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Giorgia Imparato She received her Masters Science in Materials Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” in Jenuary 2003, discussing an experimental thesis on optimization of process conditions to engineer cartilage tissue equivalent in vitro. In February 2009 she received her PhD in Materials and Structures Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II”. From May 2009 to May 2011 she worked at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre of Biomaterials (CRIB) of Naples for the realization, processing and characterization of tissue enquivalent in vitro, in particular connective equivalent tissues. At the present, she is a senior post-doc researcher at the Center for Advanced Biomaterials for health Care (CABHC) - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia of Naples and her research deals with the realization of complex 3D tissue equivalent in vitro.

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