Broadcasting in nigeria

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The Press should save the journalism profession in Nigeria further degeneration and degradation . Every journalist should reflect on the admonition of the US Catholic Conference 1971, pages 1,3 to 4: "The channels of social communication, even though they are addressed to individuals, reach and affect the whole of society. They inform a vast public about what goes on in the world and about contemporary attitudes and they do it swiftly. That is why they are indispensable to the smooth functioning of modern society, with its complex and ever changing needs, and the continual and often close consultation that it involves. This exactly coincides with the Christian conception of how men should live together. "These technical advances have the higher purpose of bringing men into closer contact with one another. By passing knowledge of their common fears and hopes they help men to solve them "These means, infact, help to build new relationships and to fashion a new language which permits men to know themselves better and to understand one another more easily. By this, men are led to a mutual understanding and shared ambition. And this in turn inclines them to justice and peace, to goodwill and active charity, to mutual help, to love and, in the end to communication. The tools of communication, then, provide some of the most effective means for cultivation of that charity among men which is at once the cause and the expression of fellowship. "All men of goodwill, then, are impelled to work together to ensure that the media of communication do in fact contribute to that pursuit of truth and speeding up of progress ‌ which is the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God". THE FEAR OF THE BROADCAST MEDIA, HOW JUSTIFIED? "Science begets humility. Its very discovery reveals more clearly the divine design of nature, the remarkable harmony in all things, from the infinitesimal to the infinite. But the mortar of brotherhood is not a product of the laboratory. It must come from the human heart and mind, and therein lies the crux of man's dilemma. He has not yet learned, as a social and economic creature, to keep step with his science. He is technologically mature, and a spiritual adolescent. Having conquered nature, he must now learn to conquer himself. The devices which science has given us are neither good nor evil in themselves. Their capacity for good or evil lies in the use we make of them. Thus, not in the laboratory, but in the human heart, in the realm of the Spirit, lies the challenge of the future" -Harold H. Martin, David Sarnoff's Vision, Saturday Evening Post. Feb. 16, 1963, pp 5659. From our foregoing analysis, one may find some justification for the fear which 70

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