Eight Martinis Issue 6

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subtle, and to be honest in amongst dayto-day life and activities it’s very easy to miss it at the time, and to only notice it when later reflecting on situations. Most of it’s normal day-to-day occurrences like knowing when a staff member is planning to leave. That sort of thing. It used to be very helpful when I was a young man, a slave to his hormones, as I just knew the girls who liked me, instantly, which did help in the ratio of success and sex to brush-offs.

know location of the missing person, if they faced North. I also try to indicate for distance from the last-known location to the now location.

Q: Do you tend to lucid dream, or have out of body experiences?

Q: Have you developed what I might call ‘mental tools and/or constructs’ that are thought-forms or simple visualizations, that you might use? For example in archetype work (which bleeds over into session work for me sometimes) I might have a dial on my head to ‘turn up’ something I can’t clearly see/hear, things like that. I interact with the target a lot. I know in CRV that’s pretty nonstandard (story of my life. Now you know what a lousy excuse for a CRV Poster Child I was all that time) – but there’s that other part of you, too. I guess I’m looking for that somewhere! Is active visualization part of your process at all? If not, have you ever had anything spontaneously crop up like that?

A: No, not yet, not that I remember. Q: As you describe your missing persons work, it sounds almost like ‘hacking viewing to function as dowsing’ because the way you put it they don’t really even want classical viewing, just location info. What kind of things do you do to work out locational info, can you give tool/process examples? A: I do give the police some details on the missing life, details like: It’s a girl, young, she’s dead, lying down, killed. I used to go into a lot of detail, describing any other people involved, all sorts of thing. But you have to train yourself to try to give the customer, in these cases the police, what they want, and that is primarily a location. Its taken me a long time to adapt CRV and RV to do what this type of work needs, and its still not great. RV has always had a ‘search’ problem. You see I can describe a location in great detail – but if the location is a grassy hill in the countryside in amongst many grassy hills then it’s just not very helpful. One of the biggest flaws with RV and not being able to accurately ‘name’ things and to only describe them is the problem. So trying to use RV’s benefit ‘describing’ I move around the target location describing it from many angles, I move in front of it and sketch, I move above it, I move to ground level. I then try to discern the direction to the location from the last

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More than anything I try to sketch roads, structures, gradients – anything that may be relevant. Its kind of like a work in progress, I’m always on the lookout to try new ways to get extra info, but in playing to RV’s strengths, ‘describing’ in low level words and sketches.

A: No I can’t say I do, but it sounds interesting and I will give that technique a try. The closest I get to this I believe is the affirmation I say to myself as I’m cooling down. I visualize myself and my subconscious having a chat, I ask my Subconscious if it will work with me and get me the info and it mostly says yes, and likes being asked and acknowledged – a little like partnership. But all this is done in the cooldown before I actually put pen to paper. Q: Have you ever felt that someone you were viewing was aware of you? A. Twice. I was tasked to remote view the past use of a house’s basement. I saw a black magic sex act involving many people. What shocked me was that they all stopped mid-flow what they were doing and all stared right at where I felt I was hovering in the corner of the room. That freaked me right out and I stopped the session dead. Later with feedback I

found out the target was a suspect residence of Aleister Crowley the famous Black Magician (Great Beast). The thinking behind this still phases me now, did I travel to the past to be seen, changing it and the future – or had I always interrupted them. Gives me a headache just trying to unwrap that one. The second was an attempt at looking into an Area 51 type facility. I saw deep underground a typical grey alien type being led on a table at a 60 degree angle. As I psychically approached the being – it jumped off the table, and moving very fast and with predatory type movements, moved towards the psychic part of me. Sacred the living hell out of me so I dropped that session and haven’t been back since. It certainly didn’t move in the way I had heard about the grey aliens – this was pure animal instinct. Q: What’s the scariest target you ever viewed? A: I think the stories above deal with this one.

A: My childhood was great although coming from a family of intuitives does have problems. Things happen around the home and when you’re only a child it’s kind of scary. I’ve lived all my life in Bath in the UK. It’s a town that can be traced back to Roman times and is not too far away from the heart of the UK and all the strangeness of crop circles, Avesbury and Stone Henge circle – it’s a mystical place. We grew up poor and lived on the edge of poverty but we did the best we could. School life for me was fine, I’m very creative, so creative writing and art were where my abilities were best used. This has carried on into my working life as a designer, web designer, artist and photographer. Which I guess has also helped my RV development. Q: Are you married? If so, how does your wife feel about your viewing? A: I’ve been marred for over twenty years now. My wife has no interest whatso-ever in anything paranormal. In fact if I told her some of the things I’ve seen and done – she’d have to sleep with the light on. I guess at some deep level I must

have chosen a wife who didn’t have this interest as it allows me some grounding. Without this I guess I’d be forever camping on hilltops looking for UFOs and visiting haunted houses or something. Q: Do you play any instruments? A: No, when in school I used to play the trumpet – but wasn’t very good and could only manage a meager version of “Good King Wenceslas.” Q: If you could spend a day with 5 people from any point in history, who would they be? A: Wow what a hard question. A few months back the top would have had to be Ingo Swann but I’m lucky enough to have spent a day with him so I will go with: Buddha, Jeanne d’Arc (The Maid of Orléans), Bruce Lee, Michelangelo, and also Ingo as I find him fascinating and still have lots more I’d like to ask him. Q: Is there any kind of data or way of experiencing data that you have so far always found to be accurate – or inaccurate – for you?

Q: The most beautiful internal-experience target?

A: The most accurate for me is the Ideogram process of CRV. Stunning how those pesky little scribbles hold the keys to the universe. Also first impressions and gut feelings are always the way to go. Anyone who ignores ‘the little brain in the heart’ does so at their peril. Q: Have you ever viewed a target that is an object or location and sensed sentience? A: All the time, for me there is no disconnection between myself and everything else in the universe. I feel myself in the trees and in the grass, I feel emotion pour from inanimate objects like stone. Life or the ‘force’ permeates everything.


A: Tunde blindly tasked me with Jesus – I have never felt so much love from a person in my life than from that target. Q: The most shocking-when-you-sawfeedback target? A: I believe this would be a series of targets for Courtney Brown’s climate change project. Six targets for present time and six for the future. I seemed to nail the present time ones even naming one or two of the locations – but if the future ones also are accurate, then we are in for a rough time in 2012-13. Q: What was your childhood like? You mentioned your mother was an intuitive, but I mean more like your family, where you grew up, schooling and that sort of thing.

aP lyne Gaenir

Palyne “PJ” Gaenir has been involved in the study and practice of remote viewing since late 1995. She had the first layman’s website on RV (firedocs.com) and has run a variety of web media, archival, personal and interactive, since that time. Her current focus is the Dojo Psi (dojopsi.com and dojopsi.info), which sponsors everything from historical collections of information to live hands-on remote viewing software applications and RV project management utilities. She emphasizes a science-based RV protocol, welcomes all viewers regardless of method or style or background,

supports general psi and esoteria ‘alongside but not to be confused with’ formal RV, and all her online projects are currently free to the public. http://www.dojopsi.info/forum/ http://www.dojopsi.com/tkr/ http://www.firedocs.com/remoteviewing/ www. palyne.com

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