pros and cons list, but the memories will be worthwhile! DON’T OPT FOR EVERY EXPENSIVE EVENT AND THING TO DO AT YOUR DESTINATION.
In other words, do you really need to eat out for every meal, every single day, just to be able to say you’ve tried everything? While food is necessary and great, it won’t feel too
great when you look at your bank account and noticed majority of your vacation was spent racking up a ridiculous statement full of five star restaurant bills. Try and make your experience vary and more cost-efficient. Some examples of making your vacation more cost-efficient: if your destination is New York City, instead of dining out in at an expensive restaurant, opt for having a picnic in Central Park! Not only is Central Park free, but you’ll be able to enjoy the sights, eat, and still be a part of the New York City craziness. The most important advice I could give is to remember that at the end of the day, money is not something you can take with you and that will have a lasting impact on you, but your memories will stay with you for a lifetime. No one memory or experience could ever be the same again, and that’s what truly makes any vacation worthwhile. So while it is important to plan out a budget for yourself and cut a few corners here and there, it’s also noteworthy to consider that if at the end of the day, the vacation you dream of having is a bit more costly than anticipated, there’s no reason to try and make ends meet. Same can be said if your vacation plans end up being less than glamorous than you expected, there is still no reason that your vacation won’t end up becoming the vacation of a lifetime. Life is short, and we don’t want to end up regretting what we don’t do in our lives, so go out and make your 2016 vacation one to remember! cn
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
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24/05/2016 18:24
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18/05/2016 12:00
FEATURES | moving to a new city
Fly Life’s 3 Ways to
Master Any Move BY DONALD BIRD
FLY RULE # 2 - SUGGESTIONS ARE JUST SUGGESTIONS For some reason when making any kind of move, everybody and their momma has an opinion on how it should be done. As we look at new gyms suddenly everyone becomes “Mr. Universe” with The place that we need to go to get a “good pump”. New parents are hounded by pack leaders from the PTA jumping out of bushes randomly shouting about the statistical finding of a child attending a Montessori school verses any other. The point is that what people have to say about any situation is not always a proper representation of how they feel. Our own feelings allow us to get information that goes beyond statistics, “trusted” sources or any other gibber jabber people throw into
the atmosphere. Hearing about the awesome indoor track at Gold’s Gym is not the same as running on it. Reviews of a park or neighborhood do not provide the smells, sights, sounds or feel of the area. We have been trained to rely on others because it seems easier. Yet, unless the opinion is coming from a roommate, a coworker or someone that is living your exact experience, it is simply that, just another opinion. Which means, every decision has to come down to a true feeling of alignment and inner peace. No review, no suggestion and no opinion can supersede that of your own determination and recognition of preferences. FLY RULE # 3 - FAILURE IS NOT FAILURE The most important rule to mastering any move is accepting that all life experiences are great learning opportunities to become better at moving through life. The biggest fear of any move is the idea that just maybe, just maybe, the new experience will be an epic failure. The idea that we would change jobs and end up in a worse position then we started. Or to change churches only to find out that this congregation is not what we expected. Thoughts like that inhibit the ability to imagine the perfect situation. This recognition is what the move is really all about. Moving is not only about a physical changing of things but also a mental change. Our new gym assists us with a new workout routine. Our new school suggests new ways for us to learn and think. Our new neighborhood introduces us to new ways of approaching the world on a daily basis. The outcome is not how it turns out, but what turns up in the discovery process. If we approach any new move as a learning process, we do not get bogged down in the minutia of the process. Keeping priority as king and not letting other opinions supersede our own generates priceless information about choice. These experiences inform our future decisions and verify that failure is never an option. So let’s plan that move with a clear mind and open heart and let our dreams come true. cn
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imply saying the word “move” emotes fear in the hearts of the bravest souls. Imagine if someone walked up behind you in a subway and just yelled, “MOVE!” Your heart may begin to race and fight or flight would immediately take over. But it does not have to be that way. Moving is an inevitable eventuality that provides us the opportunity to evolve our experience in a very singular way. Check out these 3 fly and functional ways to master any move like a pro. The planning, patience and process of the move happen long before the actual move. If we focus most of all on these things, the move itself becomes a breeze. A move to a new office suggests that new tasks or responsibilities are ahead. A move to a new home suggests a change of scenery and environment. All of these moves are healthy and positive. The Masters of any discipline require years of practice and patience to hone their craft before becoming a sought after teacher. Thankfully, each of us has become the “Master” of our own preferences after years of working through various good and bad experiences. It is only when we participate in a move (transition) that we start to recognize what we really prefer.
FLY RULE # 1 - PREFERENCE IS KING We all know that our preferences create a sense of joy when we chose properly. Too often we allow compromises to guide our decisions. Without a firm grasp of our priorities during our move, we can get lost in paralysis by analysis. If we want to move into an office with a window view, why would we accept a basement office with little to no sunlight? Something in our unconscious says that we should only push for the concepts that we know we can have. Is this true? Do we know that there are no other offices available full of light and a fantastic view? Do we know that our excuses about seniority and financial cut backs are true? Or are we just accepting those notions so that we do not have to come across as pushy or spoiled? Are we sure that the new school that we want to attend costs too much? Or is this a way that we bow down to the fear that enslaves our king of preference? Somehow, someway during our deliberation process, we must know what we want so deeply that it is silly for anyone else to suggest anything different. It is this focus that relieves the tension and concern for our new opportunity, however the move comes about.
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20/05/2016 10:50
highly suspect interview | FEATURES
Double Grammy Nominated:
An Interview with Highly Suspect BY JULIA E.A. JOHNSTON
Rich Meyer of Highly Suspect talks to College News about their debut album, Mister Asylum, and touring.
ighly Suspect, the rock trio out of Cape Cod, includes guitarist Johnny Stevens, bassist Rich Meyer, and drummer Ryan Meyer. Highly Suspect earned their first Grammy nomination for Best Rock Album for their debut record, Mister Asylum, which climbed to an impressive number two spot on Billboard’s chart for Hard Rock Albums. The group received their second nomination for Best Rock Song for their single “Lydia,” from the same album. Bassist, Rich Meyer, lends me a quick phone chat while he pees at an Arkansas gas station.
*VSSLNL 5L^Z! You’re on tour for your debut album Mister Asylum right now. How’s the tour going so far? 9PJO! Oh, it’s awesome. Right now we’re headed to Juanita’s, which is a place I’ve never played at before, which is kind of the way this whole tour is going. We’re going to all new places. The past couple of years we’ve been touring with large bands like Janelle and we played at really huge venues. That was great. Now we’ve downsized a little bit to, I’d say, a four hundred-person venue. It’s been awesome though. We love it, playing to people who come out to see us specifically.
The energy, people singing along to the songs—it’s awesome.
Don’t ever try to make music based on somebody else. Make music for yourself.
*5! Your twin brother is in the band, Ryan, and then you guys went to highschool with Johnny, the third bandmate? 9PJO! Yeah. It’s funny, I actually never really knew Johnny in high school. Even though it wasn’t a huge high school. I think my graduating class was like one hundred and fifty kids or something like that. He graduated a year after us. I didn’t meet him ‘til after high school though. *5! How did you guys put the band together? 9PJO! It was totally unplanned. We were just all living together and we used to play music together all the time and ride motorcycles. All sorts of stuff. We weren’t planning on being a band. Yeah, one day Johnny got a gig by himself. He was getting ready for it and it was a couple of weeks before the gig actually happened. He wanted us to play it with him. We’re like, “Yeah, sure.” Then that was that. *5! What advice do you have for young musicians? 9PJO! Don’t ever try to make music based on somebody else. Make music for yourself. cn
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20/05/2016 10:53
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23/05/2016 03/11/2015 11:48 09/05/2016 16:35 12:20
music fests | FASHION
Music Fest
Trends come and go but our guide to music fest fashion will never go out of style! We’re not going to tell you what to wear or what’s hot and what’s not, we’re going to prep you so you’re able to enjoy your music festival 100% and look good while doing it. Meet the ultimate outfit-planning guide for your music festival experience! WEATHER-CONSCIOUS Check the weather report for the days of your music festival. A pair of Chubbies, or a bikini top are valid choices, but it’s an absolute must to check the weather first. Explore other fabrics like cool and comfortable linen. Linen will keep you covered and sun-protected while keeping you cool in the heat. Wear a hat! A straw hat is a great choice. However, any hat with a wide brim will work wonders at keeping the sun off of your face and preventing burns. PRO TIP Check the weather report for the days of your music Wear a hat with a cord or ribbon, to prevent the wind from taking your hat as a sacrifice to the gods of the music festivals (learned that the hard way losing my hat in the Windy City, for Lollapalooza 2015). Black is always classic, chic, and glam, but black also attracts the sun. Wearing lighter colors helps significantly to ease up the persistent sun during hot summer festivals. PRO TIP 2 Wrap a flannel or denim shirt around your waist in case the temperature drops, it starts to rain, you’re in the shade, or you need something to sit on. Last but not least, don’t forget your sunnies!
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20/05/2016 11:08
FASHION | music fests
FUNKY SECRET WEAPON In every closet there’s that one out of the ordinary piece you bought (or inherited) and you held onto. When it comes time to donate clothes, you don’t donate this item because you know it’ll be perfect someday for that special vacation, festival, spring break, or just any occasion that would call for a change in your day-to-day wardrobe. You’re going to a music festival, the time has come for its debut. That fringed vest your mom wore to Woodstock, that wacky beaded top, your sailor hat, your dad’s old muscle tee. Bring us your strange, your neon, your vintage handme-downs. The stuff that’s only ever appropriate at music festival, match it with some basics and wear it with pride. There’s no time like the present! THRIFT STORE SAVVY You spent enough money on the tickets, your outfit shouldn’t break the bank. 1970s and 1990s throwback style is prime for any music fest. Crochet tops, flannel shirts, vintage band tees, DIY cut-off high waisted shorts, are all a big YES. Thrift store bonus number two: rain makes for a muddy music festival. Wearing something inexpensive yet stylish, from a thrift store will save your treasured pieces from damage, because it always seems to be that music festival mud is the hardest to remove. COMFY SHOES Converse (high or low tops), booties, strappy flats from M. Gemi (heart eyes emoji), combat boots, cowboy boots, and sneakers are the best music festival footwear hands down. Heels are cute but let’s be reasonable here, if you’re in it for the long haul, heels might hold you back, not to mention potentially unsafe. Rocky, uneven terrain, crowds that push and shove, and (you guessed it) rain, make heel wearing (or even sandals) dangerous. Make sure your shoes are broken in and comfortable. A SOLID BAG/PURSE/FANNY PACK Along with your PKW (phone, keys, wallet) keep a blanket or towel in your bag (for sitting, drying, wiping, or warmth) along with a reusable water bottle, sunscreen, chapstick, and snacks (if they’re allowed). The Logan Square by Just Porter is great pick, so is a drawstring backpack, or any tote. Pack lightly because you and your bag are in for an unforgettable day. cn
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
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20/05/2016 11:08
saving money on spring break | LIFESTYLE
: y d a e R r e m m u S Best Makeup For the Summer Season BY ALYSSA LEE
or all of the makeup lovers out there, it can be difficult trying to keep all of the cosmetics and creams from melting away in the summer heat. Along with the hot weather comes the need for skin protection, which is necessary in order to provide the best foundation for flawless makeup looks. How will you avoid a makeup meltdown this summer? If you are unsure, here are some makeup essentials and tips to keep your face feeling fresh all day.
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During the summer, the most essential item everyone needs is sunscreen. Incorporate that SPF into your makeup routine by moisturizing the face with a lightweight day lotion containing SPF 15 or higher. Let the moisturizer sit and soak into the skin for at least 15 minutes before applying your makeup. Try: » Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion » Olay Complete Daily Defense All Day Moisturizer » Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer
CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion
Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser Primer Benefit The Porefessionial MAC Prep and Prime
Another alternative is to use BB Cream. Some contain SPF while also acting as a moisturizer, primer, and foundation. These are great for the summer if you want some coverage but also want to protect your skin from the sun with a moisturizing formula. Try: » Garnier Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector » Rimmel London BB Cream » Clinique Even Better Makeup Broad Spectrum » Estee Lauder Daywear B.B. Anti Oxidant Beauty Benefit Creme
» »
Use a primer for the skin, which will act as a base for any foundation or eye makeup to stick to. Primer will help your look last longer throughout the hot days. If you are using both moisturizer and primer, apply the moisturizer first, then primer, then makeup. Try: » Smashbox Photo Finish
If you want to protect your skin but still want a bronzey glow, opt for a golden bronzer to make it look like you have been out in the sun all day. Apply bronzer to the hollows of the cheeks, sides of the nose, temples, and jawline. Try: » Rimmel Natural Bronzer » Benefit Hoola Bronzer » e.l.f. Studio Bronzer » Too Faced Milk Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzer Pick up a pair of cute sunglasses with UV protection. Your eyes also need to be protected, and sunglasses are great for when you get too lazy to do your eye makeup anyway! Look for cute styles in these stores: » Nordstrom » Sunglass Hut
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20/05/2016 12:16
LIFESTYLE | saving money on spring break
» »
Solstice Sunglass Boutique Ray-ban.com
Try using a clear mascara this summer. Put one coat of black mascara on the top lashes and seal it with a clear mascara to lock in the color. Then swipe just a clear coat on the bottom lashes to ensure nothing smudges underneath. You could even use clear mascara to set the shape of your brows too. Try: » Maybelline New York Great Lash Clear Mascara » BareMinerals Locked & Coated Waterproof Lash Topcoat » NYX Proof It Waterproof Mascara Topcoat » e.l.f. Wet Gloss Lash & Brow Clear Mascara
7 » » » »
Don’t forget about your lips! Always keep a chapstick or lip balm with SPF to protect and moisturize your pout. Try: Hawaiian Tropic Lip Balm Stick Banana Boat Aloe Vera with Vitamin E Sunscreen Lip Balm Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Lip Moisturizer Blistex Herbal Answer Lip Protectant/ Sunscreen
If you have a lipstick that you know stays put throughout the day (after eating, drinking, etc.), you can also use it as a cheek tint. Most likely it will remain on your cheeks for as long as it does on your lips. Just dab a little bit at a time onto the apples of your cheeks for a light flush of color. Try these lipstick brands: » MAC » Clinique » Makeup Forever » Kat Von D
One last option is to go bare faced with just a bit of sunscreen and chapstick or lip tint. Who wants to deal with makeup meltage all summer anyway? The most important thing is to protect your skin from the sun’s rays which will help provide a smooth foundation for any of your favorite makeup looks. This summer let your inner bronze goddess shine through! cn
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Try using blotting papers which are simple and easy to use. Just press onto the areas of skin that are getting oily and you’re good to go! You can also lightly dust a translucent powder over your T-zone to eliminate shine. Try: » Clean and Clear Clear Touch Oil Absorbing Sheets » Boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens » MAC Mineralize Skinfinish » Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
After you’ve completed your makeup look, use a finishing/ setting spray to lock in moisture and keep your makeup looking fresh all day. Just close your eyes and spray away. The mist will even cool you down! Try: » NYX Setting Spray Matte Finish » Make Up Forever Mist & Fix » e.l.f Studio Makeup Mist & Set » Skindinavia Finishing Spray
Spring/Summer 2016 | collegenews.com
CN32.Summer Makeup.indd 50
20/05/2016 12:16
Whether you live on or off campus, are in school or on Spring or Summer break – being safe and feeling safe should be a part of creating your college life.
A crime occurs every 5 seconds, but it shouldn’t be a part of your college experience. Whether you are male or female – today more than ever young adults report feeling at risk or threatened. Do you feel safe walking alone after dark within one mile of your dorm or residence? Do you feel safe being on your own?
INTRODUCING MYPHASER MyPhaser is a full power stun device, ingenuously designed to look like a popular cell phone. (Police/military grade) Designed to Fit Into Your Lifestyle. Because it does not look like a weapon you can carry it with you, everywhere you go. One-Touch Stopping Power: Stop any attacker (or would-be attacker) with just one touch. Recovery is Complete: Your attacker may be incapacitated for up to 30 minutes (depending on length of contact), but their recovery is complete and without after affects. (Use only as directed – keep out of reach of children.)
My Phaser.indd 1
10/05/2016 09:14
= :-)
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10/09/2015 16:52