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P RELUDE Brokenness is not for the faint of heart or for those who weary easily, for she sees weakness and storm, sorrow and pain.




disdain of tyrants and the wonder of kings. Her mystery has eluded the intellectual and empowered the noble of heart. From her bosom flow the power and compassion to change the world, but she is as rigid and unforgiving as she is genteel and hopeful. Her wisdom instructs the hungry of heart, but her law defies the most persistent of religious antics. She is as stubborn as she is giving, demanding as she is predictable, and essential as she is eternal. She is born in the womb of divine passion and gives birth to reckless abandonment to His will. Brokenness gives first, heals first, repents first, hopes first, loves first. She intercedes instead of accuses, covers instead of reveals, gathers and does not scatter, builds and does not destroy.

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