Beyond the known realization - Paul Selig

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you may begin to claim what exists in the co-resonant field of the one who has moved to the Upper Room, the higher vista. The clear landscape that presents to you is unfettered by the illusions of the small self and is not determined by the cultural dictates, what you should want, or should aspire to, to be who you think you should be. Now, for some of you this means that the world that you have erected, decided should be, must be at all costs, will be seen as what it has always been, an idea made into form that may have been heralded by your parents, supported by your culture, agreed to by you, and is now known in a new way—what was, what was created, what was believed to be important that now has little consequence. There is a great gift in this realization, but only if you are willing to release the old, to move to the new. If you seek to attach to what you have created as a small self, the identity you use to greet your neighbors at the market, the face you put on to appease the world, the ideas you think you should hold to agree with those around you must be known as what they have always been, an acquiescence to history that really bears no truth in your relations. Our objective with you, as we are allowed, is to give you the Upper Room as a place to dwell, and in this place your purview is known anew, your purview meaning what you may claim, what you may be in accord with, what is available to you beyond the known, beyond the small self’s agenda for you. Now, the transmission you are receiving is happening in several ways. You hear the words, you read the words, you comprehend the words, you have a relationship to their meaning. But the real energetic transmission that you are in accord with is happening beyond the words, instilled in language, in tone, in vibration, but not of this alignment to the earthly realm. In fact, what we are doing is transitioning you from the reliance upon the old through the energetic structure we teach you through so you may be in agreement to what exists beyond the known for the purpose of knowing and claiming and realizing the self as you truly are, and, in fact, have always been. As we do not make you holy, but support you in your recognition of your own divinity, as we do not make you happy, but give you the opportunity to choose happiness, as we do not say no to what you may claim as a small self, but offer you the opportunity to choose something much more beneficial to you, we sing for you, we sing with you, until the song becomes your own and you are released from the prisons that you have erected—or aspired to, even—that would contain you at the cost of what lies beyond the known. What lies beyond the known must be understood by you, not only as your potential, but as your true

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