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scale, just like an embrace that integrates contradictions, disturbances and antagonistic aspects. And Monsieur says it clearly: “an ecological thought is necessary but can never be sane if it does not accept its own insanity”, so homo sapiens is also demens, and homo faber is also homo mitologicus, homo oeconomicus must also be homo ludens.

of one of our most recent extensions: Internet. The web, through its cerebral network complexity, its connective intelligence and cultural skin cannot but be the possibility of favouring the growth of a planetary consciousness, which is the consciousness of being a part of one homeland, which the philosopher states is the only way to face vital problems of our times. Going back to the first statements of this article, meeting Monsieur Morin is not just an opportunity to meet the theories of a new epistemology, but is the possibility to understand that every new epistemology inevitably opens up to a new ethic, and this is the responsibility that every scholar and every citizen who decides to follow these paths indicated by a new or old theory of knowledge, must feel.

To think in a complex way means to feel part of a unique and great community, inside a great recursive cycle of life. It means being planetary citizens and using all of this as a possibility.

Personally I like this ethic, just as I like the last words of Mr. Morin with which I will conclude my piece: “love is the only authentic religion of hypercomplexity” (Edgar Morin)

Photo by Gianfranco Chicco (www.flickr.com/gchicco) Now we have come to generate, on a technical basis, the most efficient metaphors of the living, like the metaphor of interconnection, and this has happened through the production

http://www.meetthemediaguru.org/i ndex.php/category/edgar-morin/ http://lavoixdunet.eu/


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