Offshore Development and IT Information

Page 8


Social Integ rat ion almost always provides improved conversion if not a drastically improved p ath for c onversion optimization particularly due to the increase in g ranular data that allow more tightly targeted creative & copy.

VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS Intellig ent and flexible virtual assist ants are often t imes our clients lifeline. Virt ual assistants are dynamic, int elligent, apt to make swift changes, t ake on responsibilities as needed & drast ically imp rove productivity if used efficiently.

"I love Piper, she is integral to our business. s he is very savvy. understands our needs &cons tantly surprises us with the extra effort and results she produces"

sy m biot i c. m e • hi @s ym biot ic .m e • U S: ( 71 4) 7 94- 8 63 1 • P H: + 63- 9- 1 74 1 69 7 15 Lo s An g el es , C A • P ho e nix , A riz o n a • D a v ao , P hili p pin es • M anil a , P hi lip pi n es

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