Desi Today Nov-Dec 2021

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• It tells your family, your substitute decision-maker, and your doctor what kinds of treatment you do or don't want to receive as you near the end of your life and if you can no longer make these decisions for yourself. Depending on where you live, this part of an advance care plan may be called an advance directive or a personal directive. But many people also refer to it generally as a "living will." • An advance care plan may also let you name a person to make treatment decisions for you if a time comes when you can't make these decisions for yourself. This person is called a substitute decision-maker, or a health care representative, agent, or proxy. As long as you can still make your own decisions, your advance care plan won't be used. You can say "yes" or "no" to treatment at any time.


How to start the conversation, and with who?

Talk to people who matter to you. Tell them what brings your life meaning, what a good day looks like for you, who would be your substitute decision maker if you were unable to speak for yourself and what decisions you would want them to make. your substitute decision maker(s), and healthcare providers.


What is an advance care plan?

An advance care plan is a summary of the kinds of health care you do or don't want to have if something happens to you and you can't make health care decisions for yourself. It tells your family and your doctor what to do if you're badly hurt or have a serious illness that keeps you from deciding what you want. An advance care plan also lets you appoint somebody (such as a family 34

NOV / DEC 2021 News With A DEsi View

member or friend) to make health care decisions for you if you can't make them for yourself. This designated person is called a substitute decision-maker, or a health care representative, agent, or proxy. An advance care plan also involves talking with your family, your substitute decision-maker, and your doctor about the kinds of care you do or don't want to have.


What does an advance care plan do?

An advance care plan has two main functions:

Talk to people who matter to you. Tell them what brings your life meaning, what a good day looks like for you, who would be your substitute decision maker if you were unable to speak for yourself and what decisions you would want them to make. Sometimes these talks are not easy. Here are some tips: • Be straightforward: “I want to talk with you about what is important to me.” • Find an example from the news: “That story about the family fighting about their mom’s care made me realize that we should talk about these things so the same thing doesn’t happen to our family.”


Where can I find more resources?

For more information, go to our Fraser Health website or call 1-877-TALK-034 (1-877-825-5034) or email Article submitted Original Authors: Fraser Health Regional Advance Care Planning Team.

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