DYMag December 2013 / January 2014

Page 61

image Australian Sports Commission

WHY YOU SHOULD KEEP SWIMMING THIS DECEMBER by Thihnan I’m very happy to say most of us are quite health conscious now. While most of us are gym racks, others enjoy regular jogging with friends or are sportsmen. Because we all have a special dedication to one form of physical exercise, simply because we feel most at ease, I am here to change that. For me, one of the best workouts is to simply swim around. Want to know why? Light and Easy Usual exercising can get you cramped up and especially if you li weights, there’s always the risk of pressuring your joints or bones. Even though this is no reason to not work out, if you have arthritis or little experience with weights, it would be advised for you to not work out unless under supervision. So what do you do then? Swimming is the only exercise you can perform without putting a lot of strain on your body. When fully immersed in water, the upli force provided by the water is able to support 90% of your body weight with no effort at all. is way when

you swim around, you can work all your muscles and joints effectively at the same time making sure you aren’t straining any injuries! Achieve your goals Most exercises concentrate on a speci c part of your body each time. With swimming, you are providing an entire full body workout without even thinking if you’ve worked every bit. Swimming also gives you the boost for your muscles to more or less look what you want them to look (if you know what I mean). If you are pushing hard for those six packs or hard biceps, swimming will guarantee that. Want proof? Just look at every professional swimmer. Swimming is an exercise where you apply a force to resist another. It has been found that such exercises is the best way to tone and strengthen muscles in your body. Fat killer and motivator is is probably the most obvious one but I bet you did not think swimming would be one of the highest calorie burning exercises ever. Even if you swim for about


20 minutes, you can burn about 200 or 300 calories. is is equivalent to 30 minutes of running. Swimming has also been found to help remove high density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol). When you swim, the arteries carrying blood around your body will dilate or expand meaning it can increase blood ow. is way it can more efficiently remove those bad cholesterol lurking around in your body. If you want to know how important this is, let me tell you, the bad cholesterol is what makes us chubby and put on weight! If you need a stamina boost, swimming is the best option. Swimming will keep your heart pumping stronger meaning the next time you try running you can probably hit that extra mile! So this December, go out with your family and friends! Even if it’s to the beach or a fun trip to an island, don’t feel bad because you are missing your workouts. ink of it as an encouragement into one of the best exercises there is!


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