非常規設計(informal design),共同創作的升級
又美麗,一如這城的其他地方,無時無刻不在改變, 一個草根之地悄悄發展成百花齊放的文化區;由製 造商的後台演變成為創意工業提供靈感和想像的 中心。
南昌街休憩處坐坐,休息一下,或到楓樹街遊樂場 看一看,又或到南昌公園來跟我們交流一下,那裏 都有我們跟社區人士合力製作的設計裝置。
「深水埗人_人」中,我們為深水埗街坊、在這裏的每 並非靜態,而是因時有機滋長、演變,充滿活力和多 元性,讓我們了解不同年齡和種族的人如何於社區 中融和相處。這次跟深水埗社區合作,我們將根自
感官之旅,為遊人揭示深水埗區的多元文化、歷史、 設計特色、日常生活及社群故事。我們不單創造富
有空間感的實體作品,更著眼於營造「空間感受」 ,
香港地嘅 城區設計廊
人及非牟利團體、學校和街坊社群,與設計師和藝 指南、創意工作坊等,我們希望邀請大家共同探索 以不同方式,發展一個更美好的城市。 「深水埗人_人」客席策展人 梁展邦
這個視覺之旅以界限街的交界處為起點,這裡標誌 了這城的殖民地歷史。我們的毛毛街坊──貓店長
設計#香港地計劃為期三年,將灣仔區和深 水埗區精心策劃成為露天「城區設計廊」 ,推 出一連串創意自助遊路線及貫穿全年的免
#ddHK envisions Wan Chai and Sham Shui Po districts as a 3-year pop-up ‘open-air design district gallery’. Visitors can explore it through a wide range of
co-created by students, makers, designers and shop owners welcome visitors to take a breather in local shops while getting lost in the dizzying treasure hunt through SSP’s hawker-bazaars and marketplaces. Visitors can rest in Nam Cheong Sitting-out area, weave in Maple Street Playground or exchange ideas with us in Nam Cheong Park among the installations we created with the community. Through collaborative installations, walking/ cycling guides, creative workshops, public engagement and more, we hope to initiate collaborations across private and public organisations and bring together designers, artists, schools, local communities and other stakeholders as active agents in the co-creation. Together, let’s explore different ways to develop a better city.
Guest Curator of ‘SSP_People’ Michael Leung
探索完深水埗, 不如起步去了解一下灣仔有什麼顏色!
Want to know more about the colours of Wan Chai?
還有更多創意地方營造作品散落於各處, 以各類設計點子連繫社區、活化公共空間。 More #ddPlace creative installations are sprinkling creativity across the city, connecting the community and activating public spaces with design.
Follow our map, let’s embark on the exploration journey!
創意伙伴 Studio AA Wontonmeen 主視覺設計 Future Dept. 創意團隊 蔡珮兒 陳曉蔚
參與創意工作者(排名不分先後) Katol 顧沛然 Kristopher Ho 白沛聰 陳靄凝 麥震東
Guest Curator of “SSP_People” Michael Leung Creative Partners Studio AA Wontonmeen Key Visual Design Future Dept. Creative Team Patricia Choi Eileen Chan Collaborating Creative Talents (in no particular order) Katol Rex Koo Kristopher Ho Pak Pui Chung Chan Oi Ying Don Mak
Presenter 呈獻
designdistricthk designdistricthk_ddhk ssp_ppl info@designcentre.hk Organiser 主辦機構 香港設計中心版權所有2021年 copyright © Hong Kong Design Centre 2021
費導賞團,帶領遊客及市民以新視角深入探 索香港。項目透過社區協作、策動群體對話 和設計參與等模式,帶來多件原創跨界設計 作品、多項特色街頭活動,連結及提升區內 特色景點,重新連繫人與社區,為尋常公共 設施和未被充份利用的空間注入新意。項目 以嶄新觀點想像本地歷史、文化和創意,改 寫遊客及市民的日常體驗。
After the journey in Sham Shui Po, let’s go on another one in Wan Chai to know more about the COLOURS there!
「深水埗人_人」客席策展人 梁展邦
灣 仔 Wan Chai
The visual journey starts at the junction of Boundary Street that marks the city’s colonial past. Our endearing furry residents – the shop cats – will lead you to explore SSP through their eyes, giving you a fresh perspective. Sets of informal designs and upcycled furniture
Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK) Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK) Design District Hong Kong (#ddHK) celebrates authentic culture and creativity and uses design to liven up the unique “Heung Gong Dei” (a vernacular name of Hong Kong) experience, which embodies our collective local identity and affection for this city made possible by the contribution and perspiration of every Hong Kong citizen.
灣 仔 Wan Chai
‘SSP_People’, #ddHK’s community activation project, celebrates the people of SSP. They are the ones who create the culture here. Culture is never static but changes organically over time. It is vibrant and diverse. Its composition tells us how people of different ages and races are getting along in the community. Together with the SSP community, this project aims to transform what is unseen but deeply rooted here into a journey for your senses, featuring the cultural diversity, history, design, and everyday life of SSP. On top of making physical works, we seek to create a sense of place to liven up the streets and living spaces of our city and invite visitors and locals to explore SSP’s history and culture.
「設計#香港地」 「#ddHK設計#香港地」旨在以設計勾畫令 香港人共鳴的地區文化,用腳步帶領旅客深 度了解地道設計,以創意塑造不一樣的香港 體驗。 「香港地」三個字盛載着香港人的集體 文化,描繪出我們對這片土地的認同與熱愛, 亦包含了亙古通今每位香港人付出的汗水。
Shui Po & 深 Sham Wan Chai 水 埗 & 灣仔
In Sham Shui Po (SSP) we found Hong Kong. Seemingly chaotic, it is a place of beauty. Like the rest of the city, it is in constant change; but it develops in a more organic way where the old is kept and new things can happen. It has been quietly evolving from a working-class area into a culturally diverse neighbourhood; from a back end of manufacturers to a source of inspiration and imagination for creative industries.
Our Open-air Design District Gallery
Curatorial Statement
深水埗人_人 SSP_People
設計#香港地旨在與公眾一起構想未來城 市生活新方式,重塑公共空間和設施,由行 人天橋到消防局到公園,將它們變成社區的 心臟,甚至旅遊熱點。並與不同的設計領域 合作⸺包括多媒體、時裝、配飾及紡織、建 築、平面及視覺傳意、工業、家具、服務、展 覽及展示、室內、空間及園景、體驗、社會設 計以至設計教育等等。 設計#香港地過去兩年以設計帶領遊人深 度遊歷了兩區的過去和現在,項目踏入最後 一年,以「蛻變」為題面向過去和現在,並跨 向未來。 我們以「深水埗人_人」為主題,於深水埗區 四個公共空間策劃在地設計的裝置,並與區 內十間小店共創設計家具,將該區蛻變成「 城市起居室」 ,連結深水埗的人與故事。深水 埗的貓店長將會化身「城市起居室」大使,發 揮社區好客之道。
creative self-guided routes and year-round free guided tours. Its original multidisciplinary designs and authentic street events are the results of creatively curated community collaborations, social conversations and participatory design. It aims at elevating existing tourist attractions, reconnecting people with local neighbourhoods and bringing new life to ordinary public facilities and underused spaces. It sets to transform the daily experience of tourists and locals alike with a fresh take on Hong Kong’s history, culture and creativity. #ddHK reimagines the future urban lifestyle by reinventing all sorts of public spaces and facilities, from footbridges to fire stations to different types of parks, into the heart of communities and attractive tourist destinations. It collaborates extensively with different design disciplines, including Multimedia, Fashion, Accessories and Textile, Architecture, Graphic Design and Visual Communications, Industrial, Furniture, Service, Exhibition and Display, Interior, Spatial and Landscape, Experience, Social Design, Design Education, etc. Having delved into the past and present of both districts in the last 2 years, #ddHK peers into the future in its final year with the annual theme ‘transFORM’. In ‘SSP_People’, #ddHK reimagines Sham Shui Po as the living room for the city through the design installations in 4 public spaces and 10 designer furniture co-created with local shops. We dug deep into what's happening in the neighbourhood and turned the interesting elements into a multidimensional visual journey. The district’s shop cats will become the ambassadors of this urban living room to extend the community’s friendliness and hospitality.
Michael Young Bobyea 德 靄兒 Foreignfreaks 梁戈華 貝臻雅
社區伙伴(排名不分先後) 香港兆基創意書院 拾源百塊 (香港基督教女青年會) Project Futurus 基督教關懷無家者協會 城市的盼望 活現香港 跑緣 寶華扎作
參與商店(排名不分先後) 華興飾品 協義興繡莊 阿里皮藝 公棧單車 新藝城傘皇 華藝帆布 欽州街臨時小販市場 (棚仔) 泳發士多 我的書房 東昇沖晒二手器材公司 特別鳴謝(排名不分先後) 草途木研社 黄良藝 Maharam 動融—多元文化外展隊 (香港基督教服務處) THK Halal Food Kitchen Aurora Leathercraft 嘉華公司 阿信洗衣屋 連樹齡中醫師 Megatoni Production
Michael Young Bobyea Tak Sogun Foreignfreaks Kent Leung Eugene A. Birman Community Collaborators (in no particular order) HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 10 Stories 100 Pieces (Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association) Project Futurus Christian Concern for the Homeless Association (CCHA) Hope of the City Walk In Hong Kong Runners Foods Bo Wah Effigies Collaborating Shops (in no particular order) Wah Hing Accessories Hip Yee Hing Embroidery Alri Star Leather Factory Kung Chan Cycle Sun Nga Shing Umbrella Store Wah Ngai Canvas Yen Chow Street Temporary Hawker Bazaar (Pang Jai) Wing Fat Store My Book Room Sunrise Photo Co. Special Thanks (in no particular order) Coutou Wood Working Wong Liang-Yih Maharam Multicultural Outreaching Team for Inclusion (Hong Kong Christian Service) THK Halal Food Kitchen Aurora Leathercraft Ka Wah Ltd Oshin Laundry Lin Shu Ling Herbal Chinese Medicine Clinic Megatoni Production
楓樹街遊樂場 Maple Street Playground
深水埗不僅是時裝物料的供應基地,更是設 計靈感的泉源。香港兆基創意書院學生運用 收集自深水埗布行貨尾的布,齊齊《人人織 dd》展示地區特色,讓遊人好好卸下疲勞、進 入溫馨而安逸的靜思起居室。 高掛於球場龍門後的鐵絲網上的大型編織, 以布條織出不同形狀,通過圖案及顏色標示 深水埗人口的種族及年齡數據。不同圖案編 織在一起,一如深水埗社區的多元文化交融, 各式各樣種族背景的人,均能在此各適其適。 如果你有留意深水埗地圖,更會發現形狀與 該區幾個公共空間的高空俯瞰形狀吻合。
#ppl_weave_dd More than a supply base for the fashion industry, SSP is a source of design inspiration in its own right. A group of students from HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity weaved the installation #ppl_weave_dd using deadstock fabric gathered in SSP, processed in the neighbourhood, turning the fabrics into stripes. The work celebrates the district's distinctive characters, inviting visitors into a warm and cosy mindful living room. Hung on the fence behind the goal in the sports ground, the large-scale tapestries were made of fabric strips woven into different shapes. The design turned the cold data of SSP's population and demographics into multifarious patterns and colours. Weaving wide-ranging patterns into a piece of textile art symbolises the harmonious merging of the diverse cultures in the district. Everyone, regardless of background and ethnicity, can find his/her place in this lively neighbourhood. Compare the shapes of the tapestries with the map of SSP and you will find them tallying with the shapes of several public parks viewed from above.
深水埗處處充滿濃厚的生活氣息,其歷史發展 皆與民生息息相關,且滿溢老街坊的脈脈溫情。 Project Futurus及活現香港聯同一班拾源百 塊(香港基督教女青年會)及基督教關懷無家者 協會(CCHA)的年青人,聯手於南昌公園中央 的圓型廣場,以廢棄卡板及紙筒設置一個小型 的深水埗生活起居室,展示區內豐富的故事及 數據,讓大家在這個心曠神怡的起居室休憩之 餘,亦能《人人學dd》 ,從設計、社會和文化角 度更深層認識社區。 作品道出一個個與設計相關的小故事,反映該 區的發展及經典日常設計,配以插畫家麥震東 設計的人物插圖,介紹住戶人數、年齡層等直 觀資料。大家可以從中了解老人家的服裝設計 及他們的穿衣哲學⸺稍微吊腳的長褲、齊齊 整整的髮型和碎花配搭的上衣;並透過攝影師 黄良藝由����年底至去年拍下的老街坊日常 生活影像,細味深水埗獨有的韻味和情懷。
#ppl_lean_&_learn_dd A place full of life, SSP and its history are always about its people, colloquially known as 'kaifong', and their livelihood. It is brimmed with the heartwarming stories of its old kaifongs. Project Futurus and Walk in Hong Kong teamed up with the young people from '10 Stories 100 Pieces' (Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association) and CCHA to create a small-scale everyday living room #ppl_lean_&_learn_dd which now standing in the central plaza of Nam Cheong Park. Made with recycled pallets and paper tubes, the installation displays SSP's stories and data so that we can 'lean and learn' in this inviting and relaxing living room, deepening our understanding of the community through the design, social and cultural lenses. The work tells a collection of design stories reflecting the development of SSP and classic everyday designs, while presenting statistical data such as the number of households and age distribution together with characters illustrated by Don Mak. From the stories, we can distil an understanding of the fashion philosophy of our seniors – slightly cropped trousers, impeccable grooming and distinctive floral tops. Through the images of the old locals' everyday life captured by photographer Wong Liang-Yih between late 2019 and 2020, we can savour the unique charm and sentiment of SSP.
你眼中的深水埗是怎樣?來看看各本地藝術 家及設計師如何呈現深水埗。麥震東(Don Mak)、Katol及顧沛然 (Rex Koo)設計了�套 深水埗圖像貼紙,你可以透過我們的地圖及語 音導航,跟隨指引暢遊整個深水埗城區,並拍 下�個公共空間中的其中�件設計裝置,上載 至個人社交平台,貼文設定為公開,tag上 @designdistricthk_ddhk及@ssp_ppl,便可 於�月�-��日期間到Runners Foods換取其中 一套精美貼紙。
跑緣 深水埗荔枝角道���號 星期二至日 ��:�� - ��:�� (星期一休息)
Po Ro a
W 10
寶華扎作 Bo Wah Effigies
賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
劉森記麵家 Lau Sum Kee Noodle
欽州街臨時小販市場 (棚仔) Yen Chow Street Temporary Hawker Bazaar (Pang Jai)
C 9
南昌街休憩處 (五) Sham Shui Po Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area (No.5)
南昌押 Nam Cheong Pawn Shop
* 感謝以上店舖分享與深水埗的故事,讓創意團隊得以從設計角度策劃自行探索路線。 With the SSP-people's stories shared by the shops, our creative team has curated self-exploration routes from design perspective for all to join. Thank you!
F 2 W 8
e r y r B
C 3
大南街 Tai Nan Street
荔枝角道 Lai Chi Kok Road
t 大南街 Tai Nan Street
C 10 W 6 P 2
W 7
美美彩色攝影沖印 Mimi Color Photography Company
W 5
W C P 3 2 1 W 2
荔枝角道 Lai Chi Kok Road
楓樹街 Maple Street
W 9
萬風大廈 Man Fung Building C4 楓樹街遊樂場 Maple Street Playground C 6
e t
C 11
e t
大南街垃圾收集站 Tai Nan Street Refuse Collection Point
W C 4 4 P 3
We usually navigate through SSP on foot, but have you ever thought of exploring it on wheels? Get on your bike and follow the cycling route we designed, you will expand your SSP experience and realise its actual breadth. This route is designed for bikers with excellent skills, rich road cycling experience, adequate safety gear and appropriate liability insurance. Safety first and always pay attention to road conditions.
南昌公園 Nam Cheong Park
單車旅程 Cycling Route
長沙灣道 Cheung Sha Wan Road
梁添刀廠 Leung Tim Choppers Factory
An Exploratory Route Designed for Cycling Lovers
華藝帆布 Wah Ngai Canvas
嘉頓中心 Garden Centre
W 11
W 11
C 2 C 3 C 5 C 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 C 11
長沙灣道 Cheung Sha Wan Road
明泰家庭用品 Ming Tai Household Products
*人人遠dd #ppl_cycle_dd
MTR Sham B2 Shui Po Station
生隆餅家 San Lung Cake Shop W8
C 5
楓樹街 Maple Street
大南街垃圾收集站 Tai Nan Street Refuse Collection Point
南昌街休憩處 (五) Sham Shui Po Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area (No.5)
Roa d
C 8
楓樹街遊樂場 Maple Street Playground
石硤尾街上的巴基斯坦小食店 A Pakistani snack shop on Shek Kip Mei Street
Tai P o
步行探索 Walking Route 南昌公園 Nam Cheong Park W2 成昌鐵車 Sing Cheong Metal Cart
*人人發現dd #ppl_discover_dd
W 1 W 3 W 4 W 5 W 6 W 7 W 9 W 10
With the online audio-guided tour on our official website, visitors can follow the curated route to visit the featured spots, listen to their stories and discover the interesting episodes of the district's culture and history, such as how some old businesses have changed and how the community has evolved. The stories of this vibrant place, critical or trivial, will give you countless reasons to fall in love with it.
F 10 C 6 d
欽州街臨時小販市場 (棚仔) Yen Chow Street Temporary Hawker Bazaar (Pang Jai)
華藝帆布 Wah Ngai Canvas F 3 東昇沖晒二手器材公司 Sunrise Photo Co F 新藝城傘皇 Sun Nga Shing Umbrella Store 4 5 華興飾品 Wah Hing Accessories F F 阿里皮藝 Alri Star Leather Factory 泳發士多 Wing Fat Store 6 7 F
Ta i
小店再造家具展示 ReMade Furniture at Shop Fronts
為踏單車者設計的專屬路線 用雙腿遊走深水埗的同時,有否想過以雙輪,踏 單車遊逛該區?跟隨我們的設計路線走遠一點 點,你會發現原來深水埗如此寛廣。建議擁有優 良單車技術和豐富公路單車經驗、以及配備全 面安全裝備和責任賠償保障人士,安全第一,緊 記要注意道路安全及遵守馬路交通規則。
人人學dd #ppl_lean_&_learn_dd @ 南昌公園 Nam Cheong Park
我的書房 My Book Room F 9 公棧單車 Kung Chan Cycle F 10 協義興繡莊 Hip Yee Hing Embroidery
語音導航配以城區故事 Audio-guided Tour
人人織dd #ppl_weave_dd @ 楓樹街遊樂場 Maple Street Playground
3 4
南昌街 Nam Cheong Street
小店再造家具展示 ReMade Furniture at Shop Fronts
欽州街 Yen Chow Street
透過登入#ddHK網頁的線上語音導航,遊人可 依據路線指示,漫步至每一個景點,細聽每一個 故事,發現各種文化、歷史及區內趣事,例如傳 統老字號歷經了哪些變遷、社區又發生了什麼 變化,引領你更透徹認識這個地方的大小事,讓 你有愛上深水埗的十萬個理由。
To engage SSP residents in the project and to make their own community a better place, our creative team invites SSP residents apprenticed with Mr Au Yeung Ping-chi, the second generation of Bo Wah Effigies which has stood in SSP for more than half a century, to learn traditional lantern-making. Local residents were also invited to get hands-on and participate in making lanterns. They used bamboo sticks to make the frames and hand-sewed deadstock fabrics and fabric remnants collected from textile shops together to make patchwork lanterns which are now exhibited in the park. After the exhibition ends, residents will be invited to take the lanterns home.
Featured Works
為鼓勵深水埗的街坊一同參與,合力讓自己的 社區變得更美好,創意團隊找來街坊一起拜師 學藝,向上世紀��至��年代創立,在深水埗開 店��多年的寶華扎作第二代傳人歐陽秉志先生, 學習燈籠的傳統紥作方法,並邀請區內居民發 揮小宇宙,動手製作燈籠,以竹支紮成支架,再 從布行收集貨尾及製作衣服的剩布,手工拼合 成百家布製成燈籠,並將成品吊掛在公園供遊 人觀賞。這些展品於展期過後,更會物盡其用, 讓街坊拿回去成為家裡的一份子。
Rex Koo, a visual artist deeply influenced by 80s HK pop culture, whose Strange Tales of Walled City won the bronze award of the 14th Japan International Manga Award, designed a series of Simple People colour-block figures. Started as 2D geometric portraits, the SSP_People edition of Simple People has transformed into multidimensional figures. The featured figures are all deeply related to SSP as well as representatives of the Lingnan culture. Their relationships with the neighbourhood demonstrate fascinating cultural extension and confluence. From legendary international action star Bruce Lee to era-defining creative James Wong, how many of them can you identify?
Standing on different corners of SSP, these 10 local shops, old and new, fulfil the community's needs of everyday commodities from umbrellas to books to leather. The coaches and students from '10 Stories 100 Pieces' (Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association) and Christian Concern for the Homeless Association (CCHA) work with the shop owners for #ppl_upcycle_dd to make upcycled and custom made furniture pieces through practicing informal design and using recycled materials, design thinking and woodworking skills. These shops are now spruced up by these new-yet-old, beautiful-yet-practical furniture. While appreciating these exhibits, visitors can also take in the characters of SSP's old and new businesses.
1 人人和喵dd #ppl_&_meow_dd @ 大南街垃圾收集站 Tai Nan Street Refuse Collection Point P 2 人人鬆dd #ppl_chill_dd @ 南昌街休憩處 (五) Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area (No.5) P
欽州街 Yen Chow Street
於第十四屆日本國際漫畫獎憑漫畫《城寨誌異》 奪得銅獎的視覺藝術家Rex Koo,深受��年代 香港流行文化影響。他設計了一系列平面幾何 肖像《Simple People》 ,在「深水埗人_人」中, 他把Simple People變成了真人大小的立體人 物。這些人像皆與深水埗各有淵源,亦是嶺南文 化的代表人物。他們落戶深水埗後,展現了有趣 的文化延伸及匯合。從一代國際武打巨星李小 龍、到創作人黃霑,你又能認出幾位?
Graphic designer and sign-painter Katol hand-painted a collection of expressions in different languages, featuring Chinese calligraphy by artist Chan Oi Ying. Some are greetings, some conversation starters and some gentle reminders. Scan the QR codes on the work and you can watch the music videos featuring local residents from different backgrounds singing the popular songs of their cultures. The work adds fun to community exchanges and makes the friendly and convivial vibe of the place visible and audible.
十間分佈區內的不同小店,既有傳統老店,亦有 新潮小店,由賣傘、賣書到賣皮,各提供生活不 同所需。拾源百塊 (香港基督教女青年會) 與基 督教關懷無家者協會,派出多位導師及學生與 店主們共同創作一系列《人人造dd》 ,運用重用 材料、設計思維與木工手藝,助各家小店通過非 常規設計(informal design)度身訂造升級再造 的家具,為街坊店舖帶來既舊且新,既可賞又可 用的實用展品,讓遊人欣賞展品的同時,亦體驗 到各深水埗新舊店舖的特色。
南昌街 Nam Cheong Street
深水埗人_人主要作品 SSP_People Featured Works
平面設計師兼手工招牌繪製師Katol,運用手繪 形式,聯同藝術家陳靄凝以中國書法呈現不同 語言的標句,是問好,是聊天開場白,亦是窩心 提示。大家可以掃描作品上的二維碼,觀看特別 製作的MV音樂錄像,傾聽由不同種族文化背景 的街坊,以各自語言唱出地道歌曲,為溝通交流 添加趣味,讓每一位踏進公園的人,更舒適愉悅 地享受及感受此空間。
Sandwiched between two bustling thoroughfares through the centre of SSP, the 750-metre-long strip-shaped Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area is not only part of the daily route of residents and visitors. It has also evolved into a community hub where people of different ethnicities and nationalities hang out. Inspired by the inclusivity and multiculturalism of SSP, our designers and community collaborators created two sets of #ppl_chill_dd installations in the part of the sitting-out area on Tai Nan Street, providing a real life chatroom to residents and visitors alike.
欽州街 Yen Chow Street
According to informal statistics, it is estimated that over 500 shop cats around the district. Apart from being killingly adorable, fluffy shop cats are also intrinsically curious and sensitive. Scan the QR code on the mural and you can watch the shop cat-themed short film ‘MEOW Shui Po’ made by filmmaker Bobyea who was trained under famous Japanese photographer Yokonami Osamu. Follow the footsteps of our veteran shop cat and uncover the close ties between the local shops in the neighbourhood from a feline angle, you will feel the human touch and discover intriguing everyday stories of SSP.
���米長的長條形城市公園南昌街休憩處,夾 在兩條行車道中間,貫穿深水埗中心,不但是遊 人及生活於該區的市民每天必經之道,更漸漸 成為了匯聚不同種族及國籍街坊的社區中心。 啟發自該區兼具包容性與多元性的文化,設計 師和社區伙伴們在大南街一段的休憩處,設置 了兩組設計裝置《人人鬆dd》 ,為街坊及遊人提 供一個相聚的實體聊天室。
步行探索 Walking Route
毛茸茸的貓店長除了擁有令人陶 醉的可愛之外,亦擁有一份天生 的好奇心與敏銳觸覺。掃描牆上 的二維碼,可觀看曾跟隨日本攝 影師橫浪修學師的導演Bobyea 為貓店長拍攝的影片《喵水埗》 , 讓大家跟隨貓店長腳步,以貓眼 視角探索小店間的緊密連繫,感 受當中的人情味,發掘深水埗有 趣的日常故事及生活。
From traditional shops to hip stores, a lot of businesses in SSP take on shop cats to help manage their customer relationships. These furry store managers all have their own personalities, communities and life stories. They inspired Kristopher Ho to team up with the young people from community organisation Hope of the City to create the 20-metre-long mural #ppl_&_meow_dd. It conveys his impression of shop cats, and the cotton flowers in the background symbolise SSP's robust textile trade.
單車旅程 Cycling Route
由舊式商店到文創小店,深水埗不少店舖都有貓 店長駐場幫忙招待顧客,根據非正式統計,該區 約有���位貓店長。這些毛茸茸的可愛店長們各 具性格,更擁有各自的社區、粉絲和生活故事。 Kristopher Ho以此為題,聯同社區組織城市的 盼望(Hope of the City)的一班青年義工,創作 畫長逾��米的牆畫《人人和喵dd》 ,繪上他對貓 店長的印象,畫作背景上的棉花,更呼應著深水 埗的布料行業。
The 'SSP_People’ journey starts at the junction of Boundary Street that marks Hong Kong's colonial past. Here you will find some adorable shop cats on the exterior murals of Tai Nan Street Refuse Collection Point awaiting you to kick start a fascinating visual journey.
南昌街休憩處 Nam Cheong Street Sitting-out Area
「深水埗人_人」的旅程始於標記着香港殖民時代 的界限街交界處。你會發現貓店長正在大南街垃 圾收集站的外牆上,等著引領你開展一場層次豐 富的視覺漫遊。
南昌公園 Nam Cheong Park
大南街垃圾收集站 Tai Nan Street Refuse Collection Point
通州街 Tung Chau Street
#ppl_hunt_dd What is SSP in your eyes? Let's see it through local artists’ and designers' eyes with these 3 sets of SSP stickers designed by Don Mak, Katol and Rex Koo. And now you have got the chance to bag them – follow our map and audio-guided tour, explore the whole SSP district, take pictures of any one design installations in the 4 public spaces, upload them to your social media as a public post with the tags @designdistricthk_ddhk and @ssp_ppl, and you will be able to redeem 1 of the 3 sets of stickers at Runners Foods from 6-20 March as a token of your SSP memory.
Runners’Foods ���, Lai Chi Kok Rd, Sham Shui Po Tuesday to Sunday ��:�� ‒ ��:�� (Closed on Mondays)
深水埗人_人地圖 SSP_People Map 因應新型冠狀病毒疫情的人流及場地管制措施, 「深水埗人_人」或會分階段展出作品,而各地點的作品亦根 據場地不同原因而有可能展期不一,有關最新展覽詳情及展出日期,敬請參閱#ddHK官方網頁及社交媒體。 In response to the crowd and site control measures against COVID-19, the works of this design exhibition may be exhibited in different periods. In addition, the exhibition period of each of the creative works may vary depending on venue availability. For the latest exhibition details, please refer to the official website and social media of #ddHK.
MTR Nam Cheong Station
C 1 P 4 W 1
掃描電子地圖 方便自行探索 e-Map for Self-Exploration