Country Strategy Paper Brasil 2007-2013 - English version

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programmes and with the EC’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. Another way of maximising impact with limited resources is to draw useful lessons from the past. The project-based approach prevailing until now has limits because of its questionable impact given the sheer size of Brazil and because implementation has proved increasingly difficult. Practical arrangements for bilateral cooperation need to be thoroughly screened and possibly re-thought to avoid delays. One option proposed in this CSP to overcome lengthy delays with implementation and add to the impact would be also to support, henceforth, measures and activities leading to better governance and policy-making, which, although modest in size, can have a powerful leverage effect in maximising the impact in terms of development. To address Brazil’s development challenges, the EC will build on existing sectoral dialogues, and support small-scale initiatives or “soft” measures that could have a positive multiplier effect. Existing sectoral dialogues can roughly be classified into three categories, on: 1. social issues (including the sectoral dialogues on social and global social issues); 2. economic issues (including the dialogues on bilateral trade and trade-related issues, air and maritime transport, nuclear cooperation, science and technology, including Galileo and information society issues); and 3. environmental issues. This list is, of course, by no means exhaustive and can be expanded by mutual agreement between the EC and Brazil, ideally through an Action Plan agreed by the Joint Committee on a yearly basis. As a priority, but not exclusively, the EC will support those sectoral dialogues and initiatives that could have a positive impact on social inclusion and on the reduction of inequalities. The mid-term review of the CSP implementation shall provide an appropriate opportunity to screen the various initiatives or measures supported during the first period, with a view to focusing financial efforts on the most promising sectors, including potential new sectors, as identified through the sectoral dialogues. Here are a few examples of how sectoral dialogues could contribute to addressing Brazil's challenges: to support social inclusion and greater equality in Brazil, in the framework of the existing dialogue on social issues, the EC and Brazil could organise exchanges at local or State levels on specific successful initiatives launched in Europe or in Brazil, or exchange information on European regional policies, or build on the EUROSociAL regional programme. To stimulate growth and investment, the EC and Brazil could, in the framework of the existing dialogue on trade and trade-related issues, organise business round tables, set up networks by sector of industry, or share information on clean technologies. To tackle issues such as air or water pollution in Brazil, the EC may share information with Brazil on its programmes or legislation in these fields (e.g. CAFE programme, Water Framework Directive, etc.). To exchange on consumer policies, interactions between consumer NGOs could be stimulated. The range of possibilities is vast and will have to be restricted by adopting annual Action Plans jointly agreed between the EC and Brazil. Cross-cutting issues, particularly gender issues, human rights, the environment, conflict resolution, culture, social inclusion and good governance will be taken into account and integrated in the sectors of intervention mentioned above. Due account will be taken in all focal sector projects of the rights and needs of indigenous peoples in all activities affecting or impacting on their rights and livelihoods. These “soft” measures, besides contributing to responding to Brazil's development challenges, will also allow Brazil and the EC to increase mutual knowledge and to raise their relationship to a new level to better express the historical ties and the scope, maturity and

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