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Elena Pasetti: PInAC is a civic institution, who goes by the borders of its territory and who’s occupied to concretely decline the local minds in a home-museum with children drawings who has the world as border. Unique in its genre, it keeps a collection signed by the international character, tells emotions, feelings, thoughts and hopes for thousands of children. Its activity provides different actions. Collect expressive works realized by children in collaboration with schools and associations interested in the spreading of the visual culture produced by the childhood and its creativity expression. It builds formative offers to teachers and tutors in the ambit of intercultural and aesthetic education; it promotes and organizes meetings and ateliers for parents, educator and curious adults.


The visual track became the stimulus to search for sounds, noises that through real, unusual, rhythmic, melodic synch could give new meaning to images, a new rhythm to sequences. A sound that often gave depth and concreteness to live emotions. The video closes with the image of a child with the hands inside a pot plenty of tomato sauce, who’s smiling observing alternately its hands and the fantastic image reproduced on the canvas. A smile, an expression, a look but most of all a pure joy in front of this little “art miracle” that deeply involves and moves the spectator.

The PInAC house has opened doors and windows. Starting from children, Rezzato is in relation with all their rights. The right to creativity and expressivity, to start with children’s, but also the fundamental right for everyone to beauty. The commitment in working to cultivate expressivity and guarantee a creative life confirms the right to a dignified life. To draw, you need pencils and colors, you need water and peace. In PInAC DNA there’s the vow to guarantee to all citizens the right to a pacific and calm life, to instruction and healthy.

Silvia Scaravaggi: This type of unique work, and exceptional also in Europe, is possible thanks to the presence of PInAC, the Pinacoteca Internazionale dell’età evolutiva “Aldo Cibaldi” of the Comune Rezzato ( Brescia ). Following Elena Pasetti, director of the PInAC, what is the meaning and importance of this kind of reality in Italy ?


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